HomeMy WebLinkAbout512-Patrick & Louise Zeuli . TO. 1. ; , ~ ',' , . ;'-.~. U r-' t : i." j ,\ L_ RECOFDS THIS INDENTUPE, made this GR!-o.NT OF Kt.SEMENT 'Ii q ~ day of April ,A. D. 19~t l)et'fJeen Patrick Zeuli and Louise Zeuli. his wife. of the County of Seminole , and Stete of _Florida parties of the first part, and CITY OF SANFOaD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situate in Seminole County, Florida, party of the second pert; .:TITNESSETH, That perties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum oTC5i1e Dollar and other valuable con- sideration to them in hand paid by party of the second p8rt, receipt. wher'eof is hereby acknollledKed, have grante.d, and conveyed, and by these presents do____ gr0nt and convey to party cf the second p~rt, its suocespors, assigns, and license~s, a pel~petual easement under, upon, and across the property 8i tuate j.n SB~.,for'd, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly des- cribecl as: Begin on the South line of Lot 26 Amended Plat of Druid Park, recorded in Plat Book 7, pages 5 and 6 of the Fublic Records of Seminole County, Florida, 527.5 feet west of the Southeast corner of said Lot 26, thence run North 599.96 feet to the North line of Lot 21 of the Amended Plat of Druid Park, thence west 14 feet along said North lot line, thence South 599.96 feet to the South line of said Lot 26, thence 14 feet East to the Foint of beginning 0 U-l --' >-c C:J f- ;:;~:. 2~ .- ::.. ~~ a f.....i...i a (/~) STA.Tc OF FLO-RIUA OOCUME~!~~TAMP T~,~ := ,'1 , ,.. ,:~-;;.:~,,<;-:-J>2:~ :::: (,ijt-1A f(>((,',J"-P, ~.".'ic'j ~ - I,-j'f';;!<"'rt n~', - 0 3 0-= == \ ,:_\:*,.!_-~.; II~-- =. cr~(;'T'V'l"E"\'~"~~ /) - == P.8 !"Ojil,~' _=-.... == for utility purposes, including specifically storm and sanitary sewers, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, mGintenance, and replacement of all utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such easement including the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid. (See insert on reverse side.) IN ','fITNESS WHE11EOF, part~ of the first }:>CL't"'t. ha vehepe- unto set their hand~ and seal~ the day and year fffit above written. and celivered of :( ( (Seal) ".--;" /- <<. /~) (/.-:c:, c- ,) (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA C0UNTYOF SEMINOLE I H~~F.BY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named ~tate and County before me, an officer duly authorized to ad~ minister oaths and take aCknO'TtTledgments, personally appearee,., , Patrick Zeuli and Louise Zeuli, his wife, ,.' ,--',~ ll, ~,~ to me "Tell-known and known to me to be the indiviauals,.ae's~ ; ..' ..' cl'ibed in and who executed the foregoing easement, who,:':'a4!l;"~~',i>~-\\ .:; knowledged 'before me that they executed the same aac-' .thel:jJ~ ,:.....0 free act and deed. : :-:;, . ' I:)' / .....;' ': C) ~ <> have hereunto set my hand andlbf- Q'\ , County of Seminole , St8.te of day of A ril ,19M-. G ~--' Ommi8g~- EXpires: L.-" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ficial seal at Sanford FLC'l (d!a, this ~ O""lctAL ~ . BOOK J./ 9 () PAGE La 'J t'4 o d:a> N m~ (1) ~ ~ t<.l N.....C'tr-'tJ> I-'l-'o....m " I tr.l N'" tIl:B:: -..J... a S\) tr..i .. .....::sz I-' rt r-lJ 1-3 )> '-D <.c: 0 SO'\ ~ (l).{:- 0. ::s 0. "U l-' ~ C"~ Ol ::r "0 INSERT tj Parties of the first part shall have the right, at their expense, to pave ~ ~ or otherwise build over the property upon which this easement is granted or :;: for such other use of the property for which Parties of the first part may desire to make of it, provided: a (l) ::s I'\..'~ t-+ 'oj c.r '1J ~r 1. Such use shall not in' any manner interfere with the use of the property for which this easement is granted; and 2. Such building or other use of the property shall be done in such a manner to give the Party of the second part herein right of full access thereto for the purpose of repairing or maintaining, or for any;;;other purpose for which this eaSement is granted. ## '- en 3" e :Po :::0 -< /"11 c> :n ,JC;. , G -n :::rr CJ en c::' r ....' rn r~"i 00 ..... C t.n ;x:::.. .0.. =>:: r,'i ~ c "J crJ -=- _: :-:p" ~:. --J; ,,~'~,l/~ ~' ;~n :L 'i ~:.~ i;: ~,;'J ~ n1 f...") ; ,.,.,,:.Iz. ~