HomeMy WebLinkAbout281-Theodore N. & Nancy M. Williams " H rx. "0 ~ o 4-1 ~ m Cf.l co CO r-- ..--< ~ o ~ o f:l.. "co +.I co ~ r-- <J) ..--< ,..01 ,...,N o r-- ur-- N . ("") H S H m rx. 'M ,..., " ""'''0 'M ~ :::: 0 4-1 " I::: :>.m <J)Cf.l I::: ~ " 0"0 +.I ~ +.I 0 <:;4-1 ~ ~, m +.ICf.l 'M U4-I o OFFIC1/\L f:ECOROS 8-] .-;~'\ fJ~, GE GRANT OF EASEMENT .~~ 3 L~ t} r 8 5 I THIS INDENTURE, made this /5ih day of 4~~~ZLE: CO. FL. A.D. 19 ~, between THEODORE N. & NANCY M. WILLIAMS, of the County of SEMINOLE, and State of FLORIDA, parties of the first part, and CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situated in Seminole County, Florida, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable .'-....J consideration to have in hand paid by party of the second part,(~ receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted and -- conveyed, and by these presents do grant and convey to party of the second part, it is successors, assigns, and licensees, a perpetual easement under, upon, and across the property situated in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: From the Northeasterly corner of Lot 25, LAKE MINNIE ESTATES, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat book 6, Page 92, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, run South 11 degrees East 912.91 feet to the point of beginning, thence run South 73 degrees 54' 49" West 241.84 feet, thence run South 84 degrees 59' 57" West 208.71 feet, thence run South 11 degrees East 60.33 feet, thence run North 84 degrees 59' 57" East 208.71 feet, thence run North 73 degrees 54" 49" East 208.71 feet, thence run South 11 degrees East parallel With and 33 feet Westerly of said Easterly line of Lot 25 to the Northerly RIW line of Lake Mary Boulevard, thence run Easterly along said Northerly RIW line to the Easterly line of said Lot 25, thence run North 11 degrees West to the point of beginning. :>. ~, ,..0+.1 "0 ~~ ~~or utility purposes, including specifically potable water ;~ service, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, ~ ~ maintenance, and replacement of all utili ties now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such easement including the~ right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, +.I :>. ~ +.I <J) 'M Su ;J ~ +.I 0 CIl +.I ~ 'M ~ ~ CIl ;J 'M +.I ,..c: <J) E-<!X: ,.::' ..') ., .;-.) I ~ , "'1 : IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties of the first part have hereunto~ set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. \ SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: I ~ ~ \ 3 /7~ :5 d :} ~ t~ ;(. ~/ I~-'~) 441/A~~ (Zl'u ,~^-' E. J J) " ~~ /(. U)~~M1M- '9k~:t ~ u.)l1u~~ ('STA~E OF FLORIDA CQUNTY OF SEMINOLE ,- , ~ '\ ... / ~, -:I,'HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named Sta~~'and County before me, an officer duly authorized to administ~~~ath$. and take acknowledgements, personally appeared, THEODORE N. & NANCY M. WILLIAMS to me well-known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing easement, who acknowledged before me that they executed the same as their free act and deed. IN WITNESS seal at J;::;".hJt'l...o this /S'.f...b WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official , County of -fern,'/? 6 Ie:. , State of F/ul2.l/.:?/t-- , day of ?)/J/Jd , 19 C}/ ',J ~ 7:/c:.+- , 'c.__ NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE: OF FLORIDA. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: DEC. 20. 1991. ....,',,-.~.~. ';~~'''>l' ~,.-,.-J\r'"'. ~" ' A-~ f/ i"....) ~) ~ r)r- l'\;~; :1: :t_.... -.... .,...~~ t-~ %0""; <:> .,.. ...," .- . .t.., ,.., ("') ;0 : ("');;ij :;;:: 0("') r' . c:: c.,. x-C;) '-',-';:0 ;<n(l') .."Ol'T' C !""":::o - .1 '::::::> ~:5 :;0 ~g ,." (") C) <::> (""') :;0 ..... 0 I'Tl I 0 (X) lC- -0 <:: :.c I'Tl :;0 W .." tV I'Tl s:- o 1'" .;~ ~..: tf> ~ '~" -4 CJ' i ~~ I- 0: <( \ ~ ~ ~ (;:1 f". 1""1 j J LAKE MIl!NIE ESTATES c....) p ";l3 co . c..n N ./ I DOE w Z <t .J i'~of(6~\I \Jf(\'t;.R ~\ t-1E. ---- -.. WATER UNE f"l 0.-" W f"l -f"l.......o_j ., (. ~ :"-~Rce^ MA~ (SE:~; J f"l PLAT OF DESCRIPTION for THE CITY OF SANFORD Legal Description Fror;l the ~!ortheCl=,terly CJ'r'il'r "f L +. .,'. l.p,rT 'V'~ 'F ~>rr,T':-':, ::-rnrr~::'I,. j":" plcJt t.hereof as IE'CrJIrJec" ill ;"l,lt 'lr!r 'c' r', r ", ,i' ;', Ilf t i',c, PU~ 1 it':' ,:,'n': f'1i''''- inolF' CDurrty, F1IJlidCl, rurl 5Gu+h 11l t.C;d :,., tf'et trJ th" p ir t ;-,f hl.'!,irwi'rj, thE'nce IL'n Sout.h 73c54'4S" '"lpSt. L41.,'Yt f"pt, t' tnlf I ".1)L>t'~1 G:j':,,~:'~',7" lJJec"t 208.71 fl'pt, thf"!'lCP ILrrr c'rluth 11' 1';"St t~ll.:~:::' t'c ", +!""r,:-.r rur., , rt:' Ri~'-"n'cl" East 20[3.71 fF~pt, thenrr. I'.ln !\:r-rth 7-;; ""I.,'c;;'" [,rlr~ 2C~'.71 ffrl?t, ~hDrlClr IlIrl South l1c East pc1Iallc'l !'ith arl'.~ 72 [PI,t Il',-'c;t.erl'y lif s,3i-i f(:~,hI'ly lir'H' lit [.t 2S to the ~JLJI'therly pl'r 1 irlE' Gf L,,:L:r iY1;c]TY Sr'111rr\J;~rcj, +,hf..'rlCf~ run F3StC'rly i:lIJ:'r] s3id rJortheIly F'/l!' line t,o thp !:olstYT'll ljrlP ,.f =r:ic~ Lt ;::~1, thF'!':cP Iur "urt'l 110 West tu the point of her~inrl in~.. --- (NE It- COR. LOT ~c; ----- ----- ----- ........... -!\J' ~\:::.. o (1\ \\ ".-POINT OF 8EGINNI~ <<:',84-r;O)' r:;1"vJ, 'W&.11 - --' MEADOW s. rn ~ -4 .,. ~.&4-. Ir"!)'" ~, 'Z,OB,1r r- 'i {1\ ~ -\ rJ J\ l" ~ 100' SURVEY NOTES: ~\"": '";!I;' L.... 1,.1. II ! ! < . ,I; i I ~ . ~ ! . } I ~ ! I ! I (II c: I Wi f-I ~I tn, :\ --I 51 tn (n 1"'1"/ .......;1. _lllio ""'t.,'" "':';,-11_ .,,!:;,.. C) 1'''''''' j"'\) (,.0 coo J~:) ..,': (::;;. "11 :::::;':::(==) ~.....". ::!:>. '- ...u,... ll~...... ..... r.'..... f".'l (,"., o -r, r- _.~""'"'"' :;:1::1 /'l'"l C":> :'S)lO ..::>0:::0 (~) ci f'I"'IU) co CJ1 <:.0 ../" / /_~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above descrihed property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accur'lte represP.fltation of the S8lllf!. I further cprtify that thi s Survey meets the l'linimllll Technical Standards set forth by the Florid~ Board of Land Surveyors ~Jrsuant to Sp.ction 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: k?~~-- KITNER SURVrYlNG, INC. R. BLAIR KITNER - P.L.S. NO. 3382 CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: PROJECT NO: "-10' (-;) Post Office Box 823, (4rrl) SURVEY OAF: IS; Sanford, Fl. 32772-0823 322-2000 MARCH I'"