HomeMy WebLinkAbout019-Indian Mound Water Assoc., Inc. 1 JMd;.~ Jf!1~ ())a;tJ/l J o.f/JJtll ;.r,M!, ~ ~_'~) ROUTING MEMO j,~~ "- Department or c~ganlzational Code Action Initials and Date I ---.- ._------_.~-~- 1. Your Information 2 Approval 3. Please See Me 4 Please Call Me 5 Please Handle 6 As Requested 7 Please File 8 Note and Return 9 Signature 10 Please Reply 11 See "Memarks i h -"-"-2-Re'Our conve-rsJIIO'1 13 Your Comme'1IS or Recommendations '4 Read and Pass On ACTION ~!~~ ~~ c kvlOi-i~a-( ~ 1 Ihc:l;~ j}-ss- () c. ~ ~ f-~ REMARKS (Use Reverse Side for More fv () h'l ~ ~~'6?--, II ~ d- Pr);;i~ '171 6"- <Ad ;J ~ jJ-e-- u ~ ~~l VY'\ FROM C~ \ DATE IA'-/2-~ Form FHA 440-22- (Rev. 5-2-67) UN!'\. j ~ A\E~ DEPARTMENT OF AGRI~UL. m FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION STATE PROMISSORY NOTE Florida COUNTY Seminole CASE NO. o - - 1 KIND OF LOAN: [K] ASSOCIATION o LH - ORGANIZATION o RRH - ORGANIZATION (INSURED LOAN TO NON-TAX EXEMPT ASSOCIA TION OR ORGANIZATION) Date m_m__m__u__Apr.il---25----------------, 19 ___68__ FOR VALUE RECEIVED, _________I.NDI_AN_J1QUND-jJ1:ATER_-AS-S0.ClATION.,.--INC-----------_________m_________________________________________ (herein called "Borrower") promises to pay to the. OfdE.)r iqf,"!he United States .of America, acting through the Farmers Home . . .',' .. ,i ", .,' Administration, United States Department of Agriculture", (h~rei~ called the ..,bo~~r~ke~l,;'niat4t$ office in ___m_m_____u______________ ___________m________S_aD.fQrQ.-J.--E19..:r..t-Q.9,----uu----------------------_m___ , or at such other place as the Government may hereafter designate in writing, the principal sum of .$i~tY__~;tgJ.rt;.mrhQ\1:9_@_Q___1'.W_Q__.HWlgr?Q---9JJ.-g---N.Q/lQOi~:-':?!-2tl_~i:-:-~*?5"i~:_j~~~~*j~ dollars ($ __68_,.2.0-0...00--------------- ), plus interest on the unpaid principal balance at the rate of _______________live__m__________________..._ percent ( _______,__________ %) per annum. The said principal and interest shall be paid in the following installments on the following dates: $ _2_,_635_.._00....___________ January 1, 19 _69_____ , ~ and $ 4,..00_7-.0.0---------------- annually t'-2TE'o(c .1 January 1, except that the final insta1lm ent shall be paid at the end of _m___________.fort.;y:n------------------------- ( _____u..0__________) yems from the date of this note, and except that prepay ments may be made as provided herein below. The consideration herefor shall support any agreement modifying the fore- going schedule of payments. If the total amount of the loan is not advanced at the time of loan closing, th e a anced to Borrower in accordance with the schedule stated on the reverse side here . s will accrue on the a ount of each advance from its actual date as shown on that schedule. ~~l Every payment made on any indebtedness evidence by this notJ'. ~d\'t~. to int rest computed to the effective date of the payment and then to principal. c..\J.f>.. \N rA t ~ Prepayments of scheduled installments, or any porti n there'm',' ma be mad at any time at th option of Borrower. Refunds and extra payments, as defined in the regu1ati s of the F Hom inistration acc rding to the source of funds involved, shall, after payment of interest, be a lied to t st to b ue nder this note and shall not affect the obligation of Borrower to pay the remain g install e e ein. If the Governmel1t at any time assigns this note and insures e ~~e B~;.q~Ra 1 continue to make payments to the Government as collection agent for the hold . .~. i~~U "\ Ot"t"\V~ While this note is held by an insured lender, prepayme t s ~Qtlb\H' by Borrower m ,at the option of the Government, be remitted by the Government to the h ~R~t1y Jr. ~ or final payment, e retained by the Government and remitted to the holder on either a calend r qdlih~rDasls or an annual installme date basis. The effective date of every payment made by Borrow'~r, except p yments retained an e overnment on an annual installment due date basis, shall be the date of the Unit asury check by which the Government remits the payment to the holder. The effective date of any prepayment retained and remitted by the Government to the holder on an annual installment due date basis shall be the date of the, prepayment by Borrower, and the Government will pay the interest to which the holder is entitled accruing between the effective date of any such prepayment and the date of the Treasury check to the holder. Borrower hereby certifies that it is unable to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere to finance its actual needs at reasonable rates and terms, taking into consideration prevailing private and cooperative rates and terms in or near its community for loans for similar purposes and periods of time. If at any time it shall appear to the Government that Borrower may be able to obtain a loan from a responsible cooperative or private credit source at reasonable rates and terms for loans for similar purposes and periods of time, Borrower will, lit the Government's request, apply for and accept such loan in sufficient amount to repay the Government. FHA 440-22 (Rev. 5-2-67) Default hereunder shall constitute default under any other instrument evidencing a debt or other obligation of Borrower to the Government or securing such a debt or other obligation and default under any such other instrument shall constitute default hereunder. Upon any such default, the Government at its option may declare all or any part of any such indebtedness immediately due and payable. This note is given as evidence of a loan to Borrower made or insured by the Government pursuant to the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961 if the box opposite "Association" is checked under the heading "KIND OF LOAN", or pursuant to Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 if the box opposite" LH - Organization" or "RRH _ Organization" is checked. This note shall be subject to the present regulations of the Farmers Home Administration and to its future regulations not inconsistent with the express provisions hereof. Presentment, protest, and notice are hereby waived. (CORPORATE m':AL) __~____h__I. AN--Mo.UND_h11AT&'Il_.ASS.o.c ATIDNy___IN __ __ h.-~h_n_ nn _ __ _o~ ~orro~er~__ (Si~nature 0 Executive Official) --------_h------h-_h--J?RE-SIDEN_T_n____uhn__n__h__n__hnhnh__u__ n__ (Title of Executive Official) -nhuhh-SECRETARynnh__h__h__hn________________h____n__h__h__h__hh___ (Title of Attestin~ Official) ____h__): -. mQ...._B.QX__13JQ u . ___h__h__ h _m __hn__n __ h __hn _m____ __ h___ (Post Office Box No. or Street Address) --------~~n.f(n.d..-nFl-Qridan.32-'Z71hn___n________h__h__hn__nn_ (City, State, and ZIP Code) (1) PRdFoSED DATE OF ADVANCES _(2) AMOUNT _ (3) ACtUAL DATE OF A.DVANCES , . . , SCHEDULE OF MULTIPLE ADVANCES Pay to the order of ----uhnnhu--nhn--u__n__~_C!:.~S_~~~~_~~___C9.~1;9.0_n~~..,mt_._.~___~-U~-----nnhnhh__h_h___hnhn__h__h__h___h rr,~ustdes Fund-Ret!r-~m"u;t " " . h _. -- h -- h -- h -- -. -- - -- -- h - -". -- n__ -- -. -- "..__.u .'h._ ...-.. __ __ __ __ h __ __ __ __ __ _ __._ __ __ h". __ __ __ __ h __ h ..__h __ __". ____._ ____ __ _ ___. __ n._ __~_ ",. __ ______ "'h _. h n________. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA '~~ FARMERS H072&~ BY - ________n h nh __hn __ nh__ ____ __ __ ____ __ hn __ __ __h n__ __ __h ____n __ n _. __ ___ _ __ u _ _____ ~ :~:~TEE.~~~~~. G~~:~;~~1UND.RE~IRF:M~N'........msUR~D~~:~:n~~ij....(r;;;;)-------- '---.. . "f/V . . " 'P '/ . u_ .. _______ . :~.~.TJE-.-.--~--~~~.~;-J-..~!?~- -G~A~: \.~ PAY TO '!Hil ORDER UN ITED S'l~ A"TES OF 'liITHOUT rmCOURSS OF THE 1 AMJJ:R1CK /1 1 ASSIGNMENT KNOW THAT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION (the "Government"), for value received, hereby assigns without recourse, as set forth in the Loan Sale Agreement dated as of September 1, 1987, between the Government and Shawmut Bank, N.A., As Trustee Under a declaration of trust dated as of August 15, 1987, known as the Community Program Loan Trust 1987 A, in Care of General Electric Credit Corporation, as Agent for the Trust, 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite 260, Houston, Texas 77042 (the "Assignee"), unto the Assignee and unto the heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns of the Assignee that certain bond, note or other obligation issued by Indian Mound Water Association, Inc., Case Number 09-059- 0000519895 (the "Borrower") to the Government to evidence a loan in the principal sum of $68,200.00 (the "Loan") dated the 25th day of Apri I, 1968, together with al I right, title and interest of the Government in and to all loan agreements, security agreements, fidelity bonds and other instruments, contracts or agreements pertaining to the Loan, in each case including, except as expressly provided hereinbelow, all rights of the Government to exercise any election or option or to make any decision or determination or to give any notice, consent, waiver or approval under or in respect of any agreement pertaining to the Loans or to accept surrender of any property securing any Loan or any part thereof, as well as all rights, powers and remedies on the part of the Government, whether arising under any of the agreements pertaining to the Loans or by statute or at law or in equity, or otherwise, arising out of any default or event of default under any agreement pertaining to the Loans, to have and to hold the same unto the Assignee and to the heirs, successors, legal representatives and assigns of the Assignee forever: provided, however, that the Government does not assign to the Assignee the Government's right to compel the Borrower to prepay the Loan solely by reason of the Borrower's abi lity to refinance its unpaid indebtedness under the Loan at reasonable rates and terms, and the Government hereby irrevocably waives, relinquishes and agrees not to exercise any such right it may have under any of the instruments, contracts or agreements herein described or under any Federal law or regulation. The effective date of this assignment is September 1, 1987. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Government has duly executed th i sAss i gnment the ..:?t:J1 day of September, 1987. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION By: ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF FLORIDA S6: COUNTY OF LAKE I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the Coun~y aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared Ronald G. Whitfield, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Witness my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this c~~ day of September, A.D., 1987. v;:;!i~j.~~ Notary Publ c (SEAL) My commission expires: NotIry MIic. SUta of Ronda My C""..,;.- 1IpiM. .fan. 16, 1919 ifR4t4 ... '" .. ........-.r. IAL . GE Capital Genera/ E/8ctIfC Cdpltal CorpordtlOlI 70777 Vvesthelmer. SUite 7200. PO 8m 420250 Houston TX 77242 0250 773 7856055 December 1. 1989 Mr. Paul :-loore City Of Sanford P.O. Box 1778 Sanford. FL 32772-1778 RE: Indian ~ound Water Association Case ~umber 09-59-519895 Dear :ir. :ioore: This is to certify that GE Capital on behalf of the Community ProEram Loan Trust 1987A. has received adequate funds resulting in the Indian ~ound Kater Association loan to be satisfied in full. Enclosed 1S the prc.'missory note marked paid in full. and the assignment of interest from Farmers Home Administration to Sha~mut Bank. If you should have any questions. or please do not hesitate to contact selovicing your account and GE Capital ~-ears te! come" require further information. me. It has been a pleasure wishes you the very best in the SincerelY, cJjLL,\jf[~)lL (! ~c-/ Theresa :liller Re\ieh CLourdi 1l3tor E1!clc)Sl:r;:> fl17/tam A GE FlndnCla/ Services Cnm/Janv ,j::. H ....... ;:J N P. Ul r-'- ....... OJ 0'\ ;:J co ::s: o c ;:J p. :2; OJ '''. ~ !~, on I W g ~ rr ..... 0 1.' 1...0 . .....