HomeMy WebLinkAbout414 , l' OF-DINAneE NO.-E:}'~_ AN ORDIl~A!:~CE O~' TEE CITY OF SANFO!1.J, FLORIDA, VACATI:m, ABA~'!DONPJG AT') CLosrm 'rEA':: CERrAItJ ALLEY FOURTEZi1 FEET IN VIIDTH, FJJN:nNG JORTH AJD SOUTH BET~'IEEN ELEVEHTH AU:, T'v'lELFTH STREETS, THROUrJ:H BLOCK 13, 'fIER 9 OF E. R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF SANFORD, IN TEE OITY O~' S,' ".,..,OR""' F" 0""'11)' BTTT o,-,C!~Rul-\.jr' TO S' I""' ("TT'f .n.J. ~ li [~) , ~ f:\~ 1. .M. , .. '-' ... I.~ J.) ~_ v .:. v ^ _J ;.,; ... .L CERTAFJ RIGHTS IN SAID ALLEY. BE IT E>1ACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That tL~;.t Gt;r'talll alle:,r fourteen feet l.rl ':7id th, running Nox-th and. South betltveen Eleven tL and T\'.T€lfth streets, throu.gh Blocl~ 13, Tier 9 of E.R. Trafford's Clap of Sanford, be an-l the same is hereb;,;, vac:::i,ted, abandoned and closed; provided, however, that thpre i~ hereby reserved to the Ci ty of Sanford an easerJ.en t ovel', through, upon, under 0:' acrost.t said alley for the installation ann. main ter1aDCe of sewer lines the.cein, or thf'rf.~unaer, and other munic lpal utili tl es tbeI'f.'in, t>~eJ:'€'over or thereunc1el', -;.:1 th t he right of in€:,l'ess and e[';I'ese over, unc1el~, acroE'S am). upon ec:.id alley' fox' saic'1 pLlrpose or pm'poses of installation or m~intena~ce. Section 2. That <::11 Ol"',~anarlces or parts of ordinanc€'8 in conflict here-v.rl th, be and the same are hereb~l repea.led. Section 3. That this ordinance shall become effective innediatE:ly upon its passage an,} adoption. PASSED AND 1947. ,/ ATTEST: .--- ~,,_/~.,.. ~ C i t;:. i e~~/'/ ./ ".,'.--?/ /' ~/ ~~ As the 01. ty COlInnission 0 the Ci ty 0:' Sanford, Florida. I, H. N. sayer, C!t y Clerk of the Ct ty of Sanford, Flor~dc, heY'eby certify tha,t P. true and corY'ect copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 414, paRsed and adopted by the C!ty Comrn1se2on of the city of Ssnford, Florida, on the 14th day of April, 1947, ,?'BS POSTED at the front 0.oor of the City Hall in the City of Sflnfor<1, FloridF', this 15th day of Apr'.l, 1?l.~7. /~ (~ An the ~ ~ 'rl,-of the C~Y---6f Sa9;:f' Y'd, Flor!da. /-' {r'~