HomeMy WebLinkAbout031207 ws agenda & min. r .. ".... L. ".... .... ,.....,.... ...... -- ......, MINUTES 41 C. C. .. S I-" d PI 'dWork SessionlPrivate Mtg Ity OIIl1Il1SSlOn, anJ.Of, on a March 12, 2007 EOOSI4441DW --- - -- -.-.- --- '-'...... ... .,., MONDAY, MARCH 12,2007 4:00 PM Railroad Depot Room 2nd Floor Sanford City Han 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida .... ..... _ ~.......,...."... <r".. PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY, SUCH AS A VISION, HEARING OR SPEECH IMPAIRMENT, OR PERSONS NEEDING OTHER TYPES OF ASSISTANCE, AND WHO WISH TO ATTEND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS OR ANY OTHER BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETING MAY CONTACf THE CITY CLERK IN WRITING, OR MAY CALL 407.330.5603 FOR INFORMATION REGARDING AVAILABLE AIDS AND SERVICES. ............"M...... ~ _110"'o PURSUANT TO SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STA TIJTES, IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPEcr TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS PUBUC MEETlNG,SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, SUCH PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBA TIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. Tbls record Is Dot provided by the City or SaDford. ~"""""'" ."..."..., ................,.... _..................-- ..... ......,..._.,.....".....,... ",......,...",......... ...;. 11"'""............"...... "'"" ...,If _",... ..... .,... AGENDA 1) Briefing on Downtown Disabled Parking Availability and Usage. [Commission Memo 07-072] 2) Briefmg on Capital Improvement Plans for the Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce building. [Commission Memo 07..076] 3) Laser Shot Demonstration. 4) Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Inc., First Quarter 2007 Progress Update. 5) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. 6) END THE PUBLIC PORTION OF THE MEETING. 7) Begin Attorney.. Client Private Meeting. Requested by the City Attorney to seek advice from the City Commission concerning ongoing litigation to which the City is a party. Persons attending may include: City Commission City Manager Robert YehI Kenneth W. McIntosh Certified Court Reporter 8) END THE PRIVATE MEETING. 42 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work SessioolPrivate Mt2 March 12.2007 EOOSl444lDW The City Commission of the City ofSanford~ Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, March 12,2007, at 4 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanfor~ Florida. Present: Mayor Linda Kuhn Vice Mayor Velma Williams Commissioner Art Woodruff Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Jack T. Bridges City Manager Robert (Sherman) Yehl City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Porter ] Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert .... Mayor Kuhn called the Work Session to order at 4:05 PM. ~ 1) Briefing on Downtown Disabled Parking Availability and Usage. [Commission Memo 07-072] Planning & Development Services Project Manager Chris Smith reviewed the 2007 Disabled Parking Study and the Commission Memorandum provided in today's Agenda. 2) Briefing on Capital Improvement Plans for the Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce building. [Commission Memo 07-076] Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Pat Hicks reviewed and discussed the proposed capital improvements for the Chamber building. City Manager Yehl said that in two weeks he will bring back a proposed lease agreement which addresses building maintenance, capital improvements, and other things. 3) Laser Shot Demonstration. Sanford Police Officers Pedro Rivera and John Labree gave a laser shot demonstration. ........ 4) Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Inc., First Quarter 2007 Progress Update. IIoiIIIIII Mayor Kuhn distributed the Historic Sanford Welcome Center financials for the period of October 1,2005 through December 31, 2006. 5) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. City Manager Yehl said that there will be an Add-on item tonight regarding 2900 Orlando Drive. The Commission discussed what should be painted on the Waste Pro solid waste trucks which will service Sanfor~ and agreed on the RiverWalk logo and website address, in addition to something clever yet to be determined. 6) END THE PUBLIC PORTION OF THE MEETING. Mayor Kuhn adjourned the public portion of the Work Session at 5:20 PM. 7) Begin Attorney-Client Private Meeting requested by the City Attorney to seek advice from the City Commission - concerning ongoing litigation to which the City is a party. Persons attending may include the City Commission, City ...... Manager Robert Yehl, Assistant City Attorney Kenneth W. McIntosh, and a Certified Court Reporter. 8) END THE PRIVATE MEETING. There being no further business, the Private Meeting was adjourned. .., ~yof -& Kuhn .:.~,. L___ ... Attest: ~./Jw~ cp The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, March 12,2007. at 4 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Linda Kuhn Vice Mayor Velma Williams Commissioner Art Woodruff Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Jack T. Bridges City Manager Robert (Sherman) Yehl City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Porter Absent: City Attorney William L. Colbert Mayor Kuhn called the Work Session to order at 4:05 PM. 1) Briefing on Downtown Disabled Parking Availability and Usage. [Commission Memo 07-072] Planning & Development Services Project Manager Chris Smith reviewed the 2007 Disabled Parking Study and the Commission Memorandwn provided in today's Agenda. 2) Briefing on Capital Improvement Plans for the Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce building. [Commission Memo 07-076] Sanford/Seminole County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Pat Hicks reviewed and discussed the proposed capital improvements for the Chamber building. City Manager Yehl said that in two weeks he will bring back a proposed lease agreement which addresses building maintenance, capital improvements, and other things. 3) Laser Shot Demonstration. Sanford Police Officers Pedro Rivera and John Labree gave a laser shot demonstration. 4) Historic Sanford Welcome Center, Inc., First Quarter 2007 Progress Update. Mayor Kuhn distributed the Historic Sanford Welcome Center financials for the period of October 1, 2005 through December 31, 2006. 5) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. City Manager Yehl said that there will be an Add-on item tonight regarding 2900 Orlando Drive. The Commission discussed what should be painted on the Waste Pro solid waste trucks which will service Sanford, and agreed on the RiverWalk logo and website address, in addition to something clever yet to be determined. 6) END THE PUBLIC PORTION OF THE MEETING. Mayor Kuhn adjourned the public portion of the Work Session at 5 :20 PM. 7) Begin Attorney-Client Private Meeting requested by the City Attorney to seek advice from the City Commission concerning ongoing litigation to which the City is a party. Persons attending may include the City Commission, City Manager Robert Yehl, Assistant City Attorney Kenneth W. McIntosh, and a Certified Court Reporter. 8) END THE PRIVATE MEETING. There being no further business, the Private Meeting was adjourned. Mayor Linda Kuhn Attest: City Clerk cp ,.. [ t ... ...... ... ...... ... ".... I ... ".... I t l... MINUTES 42A City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exeelltin~ 8essi8B Mareh 12, 2997 E00514441DW MEMORANDUM Stel1Str~ MCIntosh, Colbert, wbiebam It partlow, P.A. 1001 Heathrow park Lane, SMite 4001 take Ma~ Floma 32-746 1407) 32.2. "2.I71 TO: FROM: DATE: Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk Lonnie N. Groot, Assistant City Attorney ~ Apri16,2009 SUBJECT: Release of Transcript as Pubtic Recordi March 12, 2007; Mayfair Golf Course dispute I. . . CC: William L. Colbert, City Attorney The purpose of thi$ memorandum is to advise you that the transcript of the proceedings of the CltY-~~ng on March 12, 2007 relating to the Mayfair Golf Course diSP~~~_~.r.~~sed ~UbIiC review and inspection, as public records. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please feel free to call with questions. Please call me anytime at the office (407-322-2171) or at my cell phone (386-748-3685) if I can be of assistance to yo~ in any way. I answer my cell phone 24 hours a day. I look forward to seeing you again soon. ~ ..-I '-i' :x I).. U) IX ~ ~ ! / ,,; /1 ('i /t, ,.' " (l 1 r i(~( ;'.~./ ,/ ~:~ / ~j} (/tN2A,Ji....i. \ y/ --.' . .,' '-' / i () Ii, " ; '. l I : . . . f " ! .~ ,; L /\j..~'"~.-. , ~,' 428 EOOSl4441DW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida March 1'7, ..JO.OL Exrtutivoe SeniOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ,,:,12 ~; 13 14 . , ; \' t ~ ' : ~ ~ I ,F 1 'r"-l U-J (i':! :~r.:: 1.\.. Lf", r:;~ Ci. e: c~ c; ,} ~ cnY OF SbNRRJ cnY CDlMISSICN v.mK SESSICN ATTmNEY /G...IENT PRIVATE rVEETThG tvMGI 12TH, 2007 RAILR06D DEFUT ROOVI 2~ FLCXR SbNRRJ cnY t-W...L 300 f\brth Park Avenue sanford, Flori eta 5:17 p.m. to 6:13 p.m. 15 16 17 18 19 APPEARAt<<ES: 20 21 22 23 24 25 Linda Kuhn Mayor Art \\tXldruff, camri ssi oner Ra[1dy Jones, camri ssi oner ve 1rra wi 11 i ams, camri ssi oner Jack Bri9ges, camrissioner Mi ~e ~i rbV, Lei sure ~rvi ce Di rector Kn stl AiBy, Deputy a ty Manager Kenneth MCIntosh, Attorney sheman veh1, dty Attorney SEMD\OLE RE~ If\C. (407) 831-oqw ] ] ] J J MINUTES 42C City Commission, Sanford, FloridaE:x.e~utivf: Sf:iliiQD Marc:h 12,2007 E0051444IDW P"""'" 2 ...... l""""" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PROCEEDINGS 1\tR. IVCINTOSH: cood day Mayor, gJOd day everyl:xxjy . lHE MAYeR: Mr. IVIcIntosh, hoN are you doi ng? 1\tR. IVCINTOSH: cood, so far. Okay. Mayor, I'm ready for you to open the speci a 1 sessi on, if you please, pursuant to chapter 286.011 parentheses 8 parentheses . lHE MAYeR: Okay. I call this session to order. 1\tR. IVCINTOSH: I-bJV long, please, ma' am, do you anti ci pate the sessi on to 1 ast? lHE MAYeR: As long as necessary. 1\tR. IVCINTOSH: okay. Approxi mate 1 y 30 mi nutes, V\OUld that be appropriate? lHE MAYeR: " Yes, si r. 1\tR. IVCINTOSH: okay. The i ndi vi duals in attendance have been appropri ate 1 y noti fi ed by the clerk. Is that correct? lHE MAYeR: Yes, si r. 1\tR. ~N1DSH : All ri ght. And VI.e are ready to proceed wi th a matter for consi derati on by the carmi ssi on in accordance wi th the statute. speci fi c thi ngs that \\e' re interested in, tv1erDers of the canni ssi on, is VI.e' re here rreeti ng in private with your assistant attorney to discuss VIAlat ~ ...... ...... ,.... t , '-- SEl\t1:W)LE REPCRTThG INC. (407) 831-6400 "..... ... MINUTES 420 City Commission, Sanford, Florida F;'l:pl'lItivp Sp~~inn Marl'h 12,2(:U1....- E00514441DW 3 ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~ categlri ze as pendi ng 1 i ti gati on wi th that vJ1i ch is kroM1 as the Mayfai r COUntry cl ub, also kroM1 as seni no 1 e cl ub, Incorporated. we are here today in a strategy sessi on related to anti ci pated 1 i ti gati on in conj uncti on wi th that rratter. Appropri ate noti ce has been given. we have call ed in the hall dot.nstai rs and outsi de and there I s no i neti vi dual Wlo has evi denced they desi re to be i nc 1 uded in thi s nEeti ng in vi 01 ati on of the statute. ~, ~ have a team of i ndivi dual s that have been V\Orki ng under the tutelage and i nstructi on of the ci ty rranager in conjuncti on wi th the Mayfai r COUntry cl ub rratter. A default letter, please, was issued on t\Ovemer the 3rd, 2006, an extension was granted by reason of necessi ty wi th reference to shoNi ng us and cleve 1 opi ng i nfomati on that ~ requested in our default 1 etter . we received re5JD1ses on January the 5th, 2007, wi th a request for addi ti anal i nfomati on subni tted to seni no 1 e cl ub on January the 12th, 2007. I have handed to you today a camuni cation fran Shuffield, LoNnan, and the specific attomey in that group has been assi gned to thi s case and bri ng to your attenti on sare prob 1 ens . J J SEMI~ RE~ INC. (407) 831-t)'IW ] ] MINUTES 42E City Commission, Sanford, FloridExecutive Session March 12, 2007 E00514441DW 4 - ...... 1 NuTber 1, if you read the fi rst date of the 2 1 etter dated February the 19th, if you look at the 3 second page of the 1 etter, it's dated February the ........ 4 23rd, if you look at the thi rd page it's dated ........ 5 February the 23rd. 6 01 the 7th day of IVIarch fran Jacksonville, 7 Flori da, I camuni cated wi th the attorney for 8 shuffi e 1 d, LONrBn and sarri no 1 e, Inc., and he faxed to 9 our office on March the 7th this camunication. 10 111i s camuni cati on is the 1 atest camuni cati on 11 that has been received by the d ty, and as ~ look at 12 the 1 ast page, Page NuTber 4, it's obvi ous to us that 13 thi s rratter noN takes on the characteri sti cs of 14 serious litigation in that they feel that they have !l""- 15 fulfilled all of their responsibilities to the city ...... 16 and are seeki ng a -- an appropri ate ti Ire conveni ent 17 to everyone to exchange the rent and the i rri gati on 18 1 ease payments. 19 we have escroAed the irrigation lease payments 20 pursuant to instructions fran the city manager and 21 the lVIayfai r team in anti ci pati on of appeari ng before 22 the dty camrission for instruction with reference to 23 this specific case. 24 we have had an apprai sa 1 conducted at the 25 suggesti on of rrarbers of the team, and sped fi call y ,... SEMIr\OLE RERlUIN:i The. j (407) 831-6400 f ... [ MINUTES 42F City Commission, Sanford, Florida FYe~'Jtive Senion MlJIr~h 17, 20.0:L. E00514441DW 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Kri sti Aday, Mr. Pou 1 a 1 ion, the ci ty manager and the fonrer assi stant attorney, Lonni e Groot. That specific product is available for our use today, and I VIOU 1 d thi nk it VIOU 1 d be very i rflX)rtant for you to give consideration to that matter. sanethi ng that I thi nk is i rflX)rtant for us to renerber is that \\e have, if you please, i nheri ted the subject matter that is currently before us. The 1 ease tenn, as you wi 11 probably renerber, is sixty-seven years seven rronths. The lease began on rvlarch the 11th, ~81, and is anticipated for expi rati on October the 10th,. 2048. t-tJN, the apprai sa 1 that has been prepared bears a date of January the 7th of 2007, and the offi ci a 1 1 etter date is January the 15th, 2007. callONaY &. Pri ce, Incorporated, are the i ndi vi dual s that \\ere reslDlsi b 1 e for the apprai sa 1 , the speci fi c di rector of consul ti ng servi ces was Ri chard B. si nger . And I VIOUld like to bring to your attention that \M1i ch is the product of the apprai sa 1 . Nurber 1, it is our opi ni on that the market val ue of the fee sirrple estate of the subject property, as of January the 15th, 2007, is one million four hundred thousand dollars. ] J ] SEMUUE RER:RTThG INC. (407) 831-6400 J ] 42G EOO514441DW - ....... ~''''''' -... ,....... ..... r i... "... ... MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida RXP'('lItivp. Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 second rratter for your consi derati on, as a result of our investigation and analysis of i nfomati on obtai ned therefran, as ~ 11 as general knoNledge of real estate valuation procedure, it is our opinion that the rrarket value of the leased fee interest of the subject property, assuning a perfonni ng 1 ease as of January 15th, 2007, that ~ 1 d be unti 1 the end of the 1 ease is \II.Orth $340,(XX). Gi vi ng consi derati on to all rratters, its opi ni on is that the rrarket val ue of the 1 easeho 1 d interest fran the Camalcarent of the 1 ease unti 1 the tennination of the lease is one million and sixty thousand cbllars. we have camuni eated wi th Mr. si nger di 1 i gently wi th reference to the apprai sa 1 for Mayfai r COUntry club, and Wlat V\e knoN as saninole club, Incorporated. And he has wi thout hesi tancy i ndi eated that he gave consideration to fwr rrajor similar courses in the area, and that on a seal e of zero to ten, fi ve being the average course in the market area, the sani no 1 e cl ub, Mayfai r COUntry cl ub, is in the area of SCJlB'Ihere betvveen a one and a half and a 1\\0. It is eateg>ri zed as a prob 1 an fran the SEMIt-VLE RE~ The. e 407) 831-oqw March 12.2007 6 MINUTES 42H City Commission, Sanford, Florida Executive Session March 12, 2007 EOO514441DW 7 J 1 standpoint of its current condition and its current 2 operati on. J 3 The 1 ease that \\e have authori zes us in the 4 event that \\e have i ntri cate questi ons regardi ng the 5 operation to seek an audit. 6 we W)lJ 1 d i ndi cate to you today that no audi t has 7 been sought, because \\e have tried to maintain 8 reasonable expense consci ousness in conj uncti on wi th 9 thi s rmtter. An audi t W)lJ 1 d cost SCJneAf1ere bet.\\een 10 ten and fourteen thousand doll ars . 11 The individual vJ10 performed this specific 12 anal ysi s gave attenti on to data that \^JClS prepared 13 pursuant to our default notice as to the operation of J 14 the sani no 1 e cl ~b and hi s general krnv 1 edge of 15 similar situations, fran the standpoint of gross 16 production based upon play at a similar course and 17 expenses connected thereNi th. 18 we stand before you today seeki ng i nstructi on, 19 and that specific instruction \\el re seeking is on 20 behalf of the city rranager, his designee and that 21 \t'A1i ch is I<nc:Mn as the rvlayfai r team, to determi ne that 22 course of interest and that course of conduct that 23 the dty camrission desi res to pursue in conjunction 24 with the Mayfai r situation. ] 25 The speci fi c authori ty that \\e are seeki ng is SEMIt\OLE RE~ If\C. (407) 831- J MINUTES 421 City Commission, Sanford, Florid::JF.'l:ef"utive Session March 12. 2007 E00514441DW r- 8 I t ,; .... 1 sanethi ng that ~ need to give attention to, and that 2 is NLrTtler 1, the IDtenti a 1 termi nati on of the 1 ease. 3 NLrTtler 2 is the IDtenti a 1 of havi ng a recei ver ,.."" I 4 appoi nted in conj uncti on wi th that termi nati on II.- 5 action. 6 NLrTtler 3 is the IDssi bi 1 i ty of the ci ty of 7 sanford declaring a resolution of necessity and 8 attaTpti ng to condam the rami ni ng 1 easeho 1 d 9 interest that there is avai 1 able beU\eer'1 I10N and the 10 ti rre that the 1 ease expi res. 11 Those rratters are for your consideration. 12 Kri sti Aday, the Deputy ci ty IVIanager, has 13 gathered a great deal of i nfomati on wi th reference 14 to the nature of defaults, has coopared that wi th l"""'- IS i nfomati on tendered to us by the attorney for ....... 16 saninole club. 17 And she has concluded that sani no 1 e cl ub has 18 fall en short of its reslX)nsi bi 1 i ti es in conj uncti on 19 wi th the covenants, agreerents, sti pu 1 ati ons and 20 condi ti ons of the 1 ease. 21 TIle ci ty rranager desi res to get thi 5 rratter off 22 dead center. 23 I V\OU 1 d announce to you that thi 5 is an 24 i nheri ted rratter and as far as the camri ssi on is 25 concerned and that as you can see fran the rIDst [ SEMIf\DLE REFaUThG lJ\C. (407) 831-6400 ,.... .... MINUTES 42J City Commission, Sanford, Florida F'YiP"lItiv~ ~iPnion Marfh 1'~ 2001... EOOSl4441DW 9 ] 1 recent letter received on the 7th day of March, they 2 anti ci pate W1at we \OJ 1 d categ>ri ze as probably a J 3 counterc 1 ai m agai nst the d ty for fai 1 i ng to make 4 ready pa~t of the i rri gati on rental, that is a 5 responsi bi 1 i ty cascaded on the shoulders of the 6 . . carrm SSl on. 7 t\tJN, we anti ci pate that if a tenni nati on acti on 8 were i nsti tuted, both at the tri all eve 1 and at the 9 appe 11 ate 1 eve 1, the ti rre peri ad involved to conclude 10 the matter \OJ1d be sareM1ere between me1ve and 11 ei g,teen rrnnths. 12 In the event that a receiver were appoi nted by 13 the court, I an sure that seminole club v.ou1d stand J 14 back and do 1 i tt 1 e or nothi ng wi th reference to the 15 condition of the club and tum the matter over to us. 16 Mr. si nger has in the presence of Mr. veh 1 , 17 assured him that he could identify an individual or a 18 group of i ndi vi duals or a corporati on that could 19 i mredi ate 1 y cane in and take over the 20 responsi bi 1 i ti es for Mayfai r country c1 ub to keep it 21 operati ona 1 in the event that that deci si on were 22 made . 23 If we proceeded under Chapter 73 and 74 to 24 condam the 1 easeho 1 d interest, it \OJ 1 d be the ] 25 respons; b; 1; ty of the d ty ; n the event of exerc; 5; ng SEMIf\()lE RE~ IN:. (407) 831- J ....... ..... ,..... i ~ "....... ...... r ~ r-' .... 42K EOOSl4441DW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Executive SenioD March 12, 2007 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ; ts qui ck taken authori ty under the statute and the pcM.er of ani nent <:bra; n, to depos; t ; n the regi ster ; n the court an arrount equal to that \^kI; ch ; s categ:>ri zed as the val ue of the 1 easeho 1 d ; nterest, \^kIi ch V\OU 1 d be $340, (XX). As you 1<noJv, there is a great deal of infonnation that is shared in the city, \^kIich ~ have tri ed to keep up wi th. The current operators and OMlers of the 1 easeho 1 d i nterest feel s that ; tis ~rth "tY..O mi 11 i on doll ars . \Ne thi nk that that is an exaggerated fi gure. \Ne feel that \^kIen they fi na lly becane convi need that ~ are very ; nterested ; n do; ng sarethi ng wi th reference to taki ng one of the three acti ons that V\e have tal ked about, they' re ~; ng to want to camuni cate wi th us, - fran the standpai nt of rredi ati ng a sett 1 anent, if pass; b 1 e, wi th reference to the; r 1 easeho 1 d ; nterest. As you 1<noJv, san; no 1 e cl ub ; s operated by a family, they are a very tight group. And they have, if you'll pardon nE, 1 i ved off of the tv1ayfa; r COUntry cl ub and its gross proceeds for an extended peri ad of tinE. Mr. Ki rby and rnartJers of hi s team have taken enUrlErab 1 e pi ctures and have been on the ground SEM:If\llLE REFUUThoG ThC. (407) 831-6400 MINUTES 42L City Commission, Sanford, Florida Executh'e SeliliioD Mardi 12, 200+- E0051444lDW 11 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 repeatedl y l00ki ng at the concIi ti on of the club. Those things V'ilich you see in the letter recei ved on March the 7th, fran the standj:X)i nt of all of the thi ngs that they say that they have done, are categ>ri zed by Mr. Ki rby and hi s team as i nfi ni tesi na 1, gi ven consi derati on to V'ilat is needed for thi s to becane a successful operati on. we I re interested in seei ng Mayfai r COUntry cl ub, by reason of its hi stori c deve lopnent, desi gnated on the nati anal reg; ster as one of the hi stori c 9)1 f clubs in the State of Florida, V'ilich could be done in future days consi deri ng that it is a [()na 1 dRoSS des.i gn . I oou 1 d not hesi tate to tell you that I am convi need that the 1 essees are 9)i ng to fi ght 1 i ke a \^Wnded bear in conjuncti on wi th thi s natter, gi vi ng consi deration to all of that V'ili ch has ~ on hi stori call y . f\ON, I cb not hesi tate to tell you in pri vate session today that V\e cb not stand before you with clean hands. There are several defenses that can be presented and confront us that V\e need to be very consci ous of in the event that 1 i ti gati on is i nsti tuted pri or to tryi ng in SOOE way to seek a sol uti on under the adage SEMIt\OLE RERRfIr\(j IN(. (407) 831-6400 J J ] J - ....... ~"'"" ........ ~""'" ...... ,..... , t ~ r i .... 42M E00514441DW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Ex~utR'e SellllioD Mar~b 12, 2007 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of, care 1 et us reason together. r-.nv, sore of those natters that ~. re g>i ng to be confronted wi th is the defense of 1 ashes. Lashes is a statanent w,erei n i ndi vi dual S knEW that sarething \\as wrong or sarething that \\as g>ing on that \\aSn' tin accordance wi th requi ranents of the lease, but they have not taken aggressive action to protect the covenants and condi ti ons of the 1 ease. Nl.IriJer 2 defense is g>i ng to be the defense of estoppel. They're g>i ng to say ~ are estop to deny the fact that ~ have not pai d our i rri gation 1 ease rental payment, w,i ch ~ feel that the court v\ou 1 d gi ve attenti on to but v\ou 1 d not be i rrpressed wi th it considering the condition of the club. NurDer 3, I thi nk that the defense of waiver is g>i ng to be presented, because I, in my i nvesti gati on, have i nc 1 uded it on three separati on occasions, the dty of sanford has confronted 5ani no 1 e cl ub wi th reference to prob 1 ens and have not aggressi vel y gone to tenni nati on wi th reference to thei r relationship with a lease, w,ich is as old as thi s one is, si xty-seven years a 1 nust arroonts to an interest in fee sirrple title. we' re here today to seek QUi dance. we' re here today for a strategy conference by reason of your SEMIf\DLE REIUUIf\Xi IN:. (407) 831-6400 MINUTES 42N City Commission, Sanford, Florida E.~eeBtYle Set9Si88 l\lanh 12, 2-9&9- E00514441DW 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 knoNledge of the course and poople's reactioo thereto and V\.e \l\ant you to authori ze the ci ty rmnager, hi s desi gnee and hi s team, to do thi ngs that you thi nk serve the best interest of the d ty of sanford. Ole thi ng \\e knoN is that there are a group of i ndi vi dual s , saneti mes kI'n'\rl as reti rees, VIklo love thi s country club and wi 11 gather together wi th the OM1er's operators in every way passi b 1 e to keep it functi ooi ng 00 a regular basi s, so that they have sOlEthi ng to do every roomi ng. And they are ~i ng to be a source, if you please, of camuni cati 00 pub 1 i ci ty, et cetera, and \\e need to be coosci ous of that. But please understand, there are just as many poople in our camunity Wlo are greatly disappointed wi th the condi ti on of the club. The thi ngs that have been descri bed in the 1 etter of MarCh the 7th, that I categ:>ri ze as infinitesimal, the arployment of a neN head greens keePers, inprovarent of greens throughout the club, substanti a 1 repai rs and refaci ng cart pads, the rep 1 acetalt of an enti re fl eet of carts, \/\hi ch as you knoN are operated and OM1ed by a separate corporati on. And it's very di fA cult to audi t the activi ti es ] J J.......... ... I SEI\1ThOLE RERRTIf\G IN(. (407) 831-6400 ] J 420 EOO51444lDW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exe~utive Sessi9R Mardi 11, 1997 ,..... 14 ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - ..... II"- I.. ".... [ , j .... ".... ..... of cart rental s as a part and parcel of the gross i ncare of the corporati on Wli ch has the 1 ease. The r8lDva 1 of Vl.eakened and dead trees came about by reason of the hurricane. The driving range i rrprovenent rreans putti ng up one half of the range net, and that of course is the area Wlere individuals might be injured or thei r vehicles injured by balls that are not under control. The clubhouse, i rrprovenents to the anteri or, exi sti ng ~ 11 paper raroved, the expansi on and i rrprovenent of the inventory at the pro shop, repal rs underVJaY to roofi ng throughout. If the carmi ssi on becares very interested in thi s i tan and exami nes it thanse 1 ves as the leaseholders, you're going to find that the irrprovarents at the course are in deplorable condition, and this is a beautiful course that hi stori call y has had a \I\OI1derfu 1 reputati on duri ng the era \'\hen they had qJens and other activi ti es here and it has gone doM1 in its mai ntenance operati on. Ranenber the anal ysi s, on a re 1 ati onshi p of zero to ten, \\e are about a one and a half or a U\O. Dubsdread, those of you Wlo are golfers knoN Wlere that is, and it is a nunicipal course in the orlando area, it V\OUld be categorized as a six or a seven on SEMIf\UE RERRfII'Xi INC. (407) 831-6400 MINUTES 42P City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exec.ut;ye Se~~;ul. Man::). 12, 266'T EOO51444IDW 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the scale of zero to ten. The anal ysi s of the apprai sa 1 that you have has cane fran an analysis of four rrajor gllf courses that \!\ere operated and in severe prob 1 ens si mi 1 ar to that VIkli ch the ~yfai r is in at the present ti me, and have cane up wi th these numers. Realistically, cb I think a jury called before the d rcui t COUrt of sani no 1 e COUnty \I\OU 1 d cone 1 ude that the remi ni ng 1 easeho 1 d interest is VIOrth $340,(XX), I've tried to keep my ear to the ground si nce recei vi ng that apprai sa 1, and I have ki ndl y cane to the conclusion that nust people \I\OUld think that the val ue of the 1 easeho 1 d to 2048 \I\OU 1 d be VIOrth nure than that. [)) I think it is VIOrth tVIO million cbllars, I cb not thi nk that -- that by any stretch of the i rragi nati on is w,at the 1 easeho 1 d interest is VIOrth. Ranarber, temri nati on of the 1 ease, the potenti a 1 of the appoi ntment of a receiver, the i nsti tuti on of ani nent cbnai n proceedi ngs to try and to evidence to the court the necessity of cbing sanethi ng for the protecti on of thi s rrajor of the dty. I think it's the largest single parcel of land 0J\I1ed by the d ty of sanford in sani no 1 e county and SEfv1ThOLE RERRTThG INC. (407) 831-6400 ] J ] ] J MINUTES 42Q City Commission, Sanford, FloridExecutive Session March 12, 2007 E0051444IDW 16 - ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 is looked upon by the appraiser and others as a j&.e1 of a parcel of property. t\OJIJ, di d he ever give consi derati on to its potential for deve10pnent purpose, anS\\er, no. was there an idea of condani ni uns, any idea of any inprovanents, no. The only instruction the city manager gave hi m is, it I S our g:> 1 f course, \\e V\6rlt to keep it as a g:> 1 f course and \\e \\ant you to tell us vJ1at it I s \I\Orth. \/\Ie are ready to anS\\er your questions, and V\e V\6rlt the ci ty rranager to understand \\hat hi s i nstructi ons are fran thi s day forvard. lHE ML\){R: Thank you, Mr. MCIntosh. \/\Ie 11, I guess \\e have a deci si on to rrake here, and obvi ous 1 y, you knoN -- I mean, I I ve been Mayor for t\I\O years, but I knoN that thi s has been an ong:>i ng issue for many, many years. I thi nk -- I\IR. \,\(X])RUFF: It' s been g:>ing on for six years. lHE ML\){R: Yeah. I mean, Wlen Larry Dale vas the mayor, thi s -- you knoN, there \\ere sare pursui t of thi s and \fIA1y it stopped, I don I t knoN, maybe Mr. MCIntosh could en 1 i ghten us on that, but I don It knoN that it's really relevant at this point. SO I guess \\e need to rea 11 y rrake a deci si on. Q,Jite frankly it' s deplorable. I mean, 1111 be SEMIf\OLE RE~ The. e 407) 831-6400 ,.,.....""""\ ...... ~~t\1Il ...... ,..... .... ,... .... MINUTES 42R City Commission, Sanford, Florida J':'1:p.elltivp. Sp.~~ion Mareh 121~!QOL EOOSl444IDW 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 honest wi th you, my 1 ast year -- my ft rst year as lVIayor, you I<rnv, I had a fundrai ser there, I refused to have it there the next year, I ~ emarrassed that, you I<rnv, thi s is the qual i ty of sanethi ng that the ci ty OAflS that \\e I re goi ng to be havi ng fundrai si ng events. SO -- but once agai n, I cbn It vant to spend nmey and \\e I re chasi ng our tai 1 s so to speak. un, you I<rnv, if \\e I re goi ng to do sanethi ng, \\e need to carry it out and carp 1 ete it unti 1 the end. SO I guess \\e need to detenrri ne -- rvtS. WILL:rPMS: I vant to talk about NLJTber 3, reso 1 uti on of necessi ty . IVR. M:INTOSH: I \'\OU 1 d anti ci pate that that 1 i ti gati on probably \'\OU 1 d run as you -- 1 et me explain that. . under chapter 73 and 74, the condemee, that is saninole club, has a free ride with reference to the fallONi ng thi ngs, thei r apprai sa 1, thei r aeri a 1 photographs, thei r on-ground photographs, thei r attorney fees, thei r court cost, the expressed annunt it \'\OU 1 d take us to take the deposi ti ons and all of the 1 i ti gation costs are at the hands of the d ty if \\e exerci se our poAer of ani nent cbnai n. I could see us wi thout any hesi tancy spendi ng SEMINX...E REFOUThG INC. (407) 831-6400 J ] ] ] J MINUTES 425 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exe~ut"Te Senioll Marth 12,2007 E0051444lDW - 18 ...... ""'--~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 probably S011eM1ere in the area of fi fty to seventy thousand cb 11 ars in conjuncti on wi th that 1 i ti gati on. IVR. WXDRUFF: I-tNv is that di fferent than cancel i ng the 1 ease? IVR. rvaN1OSH: \/\Ie 11, I -- we have to be convinced that we can exercise our poAer of aninent cbnai n by necessi ty, and that we have to convi nce the court that a necessity exists with reference to the exerci se of the poAer of ani nent cbnai n. I'm sure they're 9)ing to be rnerDers of the canni ssion Wn have questions wi th reference to the que -- the fact, is there really a necessity to expand that ki net of nooey and we 1 i ti gate thi smatter in the form of a condamati on sui t. There are _ U\o ki nets, dlapter 73 is the s 1 ON operati on. And you cb not deposi t any rroney in the register of the court, you proceed to a jury, the jury determines the value of the leasehold interest, we pay for it and we have OOught the leasehold interest. But Mr. Yeh 1 has i neti cated to us in the i nteri m to i magi ne VIilat \I\OU 1 d happen to the 9)1 f course. THE !\1A.'((R: Yeah, that's the scary part. IVR. rvGNmSH: If you thi nk it's bad noN, thi nk of \Ahat it \I\OU 1 d be at that ti me if they are on the SEMIr\OLE RER:RTThG The. (407) 831-6400 ..... ,.... .... J!IIII"" .... ",.... 1 ;; .... MINUTES 42T City Commission, Sanford, Florida Excc..t" e Session Miin:l. 12;'2OO'T E00514441DW 19 ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 defensive. THE M6.'v'tR: Ri ght . ~. IV(INTOSH: SO it \i\OU 1 d be necessary for us to exerci se dlapter 74 1 i ti gati on. And Mr. veh 1 has told us to be very sure of w-at \\e I re tal ki ng about in that regard and do a great deal of research, detenni ni ng if \\e can in fact condam the 1 easeho 1 d interest, if that I S the way that you desi re to go. And \\e \i\OU 1 d get back wi th you and convi nee you that that \i\OU 1 d be successful, prob 1 anati c or \^A1ether it \i\OUld be a failure. THE M6.'v'tR: A tennination of the lease. ~. \rOIRUFF: And hoN cbes that carpare to tenni nati ng the 1 ease? ~. IVCINTOSH: Tenni nate, you rrmn fran the standpoint of expense or the standpoint of tillE? THE M6.'v'tR: Both . MS. WILL.IAV6 : Both . ~. IV(INTOSH: All right. TillE, it V\OUld be -- ~. \rOIRUFF: And success. ~. IVCINTOSH: TillE, it \i\OUld be quicker to exerci se the po.r..er of ani nent danai n. Expense V\OU 1 d probably be rmre expensi ve to have to be responsi b 1 e for all of the expenses in conjuncti on wi th the exerci se of the po.r..er of ani nent danai n. J ] SEI\I1ThDLE RE~ INC. (407) 831-oqw ] J MINUTES 42U City Commission, Sanford, Florida EX8~Utiv@ ~@SSi9R Mardi 11, 2007 EOO514441DW ...... ....... 20 ...'..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 But in the busi ness of tenni nati ng the 1 ease, if that is the i nstructi on that you gi ve us, VI.e need to very aggressi vel y pursue tenni nati ng the 1 ease and not bet <bAn the pathNay as V\.e have clone before , feel sorry for the individuals V\ho are the lessees and then be under \^J1at IS c 1 assi fi ed as JX> 1 i ti ca 1 pressure and end up giving in the litigation. That is \^J1at has happened in the past. IVIS. WILLI.M1S: Wlat oou 1 d it cost for the tennination of the lease? ~.~: I oould anticipate that, as live told you, that it oou 1 d probably take 18 rmnths in the trial court and the appellate court and the litigation expenses oould probably be one hundred thousand dollars. IVIS. WILLI.M1S: \IIA1ich one do you think oould be rrore successful, one or three? ~. CARFIN<EL: I oou 1 d thi nk, as VI.e stand before you today, NlJ1iJer 1, the tenni nati on route is -- is an alternative -- all of the alternatives are of equal si gni fi cance or I oou 1 d not have menti oned then. l11ey are all kind of on the serre level, itls just a rratter of bei ng properly prepared and proceedi ng before the court wi thout hesi tancy . S~7)RE~ The. ...... ..-.,,", - ,... ... r- ..... 42V EOO514441DW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exectltn t SessioD f'JR. \,\(X])RUFF : well, I don I t understand InN the -- ll-IE ~Y(R: A carbination -- f'JR. \,\(X])RUFF: -- stuff VIOrks. THE ~Y(R: -- carbination of proceeding with temri nati on -- f'JR.~: Receivership. If V\e instituted, . si r, a -- an acti on to temri nate the 1 ease, V\e VI.OU 1 d also request that a recei ver be appoi nted. MS. WILLIAMS: okay. f'JR. \,\(X])RUFF: okay. But havi ng a recei ver is not a thi rd option? f'JR. ~: r-.t), a receiver is -- f'JR. \\al:RUFF: okay. A receiver is probably ~ing to be in jointly with either option? f'JR.~: A receiver is ~ing to be -- receiver VI.OUld be a part of option tUrber 1, if V\e could convince the court that a receiver needs to be appointed right noN and operate the course and nanage the course, so as to not get ourselves in a JX>sition of seeing it rrnre deteriorated in the future than it , lS 11ON. f'JR. \MlDRUFF: okay. SO V\e rea 11 y have "00 , 'gh ? optlons. Rl t. ll-IE ~Y(R: Temrination-- SEMIf\DLE RE~ INC. (407) 831-0'IW l\1a. elk 12, 266'T 21 J ] J ] J - ....... - ..... r- , I ..... ~ l... ,.... .... 42W EOOSI444IDW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exe~..tive ~egSi9R Mardi 11, 1007 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 tvR. \\OIRUFF: Temri nation or -- MS. WILlIAlVIS: Nl.rtiJer 3. lHE MAtYCR: -- or the resolution of necessity. I mean, I don't thi nk there's any questi on that there has to be a recei vershi pin thi s . tvR. \\OIRUFF: Ri ght . lHE MAt'((R: Because -- they will allON it to deteri orate -- I mean, it's bad enough as it is. tvR. \\OIRUFF: Yeah. lHE MAtYCR: But beyond the value that this -- you knON. tvR. \\OIRUFF: YOU knON, it doesn't take long for it to -- tvR. tvQ~: It cost nooey to alp loy a recei ver though -- lHE MAt'((R: Right. tvR. tvQ~: -- V\e've learned that. of course the recei ver, V\e \\OU 1 d thi nk the team that has been suggested to us by Mr. si nger, our experts on the subject, and V\e' ve care in and di d a lot of thi ngs that need to be done at the course frun the standpoint of production of gross incare, vJ1ich is not bei ng done out there nON. And of those of you vJ10 play, sare days you play and it costs you $20, sare days it costs you $35, you SEMIf\OLE RE~ INC. (407) 831-0'IW MINUTES 42X City Commission, Sanford, Florida li:xe~lItive Selilii9R Martll12, 200+- E00514441DW 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 do not receive a recei pt and tlnse are the matters that V\e I re interested in. MEnDers of our team asked about an audit, speci fi call y the fi nance di rector, he \\anted to kroN if V\e ~ld be in a better position with the court if V\e had an audi t, of course V\e ~ 1 d. \ttA1y, because i t ~ 1 d shaN all of the mi sgivi ngs of the hancIl i ng of funds duri ng recent days, as far as 5ani no 1 e cl ub is concerned, but that cost rroney. I asked him, haN much ~ 1 d it cost for an audi t, he sai d i t ~ 1 d cost sarevJ1ere in the zone of ten to fourteen thousand doll ars to carp 1 ete 1 y audi t the books. And you can I t just get in Greene & Dycus to do an audit with reference to a golf course, you have to have sareone that has expertise in the subject matter of haN golf courses are operated and haN they produce incane. J ] J THE Mt\YCR: Mr. Bridges, youlve been awfully silent. IVR. BRIOO:S: I was appoi nted by lVayor Betty smi th to the lVayfai r camri ttee back in the 1 ate I 80s or early I 90s . \.\Ie had a fav nEeti ngs, V\e made sane recarnB1dati ons and it stopped. live played golf at that club I10N for 35 years. SEMIf\DLE RER:Rrn\G IN(. (407) 831-6400 ] J MINUTES 42Y City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exec1Itn e Session MAl ch 12, 2887 E0051444lDW ,.... 24 ..... ~.v""" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I have sued that club three ti mes, and was successful in all three litigations. But I am here to tell you that the defenses of estoppel and wai ver and 1 ashes oou 1 d be JD.Jnded into us. The ci ty gets aggravated and it rears up at the club and then it dies. IVR. WXDRUFF: uh-huh. IVR. BRIIXiES: If VI.e exer -- in my hLJrtJle opi ni on, if \^.e \^.ent qrri on 2, the ani nent cbnai n proceedings, VI.e oould have to convince the court of a shoNi ng of necessi ty . I don' t bel i eve that VI.e could shaN that necessi ty, and if I \^.ere defendi ng thi s sui t, I oou 1 d say it was nothi ng nore than a gui se to tenni nate the 1 ease. IVR. WXDRUFF: uh-huh. IVR. BRIIXiES: SO the only real opti on \^.e have, in my hLJrtJle opinion, is qrrion 1. f\i)N, the Daniels clan, and it can -- that has been thei r 1 i vel i hood, thei r JDrk barrel for t\\enty plus years. \\hen the club was sol d to the Dani e 1 s group, my partner and I, Matt cl eve 1 and, handl ed the sales. And the re 1 ati onshi p wi th the club and the ci ty \^.ent cIoM1hi 11 fran that day forvard. I!I"""~"" ...... - ,..... ..... 58V1It\OLE RE~ INC. (407) 831-6400 ,.... ..... MINUTES 42Z City Commission, Sanford, Plorida Exerutive SeiiioD Marth 12, 2()(U.. E0051444IDW 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ken and I \\ere rani n; sci ng earl; er, ~yfa; r used to be the sac; a 1 hub -- lHE ~){R: dl, absolutely. rv5 . WILLJ.A1v1S: yeah . ~. \l\.CXDRUFF: dl, yeah. ~. BRlIXE): --; nto th; s tOM'l -- lHE ~){R: wedel; ng recepti ons, and anyl:xxjy \IIA1o was anyl:xxjy had the; r part; es there. ~. BRlIXE): There's a lot of h; story, there's a lot of chann. THE ~){R: R;ght. ~. BRTIXiES: I can tell you as a golfer, that's a course you never get t; red of p 1 ayi ng. I have tal ked to sare of my go 1 fi ng budd; es that have played there regularly, Tan Ball, Rabb; e Robertson, my son, says the course shape has ;rrproved, even with all the beati ng ; t takeS and 1 ack of ma; ntenance, ; t' s amaz; ng the course ; s not ; n horri b 1 e shape. The clubhouse fac; 1; t; es, the restroans, et cetera, are dep 1 orab 1 e. I mean, I don't knoN hoN rrany e-rra; 1 s you've gotten, but I've gotten a ton, because I'm I<r1c:Mn to be a golfer, and ; t ; s deplorable. I oou 1 d love to ; nstruct Mr. McIntosh and h; s team to fi 1 e sui t ton; ght, but I'm here to tell you J J J SEMIt\OLE RE~ It\C. (407) 831-0'IU) ] J MINUTES 42A1 City Commission, Sanford, Florid€xec"tive Session Mar..h 12,2007 EOOSl4441DW 26 ,-. ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it's a defensible suit in my opinion. ~. WXDRUFF: \\hich l:Jecares rrore defensible next ti rre if V\e don't do sanethi ng thi s tirre. ~. BRIIXiES: Ri ght. lHE MAtYCR: SO, I rrean -- V\ell, so you're -- let rre back up a little bit. ~. rvaNTOSH: He'S telling you it's not gling to be a -- lHE MAtYCR: An easy fi ght. ~. rvaNTOSH : Exactly. lHE MAtYCR: And I understand that. ~. WXDRUFF: \\hi ch is w,y the ci ty has backed doM1 before. lHE MAtYCR: That's w,y they backed doM1 before. ~. BRIIXiES: Ri ght. SO. -- so -- the opti ons I thi nk ~ have "-- lHE MAtYCR: But-- ~. 8RIIXiES: -- V\e ei ther try to enter into a rrediated agreeJB1t with than and say this is it, you then knock out thei r 1 ashes , estoppel and \l\Biver defenses fran that day forvard. lHE MAtY(R: But hoN long are V\e tal ki ng aI:x:>ut ti rre-wi se? ,..."~ i i..- ~"'. - MS. WILLI.Arv1S: I thought V\e'd done that before. Haven't V\e done that? ,..... Se.m.n.E RER:RTThG Ir\C. (407) 831-6400 .... ..... .... MINUTES 4281 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E-ncntive Se5iiOD Mardi 12, 200+- EOOSl4441DW 27 J....... ,.. .:i. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~. M:IN1OSH: we' ve never offered then anythi ng, please, ma' am, fran the standpoi nt of buyi ng than out. MS. WILLPlv1S: dl, no. ~. 1VCIN1OSH: Mr. veh 1 is the fi rst one that ever yelled about the possibility of buying then out, \\hat can VIe cb to get ri d of than, and that' s V\hy VIe canE up wi th an apprai sa 1 . lHE MA.'Y'tR: $34O,(XX) is V\hat the appraisal was? ~. BRJ:OO:S: And 1 et rre tell you ri ght 11OJV, $340, (XX) -- lHE MA.Yffi: dl, they're not ~ing to -- ~. BRlIXB: $34O,(XX) for that leasehold interest, I can make six phone calls and have that sun laid on this table in five minutes. lHE MA.'Y'tR: <i1 , sure. ~. WXDRUFF: They've been offered that already, haven' t they? lHE MA.Yffi: Ves . rvR. BRJ:OO:S: There has been sare negotiations, I' ve heard through co 11 oqui un roan-type tal k, and at the right price I knoN that that course could be bought. But \^l1at I wanted to fi ni sh say; ng is, VIe ei ther enter into sarething that VIe can sink our teeth into J J SEMIt\OLE RE~ The. e 407) 831-oqw J J 42C1 E0051444IDW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florid:F.xecutive Session March 12. 2007 ",.... ~ ....... r- I...... - ... ,.... .... ",... .... 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and get away fran these wai vers , estoppel, 1 ashes defenses or ~ authori ze hi m to fi 1 e sui t, and I can tell you fran havi ng 1 i ti gated wi th the Dani e 1 s myself, be prepared to spend the rroney, be prepared to have a year or ei ghteen nooths of it. And can ~ prevai 1, of course ~ can prevai 1 . can ~ lose, you I re dam ri ght \\e can lose too. ll-IE MA.'vtR: of course, ~ cool d . ~. BRIOCiES: \,\Ie could lose because there has been, of my 0J\Kl personal knoJv 1 edge, tv\enty years of fl are-up, si t dOJIKl, fl are-up, si t dOJIKl. we do not have, in my hurb 1 e opi ni on, a great track record of enforcerent. And once agai n, I I m not throNi ng stones an}'\^J1ere, but that I s the hi story that ~Ive inherited. SO ~ either -- ll-IE MA.Ym: Ri ght. ~. BRIOCiES: -- you knoJv, i f ~ sued and -- if they defended and they prevailed, the only thing that I knoN that it \\OU 1 d do, help rre Mr. McIntosh, prevai 1 i ng party theory on attorney I s fees and costs. ~. IV(INTQSH: Yes, si r. ~. BRIOCiES: SO-- ~. IV(INTQSH: \,\Ie don I t have a 57107, ~ don It have a prob 1 en there. SEMIt\OLE RE~ Ir\C. (407) 831-oqw MINUTES 4201 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exe<tut"'e SelllliQg Mardi 12, 2~ E00514441DW 29 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I\R. BRJIXiES: okay. 57107 says that if you bri ng a frivol aus 1 awsui t and you lose -- ll-IE Mt\)'{R: \\Ie \OJld be responsible for the other parti es -- I\R. BRJIXiES: -- the other si de has to pay your attorney's fees and costs. ll-IE Mt\)'{R: Ri ght. I\R. BRJIXiES: But the prevai 1 i ng party theory is, and it's probably in the lease, that if VIe sued then and lost, they'd nai 1 us for thei r attorney's fees. I\R. \AOOJRUFF: \/\hat is that? I\R.~: Relates to 57105. I\R. BRJIXiES: Ri ght. If VIe prevai 1 eel , VIe caul d tax attorney's fees and costs against then. lin, if it's just a question -- and the Mayor is ri ght, I've had parti es out there, I've g:>t fond rrBTDri es of parti es and functi ons and banquets, and the place is a beautiful facility w,en it's properly taken care of, but it is -- every doll ar has been wrung out of that thi ng. I\R. WXDRUFF: wrung out, it's just been taken out of the cash reg; ster . lHE Mt\)'{R: There's no pun intended. I don't th; nk he ; ntended a pun \/\hen he sa; d wrung. J ] ] SEMIf\DLE RER:RT!~ If\C. (407) 831-0'IU) ] MINUTES 42E1 City Commission, Sanford, FloridExecutive Session March 12, 2007 E00514441DW ,.... .... 30 1 I\IR. BRIJ:X.E) : But I 00n' t thi nk as far as just ,..""" 2 -- Mr. McIntosh's i nstructi ons, I truly 00n' t see ........ 3 that ~ could ever play on arri nent cblBi n 4 condamati on thoory, because ~ can't shaN a 5 necessity . 6 I\IR. vaDRUFF: And that's \'IA1at I'm havi ng 7 trouble figuring out, haN ~ shaN a necessity to take 8 sarEthi ng. 9 I\IR. BRIJ:X.E) : \Nell, it's an option that he had 10 to present to us, but I OOn't think it's a viable 11 opti on. 12 If ~'re gJing to litigate, the litigation \OJld - 13 have to focus on termination and violation of the .... 14 lease clauses, and ~'ll just have to v..eather the 15 stonn on 1 ashes, vai ver and estoppel. 16 NoJv, I'm not suggesti ng that ~ necessari 1 y 17 OOn't pursue it, I'm just saying -- I mean, I OOn't 18 want to arbarrass Mr. McIntosh, because he's one of 19 the many 1 awyers in thi s toM1 that helped me to 20 becarE a young 1 awyer and help me fi nd \M1ere the 21 courthouse vas, because I didn't even knoN Vlhere the 22 darm place vas Vlhen I started pratti ci ng 1 aN. 23 And he and I have had many, many cases over the ,... 24 years, and I have the i nfi ni te respect for hi s 1 ega 1 .... 25 abi 1 i ty, but \OJ 1 d I bet nmey that he \OJ 1 d attua 11 y SEMIf\OLE RE~ INC. (407) 831-6400 "".. .... 42F1 EOOSl444IDW MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Executive Session March 12, 20~ 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 win this lawsuit, no, si r. lHE M<<\'Vt:R: ~. SOrry, Ken. IVR. BRlIXB: But if you file -- if you file the lawsuit -- if ~ file -- IVR. rvcINroSH: You rmde a note of that, ri ght? . Thank you. SO he could -- so he could... IVR. BRTIXiES: If ~ fi 1 ed the 1 awsui t, \1\e' ve g>t to -- IVR. \\CXIRlJFF: I bel i eve in Mr. IVt:Intosh. lHE M<<\'Vt:R: I believe in him. IVR. BRlIXB: -- \^.e' ve g>t to be prepared to spend the nooey, and audi t -- 1 et me tell you sOOEthi ng about an audi t. \\hen you audi t cookbooks, you knoN, are ~ doi ng anythi ng \\Ort:tW1i 1 e. lHE M<<\'Vt:R: Yeah. IVR. BRlIXB: 1he separate corporati on that he 1 ds the 1 eases on the g> 1 f carts, InN do you thi nk our rent nooey is derived fran Mayfair, it's off gross revenues. Jesus christ, the country club rents the g>lf carts fran a separate corporati on, that's an expense i tan, cuts cbM1 thei r gross revenues, hence thei r percentage that they nust rani t to the d ty, 'ION, that one took a long time to figure out. SEMIN:>LE RERRTIf\(] The. (407) 831-6400 J J J l .... ] t MINUTES 42G1 City Commission, Sanford, FloridaExeiCutwe SeisiQD Mar,.h 1') '007 E00514441DW 32 - ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I've seen retDrts Vlhere they expensed out ferti 1 i zer -- I\R. \IIlXDRUFF: oon 't you have to pay for it if they expense it? I\R. BRIIXiES: yeah . I\R. M:INTOSH: 5arE of the thi ngs that I evi dence there are a reso 1 uti on of necessi ty of the acti ons that are conducted out there. we have repJrts fran the DepartrrBlt of I-btel and Restaurants that you WJU 1 d not bel i eve, but they're trying to do sanething about that rather then keeping thei r rreat in refri gerators at 71 degrees, they're I10N tryi ng to do it in accordance wi th the di ctates of the statute. we have -- vve have had parti es out there that have ended up,. if you please, in rrurder investigations. THE I'vl6tYCR: Ri ght . I\R. BRIIXiES: Ri ght. I\R. M:INTOSH: we have problens with reference to the persons involved in picking up the trash and \'\hat' 5 in the trash, and all of these ki nd of thi ngs are matters that vve consi dered. But I think you have a ~ analysis, if vve' re goi ng to go thi s ti me, vve need to go and vve do not "...... ..... II"'- .... J-- , .... SEI\m{)lE RE~ INC. (407) 831-oqw "..... ... MINUTES 42H1 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Exec:utVl'e SeliliioA Mardi 12, 200+- E00514441DW 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 need to be overcane by the medi a, overcane by jX>litics. lHE !\t\A.){R: Pressure. I\IR. BRIIXiES: Exactly. I\IR. rvaNTOSH: Mr. veh 1 has sai d, \IIA1y hasn't sanethi ng been done about Mayfai r, and we have just sai d it has had a pi cture of up and cb.n and it's on a roll er coaster and once we get on sanethi ng thi s tirre we need to g:> wi th it. I\IR. BRIIXiES: And sanethi ng else that could happen, thei r i ni ti a 1 jX>si ti on, they're g:>i ng to defend a counter-attack, any way they can. f\nV, at sane jX>i nt inti rre -- I\IR. \ra.DRUFF: Uh-huh. I\IR. BRIIXiES: -- it might open the jX>ssibility of, \I\e 11, \IIA1y cb1' t you just g:> ahead and sell thi s club and walk out of thi s gracefu 11 y . There's SenE interest 1 oca 11 y, wi th sane local busi nesSllBl -- THE !\t\A.){R: Ri ght. \,\Ie all krnv that. I\IR. BRIIXiES: -- everybody knoNs that. Because that Dani e 1 s clan is not so ~ 1 thy that they can spend the nnney that the ci ty can. Then agai n, sane people do set battles wi th ci ty Hall and wi n and out-l i ti gate than because of the 1 aN and the facts. ] J ] SEMIf\O...E RE~ INC. (407) 831-0'IU) ] ] MINUTES 4211 City Commission, Sanford, Florida F:xe~lItive Session March 12.2007 E00514441DW - ..... 34 -"" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 \/\Ie do not have a perfect set of facts for the lawsuit. Then again, I'm in my 34th, 35th year 11O/J, I don't thi nk I I ve ever fi 1 ed a 1 awsui t w,ere I had perfect facts. I mean, that just doesn't happen. can V\.e prevai 1 u 1 ti mate 1 y, I hate to put it in percentages, I'd say V\e at 1 east have a 50/50 if not better, because the hi story of that club is deplorable. rv1S. WILLINvtS: Fi rst I vvant to ask , all of the vi 01 ati ons based on my rem 11 ecti on , all the fl are-ups throogh thi s ti rtE , all of the vi 01 ati ons that they are gui 1 ty of V\OU 1 d not justi fy, you krnv, our chances -- rvR. BRIIXiES: It V\OUld be persuasive, but w,ere V\.e made a mi stake -- TI-lE 1V'A'fffi: \/\Ie di dn 't enforce it. rvR. tlCINfOSH: They have currently -- . rvR. BRIIXiES: -- lS V\e -- THE 1V'A'fffi: They-- rvR. tlCINfOSH: They made current fi re inspections. They made current hotel and restaurant i nspecti ons . They've had current all types of operational expenses i nspecti ons, they've tri ed desperately to put nnre i tans in the pro-shop, because they krnv SEI"1II\DLE RE~ ThC. (407) 831-oqw ""... ..... ..... ,.... .... ""... ... 421J 1 MINUTES Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E0051444IDW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that the dogs are bi ti ng close behi nd thei r heel s, that I S the only reason that they I ve cb1e it. MS. WILlIAfv1S: SO \IIA1y don I t ~ just -- it seens to rre that one is the best opti on . rvR. BRIIXiES: Ole is the only opti on. lHE fv\A.)'{R: \\Ie 11, ~ need to make thi s detemri nati on and ~ need to sti ck wi th it. MS. WILlIAfv1S: And sti ck wi th it, near -- lHE fv\A.)'{R: \\Ie need to tell sherman and Mr. McIntosh thi s is haN ~ want you to proceed. But ~ need to cane to a decision as to -- I mean, you guys knoN rre, I 1m tenad ous . I mean, I III dig my heels in and fight the fight. rvR. KIRBY: Yes. rvR. BR:ilXiES: Have you been out there 1 ate 1 y , Mi ke? rvR. KIRBY: Yes. rvR. BRIIXiES: W1at I S the clubhouse and fadlities like? rvR. KIRBY: l11e fadlities, you hit the nail on the head, 1 i tt 1 e to nothi ng has been done aOOut it. l11ey I ve done enough that they VIOU 1 dn I t have the heal th department breathi ng cbM1 thei r neck on, you I<rov, tffil)eratures and things like that. l11e p 1 ayi ng surface is not gJOd, but it I S not S~7)RE~ N:. 35 J ] J ] J MINUTES 42K1 Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida EOOSl4441DW r- ... 36 ..- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 horrible. I nmn, it's still in armzingly gxJd shape. I thi nk one of the bi ggest -- everythi ng that Mr. McIntosh sai d is exactly ri ght. The one thi ng that I thi nk the defense for than is, that place is packed on the V\eekends, I nmn, they I re goi ng to rrarch a lot of people in and go, you knoN, the Ci ty is bei ng heavy handed. And, you knoN, I just want to prepare people for that, that I s goi ng to be out there. I hear the Satre things you all do, you knoN, hav bad shape it's in. There I s a lot of people out there that -- lHE MA.Ym: live been there, it's in horrible shape. ~. KIRBY: The faci 1 i ti es are absolutely horrible. ~. JCNES: Wlat are they chargi ng on the V\eekend to play there? ~. BR:ITXE;: un, 28 plus tax. ~. ]O'JES: okay. \\Ie 11, there IS \I\A1y they I re booked . lHE MA.Ym: That I s w,y they I re packed. ~. BRIIXiES: d1, yeah. CCJrE out to Heathrav -- ~. ]O'JES: Thatls right, you can go an~re else. ...... .... ... ,..... ... SEMII\OLE RE~ If\C. (407) 831-oqw ",..... .... MINUTES 42L1 Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E0051444IDW 37 .., J 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I\IR. BRTI:X;ES: I rrean, ~ guest -- for a guest of mine at Heathrav on a saturday is seventy bucks plus tax, if I bring a guest. SO, yeah, it -- it's just like any I11Jnidpal course, it's g>ing to get played fran the average guy V\ho, you knoN, ei ther chases not to or doesn' t feel 1 i ke he or she can afford a pri vate fad 1 i ty . I\IR. ]Q\JES: Ri ght . I\IR. rv[]NTOSH: oubsdread has just as I11Jch play as Mayfai r does, ~ are convi need of that fran our team analysis, and it is at a higher rate. -me reason that it is, is because they have shaPed it up, but ranaIDer in shapi ng it up, the d ty of Orlando spent a lot of nnney shapi ng up oubsdread, they spent three mi 11 i on doll ars. lHE MA.Y<R: t\O, I just saw thi s ~kend on the nervs that they're c 1 osi ng it so they can do ei ght mi 11 i on doll ars VIOrth of renovati ons . I\IR. KIRBY: But tVIO years ag>, they PUt three million dollars in it. ll-IE MA.Y<R: Ri ght . And I10JV they just closed it or they're closing it -- I\IR. BRTI:X;ES: Yeah, it's closed for ei g,t nooths for renovati ons. lHE MA.Y<R: -- to do eight million dollars VIOrth SEMIt\OLE REPCRTIJ\G II'X:. (407) 831-6400 J ] ] J MINUTES 42M1 Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida EOO5l4441DW 38 - ....... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of renovations. rvR. rvGNTOSH: And V\e have fran Mr. veh 1, an idea in that regard, in that regard \OJ 1 d -- in the event that V\e are successful, he has a plan to have nine holes open and nine holes closed, and nine holes fi ni shed and then open the other ni ne holes. And all of that ~ thought by Mr. si nger, the apprai ser, W10 is an expert in g> 1 f courses, to be sarethi ng that v\ou 1 d keep the gxx:j old boys of sanford happy, at 1 east they could play the ni ne holes. THE MA.'vtR: okay. G..Iys, \I\e need to gi ve hi m di recti on and a deci si on. I mean, you krnv, V\e can di scuss W'lat dep 1 orab 1 e condi ti on it IS in fran noN until forever. rvR. ]()\JES: \/\Ie 11, I mean, if -- if the one opti on is just a gui se to tenni nate the 1 ease, 1 et IS just g> ahead and tenninate the lease. MS. WILLI.Alv1S : well, 1 et IS -- rvR. BR:IIXiES : well, you \OJ 1 d -- they \OJ 1 d g> hand in hand. ll-IE MA.'vtR: They have to. rvR. BR:IIXiES: Because you \OJ 1 d rove to appoi nt a receiver to collect the rents and profits and pay the bi 11 s, because if a recei ver is not appoi nted -- - ...... ...- .. ,... ... SEJVIIf\l)lE REPCRTIf\li The. (407) 831-6400 ,.... ..... 42N1 EOO514441DW MINUTES Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 39 ] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and a receiver costs rrmey. 1'vR. fvON1OSH: Yes . 1'vR. \\ODRUFF: But it can I t be v..orse than vA1at vve I re doi ng 11OJV. ll-tE ~Y(R: But it can I t be the loss of i nCarE that vve I re sufferi ng 11OJV. 1'vR. BRIIXiES: d1, yeah. d1, yeah . "THE ~YCR: Because vvelve probably paid -- 1'vR. ](J.JES: There I s no sense of bei ng accused of 1 ega 1 wrang 1 i ng and upsetti ng the wrong juror. You might as vvell call it Wlat it is, and -- 1'vR. BRIIXiES : well, my input, and I -- you knoN, I guess -- I'm a g>lfer, my input is, if vve nove forvard, then vve have to stay the course and vve rove forvard on it, period. 1'vR. \\ODRUFF: Wlat I vas g>i ng to say, thi s is not g>i ng to be pretty. 1'vR. BRIIXiES : ~. ll-tE ~Y(R: It vasn I t pretty in the past. 1'vR. \\ODRUFF: \IIA1en you I re havi ng to deal wi th her on very 1 i mi ted thi ngs in the past, it I S not g>i ng to be pretty and vve have to sti ck wi th it. ll-tE ~Y(R: RanenDer, Larry Dale -- 1'vR. \\ODRUFF: sti ck wi th it. 1HE ~Y(R: -- vas resJDlsible for his death. SEMIN)LE REFOUII\Ii IN:. (407) 831-6400 J ] J J MINUTES 4201 Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida EOOSl4441DW 40 ...... ..... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I\IR. rvo:NTOSH: we hear that every time VIe talk to her. I\IR. KIRBY: Ri ght . lHE M<<\'VtR: Larry Dale was responsible for his death . I\IR. \rlXDRUFF: And she's not g>i ng to gi ve up because of that. lHE M<<\'VtR: Ri ght. I\IR. \rlXDRUFF: she doesn't care Vlhether she makes nnney off of it, I don't thi nk. she-- I\I1S . WILLIAlVtS: SO 1 et -- lHE M<<\'VtR: I\tt)ve forward. Tennination of lease, receivership. ~. rvGNTOSH: COt it. lHE M<<\'VtR: They're not g>i ng to sell it to us for 340,000, so. I\IR. tvONTOSH: YOU desi re for us to try to camuni cate wi th than at the onset in pre-sui t i nvesti gati on and detenni ne if there's any possi bi 1 i ty or just rove forward? lHE M<<\'VtR: well, I ~ld say, you knoN, explore the possibility. ~. BRTIXiES: I ~ 1 d give than a standard -- lHE M<<\'VtR: Yeah. I\IR. BRTIXiES: -- of vJ1at VIe'll do or VIe' re g>i ng - ...... l1li"""" !II. III"""" SEMIr\OLE RE~ IN:. (407) 831-b'IU) .... ,..... ... 42P1 MINUTES Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00514441DW 41 ] 1 to fi 1 e sui t and gi ve then -- you knoN, the standard 2 1l\O, three \\eek reslDlse ti rre. 3 ~. M:IN1OSH: Thank you, s; r. 4 ~. ~UFF: Encourage then to sell the 1 ease 5 to sanebody else. 6 THE M!\){R: Yeah, even sell ;t to -- 7 ~. BRTIXiES: \\Ie 11, there I s been offers put out 8 there. 9 THE M!\){R: -- W10ever wants to buy it. 10 ~. ~UFF: And they should take then on 11 the; r offers, yeah. 12 THE M!\){R: Take; t 11ON, because... 13 ~. BRTIXiES: Yeah. 14 THE M!\){R: Okay. 15 ~. M:IN1OSH: Thank you. we knoN \\hat to do. 16 \\Ie close the rreeting, thank you for you help. 17 THE M!\){R: Thank you. 18 (ThereulDl, the proceed; ngs V'vere concluded at 6: 13 p. m.) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 J ] SEMIJ\OLE REFOUIf\li :w:. (407) 831-6400 ] J ...... ...... ~,.",'lI -... ...... .... ".... t f .... ...... .... 42Q1 EOO514441DW MINUTES Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 1 CERTIFICATE 2 3 STATE OF FL.(]U[)A. CIlNTY OF SEMIf\OLE 4 5 6 I, LISA. M. TROJBL Y, COUrt Reporter, certi fy 7 that I \'\as authorized to and did stenographically report 8 the foreg>i ng proceedi ngs; and that the transcri pt is a 9 true and carp 1 ete record of my stenographi c notes. 10 11 I further certify that I am not a relative, 12 arp1oyee, attomeyor counsel of any of the parties, nor 13 am I a re 1 ati ve or alp 1 oyee of any of the parti es I 14 attomeys or counsel connected wi th the acti on, nor am I 15 fi nanci all y interested in the acti on. 16 17 Dated thi s 28th day of March, 2007. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SEMIt\OLE RE~ INC. (407) 831-oqw 42 MINUTES 42R1 Executive Session March 12, 2007 City Commission, Sanford, Florida E00514441DW .". PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. ] J J ] J