HomeMy WebLinkAbout317-Seminole County Services BEMTNOLE COUNTY/CITY OF ~ANFORD R'rNEH~,RT ROAD UTiLiTY F~,SEMENT TR~B UT:I:~.ITY HAB~E~ is made and entered into this ~ day of ~,~).P~!~,,o~.,~A_, 1992, by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political su~d~iv~sion of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florf~% 32771, hereinafter referred to as the GRANTOR, and CITY OF SANFORD~, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State ~-f Florida, whose address is 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the GRANTEE. W I T N B B S E T H~ FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF the sum of ONE AND NO/100 DOLLAR ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANTOR does hereby grant to the GRANTEE and its assigns, a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for utility purposes subject to re-location as described below, with authority to enter upon, excavate, construct and maintain, as the GRANTEE and its assigns may deem reasonably necessary, water pipes, under, upon and through the following-described lands situate in the County of Seminole, State of Florida, to-wit: THE WESTERLY 30 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST ¼ OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE SOUTH 89°37~54' WEST, ALONS THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST ¼ OF SAID CO SECTION 32 A DISTANCE OF 330.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0°03~58' WEST, 291.99 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 69o11'37" EAST, 150 00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 20°48~23" EAST, 150.00 FEET; CD THENCE SOUTH 69°11~37" WEST, 207.20 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0°03~58" Co EAST, 160.53 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement and right-of-way unto said GRANTEE and its assigns pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth herein. THE ~I~%NTEE and its assigns shall have the right to reasonably_ clear, keep clear and remove from said right-of-way all trees,~ :':: undergrowth, and other obstructions that may substantially ~ o interfere with location, excavation, operation or maintenance of~ ~ the utilities or any facilities installed thereon by the GRANTEE , ~ and its assigns; provided, however, that the GRANTEE shall notC~ interfere, in any way whatsoever, with the operation or utility of-~ Rinehart Road and its appurtenant facilities. == c,~,,~, sy=.,, (~'/AT __, o.~ 1 THE QRANTEE agrees that the above described non-exclusive easement area is subject to future relocation in the event that GRANTOR, in its sole discretion, elects to widen the existing roadway or initiate other construction activities that require relocation of GRANTEE's utilities. In the event that GRANTOR requires the relocation of GRANTEE's utilities, the GRANTOR may grant additional easement area to GRANTEE adequate to accommodate the utilities. The GRANTEE shall, if such additional easement is granted, be solely responsible for all costs of locating or relocating the utilities within the above described easement a~a or future easement areas granted pursuant to this Agreement. ~: THE QRANTEE agrees that the specific location of the utilities within the above described easement area or future easement ar~s shall be subject to approval by GRANTOR whose decision as specific location shall be controlling. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR has hereunto set its hand and seal, the day and year first above written. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS  SEM/~NOLE COUNTy, FLORIDA C 1Rrk~~heMORS~ '~Oard/~Of ~ ~OBERT ~/TURM,- -Ch~i~an County Commissioners of Date: ~/ ~--~0~ ~ Seminole County, Florida. For use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to~orm and LNG/dre 08/27/92 As authorized for execution by the Board of Coug~y C4ommis- sio~rs at their~~.~2~, 19 ~{.regular meeting.