HomeMy WebLinkAbout403 .. -l ~ ." ' (~.() ~~~ C~) Q '--. '\ ) (' '1 \lj (, , \. <~ \., < (). \./\.' i.. 0'\.. \ L': , }- 0 ORDINP~CE NO. 403 t.N ORDIN.c'1lCE IMPOSING _.:,1J .JJNUAL LICEN3"2 L\X Ul'ON PERSON, FIRMS OR CORPO;1ATIONS OPERATING CERT.cIN DEVICES Cm.~_kONLY KNO',m "'0.3 "FillJCH BO.:,RD's" .JD "TRlillE,BO,;lDS" IN CONNECTION WITH ...:.'IT OTHER BUSINESS OR OCCU"'T1'"l1IO"'" 011' -U"'IT F'H")C 0',-:":" ""'-1;:) , u~T) (10RPon' TlION,T< )J: it..... 1\ .... u v 1 "J.:J.I\.u l~.J, .r ..l..l... ,;-.-:; n v.. J..\_J..l .4 U IN THE CITY OF S;J:JFORD, FLORIDA, .t;.\'D Ul)OK DISTRIBl.JTORS OF SUCH "rlJl'rCH B(L4RDS" OR "TR;~DE BO:JlDS"; E10VIDING FOR THE L:':SU;.NC3 OF SAID LIc~e;NSES .sID HrFOSHJG CERT:~IN TAXE::.- UPON SUCH DEVICES COMlv10NLY KNOWN ;"8 "PUI:~CH BOlcRDS' Lul'.JD "'rRADE B{JnJ:{DS"; REI<<',UIRING SUCH T;~XES TO BE EVII'SNCEI' BY S'LUi1PS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY TO BE "~FFIXEr TO s~aD "PUNCH BOc:.RDS" ~,'.ND "TRADE BOARDS!l BY DISTRIBLTOR2 OF 8UCH"PUNCH BO_ Rf'S" ..:il'JD "TR'cDE BO"'iRD~); ]\L:i.KING T:H:S USE OF CERTAIN "PLNCH BOP..RDS" ANI' "TRADE BOL-RDS" 00- LJl.'jlFUL ;;':;:'fD PROVIDING A PENi:J..TY FOR THE VIOLATION OF ....NY OF THE PROVISI m;s OF TIU~) ORDINiJ{CE. BE rer EN:~CT-=D BY TEIS PEOPLE OF I'HE CITY OF 0.1rFORD, FLORIDA: Section 1. That every person, firm or corporation operating in connection with any other business or occu;',ation of such person, firln or corporation in the City of Sanford, Florida, any device or devi ces commonly known as 7!punch boards!! and fltrade boards" shall pay an annual license tax of .~25. 00 in addition to such other annual license tax_s may be required of such person, firm or corporation, and each distributor of said "punch boards" and lltrade boards" shall pay an annual license tax of ;25.00. Said license shsll be issued in the man- ner provicea by ordinance for the issuance of other occupational licenses generally. Section 2. That in addition to the license tax prescribed by Section 1 hereof, 'Ghere shall be paid for each "punch boardll and "trade board" the following tax: 1. For each "punch board" and "trade boardll from one cent to ten cents, inclusive, :jp .50 2. For each "punch board" and "trade board" from eleven cents to twenty-five cents, inclusive, .i 3.50 3. For each IIpunch board" and "trade board" from twenty-six cents to fifty cents, inclusive, ,~ 4.50 4. For each "punch board" and "trade board" from fifty-one cents to one dollar, inclusive, ..;> 5.00 5. For each "punch board" and "trade board" over one dollar, ? 6.00 If the "punch boards" or "trade boards" hereinabove described ~re dtvided into panels or sections for the different amounts above mentioned, said tax shall be paid for each panel or sec\;ion. Section 3. The tax prescribed by Section 2 hereof, shall be evidenced by stamps to be furnished by the City of Sanford, and shall be obtained from the City Clerk and paid for at the time of obtaining the same and affixed to each "punch board" and "trade board" by the distributor thereof before depositing the same with the operator. Section 4. The City Clerk shall as soon as practicable after this ordinance becomes effective have printed a sufficient number of stamps for the purposes hereof, such stamps to be in the form prescribed by the City Co~~ission. The City Clerk shall assign to each distributor an identifying numberal and said stamps shall be cancelled by writing across the face thereof in ink the identifyin~ numeral of the distributor so assi3ned and, in addition thereto, the serial number of the board to which such stamp is attached. Such stamp or stamps shall be securely affixed to such board or boards by being :lued thereto and no stamp shall be transferred from one board to another. All licenses for the operation of such boards are hereby made subject to this provision, and any such licenses hereafter issued shall be and remain subject to this provision for the cancellation of stamps; and by the issuance of such licenses the City of Sanford reserves the privilege of entering any place where such board or boards are displayed for public use in order that ~he same may be inspected. Any such board or boards being SO displayed for the public use ':/i thout properly cancelled stamps affixed may be immediately confiscated as evidence of the illegal operation thereof, and all licenses issued or to be issued for the operation of such board or boards shall remain subject to such right of confiscation on illegally operated board or boards. In aedition to the penalties otherwise set forth herein for any violation of this ordinance, the license of any distributor or operator of such "punch boards" or "trade boards" may be revoked by the City Commission, upon conviction of the violator in the Municipal Court. Section 5. ~'1S used in this ordinance the word "operator" is intended to include any person, firm or corporation offering (irectly to the publi c the use of the aforesai (: "punch boar( s" or "trade boards" for a consideration. The word "{istributor" is intended to include sny person, firm or corporation who distributes, sells or otherwise delivers such "punch boards" or "trade boards" to operators for ultimate use by the public. Section 6. It shall be unl~wful for any distributor or any operutor to use or operate any "punch bOard" or lttrade b03.rd" which displays either in money or traie any prize or prizes to be awarded to any patron. Section 7. It shall be unlawful for any operator of "punch boards" or "trade boar('s" to operate the same without first paying the license tax prescribed by Section 1, hereof. Section 8. It shall be unlawful for any distributor to distribute any "punch boards" or "trade boards" without having purchased and having affixed thereto and cancelled the stamps Qescribed in Section 2, hereof, or paying the license tax aforesaid. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to transfer a cancelled stamp from one "punch bOard" or "trade bOard" to another "punch board" or "trade board". Section 10. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by fine of not more than ~200.00 or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety days, or by both fine and imprisonnlent at the d:;scretion of the Municipal Judge. Section 11. That all ordinances or parts of ordi- nances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 12. This ordin2nce shall become effective i~~ediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this r:z,?/ / ) Mayor /_ /~- \/ ~ -,-~;A ~ // .L~~- .' \~(l.t ~- As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Attest: ~ Itfii~ · ./ ~~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby certify that a true copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 4OJ. passed and adopted. by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 23rd day of September, 1946, was POSTED at the front door of the C1ty Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, this 24th day of September, 1946.