HomeMy WebLinkAbout008-Florida Public Utilities Company-Airport Pipelinea L E A S E THIS LEASE, made and entered into this day of / A A.D. 1971, by and between CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a muncipal cor- poration, party of the first part, hereinafter called Lessor, and FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY, a corporation, party of the second part, hereinafter called Lessee, WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, as well as the rentals hereinafter provided, Lessor does rent and hire unto Lessee and Lessee rents and hires of and from Lessor, the underground pipes formerly used for jet fuel within the confines of the Sanford Airport property as delineated map attached hereto and incorporated herein, in red, to have and to hold the same for a period of one (1) year from date hereof, upon the following terms and conditions: 1. Lessee shall use the demised property for the distribution of natural gas to various buildings at Sanford Airport, and in connection therewith agrees to clean, test and maintain the same. 2. Lessee will yield and pay unto the City of Sanford, Lessor, as rent, six percent (67 of the annual gross revenues from the sale of firm natural gas to customers within the Airport and three percent (37 of the annual gross revenues from the sale of interruptable natural gas within the Airport, subject however, in any event, to a minimum annual .lease payment of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). 3. During the primary term hereof, or any extension and renewal hereof, Lessee shall have the option to negotiate with Lessor for the pur- chase of the property hereby demised. 4. Lessee, at its expense, is granted the right to connect feeder gas lines to the demised transmission line, and in connection therewith, is hereby granted the necessary rights of access or easements for said HUTCHISON & LEFFLER, ATTORNEYS at LAW, PARK FULTON BUILDING, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 purpose, subject in any event to prior approval of the City Manager. Upon termination of this .lease, title to pipes and .lines installed by Lessee shall remain with Lessee, and Lessee shall have the right to remove the same under the control and jurisdiction of the City Manager of Lessor, leaving the property from which said pipes are removed in a condition satisfactory to said City Manager. 5. Lessee at all times will indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from any and all damage or injury of any nature occasioned by this lease or the use and occupancy of the demised properties and the operation thereof. 6. At the option of Lessee, Lessee shall have the right to renew this .lease for four (4) successive one (1) year periods upon the same terms and conditions as are herein stated by giving Lessor written notice of its intention to renew at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the primary term, and each successive term. 7. Lessee agrees to promptly pay any taxes or assessments lawfully .levied by governmental authority. This lease shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed on the day and year first above written. Witness: CITY OF SANF FLORIDA By Mayor Attest its Clerk, Lessor, FLORIDA P IC UTILITIES COMPANY By Attest Lessee: -2- HUTCHISON & LEFFLER, ATTORNEYS at LAW, PARK FULTON BUILDING, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771