HomeMy WebLinkAbout117-Jonathan Logan, Inc. CLEVELAND & MIZE ATTORNEYS AT LAW PI CO BUILDING P.O. DRAWER Z SANFORD. FLORIDA AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT" made and entered into on the day and year hereinafter specified by and between JONA THAN LOGAN, INC." a ii Delaware corporation" with offices at 1411 Broadway, New York" New York, !I'I hereinafter referred to as "First Party"" and CITY OF SANFORD, II II FLORIDA" a Municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Second I ! i Party" I WI TNE SSE TH: I II II II I I WHEREAS" First Party is the owner of that certain business known as Butte Knitting Mills, Sanford, Seminole County" Florida.. and WHEREAS.. a controversy has arisen between the parties since the construction by First Party of certain utilities involving water lines, water main and a fire hydrant involving said business under U. S. Highway 17-92, with the consent of Second Party, and WHEREAS, it became the position of First Party that Second Party should pay unto First Party an amount of money as consid- eration for First Party undertaking to convey the water line, fire hydrant and other fixtures connected therewith to Second Party to become a part of the utility system of Second Party and further to grant unto Second Party a utility easement to enable Second Party to maintain said system;, and WHEREAS;, Second Party has agreed to accept conveyance of the system and to assume the responsibility for maintenance of said system upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;, and WHEREAS" the parties have agreed that Second Party should pay unto First Party the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred ($2" 700. 00) Dollars, which said amount has been tendered to First Party for the performance of this Agreement. -1- CLEVELAND & MIZE ATTORNEYS AT LAW PI CO BUILDING P.O. DRAWER Z SANFORD, FLORIDA NOW THEREFORE" the parties hereto" in consideration of the payment of the sum of $2" 700. 00 by Second Party to First Party" receipt of which is hereby acknowledged" and in further consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth.. agree as follows: 1. First Party agrees" and by this Agreement.. does hereby convey all water lines" appurtenances and fixtures relative to said water line to Second Party lying between the Easterly right-of-way line and the Westerly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway 17 -92", in the City of Sanford" Florida. the terminal of said line being located on the property of the business known I II II as Butte Kuittiug Mills, Sanford, Florida, said water line is more specifical- Ii ly set forth in that certain document entitled Fire Hydrant Access Easement II I prepared by V. K. Smith" Registered Land Surveyor" which is attached I hereto and made a part hereof. 2. First Party agrees" and by this Agreement" does hereby convey that certain fire hydrant to Second Party" which said fire hydrant is situated on the property of the business known as Butte Knitting Mills" Sanford" Florida", and is more specifically set forth in that certain document entitled Fire Hydrant Access Easement prepared by V. K. Smith", Registered Land Surveyor" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. First Party agrees", and by this Agreement.. does hereby convey unto Second Party a utility easement for all future and reasonable maintenance as may be necessary by Second Party to maintain the utilities specified herein and as set forth in that certain document entitled Fire Hydrant Access Easement prepared by V. K. Smith", Registered Land Surveyor.. which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4. The parties specifically agree that all future maintenance of the utility system described herein shall be the responsibility of Second Party and First Party shall be released from any further fire hydrant rental. The parties further agree that First Party shall be allowed to -2- CLEVELAND & MIZE ATTORNEYS AT LAW PICO BUILDING P.O. DRAWER Z SANFORD, FLORIDA I II II i maintain an eight inch on-site water line for use in connection with the possible installation of a sprinkling system on the business known as Butte Knitting Mills for fire protection purposes. 5. The parties hereto" by the execution of this Agreement.. specifically relieve and release each other from any past and future liability I resulting from the controversy between the parties relative to the utility ; II Ii I Ii I I I' I I system specified herein.. and First Party accepts the sum of $2" 700. 00 as full settlement of any money due and owing to First Party by Second Party for purchase of said utility system and conveyance of the easement described herein. 6. The parties specifically agree that each party shall be responsible for the payment of its respective attorney fees in negotiating the terms of this Agreement and any costs incurred by either party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF.. First Party has caused these presents to be signed in its name this I q f( day of ,~~;Q I L .. 1976. sealed and delivered in ence of: .~ / . -/- / ''\. I J\.-.A- -l---t/ ~~t.- ,-"'''''e_ ~~.~}\l\(,- '\ d JONAJRAN LrA~, Il"C. BY . '1\ j, J . , : '/ " ., . . v ./1/ '4'---' " ""\./(,1'\..v'-"--/ AT~:ST: A~ '7 f .1 / IN WITNESS WHEREOF.. Second Party has caused these presents to be signed in its name thi~ ~ay of Signed.. sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~ '(~ C ., L J(.~,",>-- ~.,>j..f,... 0 - . J / j.. '.1 j }/i i' .( ;tVr1i l_iIL_ : , , .I . -3- CLEVELAND & MilE ATTORNEYS AT LAW PI CO BUILDING P.O. DRAWER Z SANFORD, FLORIDA STATE OF New York COUNTY OF New York I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 19th day of April 1976.. before me personall appeared Richard J. Schwa.rt::: and Iran Cagan .. President and Asst. Secty. respectively of Jonathan Logan" Inc." a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware" to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers.. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation" and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. I I WITNESS my signature and official seal in the County of (V',;:W '1<J~ '" and State of III' the day and year last aforesaid. Ii II II I, II I' ,I Ii I' 'I II I: at IIfH &R.1I\l3.....+-j rJ GW i of..L.. &,.-L-.. 1~.1~ Notary Public 3.3:.--17 My Commission Expires: CHARLES MARTIN TEITEL!.: ~O'ARY. PUiUC, STATE Of NEW YORK No. 41-4616110 Qualitltd in Queoms County Commission Expires March 30, 19...z.z.. O;:rt(Il'tt?O II,) ,J'1. ~..; ~ STA TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this :t.~rt. day of -A-Pi? / L 1976.. before me personalJyappeared Lee P. Moore and H. N. Tamm.. Jr." Mayor and City Clerk respectively of City of Sanford.. Florida.. a municipal corporation" to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing Agreement and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said municipal corporation" and the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. " WITNESS my signature and official seal at Sanford", in the County of Seminole and State of Florida", the day and year last aforesaid. .;po.- L.-, L'"1..-~'\- Notary Public A · ~ ~~t' , ,'l '~ , ~ . , My Commission Expires: (1/)/'/7 -4- DESCRIPTION FOR CITY OF S.~NFGRD FIRE HYDRANT ACCESS EgSEMENT: From the SE corner of the NEt of the SEt of Section 11, Township 2) South, Range 30 East, thence run West 124f .J6 feeta thence run North 543 . 18 feet, the n c e run N. G 4 3) I i\. 12 ~ j.j fee t to the Westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 17-92 (State Road 15-600), thence run N.250-30'E. 1127.36 feet for a POINT OF BEGINN1~G, thence run N.64030'W. 20 feet, thence run N.25030'E. 30 feet, thence run S.64030IE. 20 feet, thence run S.2503)'~. 30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. PREP6.RED BY: K. SMITH, REG. L.ND SUPVE*OR Ne. 1653 1807 French,ve., Sanford, Florida I r '~ / / I / / / , ____ FDUt..JD l~CJN I I "- "- k, " ~, ',-- [ ! - olv~ s!;o (8 f1'r 1..1<) 81.. ()G ~ ~ .q,. l.I\ " ~. "'. ~ 1-\1.'.1 'Po ... I , " <~]~~~ ", '--. ~ ::J ~ ~ ~ I ~ "tJJ.. II R c& It'; '" ~~: ..s. ....... ~ & ~. j $j ~ ~. / / er,. :::i CE r lRGN / ' /~ \{)' ,jl!: !~ N J / 5 C 1\ LEI .. = 40' I ' .... /.., , ~ 9 --,.J]' 11) - '34? I , . ,