HomeMy WebLinkAbout419-Sam KazmaCD THIS INDINTUII. mode thisZq day of ~ A.D. 199~. belw~e. Sam Kazma whm phyllcofaddre~ is 3400 SR 17-92 Lonawood FL , G)unty of Seminole, and State of party of the first part, and CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal coq~raflen, which Is sitaatad in the County of Seminde, the State of Iqorida, party of the second part; MTNISSETH, that pafly of the firs! por~, for and In consideration of the 8urn of one dellar and olhsr valuable consideration paid by party of h second part, receipt whored is hereby acknowledged, grants and convey~ to party of the Ncofld part, its ~ucco~ors, auiom, liconmms, an exdusive immmuof easemen% as described and illmtmtnd below, which I~ to be ufldef, upen, and am Ih. ~ _lee of the prolmrty situated in or near the Cl~ iff hnfonl, Seminole County, Iqo~da, more pafllcotofly described as: Exhibit "A" C.) for dty .ervices, including but not limited to, city owned utilities, hereafter on said I)ropffly, ~ucl~ ~m~m~n to Include the fight of ~ ingress end egress wet and aa'ess said ~ for the #u~ases of c.n ~ conslrecflng, Installing, and maintaining mid facililles. ~ This Grant of Easement shall not be conllnlld as a gl'Clllt of ~ of wa~ and is limited to a City ~efvices Easemem. h I)arty of the flrsl Im~t shedl have the right to use the aran subi4d to Ihe emmnt gmmd hereb/( Ihe 'Easement Area"), including without Iimil~ten for pa~dna cram. dl. tviways, and landscal)ing, whtch are not incensbtont with the USe of the Easemant Area by the party of ~1~ mNmfld peri for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however, that the party of the first port shall not have the right to grant utlli emements to other I~n'rm withom the prior wfltton cement of the imrty of the second part. If the parly of Ihe r, econd pert distorbs any landsmping or Iml~rovements within Ihe easement area, h #oily d the second part shall restore such landscal)ing or improvements. IN WITNE.q$ WHIRffOF, the party 44 the flr~t part hereunto iotg Ids o~ her hand and mi an the day and yegr W~J#en above. (~nt~ Name_ ~-~; ~ .... ) (Printed Name · COUNTY OF PaoEI I of 2 (S4mminole Coun~ P4mrMI ID No. ~0203050600000890 I HIEelBY CIRTIFY thor on this; day In the ne~ above named State and County, the indMducd __ ,who i~ ddy authorized to admini~ar oath, on b~mH of. take ~ fa.. and lalallv bind fire parly ol the tint party, did peno~,lly appeared berate me. _~ ~_~ ~. .... ,who is legally kneWn ~ me and all peep,lc 4ms the Individual _., whe rated the f~ng document, and who acknow~ beforl rile thai A ~ executed Ihe same M ~ I ~ free act and died. ,- JN WITNESS %q~flllRlOF, I have hitl~iLq1~o let my hand j{R~flldd seal MY COMMISSION IXPIIIESz N~TAi'Y ImfJmu~ .___.__.___ :, ,ibit "A" PLAT OF SURVEY -Lots 8g. J0o ~. ~2, ~3 mhd ~4, (~emm road r,~ht L. WOODRUFFr~ HUBDXVXIXON LM~i SOUTH SAIqFORD, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Flat Book 3, page 44; Public Records of Senlnole ~ounty, Florida. EXCLUSIVE CItY OF SANFORD CITY SERVICES EASEMENT Description The East 15' of Lots 90, 92 & 94 (less road right ofway) Frank L. WoodruIf,s Subdivision Land's South Sanford Fla. Plat bk 3, page 44, Public records of S~minole Co., Fla. -N 89 5510 E ' 241.38' (M) ~_~ ~. I i ~ ]_ ........ =.~.-.. ...... .,-_-_ =-~_-'%.-' .......... · ~-I. ,.0' ', . -.-.. I Lq 2: LOT 92 / | ~o¢ 15' Exclusive City of ~? ~u~ Sanford[ City Services ~ ~ LOT ~3 Easemen~ , I Z ,.~._.,~ ~ ~o'~'tn" w *~ 74-1.18' (M~ LOT 9.5 I LOT 96 CERTIFIED TO: MOHAMAD SAMI KAZMA SUNBELT TITLE AOEHCY COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I HAVE EXAMINEO THE F.I,R.M COMMUNITY PANEL THE SUBJECT PROPERTY LIES IN ~ONE )(', AREA OF MINIMAL FLOODING. APPNOVED BY: TAD JOB NO. ASMI4409 DRAWN BY: JLN LEGEND: .... RIGHT OF WAY LfNE AMERICAN SURVEYING &~ MAPPING o. LLI 0 7 BRETf A. PSM ~5011 '~e-gi§ility Unsatisfactory [For Microhlming