HomeMy WebLinkAbout220-State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Sewer Treatment CITY ROUTINtJ MEMO MANAGER'S OFFICE _ MAYOR D 1 CITY CLERK D _ REC./PARKS DIR. D _ CITY MANAGER SECRETARY D _ POLICE CHIEF D _ FINANCE DIRECTOR D _ FIRE CHIEF D _ PERSONNEL DIRECTOR D _ COM. DEVELOP. DIA. D _ PLANNING/DEVELOP. DIR. D _ CIVIL ENGINEER D _ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR D _ BUILDING OFFICIAL D --L UTILITY DIRECTOR D _CITY ATTORNEY D o ACTION: 1. Your Information 2. Approval 3. Please See Me 4. Please Call Me 5. Please Handle 6. As Requested 7. Please File 8. Note and Return 9. Signature 10. OK "As Is" 11. See "Remarks" 12. ReOurConversalion 13. Your Comments or Recommendations 14. Read and Pass On REGARDING: (Attached Q.r- /::::-0 C.,P oz-Jl ( ..:~......:' r~0~ / ~~~1.. ( t,' (' j (, 2 PLEASE RESPOND NO LATER THAN: FROM DATE / .l.-./ r,L~ ;;L ~ "'- ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ,-:/ ." .'- .""..- tl- (:j/11 .{/.~21rt) r:),: (1J~~ ,?(jl /;}'~':":bJ, "'~., (,.'11'- I.. \ . .' '--v ....-'{...A..1 I~ ...... , .- '.:.(' /~U0"..,(::2j/ , i/ ,. ' ""', '".,L. ",,/ -, /1./C.;.2-'- (~(J clL':: ti ,0 lot lL I / ! " t1 a l .;?Z liT, 'f-" ('If (J I, ..If' '-~ :',1 LJ .;tlU' r11 '/<--0'1'" r-~7 ~14~~~if "- ,( , R -'? A"c-;? ,';,::J,:' /) ,;? (!/'7-:'-<.,j ~f /"~~. {/ {. " II f/?'//1 ,;/~~:~:y ,rJ~z, /'211 ~ #/ o P 632 371 052 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil NO INSURANCE :OVERAGE PROVIDED NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ... Sent to Pi : BUREAU WASTEWATER MGMT C') G ~Qt a&tN<f'lorida, Dept Env ~ , B .:D'~~1l1~~, corallahassee, 3~tlJost~~4l iii ::i i< Certified Fee $ 1. 92 .75 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered .70 ~ Return receipt showing to whom, 0) Date, and Address of Delivery ?'" .c GI La. 8' Postmark or Dat co M E .. ,... - -'--- ~ 4 . IElDER' Complel8 ItIIns 1 2 3, and . 'li . Add your address'ln the "RETURN TO" !. space on raNl'S8. ~ -, (ClHtSULT NlTllAlTEI FOR FEES) ~ 1. 11IIIIllIowIng IllVlclIa IIqUIIlId (check 0lIl). -< 0 St.owtowhomanddlllldellvlrld ............... -, i . g ;;;=::;;;;.\ . ., /lit '*" .., "'.J mAl 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: ATI'N : B~" W M:MI' & GRANTS St of FL, Twin Towers Otfice B1dg, Stone Rd Tallahassee 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: o REGISTERED 1&1 CERTIFIED o EXPRESS MAIL (AIwIyIIblaIa 1Ig...." 1I1lIcInIHI_....) 111M IIClIIvId tile II1IcII dlIIcrIbed Ibove. 818MA U E D ~ '>.) "- ~ ~ ;) o INSURED DCOD P 632 371 052 .... i ~, i ~!! 7. UNABLE TO DElIVER BECAUSE: ). ~\~~'\~~~tQ.1.ECtiIO.N"".'.' . ~<$ '-~''',:, ~ , ' ~ ' \ ~ FlOR Ai ~~~~ Department of Environmental Protection Lawton Chiles Governor Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Virginia B, Wetherell Secretary December 17, 1997 -}~~~JItO_S! . " 1- '\ 'I' I"~ " ;1 Mr. William A. Simmons, City Manager City of Sanford Post Office Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 DEe 22 1997! 'I - --------.------ .' I _"_~~.i ~ Re: 586100 (Step 3) - Sanford Treatment, Land Application, Sludge Facilities, III Correction 586110 (Step 2+3) - Sanford Land Application Facilities Dear Mr. Simmons: The certification that the City's sewerage system capital improvement account is being maintained in accordance with Chapter 403.1826(6), Florida Statutes, is acceptable as submitted for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997. Thank you for the timely satisfaction of this requirement. Sincer~ly, '~iM:cwef Bureau of Water Facilities Funding DWB/mpt cc: Donna M. Watt - Sanford "Protect, Cunscrve (II f'..1.]:?o~~ c: -\r",~ ,: .11,r f-:.....::;; ,.,. Printed on recycled paper, "\ ~~(1~O sr-4'f", i.A ~ S~Ul ~ Cl " .~'f: "'", ...*' '1i PR~t.v REGION IV 345 COURTLAND STREET ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30365 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Dff) 08 1981 REF: 4WM-FP Mr. Frank A. Faison, City Manager City of Sanford P.o. Box 1778 Sanford, Florida 32772-1778 Re: NPDES Pennit No. FL0020141 Administrative Order No. 87-123(wWRP) Dear Mr. Faison: '!his is to advise you that Administrative Order No. 87-123(wWRP) issued on August 10, 1987, has been canplied with and placed in an inactive status. YOl are required to neet final penni t requirements . Sincerely yours, -&-~ -r2.. ~ Bruce R. Barrett, Director Water Management Di visiCll cc: Dale 'IWacht:rrann, EDER, Orlando Alex Alexander, FDER, Orlando t/" t~~ t;;:J~)~~ MJ) JrI)_3 t ('! /J /'" </ ~ ~YJtZ1tUd ~ /, Ct!J-J,C) dJ G\~ 0\ 5a'~!'~7:d, Flol'ic/q Comrnission..manager Plan FRANK A. FAISON CITY MANAGER August 21, 1985 305/322-3161 P. O. BOX 1778 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ATTENTION: BUREAU OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT AND GRANTS State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8241 RE: 586100 (Step 3) - Sanford Sludge, Site Purchase and Infiltration/Inflow Correction and 586110 (Step 2+3) - Sanford Treatment Facilities Gentlemen: Enclosed are executed grant documents for the above sewer projects, as follows: 586100 Two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1415. Two (2) copies of Grant Agreement. 586110 Two (2) copies of Resolution No. 1416. Two (2) copies of Grant Agreement. Cordially, ,--~ - ~ Frank A. Faison City Manager js Enclosures "The Friendly City" ~~~ I r . , . , , RESOLUTION NO. 1415 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD TO ACCEPT A STATE GRANT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE FLORIDA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL AND SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT GRANT ACT. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, did seek state assistance for Step 3, land acquisition for construction of effluent disposal facilities; sludge handling facilities and sewer rehabilitation work to correct excessive infiltration/inflow in the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation did offer said grant to the City of Sanford, Florida, through a Grant Offer dated July 9, 1985; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Frank Faison, City Manager, be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Offer and Acceptance and accept a grant offer in the amount of $5,247,000.00 on behalf of the City of Sanford with the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for assistance under the Florida Water Pollution Control and Sewage Treatment Plant Grant Act. SECTION 2: That Frank Faison, City Manager, be and is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such additional information as the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation may reasonably request in connection with the implementation of the Grant Award and the subject facilities. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of August, A.D. 1985. . . ~ .. '" ~~.~ MAYOR ' y Commission of the nford, Florida. --2-- STATE OF FLORIDA OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION TWIN TOWERS OFFICE BUILDING 2600 BLAIR STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301-8241 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY GRANT AGREEMENT FOR STATE ASSISTANCE UNDER SECTION 403.1821, FLORIDA STATUTES (Step 3 Grants) PART I - GRANT NOTIFICATION INFORMATION RECIPIENT INFORMATION: 1. Grant No. 586100 2. Date of Award July 9, 1985 3. Grantee Address City of Sanford P.O. Box 1778 Sanford, Florida 32771 4. Red pi ent Type (City, County, etc.) City 5. Authorized Representative Frank A. Faison, City ~anager Address Post Office Box 1778 Sanford, Flori da 32771 Phone 305/322-3161 6. Consultant (F i rm) Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers Contact R. Michael Devera 11, P. E. Address Post Office Box 1976 Sanford, Florida 32772-1976 Phone 305/322-6841 7. Legislative Districts Senate - 11; House - 35 STATE CONTACT INFORMATION: 8. Issuing Office (Send Payment Request to:) Bureau of Wastewater Management & Grants Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Ta 11 ahassee, Flori da 32301 904/488-8163 Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) Effective January 15, 1985 Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life GRANT NO. 586100 9. Project Manager Bryan Goff 10. Project Title and Description: This oroject consists of land acquisition for construction of effluent disoosal facilities; sludoe handlino facilities and sewer rehabilitation work to correct excessive infiltration inflo in the Cit of Sanford. See Attachment A for com lete descri tion. 11. Project Location (Areas Impacted by Project) Ci ty Sanford County Seminole Other 12. Target Date for Initiation of Project Operation October 1987 13. Project Closeout Deadline December 1988 14. Project Design Life 20 yea rs 15. Recipient Municipality Population (1980 Census) 30,000 FUNDS: 17. Other State or Federal Funds $ 5,247,000 -0- 16. State Amount 18. Recipient Contribution 10,936,205 19. Other Contribution -0- 10,013,620 20. Allowable Project Cost 21. Total Project Cost $ 16,183,205 22. Account Number 2-560-1631 - 2 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 PART II - APPROVED BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION (Construction) TOTAL APPROVED ALLOWABLE BUDGET PERIOD COST 1. Administration Expense 2. Land Structures, 'Right-Of-Way 3. Planning and/or Design Allowance 4. Other Engineering Fees 5. Project Inspection Fees 6. Project Performance Services, Operation and Maintenance Manual, Performance Certification Services $ 1 2 , 1 00 7,458,000 457,320 136,439 124,239 41 ,920 7. Relocation Expenses -0- -0- 8. Relocation Payments to Individuals and Businesses 9. Demolition and Removal -0- 10. Construction and Project Improvement 1 ,677 ,859 12. Miscellaneous 105,743 -0- 11. Equi pment 14. Less: Exclusions 10,013,620 -0- -0- 13. Total (Lines 1 thru 12) 15. Add: Contingencies 16. TOTAL (Share: Recipient47.6% State52.4%)* 10,013,620 17. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT $5,247,000 *State share limited to Priority List funding (per 17-50.04, Florida Administrative Code). - 3 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 PART III - AWARD CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The grantee covenants and agrees that it will expeditiously initiate and timely complete the project work for which assistance has been awarded under this agreement, in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Florida Administrative Code. The grantee warrants, represents, and agrees that it, and its contractors, subcontractors, employees and representatives, will comply with all applicable provisions of FAC 17-50, including federal regulations adopted by reference. 2. By acceptance of this grant, the grantee agrees to pay the non-state project costs and commits itself to complete the treatment works in accordance with the facilities plan, plans and specifications and related grant documents approved by the department, and to maintain and operate the treatment works in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Florida Administrative Code for the design life of the treatment works. 3. Grantee shall complete the project as described in the award without benefit of any additional grant funds and regardless of any subsequent eligibility determination at time of final audit. This could result in less than 55% state funding participation. 4. The grantee shall complete the project as defined in the grant agreement within the given project period. The grantee shall require contractors to satisfactorily complete all work within the time stated in the executed contract (subagreement). Exception: In the event situations occur which require an extension of the project and budget periods, the department, upon submission of a justified request, may grant an extension. Extension of any contract completion date shall be submitted to the department for approval. 5. All measures required to minimize water pollution to affected waters shall be employed in the construction of the facilities including compliance with Section 404 of PL 92-500, as amended. The approval of this project for financial assistance does not constitute sanction or approval of any changes or deviation from established water quality standards, criteria, or implementation dates, or from dates established by applicable enforcement proceedings. 6. The grantee shall accept flows from any community or area so designated in the approved facilities plan to be served by the system funded by the department, generally without regard to any - 4 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 conditions other than sewer use ordinance restrictions, user charges developed on an equitable cost basis and the terms of the intermunicipal agreements required by 40 CFR 35.2107. 7. Grantee shall obtain all necessary construction-related permits, including the required department permit, before initiating construction. It is the grantee's responsibility to secure any' Section 404/Section 20 permits required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for construction involving wetlands or navigable waters. 8. In accordance with 40 CFR 35.2210, the grantee shall not make any offer to acquire real property, the cost of which is allowable under Appendix A, until the department approves the price the grantee will offer the property owner. 9. Grantee agrees to avoid, if at all possible, locating structures in a floodway as designated on the applicable Flood Hazard Boundary Map. If no suitable alternative exists to locating in a floodway, the grantee agrees to submit the following information to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region IV, 1375 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30365: a. delineated location of the proposed construction on a Flood Hazard Boundary Map; b. description of the structure sufficient to determine the potential flood flow obstruction; and c. first-floor elevation relative to the 100-year flood level (jurisdictional location within city limits or in unincorporated county) and percentage of structure value which will lie below grade. 10. Proof of flood insurance, as appropriate, shall be provided with the executed contract documents. 11. Positive efforts shall be made by grantees and consultants to utilize small business, minority-owned business and women-owned business sources of supplies and services. Documentation of these efforts must be maintained by all applicants/grantees, consulting firms and construction contractors, as set forth in 40 CFR 33.240. 12. The grantee shall require all prime construction contractors, as part of their bid, to certify that subcontracts have not and will not be awarded to any firm that has been debarred for noncompliance with the Federal Labor Standards, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, or Executive Order 11246, as amended. The - 5 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 grantee shall not award contracts to any firm that has been debarred for noncompliance with these provisions. 13. Within ninety (90) days of acceptance of this grant, grantee shall advertise for bids. Bids shall be advertised for at least thirty (30) days before opening. 14. Within fourteen (14) days after bid opening, grantee shall submit EEO and MBE/WBE documentation. 15. Within fourteen (14) days after bid opening, the grantee shall submit WBE, MBE and Small Business documentation indicating compliance with 40 CFR 33.240 if it has not certified its procurement system. 16. Within twenty-one (21) days after bid opening, grantee shall submit the construction contract bidding information pertaining to tentative selection of the low bidder. 17. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the bidding information, the department shall conduct a review to ensure compliance with all applicable procurement regulations. The grantee is cautioned not to award contracts or issue the notice to proceed until the department has given the authority to award. The grantee shall ensure that the bids remain open until completion of this review process. 18. The grantee shall notify the department in writing immediately when contracts are awarded and submit a schedule of project outlays for each major contract. 19. The grantee shall retain all project records for three (3) years following final grant payment or for such other period as prescribed by the department. 20. It is the policy of the department to make timely periodic grant payments and to require the grantee to make prompt periodic payment on subagreements. Partial payments on this grant shall be made within 45 days of request, subject to adequate documentation of incurred eligible costs and subject to the grantee's compliance with the conditions of this grant and subsequent amendments. a. The grantee agrees to make prompt payment to its contractor and to retain only such amounts as may be justified by specific circumstances and provisions of this grant or the construction contract. - 6 - Form No.17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 b. The grantee shall ensure that appropriate provisions to implement this prompt payment requirement are included in all construction contracts as well as associated subcontracts. 21. The following conditions shall be met so that payment milestones are not delayed. All appropriate documents should be submitted thirty (30) days before the deadlines to allow for department review. a. No more than thirty (30) percent of the total eligible engineering services shall be paid until the department approves the contract for engineering services. b. No more than fifty (50) percent grant payment shall be made until the Final Plan of Operation is approved. c. No more than eighty (80) percent grant payment shall be made until the revenue generation system has been implemented. d. No more than ninety (90) percent grant payment shall be made until the O&M Manual is approved. e. No more than ninety (90) percent grant payment shall be made until a list of all non-expendable personal property purchased in part or in whole with grant funds (prepared in accordance with 40 CFR 30.531 and 30.532) is submitted. f. The department may withhold payment of up to 10% of the grant until project performance certification is provided or until all necessary corrective actions have been carried out. 22. The following documentation shall be submitted with all payment requests: a. engineering invoices and prime contractor invoices (if not cumulative, all invoices must be submitted); and b. any special grant conditions precluding payment shall be satisfied. 23. The grantee shall comply with FAC 17-50.017(2) regarding revenue generation system requirements. 24. The sewer use ordinance shall be enacted prior to the actual date of initiation of operation. 25. The grantee shall notify the department of the actual date of initiation of operation. - 7 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 26. The grantee shall comply with FAC 17-50.015(2)(i) or (j) regarding project performance requirements. 27. The grantee agrees to initiate project close-out within 60 days after project performance certification. 28. The grantee sha 11i nsure that project audits are conducted annua 11y by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The audits may be conducted concurrently with the local government1s normally scheduled audits; however, a separate audit report shall be prepared for each grant-funded project and submitted to the department. Audit reports shall include a balance sheet, operating statement, and comparison of actual expenditures versus budgeted program element amounts, and shall assess whether or not expenditures were in accordance with the grant conditions. 29. The grantee shall be allowed a maximum of thirty (30) days to submit documentation substantiating project expenditures to offset any amount identified in a final audit report as a reimbursement due the department for noncompliance with applicable requirements. B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. The state share will be adjusted to the maximum 55% funding if the eligible project costs reduce to $9,540,000. 2. Estimated eligible construction costs were determined to be $1,677,859 or 60.5% of total construction costs ($2,772,260). This factor, applied to relevant line items in the approved application budget, yields the following: Administration $ 20,000 x Other AlE Fees - 225,519 x Project Inspection Fees - 205,353 x Project Performance Services - 69,290 x 60.5% 60.5% 60.5% 60.5% = $ 1 2 , 1 00 136,439 124,239 41,920 3. The design allowance was calculated at 4.9485% of estimated eligible building costs of $9,241,602 (includes $7,458,000 land costs). Building Costs %* $ 9,000,000 4.9637 9,241,602 x 4.9485 = $457,320 x 52.4% = $239,636 State Share 10,000,000 4.9007 4. The grantee shall comply with the project schedule detailed in Attachment B to this grant award. *From 40 CFR 35, Appendix B, Table 2, 2/17/84. - 8 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued): s. The grantee shall initiate construction for the treatment plant modification and expansion by December 1990 and complete construction by June 1992. The grantee shall initiate construction of a combined sewer separation project by June 1993 and eliminate all combined sewer overflows to lake Monroe by December 1995. However, these schedules (and Attachment B) shall be adjusted to be consistent with the terms of any consent order into which the department and the grantee enter. 6. The grantee shall perform all recommended III correction work for the removal of approximately 1.16 MGD of infiltration and sanitary sewer inflow from the Sanford sewer system. 7. The grantee shall obtain both Drainage Basins A and C (as shown in Attachment C and further identified as parcels 1 and 2 in the Boundary Survey submitted with the grant application dated r.ay 20, 1985) for land application of secondary wastewater treatment plant effluent. 8. The grantee agrees to submit the land appraisals for the effluent site purchase by September 1, 1985 and negotiate the land contract and option with permission for site access (schedule based on a negotiated pruchase, not condemnation) by November 15, 1985. - 9 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) GRANT NO. 586100 PART IV NOTE: The Agreement must be completed in duplicate and the Original returned to the Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants within 5 calendar weeks after receipt or within any extension of time as may be granted by the bureau. Receipt of a written refusal or failure to return the properly executed document within the prescribed time, may result in the withdrawal of the offer by the Agency. Any change to the Agreement by the recipient subsequent to the document being signed by the DER Award Official which the Award Official determines to materially alter the Agreement shall void the Agreement. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE The State of Florida, acting by and through the Department of Environmental Regulation, hereby offers assistance to the City of Sanford (Recipient Organization) for 52.4 % of all approved costs incurred up to and not exceeding $ 5,247,000 for the support of approved budget (Assistance Amount) period effort described in application (including all application modifications). March 4, 1985 and Construction Grant Application dated ~ay 20, 1985 included herein by reference. FLORIDA BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: picta . J.------- 7/?/![;. This Agreement is subject to applicable State of Florida statutory provisions and assistance regulations. In accepting this award and any payments made pursuant thereto, (1) the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient organization, and (2) the recipient agrees to the general and special conditions. BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION: --7u-h__. _ ) pkon~- Si gnature c.....------ / Date Typed Name and Title Frank A. Faison. City Manaqer - 10 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(b) Final plan'of operat. . approval (required prior to SOl. payment) 15 Implementation of the state revenue generation system (required prior to 80% payment) 22 Operation and maintenance manual approval (required prior to 90% payment) 24 Submission of non-expendable personal property list (required prior to 90% payment) 22 Completion of building (the date when all but minor components of a project have been built and all equipment i~ operational) 27 Initiation of operation 27 Sewer use ordinance and user charge adoption 22 Project performance services Equipment start-up 26 Hands on training 27 Preventative maintenance program 28 34 Sampling program Revised operation. and maintenance manual as necessary (required prior to final payment for project performance services) 37 Project performance certification (one year from initiation of operation) 39 Note: A formal grant amendment is required before implementing project schedule changes which may significantly delay or accelerate the project. Attachment A 586100 Sanford This project consists of land acquisition for construction of effluent disposal facilities; sludge handling facilities and sewer rehabilitation work to correct excessive infiltration/inflow in the City of Sanford. The work is described more specifically as follows: 1. Purchase of approximately 2,900 acres of land. 2. Sludge handling facilities in bid documents further described as: a. new 45-foot diameter gravity sludge thickener. b. sludge grinder. c. thickened sludge pumps. d. return/waste sludge pumps. e. converting existing 50-foot diameter anaerobic digester to an aerobic digester. f. modifying existing digester building. g. constructing new filter press building with two 2.2-meter belt filter presses and filter press feed pumps. h. polymer feed facilities. 3. Purchase of sludge conveying equipment in bid documents as follows: a. two open top semitrailers equipped with ejectors. b. motor vehicle for hauling semitrailers. 4. Line removal and replacement in Contract "A"-State, of the bid documents, further described as: a. Subsystem 1 - replacing approximately 3,713 linear feet of 8-inch to 15-inch diameter sewers and constructing 13 manholes. b. Subsystem 2 - replacing approximately 167 linear feet of IO-inch sewer pipe. c. Subsystem 3 - replacing approximately 330 linear feet of 24-inch sewer pipe. . d. Subsystem 6 - replacing approximately 397 linear feet of 8-inch sewer pipe. 5. Rehabilitation of 35 manholes as described in Item No.1 of Contract "B"-State. 6. Rehabilitation of 74 manholes as described in Item No.3 of Contract "C"-State. This work to be accompl ished by city forces described as "force accounL" 7. Making 64 lateral connections to new lines as detailed in Item 7 of Contract "A"-State. 8. Internal grouting and point repairs, line removal/replacement and sliplining of existing sewers as described in Contract "0". The fundable portion of the project includes Items 1 through 6. Items 7 and 8 are not eligible for funding because Item 7 involves house lateral installation; and Item 8 involves test and seal work, point repairs without cost-effective flow justification, and other work in Contract "0" that is part of the unapproved Subsystem 3. Eligibility for Items 1, 2, and 3 is limited to 67.8 percent of the construction cost based on the ratio of existing-need flow (4.95 MGO) to design flow (7.30 MGO). Items 4, 5, and 6 do not have any eligibility limitations. This award will result in a 51.89-percent-grant due to the funding limitations imposed on total project costs (reference Chapter 17-50.04, Florida Administrative Code). ~86100 Sanford Attachment B Items/Da~es to be Included on the ProjeCt Schedule Schedule for each item should be provided as number of months from grant award. Step 2+3 approval or Step 3 award (time zero) time zero Approval of the proposed state revenue generation system - prior to procurement and prior to any grant payment (Step 2+3 grants) Value engineering approval (if required) Approved Approved Submission of plans, specifications and plan of operation (Step 2+3 grants) Approved Approval of plans, specifications and draft plan of operation (Step 2+3 grants) Approval of performance contract (Step 2+3 grants) Approved Approved Public notices of procurement activities 1 4 5 Bid opening date(s) Contract/subagreements award dates Submittal of construction contract(s) and copies of executed construction contract(s) Issuance of notice(s) to proceed with building 5 6 Preconstruction conference 7 Construction permit(s) approvals Building initiation (the start of the physical erection, acquisition, alteration, improvement or extension of the facilities) 1 7 Payment request submittals (include estimated amount) 90% payment 1 8 16 23 25 39 1st payment 1st payment for construction 50% payment 80% payment Final , . 4 PROPOSED RESTOR' O.F DlKE BREACH c"t:t; .- - . .. I ,. , .,; 38 " BASIN All I I 1. PROPOSED " piKE BREAC ", ". .-./7 ~\ '/ ~ . .j -- '. , , ...:., -- / --' ~>- . . ~".J - ". ~ .... . ...........r ~- ... ... S.Ir.. -". L." .. I. ':":"':'" ---- EXISTING DIKE DRAINAGE BOUNDARY ..... FLOW LINE . . . ,. ,..... """'. -.l LY' : .1 --- ... ~ , RESOLUTION NO. 1416 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD TO ACCEPT A STATE GRANT UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE SMALL COMMUNITY SEWER CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE ACT. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, lorida, did seek state assistance for Step 2 and 3, construction f effluent transmission facilities and rapid infiltration basins ith subsurface drains; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental egulation did offer said grant to the City of Sanford, Florida, hrough a Grant Offer dated July 12, 1985; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Frank Faison, City Manager, be and is authorized and directed to execute the Offer and cceptance and accept a grant offer in the amount of 3,000,000.00 on behalf of the City of Sanford with the Florida epartment of Environmental Regulation for assistance under the mall Community Sewer Construction Act. SECTION 2: That Frank Faison, City Manager, be and is ereby authorized and directed to furnish such additional 'nformation as the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation ay reasonably request in connection with the implementation of he Grant Award and the subject facilities. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of August, A.D. 985. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPA~TM~NT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION TWIN TOWERS OFFICE BUILDING 2600 BLAIR STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301.8241 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY GRANT AGREEMENT FOR STATE ASSISTANCE UNDER SECTION 403.1838, FLORIDA STATUTES (Step 2+3 Grants) PART I - GRANT NOTIFICATION INFORMATION RECIPIENT INFORMATION: 1. Grant No. 586110 2. Date of Award July 12, 1985 3. Grantee City of Sanford Address Post Office Box 1778 Sanford, Florida 32771 4. Recipient Type (City, County, etc.) city 5. Authorized Representative Address same as 13 Mr. Frank A. Faison, City Manager Phone 305/322-3161 6. Consultant (Finn) Conklin, Porter & Holmes, Inc. Contact R. Michael Deverall Address Post Office Box 1976 Sanford, Florida 32772-1976 Phone 305/322-6841 7. Legislative Districts Senate - 11; House - 35 STATE CONTACT INFORMATION: 8. Issuing OffiCe (Send Payment Request to:) Bureau of Wastewater Management & Grants Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 904/488-8163 Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) Effective January 15, 1985 Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life GRANT NO. 586110 9. Project Manager Bryan Goff 10. Project Title and Description: Project consists of the construction of effluent transmission facilities and rapid infiltration basins with subsurface dralns. See Attachment A for complete description. 11. Project Location (Areas Impacted by Project) Ci ty Sanford County Semi no 1 e Other N/A 12. Target Date for Initiation of Project Operation February 1989 13. Project Closeout Deadline April 1990 14. Project Design Life 20 years 15. Recipient Municipality Population (1980 Census) 23,176 FUNDS: 16. State Amount 17. Other State or Federal Funds 18. Recipient Contribution 19. Other Contribution .$ 3,000,000 -0- 8,910,759 -0- 20. Allowable Project Cost 21. Total Project Cost 7,123,194 11,910,759 22. Account Number 2-560-1531 Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) - 2 - GRANT NO. 586110 PART III - AWARD CONDITIONS A. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The grantee covenants and agrees that it will expeditiously initiate and timely complete the project work for which assistance has been awarded under this agreement, in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Florida Administrative Code. The grantee warrants, represents, and agrees that it, and its contractors, subcontractors, employees and representatives, will comply with all applicable provisions of FAC 17-50, including federal regulations adopted by reference. 2. Grantee shall complete the project as described in the award without benefit of any additional grant funds and regardless of any subsequent eligibility determination at time of final audit. This could result in less than 55% state funding participation. 3. By acceptance of the grant, the grantee agrees to pay the non-state project costs and commits itself to complete the treatment works in accordance with the facilities plan, plans and specifications and related grant documents approved by the department, and to maintain and operate the treatment works in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Florida Administrative Code for the design life of the treatment works. 4. The grantee shall accept flows from any community or area so designated in the approved facilities plan to be served by the system funded by the department, generally without regard to any conditions other than sewer use ordinance restrictions, user charges developed on an equitable cost basis and the terms of the intermunicipal agreements required by 40 CFR 35.2107. 5. Grantee shall obtain all necessary construction-related permits, including the required department permit, before initiating construction. It is the grantee's responsibility to secure any Section 404/Section 20 permits required by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for construction involving wetlands or navigable waters. With the submittal of plans and specifications, the grantee shall provide written certification that no Section 404/Section 20 permits are required, or shall include in the plans and specifications provisions for obtaining such permits. - 4 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 586110 PART II - APPROVED BUDGET PROGRAM ELEMENT CLASSIFICATION TOTAL APPROVED ALLOWABLE (Construction) BUDGET PERIOD COST 1. Administration Expense 32,256 2. Land Structures, Right-Of-Way -0- 3. Planning and/or Design Allowance 333,548 4. Other Engineering Fees 146,220 5. Project Inspection Fees 113,840 6. Project Performance Services, Operation 46,230 and Maintenance Manual, Performance Certification Services 7 . Demo 1 it i on and Removal -0- 8. Construction and Project Improvement 6,451,100 9. Equipment -0- 10. Miscellaneous -0- 7,123,194 -0- -0- 7,123,194 $ 3,000,000* 11. Total ( Li nes 1 thru 12) 12. Less: Exclusions 13. Add: Contingencies 14. TOTAL (Share: Recipient 57.9 % State 42.1%) 15. TOTAL APPROVED ASSISTANCE AMOUNT *The maximum funding allowable for a grant from the trust fund reserve list (17-50.04(3), Florida Administrative Code). - 3 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 58611 0 6. Grantee agrees to avoid, if at all possible, locating structures in a floodway as designated on the applicable Flood Hazard Boundary Map. If no suitable alternative exists to locating in a floodway, the grantee agrees to submit the following information to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Region IV, 1375 Peachtree Street, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30365: a. delineated location of the proposed construction on a Flood Hazard Boundary Map; b. description of the structure sufficient to determine potential flood flow obstruction; and c. first-floor elevation relative to the 100-year flood level (jurisdictional location within city limits or in unincorporated county) and percentage of structure value which will lie below grade. 7. The grantee shall submit the appropriate site certification and obtain approvals of the following Step 2 documents before advertising for bids: a. biddable plans and specifications; b. sewer use ordinance and revenue generation system; c. draft plan of operation; and d. project performance proposal. 8. Proof of flood insurance, as appropriate, shall be provided with the executed contract documents. 9. Within ninety (90) days of approval of plans and specifications, grantee shall advertise for bids. Bids shall be advertised for at least thirty (30) days before opening. 10. Within twenty-one (21) days after bid opening, grantee shall submit the construction contract bidding information pertaining to tentative selection of the low bidder. 11. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the bidding information, the department shall conduct a review to ensure compliance with all applicable procurement regulations. The grantee is cautioned not to award contracts or issue the notice to proceed until the department has given the authority to award. The grantee shall ensure that the bids remain open until completion of this review process. - 5 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 586110 f. No more than ninety (90) percent grant payment shall be made until a list of all non-expendable personal property purchased in part or in whole with grant funds (prepared in accordance with 40 CFR 30.531 and 30.532) is submitted. g. The department may withhold payment of up to 10% of the grant until project performance certification is provided or until all necessary corrective actions have been carried out. 16. The following documentation shall be submitted with all payment requests: a. engineering invoices and prime contractor invoices (if not cumulative, all invoices must be submitted); and b. any special grant conditions precluding payment shall be satisfied. 17. All measures required to minimize water pollution to affected waters shall be employed in the construction of the facilities including compliance with Section 404 of PL 92-500, as amended. The approval of this project for financial assistance does not constitute sanction or approval of any changes or deviation from established water quality standards, criteria, or implementation dates, or from dates established by applicable enforcement proceedings. 18. The grantee shall complete the project as defined in the grant agreement within the given project period. The grantee shall require contractors to satisfactorily complete all work within the time stated in the executed contract (subagreement). Exception: In the event situations occur which require an extension of the project and budget periods, the department, upon submission of a justified request, may grant an extension. Extension of any contract completion date shall be submitted to the department for approval. 19. The grantee shall comply with FAC 17-50.017(2) regarding revenue generation system requirements. 20. Tne sewer use ordinance shall be enacted prior to the actual date of initiation of operation. 21. The grantee shall notify the department of the actual date of initiation of operation. 22. The grantee shall comply with FAC 17-50.015(2)(i) or (j) regarding project performance requirements. - 7 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 586110 12. The grantee shall notify the department in writing immediately when contracts are awarded and submit a schedule of project outlays for each major contract. 13. The grantee shall retain all project records for three (3) years following final grant payment or for such other period as prescribed by the department. 14. It is the policy of the department to make timely periodic grant payments and to require the grantee to make prompt periodic payment on subagreements. Partial payments on this grant shall be made within 45 days of request, subject to adequate documentation of incurred eligible costs and subject to the grantee's compliance with the conditions of this grant and subsequent amendments. a. The grantee agrees to make prompt payment to its contractor and to retain only such amounts as may be justified by specific circumstances and provisions of this grant or the construction contract. b. The grantee shall ensure that appropriate provisions to implement this prompt payment requirement are included in all construction contracts as well as associated subcontracts. 15. The following conditions shall be met so that payment milesteones are not delayed. All appropriate documents should be submitted thirty (30) days before the deadlines to allow for department review. a. Prior to any grant payment the required revenue generation system shall be approved. b. No more than thirty (30) percent of the total eligible engineering services shall be paid until the department approves the contract for engineering services. c. No more than fifty (50) percent grant payment shall be made until the Final Plan of Operation is submitted and approved. d. No more than eighty (80) percent grant payment shall be made until the revenue generation system has been implemented. e. No more than ninety (90) percent grant payment shall be made until the O&M Manual is approved. - 6 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 586110 23. The grantee agrees to initiate project close-out within 60 days after project performance certification. 24. The grantee shall insure that project audits are conducted annually by an independent Certified Public Accountant. The audits may be conducted concurrently with the local government's nonna11y scheduled audits; however, a separate audit report shall be prepared for each grant-funded project and submitted to the department. Audit reports shall include a balance sheet, operating statement, and comparison of actual expenditures versus budgeted program element amounts, and shall assess whether or not expenditures were in accordance with the grant conditions. 25. The grantee shall be allowed a maximum of thirty (30) days to submit documentation substantiating project expenditures to offset any amount identified in a final audit report as a reimbursement due the department for noncompliance with applicable requirements. B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 1. Estimated eligible construction costs were determined to be $6,451,100 or 67.8% of total construction costs ($9,514,900). This factor, applied to relevant line items in the approved application budget, yields the following: Administration Engineering fees Project inspection Project performance services $ 47,575 x 67.8% = $ 32,256 215,664 x 67.8% = 146,220 167,905 x 67.8% = 113,840 68,186 x 67.8% = 46,230 2. The design allowance was calculated at 5.1704% of the estimated eligible building costs of $6,451,000: Building Costs $6,000,000 6,451,100 X 7,000,000 %* 5.2140 5.1704 = $333,548 x 42.1% = $140,424 State Share 5.1174 3. The state share will be adjusted to the maximum 55% funding if the eligible project costs reduce to $5,454,545. 4. The grantee shall comply with the project schedule detailed in Attachment B to this grant award. 5. The grantee shall initiate construction for the treatment plant modification and expansion by December 1990 and complete construction *Per 40 CFR 35, Appendix B, Table 2, 2/17/84. - 8 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 586110. B. SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Continued): by June 1992. The grantee shall initiate construction of a combined sewer separation project by June 1993 and eiiminate all combined sewer overflows to Lake Monroe by December 1995. However, these schedules (a~d Attachment B) shall. be adjusted to be consistent with the terms of any consent order into which the department and the grantee enter. 6. The grantee shall obtain both Drainage Basins A and C (as shown in Attachment C and further identified as parcels 1 and 2 in the Boundary Survey submitted with the grant application for site purchase dated May 20, 1985) for land application of secondary wastewater treatment plant effluent. 7. The grantee agrees to submit the land appraisals for the effluent site purchase by SeptemBer 1,1985 and negotiate the land contract and option with permission for site access (schedule based on a negotiated purchase, not condemnation) by November 15, 1985. - 9 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) GRANT NO. 586110 PART IV NOTE: The Agreement must be completed in duplicate and the Original returned to the Bureau of Wastewater Management and Grants within 5 calendar weeks after receipt or within any extension of time as may be granted by the bureau. -Receipt of a written refusal or failure to return the properly executed document within the prescribed time, may result in the withdrawal of the offer by the Agency. Any change to the Agreement by the.recipient subsequent to the document being signed by the DER Award Official which the Award Official determines to materially alter the Agreement shall void the Agreement. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE The State of Florida, acting by and through the Department of Environmental Regulation, hereby offers assistance to the City of Sanford (Recipient Organization) for 42.1 % of all approved costs incurred up to and not exceeding $ 3,000,000 for the support of approved budget (Assistance Amount) period effort described in application (including all application IOOdifications) . Construction Grant Application dated herein by reference. May 1985 included THE STA E OF FLORIDA BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: /2 J;SJ) Date This Agreement is subject to applicable State of Florida statutory provisions and assistance regulations. In accepting this award and any payments made pursuant thereto, (I) the undersigned represents that he is duly authorized to act on behalf of the recipient organization, and (2) the recipient agrees to the general and special conditions. BY AND ON BEHALF OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION: r~~~- / ate Signature -~.~. --/' Typed Name and Title Frank A. Faison, City Manager - 10 - Form No. 17-1.217(6)(a) 586110 Sanford ATTACHMENT A Project Description This project consists of the construction of effluent transmission facilities and rapid infiltration basins with subsurface drains. Specifically, the project will include the following: 1. Approximately 1,450 linear feet of 60-inch diameter chlorine contact pipeline. 2. A I-MGD side-line effluent flow equalization pond. 3. A 7.3-MGD effluent pump station. 4. Approximately 41,200 linear feet of 30-inch diameter force main. 5. Approximately 240 acres of rapid infiltration basins. 6. Subsurface drains. 7. A 3,000-foot exfiltration trench and limestone dike. 8. Drainage modifications. These items are fundable and eligibility is limited to 67.8 percent of the construction costs based on the ratio of existing-need flow (4.95 MGD) to design flow (7.3 MGD). The award will result in a $3,000,000 grant due to the funding limitation imposed on trust fund reserve list projects (reference Chapter 17-50.04, Florida Administrative Code). The project scope may be adjusted at the time of plans and specifications review. . - . 586110 ATTACHMENT B Sanford Items/Dates to be Included on the Project Schedule Schedule for each item should be provided as number of months from grant award. Step 2+3 approval or Step 3 award (time zero) Approval of the proposed state revenue generation system - prior to procurement and prior to any grant payment (Step 2+3 grants) Value engineering approval (if required) Submission of plans, specifications and plan of operation (Step 2+3 grants) Approval of plans, specifications and draft plan of operation (Step 2+3 grants) Approval of performance contract (Step 2+3 grants) Public notices of procurement activities time zero Approved N/A 15.5 Bid opening date(s) 18.5 18.5 19 20.5 22.5 Contract/subagreements award dates Submittal of construction contract(s) and copies of executed construction contract(s) Issuance of notice(s) to proceed with building Preconstruction conference 23 23.5 23.5 18.5 Construction permit(s) approvals Building initiation (the start of the physical erection, acquisition, alteration, improvement or extension of the facilities) 24 Payment request submittals (include estimated amount) 1st payment 1st payment for construction 23 25 .27 30 32 55 50% payment 80% payment 90% payment Final Page 1 of 4 ~ , Fj~al'plan ~f operat1vn approval (required prior to 501 payme-nt) 26 Implementation of the state revenue generation system (required pr i or to 801 payment) 29 Operation and maintenance manual approval (required prior to 90% payment) 31 Submission of non-expendable personal property list (required prior to 90% payment) 31 Completion of building (the date when all but minor components of a project have been built and all equipment i~ operational) 42 Initiation of operation 43 Sewer use ordinance and user charge adoption 29 Project performance services Equipment start-up Hands on training Preventative maintenance program Sampling program 42 . 43 44 50 Revised operation and maintenance manual as necessary (required prior to final payment for project performance services) 53 Project performance certification (one year from initiation of operation) Note: A formal grant amendment is required before implementing project schedule changes which may significantly delay or accelerate the project. 55 Page 2 of 4 ~ 0' , " . ~: :.. (Attachment B conti, ~d) , f (I.' '586110 Sanford CITY OF SANFORD DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF EFFLUENT DISPOSAL FACILITIES SCHEDULE ITEM - , " lUtE ~ Months after Grant Aiiri (Est. ;"~!'''l -.. 1. Initiate land appraisals (2 appraisals & 1 review appraisal) and prepare scope of engineering services for final design 2. Step 2+3 Grant Award and Acceptance 3. Approval of Appraisal by:FDER 4. Negotiate land contract and option with permission for site access (schedule based upon a negotiated purchase, not condemnation), authorize & start final design. 5. Obtain Seminole County Conditional Use (3-6 mo. required.. this item to be performed concurrent with item 6 below). 6. Submission of Plans, Specifications, DER , constructioh ~ermits. other Grant related Step 2 documen- tation (12-1/2 months total, including 6 mos. for boundary, topo surveys, route survey of force main alignment, right- of-way research a verification, and soils and 5-1/2 mos. for Engineering design, plans; documents; and one month for preparation'of construction e~sements, documents, prepa- ration of permit applications and exhibits and coordination regarding execution of permit applications.) Page 3 of 4 -1-1/2 (.July 1, 1985) o 1 (August 15, 1085) . (Sept. 15. 1'95) 3 (Nov. 15, 1985; , 15-1/2 ( Dee. 1, 1 986 ) DER construction permit DOT utility permit . Seminole County utilfty permit (ROW Use Per.it) Railroad crossing permit DER Dredge/Fill permit ' St. Johns River Water Management District. management of surface waters permit (90 days requi red) Army Corps of Engineers Dredge & Fill permit ... . 7. Review .nd approval of Plans of . n d' S pee J f t.c e t ion s. S t e p 2 G r I n t documentation Ind permits (90 days). Anticipated project permits fnclude: I. b. c. d. e. f. g. 8. 18-1/2 19 Initiate Advertisement for Bids (45 day Bid Advertisement) 9. Receive & Open Bids 20-1/2 10. Evaluate Bids. Construction Contract Approval including approval by FDER to award & give Notice of Award (60 days) 11. From Notice of Award 15 days to submit executed construction contract and copies of executed Performance & Payment Bonds & insurance certfficates 22-1/2 23 12. Preconstruction Conference and issuance of Notice to Proceed 23-1/2 . 12. Start Construction 24 13. Substantial Completion of Construction (15 mos.) 39 14. Final comoletion of construc~ion' {3 mos.) 42 15. Startup and ~ertification of compliance with FDER construction permit (4 mos.) 46 Page 4 of 4 , . . ' . f, . ,. , " '. ." ~, (Mar. 1. 1187), (Mlr. 15. ,.8))i (May 1, 1 '87) (July I, 1187) (July IS, 1187) (Aug. I, 1.87) (Aug. 15, 1!)e7) (Nov. IS, 1~38) (Feb. 15. "a~) (June IS, l:.bS) i , O.F . I PROPOSED EARTH DIKE j'~ "' .41, ~. ~... -'. r'r"l' .r' .41 .> :\ ' .( ). , I , , . , \~. '\. );\ ~ " ,', o- f. .\' ) ..... \ . . - . . , , , lS " . . ...... , ---, I , . /. " BASIN AI I I 1 PROPOSED . , "DI KE 6RE AC .............. .....--.. '. _/'? ,.-., J.y :. "" . .; ". /' · ~".J a- '\ ;- \: ---- ~ \ . I . . ,. ,........... I ,-. I : ATTACHMENT 'c ..... AI - -~..._- ..- . . .-