HomeMy WebLinkAbout422-Bailes Properties Incr_a,a,a. NT OF BLANKET CITY £E~'VlCES F-ASEA~A~LT (CORPOP_ATE) THIS INDENTURE, m~dethis. 2ndJ~yof August ,A.D. 1999, beseem Bailes Properties; Inc. ~d~ 1313 E. Landstreet Orlando , ~un~ of Oranme , and Stole of Florida , pa~ of thc fi~t pg~, and the Cl~ OF ~NFORD, FLORIDA, a munid~l ' corporation, ~ich is ~imat~ in ~e ~un~ of ~minole, lhe State of Fl~da, pa~ of WITIqESSETH, thai party of the first part, for and In consideration at the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration pclld b~ part], of the second part, reoei~l whereof Is hereby oc~cnc~declged, grants and canvey-.~ to party of the ~econd pc~rt, Its succe.~.~or~, a.~|flrt.s, ticertr~e~, an exdtrsive perpetual easement, as described and Illus~troted below, which is to be under, upon, and across the · properly ~iluc~ted in or near the C~ty of ~nfard, Seminole c°unty[ Florid,~' more'~p-a~rticulorly d~scribed as: ': (See Attached Exhibit 'A' - Legal Description - 'Also kno~nas 3508 S. Orlando Drive PROPER~ ADDRESS (~mlnole~untyPa~ellPNo. 112030 300 0130 to IncJu~e f~,e right of free ingre~ crud ¢gre~ over ~nd ocro~ s~]d prope~ for the p~ of This G~ of E~s~ent ~holl no~ be con~trued o~ o gron~ of dght o~ w~ and [~ limil~ ~o ~ ~ty Eu~mcnt. ~e polly of the fi~ ~ shah h~e the H~M lo use the ~r~ ~u~l la t~ ea~m~ hereby ( ~e "Easement Arced, indudin~ without limitation f~ pa~ing ~re~s, ddve~yn, and lan~a~ng, ~ich Ore not incontinent wi~ ~e u~ o{ ~e Eo~ment ~ by ~e ~ of ~he ~d {or the pu~oses g~n~ed hereb7. Provided, however, th~ the p~rty of the first parl shall not have the dght Io grant utility eascmcm~ so other parties vdtho~ the prior ~,,r~Hen cons~erd of th~ party of the s~"Cond porl. If the pcmly of the r~e<ond part disturbs an?' land~cap]n~] or improvcmcnt~ ~4thin the ea$cmcnt or~a, the party o[ the second par1 shot[ re~'ore such landscaping or improveme(~s. iN WITNESS WHEREOE~ the partie.~ at the firs1 part' hercurfla .~af their han~ and ~als an t~ d~ and fl~t a~ve SIGNED, S~LED, ~ND DEL~ERED IN THE PRESEN~ OF:/~? _ ~ ~ ~ (Pdnt~ Name of ~ ;e STATE OF FLORID~ COUN~ OF ~ ,,: [~e~'g~ng~nst'menlwasac~o~ed~b~oreme,is ~d~o, ~ .... r~ EXHIBIT A SOUTH SANFORD SELF STORAGE 3508 S. Orlando Drive Sanford, Florida 32773 LEGAL OESCR ~ PT I ON CO~ME~CE ~-~] CHAINS WEST AN~ ~.2~ CHAINS NORTH OF THE S.E. CORNER OF THE N.E. 1/4 OF THE S.E. 1/4 OF SEC. 11, ~P. 20 S., RNO. ~0 E (SEMINOLE COUNt, FLORIDA ) THENCE RUN N. 64' 30' ~., TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE RUN N. 64'30' W., 89.1~,, THENCE RUN N. 25' ~0' W. 600.6~, THENCE RUN S.64' JO' E., ZJJ.9 , THENCE RUN S. 25' 50' W. 256.0 , THENCE RUN S. 64' 30', 197.00' TO THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD ]5/600, THENCE RUN S. ~5' JO' W., ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF -WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD ~5/600, 194.66', THENCE RUN N. 64'50' W., 441.71', THENCE RUN S. 25' W., 150' TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS: 202202 SQUARE FE~ OR 4.64]9 ACRES MORE OR LESS. GR/~'~ OF £)CC~UStVE CITY SEE'VICES EAS4T. MENu'"'~.ORPOEATE) THIS INDENTURE, made this 2n~c~yot August ,A.D. 1999,between Bailes Prop.e_rtie~ Inc. who~eaddre~is__l~l~ E. Landstreer Rd Orlando , ~un~ of Orange _ end ~t~le of Florida , p~ of lt~ fi~ p~, and th~ Ci~ OF ~NFORD, FLORIDA, a munl~l corporation, ~ich is ~ituat~ in ~e ~un~ of ~minale, the State of Fl~da, WlTNE55ETH, that patty of the firsl part, for and In conaiderclflon DJ the sum at one dc~lar end other valuable consideration paid by party of the seco, d part, recelpt whereof ts hereby ackno~4eclged, and convcy~ to party of the second port, its successors, a~igns, licor~ee$, an e-~du~ive pc:rpetua! easement, as described and Illustraled below, which Is to be under, upon, and across the FrontF-~'T' Fifteen feet of the proper~ mlmated in at near the City of Sar, ford, Seminole Cou~, Florida, more parlicularly described as: (See Allached Exhibit "A" - Legal Description and - Drawing), 'Also know~n as 3508 $. Orlando Drive , Sanford, Flortda~r~ PROPERTY ADIDRE$5 c~ CZ) .,;-~ (SemlnoleCountyPur:ellDNa, 112030 300 0130 000_0 ~) -q ~ ~.:~ for clh' serv~ce~, including bui not Ilmll¢~ I0, city owned etilltle~, herecdter on .~id property, ~uch to InduCe the right of [ree ingress crud egre~s ever and 0cross ~cfid properly for the purpo,'.,~s af consl~mctlng, in-_to(llnt], ~nd mc~ntoinln~ ~id This Grar~ of Eose..ment shall not be construed os a grant of right of way and Is limited Io a City Ec~sement. The party of the fir~ part shalJ hcr~e the Hghl to use thc area subje-~l to the ease~e~tt granted hereby ( the "Easement Area"], including ~thout limitation for parldng areas, driveways, and land~cal~ng, which are not inconsistent w~th the u~e of the Easement ,~'ea by the part7 of the s.e~:ond p~rt for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however, th~ the party of the first part shall not have the Hght to grant utility easemen~ to othor pal~e~ without the prior ~rltten conserd af the pa~ of the ~ond poll. Il the pa~ of the ~ond port dl~u~s any Ionds~ping or improvcmcn~ ~thin ~e ~$cmcnt ar~, the pa~ o[ ~e ~ond p~ ~'; shall m~ore su~ land,aping or improvem~. ~,m IH WITNE~ WHEREOF, ~e pa~ of ~ fi~ pan hereu~a ~ mci, hon~ and ~1, on ~ d~ an~a~ ~ SIGNEO, S~LED, AND DEL~ERED IN THE PRESEN~:. ~ ~ (PHnt~ Name of ~fn~) ~ ~ STATE OF FLORID~ COU~ OF t~ ~ o ,~ p~monauy ~own to ma ar ~ who provid~ a a~ IdentifiCation_ ~ PHnI~ Name ~b D /) L ~ ~ ~ SKF CH OF .OATt~: JULY .~0. 1999 SCALE, 1' = 40' EXHIBIT A DESCRIP"qON DESCRIPTION 15-FOOT EXCLUSIVE CITY OF SANFORD CITY SERVICES EASEMENT A PART OF THE NORTHEAST I/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST I/4 OF SECTION Il. TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH. RANGE 50 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE 18.91 CHAINS (1248.06 FEET) WEST AND 8.23 CHAINS (54,5. 18 FEET,) NORTH OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NORTHEAST I/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST I/4 OF SAID SECTION 11; RUN THENCE N. 64'30'OO"W. A DISTANCE OF 570.81 FEET; THENCE N. 25'JO'OO"E. A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE S. 64'$0'00"E. A DISTANCE OF 426.71 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING: RUN THENCE N.25'$O'OO"E. PARALLEL WITH THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAYS 17 & 92, A DISTANCE OF 194.66 FEET; THENCE S. 64'50'00"E. A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE; THENCE S.25'$0'00"W. ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 194.66 FEET; THENCE N. 64'50'OO"W. A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS: 2920 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. SANFORD SELF STORAGE PARCEL 25'50'00" E 194.66' 25'30'00" W 194.66' LI S 64'J0'00" E 15.00' L2 N 64'30'00" W 15.00' THIS SKETCH IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. EPARED FOR, SANFDRD SELF STfRAGE REVISIONS= STRUCTURE BASED ON, VESTERLY R/V LINE, U.S. HIGHWAYS of Orlando Inc,, Lfl 4475 ~RAWN By, A THIS SURVEY MEETS THE 'MINIMUM TECHN STANDARDS' AS REOUIRED DY CHAPTER FLDR[DA ~OARD OF LAND SURVEYORS PURSUANT SECTION 47~.0~7 FLORIDA STATUTES. ~NK A. RAYMO~ PLS ~7