HomeMy WebLinkAbout408 C~+~ CQ.. ~ ~~(~ ~ ~~ OR.,,)I:~Al: CE :f"\j - - \.... . 40g At,: OFDI1:A::CE C)F TIrE CITl OF f\n.~:Fr;RJ), Fl.ORIDA, PHOHIBITrTG '.[;-;:2 USE ()~~ ?H=:: PUBLIC STREZTS aTD PU3LIC ?LACES 1:' ~,...~ f"IT"'"'V. CF C~R'" I~1 ,. " - -rI"G C' TTES ~'fA.J...Li vpL'i...J... ,~ ~.....~ .L'! '~.Al..d... 1 T .h...\~. , EXCEPT EY FEDESTRIhl1S '{IHOLLY OPe PAIlTI...,LLY r:LI:.m, PROVIDpTG PPOTECTICl: AG"~,T'ST T?.AFFIC ACCIDE?:TS TG suer; ?E?80~T::" A1::D PRCVIDIlTG PErU~LTIE:3 FOR ::H~ VI()Ll~T:::OP TEEHEOF. BE IT LL-1.CT~J BY THE PEOPLE OF TEE CT'IT OF SAllFORD, FLOHIDA: Sect:1.'Hl 1. That for the ~uroose of vuardin~ .w' ......... ~ .) agal~st accidents l. "" d tr8.f f 1 c on th, put':"l c s tl't?C t E and IY.lblic plE1.cE'E of' tl'"J.E' C.:. t:r of San:'()r(~, Florida, v i t ~hal:. be unla1'ful for any pf1'8on, except pec1estrL;.:-;'? i1holly or' partially ~)lin(), to carr'y or U8r:' on the public Gtreet &:1>"1 pU"]llie places of the Oi ty :yf Sanforl,,,, ~'l()rid &., a,ny COonE' or ivall:.lrlf' t. . s ,::tC1: '\~lhl cr.a. i. ~li vhite in calor, ur white vith red end. Canee or ~alklnf ptic~~ as herFin described, may be usee. on thp strepte and other public placee of the City by pedeftrlans ~~olly or partially blind, as a weaDP o! ~rotectl~g t~~~ and for the purpose of ieentifJin[ the~ to drivers ana o;erators 'J1 vehicles on sU.eh street~:: a.n(l ~)u\)l:.c placE'S. Section 2. That any driver of a vehicle, opf'rator or a :notor dl'iv~iJ. ver:icle, ~l~-=](~l' of a motorcycle or bicycle a)~roachinE or coming in contact vtth a ~prpon wholly ~r partially blind C8~r~:.l1.nf~ a C2...l1E' OJ. "~a11ritlr~ stlek ~,~'t:l te in cc;:~)]..., OP vrhi te 1,'1 th I'PO f'/", F'h;:.:lJ. ir:.:f.',:9L..;.tc::"y CG:ne to a fC.1.1 ftr')l.,) a:i,4 t~}:'f ~~~~tcr- pI~f'C[".J.tlot.B lJ'Ff >:-e proceeding' as may tie neceBCLU'Y to av,':if! &C;::oU:<<d, O~" inj!Jl)~t to' th~ pE'rp()r~ S() ca!T':J-.j"lrif [;l \~:"h.l tt? C cO.,,': r:' or 'h'alklnf Etic~t, i"r.ite in color- I)I' ,':h1te "'lit}:; red end. Sectlo11 J. Th::.t any )erF~0n vic)lat~.nc t'<e 1.:;~:'ov~.S'i(mp f)f s!.cctiOf; (ill? &(/1 tv.TO ,)f thic 0::'0 i rl OXl c e f t~all 1) t? f;\.~ 11. i t J~ ,') f r[11 e G.. e ~.:~e &! 1':1 yt arl\~ UPQrl C';JY-:"'rll(:t~ '')~i tr~t~r"ll-'(:f L~1f l.J:unlcipal Cm.l.l~t ljf .~~nis~e~ 1)] ci fi~:r 'n()PF "v"'\..,,~,rl Ci'?i'j'") "\'") -11' ,l. .......-. _. . ->-_'" ir....." 0 .' - " r .() l}~l lr:;Jrls0Ylfi.lertt f('jl"l rlot mo:'p tharl 9ft (lo..~r~ J o:e 1)] t}(ltrl fir'll:'~ arlcl. iLlpr~i~~orl"1er..t at ~1iP.' f~5.rc1't;tiQtl 0f th0 Municipal Jud[e. Sectior~ Ii. TIlat all ~~~inanCF8 or parts 0f or,~i la',CPE in conflict vlth 'this Or(:iT,&r.ee be a:1(1 thE' f'ec::if' al';" htre1JY 1'.-)e&.lec;. Section 5. Tl1at t~'ll~l, ol'i'Jjrl8.:lee 8rlalJ. lit? e or~~( p f f E' ~J 't 1 Y' r.~ t ~'rr!.-, e\~ i a t t~ ly lllJorA its pas saee ar10 adopti0n. P8S8EQ ann. adopted thie ~ clay of December 191-:.6 , . . (~~'~"~-~ . ,,;., -...' Hayor ;~~?s- ., ~ Q"" y> '---,_!{,~,;( ,. ~ ,. .~-) \ /_ --L ( .. t . \\ - f' " 'f-('y, bL'-'\. J...... ,^, I j,...,\.A..,I-..--- At. thf' C1 ty COlI'l':'sF1,r')n of '"he C,:, t:v G'f Sc:.rlt ~~', 1?lo1:-,ic;a.. httest: ~?.13'""'-//,L."L."'''''' C 1. t./' ele:'k ,.. 1, H. ~. Sayer, C1ty Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true and oorrect copy of the fore50ing Ordinance No. 408, passed and adopted by tbe City Commission of the City of SRnford, Florida, on the 9th day of December 1946, was POSTED at the front door of the City tla11 in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 12th day of December, 1946. ( At,,,, ~", " _ - , dI":......-/J ""~.1 '-...... "'a,.,.....'.. As Cl ty Cl eri(- of the City of Sanford, Florida.