HomeMy WebLinkAbout410-Pathfinder Mortgage and InvGRANT OF EASEMENT · uac INDENTURE made this /¢F/Cday of ~¢~/¢~ , A.D. 199~_., between ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~ ~hose ohvsical address is ~/~O ~ ~U~ ~ ~/~ ~ ~ ~D~ ~ , Coun~ of ~ , and State of ~ ~ pa~ of the first pa~, and CI~ OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situated in Semin~ m Count, Florida, pa~ of the second pa~; m ~ o ~~ WITNESSETH, that pa~ of the first pa~, for and in consideration of the'sum of one doll~a~oth~ ~ valuable consideration pald by pa~ of the second pa~, receipt whereof is hereby acknowled~, grants and conveys to party of the second part, its successors, assigns, licensees, a perpetual and exc.!.G~_.iv.e ,... easement, as described and illustrated below· which is to be under, upon, an.d across the norTr~rnl~T~ee~)~ (15) feet of the prope~ situated in the Ci~ of Sanford, Seminole Count, Florida, more pa,icu~rly~ described as: (~e A~ached Legal Description and Dra~ng) ~ ~::~:'~e ~x ~. , Maryann~/~lerk Seminole 'Also known as 1G33 West First Street . Sanford, FI¢~ 8y ~. PROPER~ ADDRESS (Seminole Coun~ Parcel ID No. 2~ - i~ ~0 - ~ 'O~O0'-O0~C ) for Ci~ Se~ices includlnfl but not iim~ted to, cl~ owned utihties, hereafter on smd prope~, su~ ea~ment to be subjed to the placement of one (1) sign base not to exceed four feet by four re, nd- include the right of free ingress and egress over and acro~ said prope~ for the purpose aformid~'.= ~ ~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~ of the fi~t pa~ hereunto sets his or her hand and seal and year wri~en above. ,, ~ ~.~ SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THEPRESENCE OF: Z ~ (Printed ~ ~ ~ ~//~'~' (Witness) (Printed Name. · COUNTY OF SEMINOLE STATE OF FLORIDA I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named State and County, the indivl I ~ ,who is duly authorized to administer oaths on behalf of, take acknowledgements for, and legally brad the party of the first party, did personally appeared before me, GEORGE PIHAKIS Il, AS PRESIDENT OF PATHFINDER MORTGAGE AND INVESTMENTS, INC. ,who is legally known to me and all people as the individual __, who executed the foregoing document, and who acknowledged before me that __ executed the same as __ free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at , County of SEMINOLE , State of FLORIDA , this 16TH . d~y of DECEMBER ,1998. .~,~y Oommismon CC64g~?o ~ ~OTARY PUB~ · MY COMMI551ON EXPIRES: ~ ~ ~ 2z ~oo~ ~ ~rl~w~ PLAT OF SURVEY That part of Lot 2 in Block Z of FLOPADA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED'8 MAP OF TI~ ST. GERTRUDE/~DITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 113, of the Public ReeD[ds of Seminole County, Florida, desc[ibed ~ follows: Begin at a point I 8.g78 chains West of the E"st line of ttolly Avenue m:d 30 feet South of the center of St. Gertrude Avenue (First Street), thence nm West along the South side of said St. Gertrude Avenue 66 feet, thence South 132.06 feet, thence East 66 feet, thence North 132.06 feet to point of beginning. (Less that p~'t deeded to State of Florida for road right of way). a.k.a. FIRST STREEt, POINT ~J ~ POINT OF ~I~ BEGINNING I '- q qO'*O0 O0 W 66.00'~'~ J /~ LINE BY I~ONUMENTATION ~ PORTION OF ~ p~ m m , LOT 2 ~ o~ ~ BLOCK Z ~ o ~ ~ Z 08' ~ ,~ 4' ~ & ~RE FENCE ~ ~-o.,' ONI 'J s~oo'oo'oo" E ~.oo' ~ REMAINDER OF LOT 2 BLOCK Z - NOT INCLUDED LEGEND: APPRO~D BY: BAM AMERICAN SURVEYING & MAPPING DRA~ BY; JLH 32789 (407) 539 2274 BRETT A. MOSCO~TZ, PSM ~011