HomeMy WebLinkAbout337-Richard R & Joan Cameron RYANNE MORSE ~._[~ OF CIRCL~'~0'~ , 600868 JUL21 PM I:~. GRANT OF EASEMENT THISlNgENTURE, madethis~'x~l day of ,.~.n~ A.O. 19~:l~,between Riehara R. Joan A. Cameromf the Coun~ of~, and S~te of F1 pr i ~ ~ , p8~ of the first pa~, 8nd CiTY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, 8 municipal corporation, ~ated in ~minole Count, Florida, pa~ of the ~cond p8~ WITNESSETH, that p8~ of the first pa~ for and in condderafion of the mm of one doffer end other valuable con~demtion paid by pe~ of the ~ond p8~, ~ceipt whereof ~ hereby eckno~edged, gren~ 8nd conveys to pe~ of the second port, it is ~cce~rs, 8~gns, licensees, s pe~emel ~ment under, upon, and ecm~ the pmpe~ dma~d in the CiW of ~nford, ~minole CounW. Florida, mom pa~culafly de~fibed as foffows: Easterly 17 ft. of Lots 49 & 51., Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 44, Seminole County, Florida. (A.K.A. 2549 Palmetto Av {Property Address) courtly B for u~li~ purpo~s, to include the insteffa~on, ~spec~on, m~ng, repair, me,tenant, and repayment of ag u~i~es now exi~ng or hereafter to exist on ~id prope~, tach eamment ~ding the right of frae ~gre~ end egr~ over and acm~ ~id prope~ for any of the purpoms afore~id, IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, the pe~ of the flr~ pe~ hereunto mrs his or her hand end ~al on ~e day end year walden above. ................ SIGNEO~O, AND~REO IN THE PRESENCE OF: {Wi,ess) Richard R. Cameron {~i~esal ~ ~Joan A. Cameron ~ATE OF E~o~da , COUNTY OF Seminole [ HEREBY CERTIFY thst on this d~y ~ the n~med 8~te ~.d ~ou.~ before me, ~n o~cut du~ ~u~od~d , ~dmini~ter o~ths ~,d take eck,0~edgemen~, per,nelly ~ppcumd, R~cha~d R. Jr. & Joan A. Cameron to me well-known end kno~m to men to be the individual__ desc~bed in and who executed the foregoing eo~,,ie,,t, who ecknowledffed before me that theirexecuted the same esther free act end deed. IN W,~N _~E~, WHEREOF,, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal et Senford, County of Seminole, State of FIo dd., this d~_, d oy of ~_,Z/~ , 19 ~,~. ~?.~t~ v ~, NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: