HomeMy WebLinkAbout039-Spears, Danny & Kelliwco L E A S E A M E N D M E N T This lease amendment is applicable to the Lease dated December 14, 1990 between the City of Sanford (Lessor) and Danny A. and Kelli Spears (Lessee) which is applicable to the following described property: The North 24 chains of the East 5 chains of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. The term of the Lease shall be extended to run from the 1st day of February 1994 for a period of one (1) year, terminating on January 31, 1995. The annual rent for the said period shall be $4,800.00, payable in twelve (12) monthly payments of $400.00 each on the 1st day of each and every month of the said term, the first payment to be made on the 10th day of February, 1994. All other terms of the said Lease shall continue in full affect. LESSEES: Daniel A. Spea s LESSOR: / , Betto D. Smith, Mayor { L E A S E A M E N D M E N T This lease amendment is applicable to the Lease dated December 14, 1990 between the City of Sanford (Lessor) and Danny A. and Kelli Spears (Lessee) which is applicable to the following described property: The North 24 chains of the East 5 chains of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. The term of the Lease shall be extended to run from the 1st day of January, 1992 for a period of one (1) year, terminating on December 31, 1992. The annual rent for the said period shall be $3,960.00, payable in twelve (12) monthly payments of $330.00 each on the 1st day of each and every month of the said term, the first payment to be made on the 1st day of January, 1992. All other terms of the said Lease shall continue in full affect. LESSEES: Daniel A. Spears LESSOR: B ttyr D. Smith, Mayor Kelli Spears AGENDA ITEM N0. LEASE COMMON FORM RAMCO FORM A& T� h 1 � ,11adr this day of By and Betuiecn CITY OF SANFORD herein called the lessor , and Danny and Kelly Spears herein called the lessee , A. 1). 19 Ii tn SSA, That in consideration of the cuvrnants herein contained, on the part of the said lessee to be kept and performed, the said lessor does hereby lease to lite said lessee , the fulluining described property: The North 24 chains of the East 5 Chains of the SW 1/4 of Section�32, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. TO -Have and TO hold llte same f o• the term of one year from the 1st day of January - , A. D. 19 91 , llte said lessee paying thereforthe Annual rent of $3,600.00 Dollars. And the said lessee covenant . uiith the said lessor to pay the said rent in . payments of $300-00 each of the First day of each and every Month for the said term, the first payment to be made on the - 1st - day of January - 1991 , to make no unlawful, improper or ofensive use of the premises, not to assign this lease or to sub- let any part of said premises upithotit the itrrittrn ronsrnf of the lessor not to use said premises for any other purpose than us a SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE , and to quit and deliver up said premises at the end of said term in cis good condition cis they are now (ordinary urrar and decay and damage by the elements only excepted). Arid lhr said lessee hereby covenant and agree that if default shall be made in thr payn ent of the rent as aforesaid, or if the said lessee shall violate cny of the covenants of this lease, then said lesser shall become truant at stiferance, Hereby ivaiving all right of notice, crud the lessor shall be entitled immediately to re -enter and re -take possession of the deniisrd premises. Addendum A is attached and made a par►, � this lease. (4l CSS our hands and seals this �� day of �e«�,�v. A. D. 19 �D Sigrir Sealed and Delivered in 1': esencr of: C - --------- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- -- .............. .... STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF ) I HERESY CERTIFY that on this day, 1 me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared Danny and Kelly Spears to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and R1C? vi before me that A� executed the same. 1 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this I 1)c CC' m be r A. D. 19'i U 4 Tiiic Lrsirrnitrnl my,ared acknowledged day of ...... ....................... QW This Addendum shall be attached to and become a part of the Lease for the single family dwelling unit located on the property described as follows: The North 24 chains of the East 5 chains of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 32, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. The Lessee shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Sanford from any liability arising out of his occupancy of the .subject property or resulting from the presence of any guests invited by him. A security deposit equal to one month's rent ($300.00) shall be required under this lease. The security deposit shall be due and payable at the time of occupancy of the property as a dwelling unit, January 1, 1991. This security deposit shall be held by the Lessor during the tenancy under the lease, and shall be returned to the Lessee, less any amount deducted for damage beyond normal wear and tear or other breach of the lease agreement, following the vacating of the property by the tenant. This security deposit shall not be applicable as payment of the last month's rent. It is acknowledged that the property, in its present condition, requires considerable clean -up and fix -up. The Lessor shall be responsible for the structural integrity of the property and, prior to commencement of the Lease term shall checkout and correct existing deficiencies as follows: electrical system, plumbing system, heating system, water supply system (well), kitchen range and hot water heater, and one existing installed window type air condition unit. At its option, Lessor may also arrange for termite inspection and treatment. During the period of the Lease, the Lessor shall also provide materials for use by Lessee in performing certain repairs listed within this Addendum and other Lessor approved repairs or improvements which the Lessee may wish to undertake. It is clearly understood that any material, or reimbursement for same to be provided by Lessor for items not specifically included within this Lease document, shall require prior written approval by the Lessor in order for the material costs to be reimbursed by the Lessor. As a part of the overall concept of this Lease, the Lessee agrees to provide labor for the performance of items of clean -up and repair necessary for his initial and continuing occupancy of the property. Lessee will provide labor and coordination for the following tasks, and will submit to the City For reimbursement, invoices or paid receipts for materials necessary for satisfactory completion. These tasks include the following: complete clean -up , rf interior of the residence; clean -up of outside areas, including the two existing out building structures (coordinate removal of waste from initial interior and exterior clean -up with Lessor); cleaning of existing installed carpeting utilizing rental carpet cleaner with rental costs of cleaner and materials to be reimbursable by Lessor; repair and return to effective condition existing damage to windows, doors, screens, and lock sets (provide to Lessor one key for any new locks installed); interior repainting utilizing light or pastel color flat or semi -gloss paint available without special mixing (proposed colors and source of paint to be approved by Lessor prior to procurement or application); hardwood floor refinishing and revarnishing, necessary; light fixture and face plate repair or replacement (any proposed replacement fixtures to be approved by Lessor prior to procurement and installation). Tenant shall be responsible for maintenance of the grounds immediately surrounding the residence, but shall not be responsible for maintenance of the grounds of the entire 12 -acre Lessor owned property. It is recognized that considerable work must be accomplished prior to occupancy of the property. It is hereby agreed that Lessee may have access to the property from the date of this Lease through December 31, 1991 for the purpose of performing this clean- up and repair. Lessee agrees that the property will not be occupied as a residence prior to January 1, 1991. Lessee shall be responsible for establishment of electric service in his name and at his cost early in this clean -up and repair period in order to facilitate his work, as well as the Lessor's accomplishment of system checkout as described above. Lessee shall be responsible for heating fuel procurement as appropriate and for payment of any other charges which may accrue from services which he may establish such as telephone and regular refuse collection. Notices sent to the Lessee shall be directed to him by U.S. Mail utilizing the address: 1900 Oregon Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771. Rent payments and notices to Lessor shall be addressed to City of Sanford, P.O. Box 1778, Sanford, Florida 32772 (Attn: W. A. Simmons, City Engineer). This Lease is for occupancy of the subject property by members of a single family, all related by blood or marriage. occupancy by individuals not meeting this criterion, other than on an occasional (guest) basis, shall require prior written approval of the Lessor. Lessee Less essor s Halifax '89 43r" Annual Conference �� &— � INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF M UNICIPAL CLERKS May 2(r through 25'" �� G /iq O c 030%��' otL� 'Lc� u� �rw�uooirn, 1a •�1I -96, U