HomeMy WebLinkAbout024-Wes Rinker Florida Baseball School 1974APPROVED — BOARD SESSION — OCTOBER 2, 1974 S 11 B L E A S E THIS SUBLEASF, made and ontered into as of Oct. 2, 1974 , by the DISTRIC ," SG1?!1c "i , r 0!:- OF SF!'1IN�LE COUNTY, ��LORIDA, Harty of the first hart, hereinafter called Sublessor, and the WES RINuER FT,OFIDA BASEBALL SCHOOL, party of the second hart, hereinafter called Sublessee. WITNESSETH: FOR and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) torether with the covenants, agreements and benefits hereinafter contained, Sublessor does lease and let unto Sublessee, and Sublessee does hire and rent from Sublessor the rroperty known as the Sanforl ' Stadium for and during a period annually to extend from Der - 197+o and including <S<4- (A �Nr 3 v f the purpose of 1975 training; and office sites for the Wes Rinker Florida Baseball School. This Sublease is made upon the following conditions: 1. The period of during each calendar year shall extend from �fi �r 1 to '�fi�un hii^ ,30 This sublease is for 1974 1975 a period of one year, however, the same shall automatically renew Itself from year to year not to exceed 36 ,years, unless either party hereto serves written notice on the other terminating said lease, such notice to be delivered twelve months in advance of the effective termination date. 2. Sublessee shallT)ay unto Sublessor as rental therefor the sum of one dollar ($1.00) annually, and i addition thereto, Sublessee shall nay all operating and maintenance expenses i.nclud irur but not limited to electrical power, gas, water, fuel, fertiliz- er, grass and labor required during the period of occupancy and covenants that the aforesaid facility when delivered back unto Sublessor shall be in the same condition as it was when received by Sublessee. ;. Sublessee further covenants that it shall be resr,or.ible for the repairs and /or replacement of any equinment or fixtures damaged, destroyed, or missing during the base neriod and that at all. times the grass area within the stadium shall be kept mowed, watered, and fertilized. 4. Sublessee shall provide for Seminole High School and other area schools a baseball field to be used by these schools in area competition or provide for a suitable baseball field for their practice sessions and games at no cost to District School Board of Seminole County, Florida. Said baseball field will be made available from J,9NL ,91Zy / /y75', to �,�Y /� /y/� The transitions from football practice field to baseball field and vice versa will be at the expense of the lessee. Use of the baseball field and grandstand area during this period beginning* JCc-Vt ,u`h � 157.5 and ending Meg. y ( /975 , will be under the contro of the District School Board of Seminole County, Florida. The District School Board of Seminole County, Florida, will be responsible for additional electrical expenses incurred during night r-ames and policing of the grounds after baseball games and rractice sessions. 5. Sublessee acknowledges a prior af*reement between Sub- lessor and Sanford Naval Academy and does by these premi -les assure said Sanford Naval Academy use of the stadium for its athletic functions on the same basis as other schools in the county that participate. 6. Sublessee at all times will indemnify and save Sublessor harmless from any and all fault, liabillty, damarp, suits or other costs arising out of or in any way connected with the use or occu- pancy of the demised premises by Sublessee, and in connection therewith, force during *, the lease germ a policy will maintain in .. or policies of insurance protecting; Sublessor in a sum not less than ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000.00) for personal tn- jury to any one person and THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($300,000.00) for personal injury from any one accident, and TWErtiTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($25,000.00) property damage. 7. Sublessee shall, during, the term hereof, at its Pxnense, Perform all necessary maintenance and repair pertaining to the fences grounds, grandstands, bleachers and light structures an(] to deliver up the premises at the termination of this Sublease in the same condition as received, normal wear and tear excepted. Su w c co re r a t e I n maintonanc ( tlhf- rrounris t)v fr,-)T-, t tr time making C r nr i- , availahle to ,ent as !n the sole judgement and discretion of "uhlf--)snr is jvqj].atI.-je; n"cvidel, however, in the event - oui� -- r n 1 -i a, n d such c , ,mc t, f 1 ronalIrs are necessary as a result of the th.ereof ub I e 5 S ( e Sublessee_ shall T)romT)tl.v unon df�mand n;i suCfi sums 'i n.- require-Ic'. for such renrIr or r(?n Sublessee shall be resnonsilhle for all re .Irw,- and I i - 4 Ln)7 fixtures . In an�,, event, Sublessee shall at all times (!iirInr, of the domised premises hold Sublessor harmless frr- any :and all Claims,, rllema,nd, dama7e or liability resultln! , fr.-)r, such occunancv. C014SENT The City of Sanford does hereby crnsont to the aforp- ­u,) ol the City *s rronerty, A'nowrri as tlip 1'anford '-^unl- cinal Stadium, by Its Lessee, the District "Ichool Roard of Seminole County, Florida, to Wes Rinker Florida Baseball ` W` es As to Sublessor City of Sanf By P-lay o r Attest: PISTRICT SCHOOL BOAPD PT S7"!Nr COUNTY, FI,OPTT. By Chairman Attest: �:��%� � Stine intend As to S%Itlessee