HomeMy WebLinkAbout159-City of Sanford Local Option Public Employees Relations Commission ~l~;~=E~ ~=~I~ :3 :::.=---';G~::.~.; C: IT.'!. ,.-, ~ :3 ::..~ ~ -;-:-.: ~- ::' i CIT::- c!:: ~~~~;.?,#~ ?:: '""-<:"i--:.-:"':'. '":,'?;~-=C:~'~ PtJE~IC ~:::~,1PLO'Y.sS~:; ?_==,,;\_'=il(;~.3 '._ ~~~\~=.'~~=~~.'T ,'~.~.\T=' ~=~~ ~..~'._-.I -"-::'T? .:=C=. ,~~ .~:~ -: ..;" -~,. ~"~~~ -. -, " '.-~ ~ --~---_.._-_.~- ---------_.__._~------------ THIS l\GREE!1EN'l' made and enU-ored into In duplicate on this 26th day of March 1979, by ancl betwEen TIlE CITY OF' SAN!?ORD, a municipality under the 13\\'s of t,he State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "City," and the CITY OF' SANF,)RD Locn, OPTION PUBLIC E~1PLOYEES RELATIONS C021J.\1ISSION, hereinufteJ'_- refer- red to as "Commission," and the LAV~ OrFICF:S OF ROC::': A~JD BI\.mvN, hereinafter referred to as "Firm." WIT N E SSE T H: HHEH.EAS, the Ci ty of Sanford, Florida has established a Local Option Public Employees Relations Comnission; and WHEREAS, the Sanford Local Option Public Employees Relations Commission desires to engage the services of a generi'll counsel to assist and advise the Local Option Public Employees nelations Commission on the various issues which nay come before it, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mu'tual covenants and undertakings, the parties do agree as follows: 1. The Commission hereby engages the services of the Firm to act as general counsel to the Commission. 2. The Firm agrees to perform the following duties and tasks i'lS generDl counsel for the Commission and ad~ise as to: review, revision and redrafting, if necessary, of the Commisslan's Rules and Regulations; establishment and implementation of Com- missjon procedures; establishment, review and revision of Com- mission fOrJ\1~--;; legal advise rela~ive to the Local Option Or~inancc 3nd the Stac2 201~ec~i~;e Ba~gainl~g L~w, ~~~ .=~~~r 3t2c~t2S TNr~ich may i:npact ;"Jr affec':. "t.r~e :)~~r.2.-:.ion.3 .")f. t.~e !==~:I:'~is2i.cn. : ~1 ~ :;: ..:... .-":-:11 ,~l t';- _~::: '2 s ~ ,~'} .3.::::. 2 [l;-1 3. 1.. 1 _.~ ~ . :~,.... ~ -~ .- : -,. --: c :: -== ~ ',J i>S ~~~ ..' ~ '~;.r: . ~..~ l'-: 11 meec..:.nss ':.i.1.Ci.UG..J..:1.j , - work ~set~.~~5 0= \"....~l..~ .' . ~OITjrrl3Sl0nf G~rlng which it will perform the foregoing services which are illu- strative only and are not intended to enumerate all the duties to be performed by the Firm. 3. The City and the Comr.lission agree to compensate the Firm the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars for those tasks and duties detailed above and undertaken and performed by the Finn in its capacity as general counsel to the Cor.1:nis- sion, including review of proposed rules and forms which may be done in preparation for the meeting. Because the work load of the COITLTTlission is uncertain, the City and the Commission agree that legal work requiring appearances before courts and/or administrative agencies or other special assignments including opinion letters and legal research authorized by the Commission are not encompassed within the Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollar figure. Such work will be compensated at an hourly'rate of Sixty ($60.00) Dollars an hour. All such appearances and assignments shall be authorized beforehand by the Commission. The Firm agrees to submit itemized state- ments for all such additional work. Such statements shall detail the hours spent on the matter including the number of hours and quart,er hours of service each day. rrhe itemized statement shall also detail all costs and travel expenses incurred by the Firm as a resu],t of such additional duties and assignments. 4. It is agreed and understood that any travel time spent by the Firm in attending regularly scheduled meetings of the Commission in the City of Sanford is not reimi.Jursable. '. However, any travel time during regular offic0 hours outsi~e Uie City of Sanfcnd at t,he direcL-:.icn or on behalf of the ('(jlr,f"i,s;::;i on shilll be compon? c' tt'.,c1 bi,l::C d upon (1,;1l teIi;i :".(".1.1 s La Lemon t ;?lU3 tr3.vsl e :..:t;) e:1. S c S .' ~ 3l~.c<1"_l t ::2(~ 0';- t ~~ ':= - . 1: _.L~;t tc '_.le \: -:)~Tt...-;1i S.3 1. '':':'In '" It is also agreej t~at all ne~235~ry ~~~ :e3so~d~le expe~ses l...:~c:.lr:=::-?~-l :;"'~l.. -:.h.e s'~r;:::J1--:rv::.r:.;=:::: ,-:;.: :._-:~ -:-;::2:~~_~_ -':Ci.l.:~....-;,? ~! -= '_:.2~-~2..=S , -.- , - - . ~ LncL~~~ng 2X?e~52S Lcr ~~n~ ~l3t~~C2 ~2~2?~:'~~e C3~~3, . ~ ; ,--- ,-",- .......- grams, printing, etc., shall be compensated upon receipt of an itemized statement for the same. 5. The term of this agreem'2nt shall commence on the day and year first written above and shall expire on the 30th day of September, 1979. In ~'HrrNESS \\1HEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the day and year first written above. CITY OF SANFORD /' Witness: C;;)~ -"6!) Wi tness: l. ( c./<'/r;.In:.i::-'J , By: ,.~ ~{c/, /1 jr1 /(/~-../ CITY OF SANFORD LOCAL OPTION PUBLIC m'1PLOYLES RELATIONS COHr~I S S I mJ \'h tness BY:~ Witness: LAVJ OFFICES OF ROCK AND B1{O'h1N Witness: ~~ l'li tne;;24ff:i2k-