HomeMy WebLinkAbout319-David & Bobbie Shaw .... ,..co-r],,,. moa. thi. J~ d.v of ~"L~i~(I.)C~t~C'I , A.D. 1893, be~veen David L ,nd Bobbin P. Shaw of the County of Seminole, 8nd State of Flonda, pamss of the~irst part, 8nd CITY OF SANFORD, FLORID , 8 municipal corporation, situated in Seminole County, Florida, party of the second pm'ty, WITNESSETH, that parries of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted and conveyed, and by these presents do grant and convey to party of the second part, it's successors, assigns, licensees, a perpetual easement under, upon, end across the property situated in the City of Senford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described es follows: The South 5 Feet of Thq.~qu~tl]~,2 Feet of Lot 15 8nd the North 39 Feet of Lot 16, First Addition to Pine{~J~?~18~Book 5, Page 79, Seminole County, Florida. (also known as 1805 Holly Avenue, Sanford, Florida) Documentary Tax Pd. $ for utility purposes, end for the installation, inspection, servicing, repeir, maintenance, and rep'la~eflt of ali utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such easement including the right of free ingress and egress over end across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties of the first pert has hereunto set their hands end sealed the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: David L, Shaw ~'~-I~I:['N~S Rebecca ~Jain Bobbie, P.. Shaw' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the above named State and County before me, an officer duly authorized to administer 08ihs 8nd takn acknowledgements, persenally appeared, David L. 8nd Bobbin P. Shaw to me well-known 8nd known to me to be the individuals described in 8nd who executed the foregoing easement, who acknowledged before me that they executed the seme 8s their free act 8nd deed. IN WIT~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand 8nd official seal 8t Senford, County of Seminole, State of Florida, this Jr~ , day of ~F:o~ ,1963. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: -- NOTARY PUBLIC Uy Comm Exp. 11/03/96 {,.,.{ ~,~.,,",",-' J%) Ronded ~ Service Ins No. Cc 0o2 Ill