HomeMy WebLinkAbout330-Scott Cornett OFFICIAL RECORDS 796 I617 GRANT OF EASEMENT SEMINOLE CO. FL THIS INDENTURE, mede this24th dey of May A.D. 19 94, between Scott R. Cornett of the Couety of Seminol~end State of Florida , party of the first pert, end CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, e municipal corporetion, simatad in Seminole County, Finfide, party of the second pert; WITNESSETH, that party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sam of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants end conveys to party of the second pert, it is saccessors, assigns, licensees, e perpetual easement under, upon, end ecrese the property situated in the City of Senford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described es follows: Westerly 10 ft. Lots 30 & 32, (Less Road Right-of-Way) Frank L. Woodruffs Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 44, Seminole County, Florida. ,~ (A.K.A. 2544 Sanfnrd Av~.,senford, FLJ ¢~/~_~I (Property Address) Ooum~ ~;~ __ /._ ~_/K DO. for utility purposes, to include the instslintion, inspection, sarvining, repeir, meintenance, and replacement of ell uflities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, sach easement including the right of free ingress and egress over and across ssid prepe~ for any of the purposes 8foreseid, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~ of the first part hereunto sets his or her hand end saal on the d.y end year written above. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: IWituess) STATE OF Florida , COUNTY OF Seminole I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the named State and County before me, an officer duly authorized to edminister oaths end take ecknowledgements, persansfly eppesred, Scott R. Cornett to me well-known end known to men to be the individual__ dua.,-~u~,', in and who executed the ;uia6~g ii~,,i~t, ~vl,d acknowledged before me that he executed the same es a free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Senford, County of Seminole, State of Florida, this :~)'~/~ay of May ., 19 94. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: NOTARY PUBLIC