HomeMy WebLinkAbout047-Partial Assignment to Suncor Island Properties LTDsaga and Rd= To: Krsrtand ModdWP.A Tile Imirance aodog services 9733 W Steed Pumas Park, Fl 33782 �; ` COPY SK 05254 PGS CLERK %S 0 2004051571 PECUM 04IOL2M OEtMU PN RECMINB FEES 8U0 „�✓ RECti M BY L VewUty Lt Y" PARTIAL ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE greement entered between SANFORD DUIRINA HOTEL Ohereinafter referred to as "Assignor" whose address is 100 NOW lexander St., Mount Dora, Florida 32757, and SIMCOR ISLAND PROPSRT)YQ, LTD., hereinafter referred to as "Assignee ", whose address ✓c �( / 1 {.�1�50 N. Palmetto Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 and the CITY OF SANFORD, F rida, whose address is P.O. Box 178E, Sanford, FL 32771. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Assignor the Lessee and owner of a leasehold interest from the CITY SANFORD (LANDLORD), pursuant to a lease dated the 11" day of May,(IM, recorded in Official Records Book 3001, page 1920, Public Req of Seminole County, Florida, for real property located in Se County, Florida identified as O' follows: Lots 2 and 3, SANFORD RIVE ROJECT, according to the Plat thereof as recorded lat Book 14, Page 98 of the Public Records of Seminol � tty, Florida; which is hereinafter referred to as tli�e_'>Lease "; and WHEREAS, Assignor desires to sell Cb Assignee desires to Purchase a portion of the Lease as is more n ifically identified herein. Yip Book52541Page1289 CFN#2004051571 NOW THEREFORE for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and No /100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, received from or on behalf of Assignee, at or before the signing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl ed, the parties agree as follows: Iq ssignor does hereby grant, bargain, sell, assign, trans f set over unto Assignee and Assignee hereby accepts the Q followin bons of the Lease identified as follows: The portion of the Lease that relates to and encumbers th� lowing described real property: Lot 3, 3 &RRD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, according to the Plat thereof asorded is Plat Book 14, Page 86 of the Public Recd f Seminole eminole County, Florida, together with that portio Lot 2, SANFORD RIVERFRONT PROJECT, according to a lat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 88 Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, depic on the drawing attached hereto as gxhibit , with perpetual ingress and egress easements over sting roadways on Lot 2 described above for the ben of the property leasehold interest being assigned her b. The rent obl relates to the portion of above, which is 47% of the Assignee does hereby assume and owed to the City of Sanford that e being assigned ro Assignee pursuant to the Lease, which 2. Assignee assumes the dealing with the urapportioned pay. terms of the Lease not and the remaining property being leased to Assignor undW the Lease. The remaining assumed terms of the Lease combined wit tt portion of the Lease being assigned hereby, shall constitute a t t lease between the D -2- Book52541Page1290 CFN #2004051571 Assignee and the City of Sanford. 3. By execution hereof, follows: the City of Sanford agrees as a. The City of Sanford consents to this Partial Assignm of Lease. The City of Sanford releases Assignor from the obliga related to the portion of the Lease being assigned hereby � -grees that only the Assignee is obligated for the portion of�t�e Lease assigned hereby. 4. As3v shall continue to own that portion of the Lease related to thd: following described property subject to the Lease: Lot 2, OUT PROJECT, according to the Plat thereof as dad in Plat Book 14, Page 88 of the Public Recor Seminole County, Florida, less the portion of Lo acted on attached Exhibit "lit" which to k i was assigned gnee. Assignor reaffirms itsigations to the City of Sanford for the portion of the Lease n��*sigred hereby. Specifically, but without limitation, Ass to pay 53% of the rent due Sanford and to comply with all ledges its continuing obligation nt to the Lease to the City of remaining terms of the Lease not assigned hereby. 5. The parties hereto an� City of Sanford hereby acknowledge that the obligations of ignor and the Assignee to the City of Sanford are indepen ht of each other and are limited to the portion of the Lease tha Ce h owns as a result of this partial assignment and they are not ngent or related to each other as to performance or default Lease by either -3- n Book5254 /Page1291 CFN #2004051571 Assignor or Assignee. In the event of default, the City of Sanford will pursue its rights solely against the defaulting party and a default by one shall not constitute a default by the other. 6. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit f the parties, their successors, assigns and personal rep' t 'ves. I SS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this partial Q assignme lease intending to be bound thereby on the dates indicated ,w t signature. Wi�enesses: Sanf arina H to cor ra n By: i (A ature Jam Bar�gren, r s nt Da a March �;r2004. Print Slonat / r nt Signature SVNCOR ISLAND PROPERTIES, LTD. a Florida limited partnership By and through its General Partner, Suncor Island 9 neral, Inc. Florida orporaAiAn, , e Printed Signature obert L: Horian, President 1. Palmetto Ave. ord, FL 32771 p arch : ?,1 f "'2004. C Book52541Page1292 CFN #2004051571 ATTEST: x ? G �[.l , n Dougherty, ty C e k CI O By: Brady Lessar, , Mayor Dated: March-30, 2004. STATE OF ORIDA ) COUNTY OF INOLE ) INCER CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authors administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared pC. BARRGRBN, known to as to be the President of Sanford Hotel Corporation, a Florida corporation, and the person des in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and he acknowl d executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witn >�s freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in her aid corporation. WITNESS my e} -and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 1 11 y of March, .2004 (affix notary seal) \'-/� Not ub ic; tate o STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) / int Name: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on authorized to administer oath appeared ROBERT L. HORIAN, as INC., a Florida Corporation, G SUNCOR ISLAND PROPERTIES, LTD. known to me to be the pers instrument, who is personally as proof acknowledged before me that he freely and voluntarily for the I WITNESS my hand -and official aforesaid this ~ ) day of March, (Affix notary Seal) County _ and State last at -5- I.I �N } X1% happy 17, 2V S yr' .ot tea, •• g�pgr1T,20D► day, before me, an officer duly ake acknowledgments, personally 5 don of SDHCOR ISLAND GENERAL, Partner of and on behalf of rida limited partnership, /d nated in the foregoing me or who has produced d. tif t and who the foregoing instrument �o s escribed therein. Book5254 /Page1293 CFN #2004051571 Begin at the Northeasterly corner of Lot 2, SANFORL RIVERBRONT PROJECT, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 88 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, and run N 69 degrees 16'45" W along the Northerly line of Said Lot 2. 147.12 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line run S 19 degrees 51'25" W. 112.87 feet; thence run S 69 degrees 22'57" E. 92. k616 et to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot 2; run N 45 degrees 40' 17" East along said Easterly ine 6.29 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1 squar feet or 0.3108 Acres. O O Exhibit "A" Book52541Page1294 CFN #2004051571