HomeMy WebLinkAbout416-Embassy Investments IIIPREP^RED GRANT OF EASEMENT Post.il' Fa~ Note 7671 THISINDENTURi, madeihls_L~_davof M~v &h s~ L_~ r~ ~ ~-~ Embassy Investments III, ~.~.~,.~?~' %%~ . ~ '-& ~5, ..~-m~_~ ........ .,~n~gt Vnln~lB ,a~Sta~d Florida valuaMe ~, fo~ ~d. in ~flon nf ~e.s~ ~ o~ dollar an a~cn~ and ill~tra~ h~l~ ---L~-L, ..... ' u'--, ?-~, u ~ ~sement, as f~t of ~ prope~ si~a~d in or near the CI~ of ~nford, ~mlnole ~n~, Florida, m~e pa~culorly d~b~ (See Attached Legal Description and Drawing) *Also known o~ 3401 Orlando Driv~ , ~nford. I~artda' PROPERTY ADDRESS (Semln°le C°unty Parcel ID N°' L~ - ~n _ 3 0. ~ 0 n-O O ~_ C-0 0 9 9 for city services, including but not limited to, city ownod utilities, hereaher on sgid properly, such easeme to Include Ihe right of free Ingress and egress over and acro~ said ara for Ih co~str~cting, Instafling, and malnmining said lacilifles. - party · I)urposes of This Grant of Easement sh all not be construed as a grant of htof .ndE Services Ec, semont The ,,a.4- -, -,-- · .......... rig way -- ' ~ "r v' "'~ "r"~ parT Snall have llle rlGht lo uSe the area em.ma .e~ ( me "masem,m Area"). invading ~tIho~ llmlt~lfon for marE4-- ~:"~e~a to the emsemen! landscaping, which are n~ inconslste,,* ~..~k d. .... _, .[ . r --, re-., driveways, and for the purposes granted hereby. .- ........ ,, uJ~ m me Baeemen~ Area by the I)arty IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party af Ih* tint part hereunto sots his or her hand and seal on the day :i: and year written above. ~ii~~ SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: (~/~ L'f'~C~/~J~In~'~]'-~ ~/ (Printed Name STATE OF (WHne~) Florida (Primed Name ~ COUNTY OF Seminole Page ! of 2 Legibility Unsatisfactory For Microfilming (S4mi.nole County Parcel ID No. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ..~_ , I~H~R~B.Y. CE.RTl .1~. Iha.t o.n .this day in the next above named State and County, the individual -- Embassy Tnv~tment~ III, I~. ,who I~ legally k~,G~, to ma and all p~ople as the individual _., who executed the foregoing document, and who acknowledged before m that., execufed the same as free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ! have hereunto set my hand and official seal at ~ · County of S~m~ hole ,State of ~ ~.__~, this 18th. cla~,4 May ,199~. Page 2 of 2 EXCLUSIVE UTILITY EASEMENT FOR CITY OF SANFORD 7 EASTERLY R/W / us 17~92- ~ / / / 559.72'(DEED&M) ~S[~'22'0 I"W(M) S89'20'46"W(DEED) .D.C. /~NE CORNER SEC ~1-20-30 / FROM I'HE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH. RANGE 50 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN S 00'39'14" E 2015.21 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST I/4 OF SAID SECTION 11. THENCE S 89'20'46" W 559.72 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LiNE OF US. HIGHWAY 17 & 92 (SR 15 & 600); THENCE RUN S 64'13'00" E 1500 FEET, THENCE RUN S 25'47'00" W 17~.52 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID U.S. HIGHWAY ~7 & 92, THENCE RUN N 64'13'00" W 15.00 FEET. THENCE RUN N 25'47'00" E 171.52 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U.S. HIGHWAY 17 & 92 (S.R. 15 & 600) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Legibility UnsatisfactOry [or M~croht .... .. %' ...' ,:.,'"./(~,' THE ~1~[~110~ H~R~ IS i]ASEO ON SURVEYS UNOE~F~,,AB~*~ NO] A SURVEY FOR PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY SERVICES [] FTr 949 { AIIAMDNH {)RIVL, ALTAMONi[ SPRINGS, FLORIDA 5270l PHONE: 407 $31 5577 FAX: 407-331-9188