HomeMy WebLinkAbout331-Paula Ehlers RECORDS OFFICh LPAGE ?796 1618 GRANT OF EASEMENT SEMI IOLE CO. FL. THIS INDENTURE, mode this~dey of May A.D. 19 94~ be~een~aUla E- Ehl ~r~ of the Coun~ of~, 8nd ~te of Florida _, p8~ of the first p8~, and CITY OF SANFORB, FLORIDA, a municipal corpora~on, ~eted in ~minol~Coun~, FIoQda, pe~ of ~e ~cund pe~ WITNESS~H, thor pa~ of the first pa~, for end B ~n~dere~on of ~e ~m of one dollar end other valuable con~deretion paid by pa~ of the second pad, receipt w~mof is hereby eckno~edgmi, gfan~ emi conveys to pa~ of the ~cond psd, it is ~cces~rs, as~gns, ~cen~es, e pe~e~el ea~ment under, upon, end ecm~ ~ prope~ ~mated in the CiW of Senford, ~minole CounW, FIo~a, more pa~culady de~ed es fo~ows: f331 Easterly 7.5 ft. Lots 29 & 31, Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 44, Seminole County, Florida. ~ume~/Trax Pa $_ -- (A.K.A. 2537 Palmetto Ave,~anf0~,FL) SL _lntan~bleTmx~ (Prope~ Addre~)~. C~ exis~ng or hemaAer m exist on ~id pmpe~, tach ea~ment ~cludAg ~e ~ght of frae ~gre~ end egm~ over end ecro~ .id pmpe~ for any of the purpo.s afore.id, IN WITNE~ WHEREOF, the pe~ of the fir~ pe~ hereunto ~ Ms or her hand end ~el on ~e day end year written above. .......... ' ..... SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRE~NCE OF: ~ ' · .... - ' - IWimessl "' ......... STATE OF Elo~ida , COUNTY OF Semi~oZe ~ :~ I HEREBY CERTIFY t~t on this dBy ~ the olm~ S~to omi Co~o~ bofo~ me, io o[cll ~ i[~o[~d administer oaths and take ac~o~edgements, per~na~ appeared, to me weil-kno~ end ~o~ to men to be the ~di~due{~ deprived · end w~ exe~ ~e fomgo~g ee~m~t, who acknowledged before me that s.__.he IN WJ~;~/ESS WHEREOF, I have Florida, this ..~_~, day of _~ay __ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: executed the same as _ a free act and deed. hereunto set my hand and official saol at Senfo~, County of Seminole, State of ,19 94. ' NOTARY PUBLIC NOTARy PU/II.IC, STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION I~XPIRES: Feb. 28, 19~$.