HomeMy WebLinkAbout001A-Odham & Tudor Inc.-Sunland EstatesJ s � LEASE - PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, Made in duplicate, this 9 day of N ovember , 1959, between ODHAM AND TUDOR, INC., a Florida corporation, with its principal place of business in Sanford, Florida, hereinafter called Owner, and City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called City. WITNESSETH: Owner is the owner of certain real property situate in Seminole County, Florida, South of the city limits of City, and more particularly described as follows: 1. All of Sunland Estates, according to Plat Book 11, pages 16 through 22, Seminole County Public Records. 2. All of amended plat of Sunland Estates, according to Plat Book 12, pages 1 and 2, Seminole County Public Records. 3. All of Sunland Estates First Addition, according to Plat Book 12, pages 97 and 98, Seminole County Public Records. 4. Government Lot 1, and that part of the South half of the SEk of the SEk lying West of the East line of the Sanford Grant, Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, being about 20 acres more or less. Part of said property Owner has improved and developed by the con- struction and sale of dwelling units thereon. In conjunction with such improvement and development, Owner desires to install a sewer system, including any necessary lift stations and other apparatus, equipment and appurtenances, (such entire installation being here- after referred to as Sewer System) to serve all such dwelling units, which system would be connected to the sewer system of City to per- mit use of City sewer facilities for disposition of sewage and sewer wastes therefrom. In order that availability and use of the city sewer system be assured to Owner and vendees of the aforesaid dwell- ing units, and that City be afforded the opportunity to acquire the aforesaid sewer system being installed by Owner, the parties hereto in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to be de- rived, have agreed, and do hereby agree as follows: 1. City has determined that provision of an adequate means of sanitary sewage disposal is a matter vital to the health and best welfare of residents of the City adjacent to the area to be improved and the City at large, as well as to future residents of that area itself, and that the purpose to be accomplished by this agreement is a proper municipal purpose. 2. Owner hereby agrees that it will install at its own expense on the property above described, a sewer system, as above defined, sufficient to accommodate the requirements of not less than 700 dwelling units, and that such installation shall in all respects meet the specifications and require- ments of the State Board of Health and of the City and be subject to approval by City, which approval by City shall be given through the office of the City Manager as a con- dition precedent to liability of City for performance on its part under this contract. 3. When the installation of the Sewer System is completed and has been approved by City, Owner agrees to lease same to City, and City agrees to lease same from Owner, on the following terms and conditions: A. This lease shall not become effective until Owner has completed construction of at least 25 dwellings on the above described property, and such dwellings have been occupied. B. Sewer taps for connection to the Sewer System shall be made by Owner at its own expense, only in accordance - 2- with City requirements and after approval by the City Manager or City Engineer, and no charge shall be made by City with reference to the making of' such taps. So long as Owner remains owner of the Sewer System, no additional taps from any area adjoining the above described area shall be made except with approval of Owner and City. C. No sewer taps in excess of 700 taps shall be made or permitted by Owner or City, un- less City determines that the sewer system or lift station has a greater capacity than 700 taps. D. Owner and City have agreed and do hereby agree that the rental hereunder shall be the sum of $1.00 per year, starting one year from effective date of lease, plus such further annual sum, if any, and only if available thereunder, as shall be appli- cable to such purposes under the provisions of Section 3.04 B (5) of Ordinance No. 532 and Section 4.02 of Ordinance No. 552 of City, provided, -3- f � however, the maximum amount of rental shall in no year exceed the gross amount received from the above described area for charges imposed by City or one -fifth of the total sum specified in the next sentence hereof, whichever shall be the lesser, and provided further that the City Commission, at its option may pay in any year any amount between such gross amount and said one - fifth. After the aggregate rentals paid hereunder shall have reached a total sum of $16,123.85, the rental for each subsequent year this lease shall be continued in effect shall be only $1.00 per year. E . During the period this lease shall be in effect, City shall be responsible at its expense for all necessary maintenance and repair of said Sewer System. F . Owner agrees that City shall have sole power and authority to fix and impose sewer rates and charges from the occupants of dwellings connected to the Sewer System, and to prescribe reasonable regulations relative to furnishing and use of the Sewer System, and payment of such charges, and City agrees that such rates, charges and regulations shall be in accordance with those imposed by it on all other out -of -city users of the system similarly situated. It is acknowledged that Owner has constructed and has in operation a water system supply- ing all of the house locations as is or will be supplied by the Sewer System, and that the Owner will bill and collect the sewer charges as from time to time imposed by the City, monthly, and within 30 days thereafter will remit the same to the City. Owner further agrees at - 4 - all times to maintain complete and accurate books of account and records of both the water and sewer opera- tion, and the same will remain open to the City for inspection at all reasonable times. G, This lease shall run from year to year until the total amount specified in sub - paragraph E above shall have been paid. After such time, City, at its option, may continue this lease from year to year upon payment of an annual rental of $1.00 per year, or may elect to purchase the Sewer System as its own. The purchase price shall be the total sum of $16,123.85, specified in sub - paragraph E above, and should City elect to purchase said system, the amount of all rentals paid hereunder shall be applied to and considered as part of the purchase price. Owner further agrees that if City desires to acquire ownership of the Sewer System at any time before the total sum above named shall have been paid from rentals, as specified in sub- paragraph E above, City may acquire such ownership upon payment to Owner of the difference between the aggregate rentals previously paid hereunder and the total purchase price above stated. In the event of such purchase, City shall notify Owner of its intent to make such purchase, notice by registered mail addressed to Owner at its last known post office address of record constituting sufficient compliance herewith. Within 30 days after the mailing of such notice and upon payment of any part of the purchase price not paid by rentals, as - 5 - aforedaid, or forthwith, if such pruchase price has been paid by su -h rentals, Owner shall execute to City a good and sufficient Bill of Sale and Conveyance of the Sewer System and all rights and interests of Owner therein, such conveyance to be free and clear of any claims or incumbrances. Should the total purchase price have been paid in any manner hereinabove permitted, and Owner fails or refuses within 30 days of City mailing notice of intent to purchase, as herein provided, to execute and deliver conveyance of said system to City, then at the expiration of such 30 -day period title to said system in its entirety shall automatically vest in City. Upon vesting of title in the City, the Owner shall continue to have the right and privilege of future connections to said Sewer System at no expense to city, provided that said con- nections do not exceed the capacity of the Sewer System as set forth under paragraph 3, section C, of this agreement. H. Unless sooner terminated as hereinabove provided, or unless continued thereafter by continued payment of the_ annual rental by City as above specified, the term of this lease shall be 20 years. 4. In the event it shall ever by held by a court of competent juris- diction that City had no authority to enter into this agreement or lease, Owner hereby agrees that there shall be no liability from City to Owner or to any person, firm or corporation claiming by, through or under it, by reason hereof; provided however, in such event title to said Sewer System shall revert to Owner, and Owner shall forthwith pay to City all sums, whether by credit or otherwise, paid by City to Owner. Owner i agrees that this agreement shall be submitted for inspection by any party who may acquire any interest hereunder. 5. Owner acknowledges that it is at the present time the Owner of a water system supplying water to all of the area above described, and Owner agrees to comply with all of the pro- visions of Paragraph G hereinabove. It is a further condition and agreement between Owner and City that the conditions and Provisions of Paragraph G relating to collection and payment of sewer will run with the ownership of said water system and will be so made a matter of public record in Seminole County, Florida that said provisions will be binding upon any sub- sequent purchaser or owner of said water system. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its officers thereunto duly authorized, and City has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Mayor, and at- tested and its corporate seal hereunto affixed by its Clerk, all on this the - day oft/ A.D. 1959. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in P esence of: _ ODHAM AUDO , INC By J. ailey 0 am, President �7 r _ Att ,J J �s A. Hunt, As t. Secretary U Ef Y uY - AL VrORD, FJ ORIDA B A. L. Wils , Mayor Att t .- Hen Cl - 7 - r STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day per., nally appeared J. BRAILEY ODHAM and JAMES A. HUNT, to me well known and known to me to be the parties who executed therforegoing Lease - Purchase Agreement as President and Assistant Secretary, respectively, of Odham and Tudor, Inc., a Florida corporation, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf and as the free act and deed of said corporation, and that they were thereunto duly authorized. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and official seal at Sanford, Florida, this ��' `!� day of A, D, 1959. Notary Tublic, State of Florida ` notary Pub4c, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires : MY Commission Expires Aug. 14, 1960 11""d0ti By n Fin & Casualty Co. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared A. L. WILSON and HENRY N. TAMM, JR., to me well known and known to me to be the parties who executed the foregoing Lease - Purchase Agreement as Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, and they acknow- ledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf and as the free act and deed of the City of Sanford, Florida, and that they were thereunto duly authorized. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and official seal at Sanford, Florida, this day of ; l L'(J66 A.D., 1959 �tar� Public, State of Florida My Commission Expires. - 8 -