HomeMy WebLinkAbout334-Bernadette BoucherGRANT OF EASEMENT OFFICIAL RECORDS PAGE ?796 1621 SEMINOLE CO. FL. Jq - · Ma" AD 19 9~between~[~"T'nn~p~-t-P · 08 oT Y ' ' -- the first port, end THiS INDENTURE, made th,s_L~L__ ¥ . . -J o .... of FloJ~Lcla--, pan'y of of the C"""tY of SeminoJ-e, 8...o.o.~. ' - -- .. f tho second pert; Boucher """. · --.:-- situated m Seminole County, Florida, party 0 Ci~ SANFORO, FLORIDA, 8 mummp8 corpo,uu.,., WITNESSETH, that party of the first part, for 8nd in consideration of the sum of one dollar end other vohJahle consideration peid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby ecknow~ed9erin granto end conveys to party of the second part, it is successors, assigns, licensees, 8 perpetoei easement under, upon, and across the propen'y situated in the City of Senford, Seminole County, Fisrid8, more pardcuisdv deseribed os feilowe: Easterly 15 ft. of Lot 15 and the Easterly 15 ft. of the north one-half of Lot 17, Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 44, Seminole County, Florida. D~me.lm~ Tax Pd. $ $, Intana~bl~ T~ ,A.K.A._2525 PalmettO Av_.,Sanfard, Fl) Ooun~J Byt , meinte &.il.nc aver and across e right i t Tn em his ,,r m t Bernadette Bouc~e~'... (property Address) for utility purposes, to include the insteiistion, inspection, servicing, ropeir, meintonence, end replacement of ull utilities now exisdnO or hereefter to exist on said propertY, such easement including the dOM of free ingress end eoross said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hereunto sets his or her boed end seal on the day end year written above. SIGN~ SEALEO,/~ DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: - (W,u,.~, Florida , cOUNTY OF Seminole STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the named Stain end County before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and lake acknowledgements, personally appeared, Bernadette Boucher to me well.known end known to men to be the individual__ described in and w~ed the foregoing easement, who acknowledged before me that s~e_. executed the same as ~ free oct and deed. IN WIT,~ESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and official suet et seeford, County of Seminole, Stato of tins ..~_, day of Nay ,19 94 . . ' / NO~'~RY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: tala'rAnT mmnTc, STATE OF FLORIDA.