HomeMy WebLinkAbout340-Jeffery D & Paula L Hudson9t~ JUL 21.., PH {:t~3 GRANT OF EASEMENT ~ 19 between~ · . natty of the first part, -aula L. Hudso~ the Gunny u ~ 'on ~msted in ~minole CouflW, r. ~R{OA, · municipal corporetl , CITY OF SANrunu, ec~O~g~, gren~ end ~nv~s ta pe~ WiTNE~H, ~at pa~ of the first pad, for end in cendderedon of ~e ~m of one do~ar and other veine~ p8~, it ~ ~c~rs, es~9ns, 5censees, a perpe~at enfant under, upon· cen~deredon paid by pa~ of ~e ~cend pad, receipt whereof ~ hereby end acm~ ~e pmpe~ the ~cend in the CTW of ~nfo~, ~minoin CounW, Findda, more pa~CUin~ de~n~e~ as ft. of Lots 61 & 62., Frank L. EwaoSotd%rulfYf J 7Subdlvls 1on as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 44, Seminole County, Florida. {Property AddresS{ for utiiRy purposes, ts incinde the inststlotien, inspection, secdcing, repair, maintenance, end replacement of ail utilities now existing or hereaftar ts exist on said propertY, such sssement including the fight of free ingress end egresS aver end across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, IN wITNESS WHEREOF, the pedY of the first part hereunto sets his or her hand end ssel on the day and year written above. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: .. ' .......... ,,,. ,-"7// .-, .--z'/.'. ]7~,-~, .-' . .~'.. ":'"' / (/~K/4F'~'~; ,~'('L~A'-~ -~--~aula L. HudS~ (Witness) seminole -- - · COUNTY OF sTATE OF Florida I HERERY CERTIFY that on this dey in the named State end County before me, en officer duly authorized to oaths end take eckenwledgements, perssnelly appeared, odminister ~. ,. paola T,. ~U~egO~sement, wb° ~Jeffer ~ ?n~t~l&OI desefihed in and WtIO ~l.knaw~ a~d know~ to men to ne me ,.- .... as f haj__Cme act nod deed. acknowledged before me that .t._h_e.3- executed the same ,. W.EREOF, i.b . beren.,a "22! he.d a.d officio' .n, n, Sen,o . Co..iT o, .innin. Stats o, Findda, this ~, day °f ~' 19 -~/-~-' ~y pUBLIC MY COMM SSL014_EXPtBES: