HomeMy WebLinkAbout324-Andrew Maynard1993 A?R 21 ~,t4 9:,~0 GRANT OF EASEMENT .... ~ffe~4 da" of~~'~'/~' , A.D 1993, betwsen AndrewtMa, ynard r°af~ohne,. THIS INDENTURE, maoe xnms _Z ' - ! .--~. . . ;,,-rv n,: eaNFORD FLORIDA, 8 municipal corpo , ,o oun of Seminole_, end State of .F!orid8_, party of tile firsT, pa~.anu k,s.. u .... c,~ ~"7 Csltua~d in Seminole County, Florida, party of the secono paTLy, r~ WITNESSETH, that party of the first part. for and n consideration of the sum of one dollar 8nd otherr~ueble consideration paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby 8cknowedged, has granted end conveyed, 8nd by these presents do grant and convey to party of the second part, it's seccessers, assigns, licensees, a perpetual eam~ment under, upon, and across the property situated in the City of Senford. Seminole County, Florida, more particularly.~scfibed as follows: 0 GO The North § Feet of the South 12 Feet of Lot 16 8nd All of Lot 17, t,,.., Seminole County, Florida. First Add;Iron to Pma~, Plat Book ~ Page 79 (alsu known 8s 1807 Holly Avenue, Senford, Florida) for utility purposes, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, maintenance, end replacement of ell utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such eesument including the fight of free ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, iN WITNESS WHEREOF, par~y~f the f~st part has hereunto set his hand and sealed the day and year first above sI~SEAL~ ANq DE~VEREB IN~T~ r~ut Nr. -,. / - STATE OF ~/.~ ~ ~ - "J ize / ' d8 in the above named Stat8 and Coun~ bafor8 me, an o~cer duly author d I H(~EBY CERTI~ ~ that on this Y - 8md, Andrew ~ayna~ to me well known, and ~nown lo me to administer 08Ihs 8nd ~Ke 8CKnOW edgemen~, personally 8ppe _ to be the individual desc~bed in 8nd who executed the foregoing ea~ment, who acknowledged before me mat t~ey executed the same 8s his free 8ct 8nd deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ' have ~reunt0 set my hand and official .al at ~nford, CounW o, S:?~:oie, State of ,o,d,, xhi, ,of // . ' "'" '"' ~.Q .io ' ',:' NOT~Y P~LIC : o /x- - ' < ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~tin~ S, ~On~; lip~ ~4L: , .... a. ,*; : Documentary Tax Pal. $ _ --I~tanglble Tax Pd. Maryanne Morse, Cl.~erlC;~emi~ole