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V... 01 .3 Ctr ~ f ("; J'\ 1 , ~F'l_;-ii': ~L..., ... .'" , 'Ai.J...'J.J., "", "'I .. ~~e ,'\ Y: " i ~.:' ;1 n '~'I (),~.lj ~e ItS of . , l~ ' t' r I building or structure mentioned in said resolution and all parties having a legal or beneficlal interest therein, if he or they can be found in the City of Sanford, within five days after the adoption of such resolution. If said copy can not be served personally upon the above mentioned parties, it may be served by leaving the same at the place of the usual abode of the owner or owners or parties having a legal or beneficial interest in said building or structure, if said usual place of abode is within the boundaries of the City of Sanford, with some person of the family of such owner or owners or parties having a legal or beneficial interest, above the age of fifteen years, and informing such person of the contents of such copy, or if such owner or owners or any of them or any parties having a legal or beneficial interest can not be served within the boundaries of the City of Sanford within said five days, then the City Clerk of the City of Sanford shall immediately send by registered mail a copy of said resolution to such owner or owners or parties having a legal or beneficial interest to his or their last known address, and any police officer of said city shall post a copy thereof upon the property involved. Section J. That at the time designated in said resolutlon for said owner or owners and all persons having a legal or beneficial interest in the property described in the resoAtion mentioned in Section 1 hereof to appear before the City Commission to show cause, as aforesaid, said City Commission shall hear evidence as to whether or not said building or structure is a dilapidated, unsanitary and unsafe building or structure, and can not be put in a state of sound repat~, and if, after hearing such evidence, said City Commission shall determine whether or not said building or structure is a dilapidated, unsanitary and unsafe building or structure and can not be put in a state of sound repair, and if said City Commission determines that said building or structure is a dilapidated, unsanitary and unsafe building or structure and can not be put in a state of sound repair, the City Commission shall then order and direct the oWner or owners of said building or parties having a legal or beneficial interest therein to demolish and remove the same lori thin 30 days from the date of such ord.er, a copy of which shall be served in the manner provided in Section 2 hereof for the service of a copy of the aforesaid resolution. If the said City Commission shall find from the evidence submitted that said building or structure can be put in a state of sound repair, it shall order that the same be done wi thin 30 days after the entry of such order, and a copy thereof shall be served as provided in Section 2 hereof for the service of a copy of the original resolution. Section 4. That if the owner or owners or other parties having a legal or beneficial interest in a building or structure adjudged by the City Commission to be a dilapidated, unsanitary and unsafe building or structure and incapable of being put in a state of sound repair, shall not demolish orremove the same Within the time required by the order of the City Commission, the same shall be demolished and removed by the City of Sanford, and the cost thereof paid. by the o~mer or Ovofners or other parties having a legal or beneficial interest therein within 30 days after rendition of bill therefor, or if said City Commission has ordered that said building or structure be put in a state of sound repair and the same be not done by the owner or owners or parties having a legal or beneficial interest, jthe same shall be done by the City and the OWner or owners or parties having a legal or beneficial interest shall pay the cost of making such repairs wi thin 30 days after rendition by the City of a statement of such cost. Section 5. That if the City of Sanford demolishes , I I i and reooves any building or structure as provided in the next preceding sectlon hereof, and the cost thereof is not paid by tht' owner or owners or parties having a legal or beneficial interest therein, as provided in the next preceding section, the City may sell the materials oomposing such building or structure either at private or public sale and apply the proceeds of such sale, first, to the payment of the cost of such demolition and removal, second, to the holders of any lien or liens thereon, and, third, to the owner or owners thereof or parties having any legal or beneficial interest therein, and if the proceeds of the sale of such materials are not sufficient to pay the cost of such demolition and removal, the City shall have a'lien upon the land upon which such structure stocq and file and have recorded written notice thereof in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida, and such shall be enforceable by suit in chancery within one year after the filing of notice of lien as aforesaid, and, likewise, if the City of Sanford repairs a building or structure as provid_ed, in Section 4 hereof, and the cost thereof is not paid by the owner or owners or other parties having a legal or beneficial interest therein, as required by Section 4 hereof, the City shall have a lien on said building and land upon which the same stands for the cost of such repairs, and shall file and have recorded notice thereof as hereinabove provided for liens for demolishing and removing a building or structure, and such liens shall be enforceable by suit in chancery within one year after the filing thereof in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida. Section 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 7. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26t ,1947. ~~~~ c-j~ 6-. uJ. -- "'-'- - ".. +.. -..p C!n"""-P,,-y1o'; I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 415, passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 26th day of May, 1947, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 27th day of May, 1947.