HomeMy WebLinkAbout314-Mary E Sheppard~E?I~!~OL; ~OU~d fL~ GRANT OF EASEMENT L~ncM'nmr m.dethis ~2 dsyof ~-".4~4/-~- ,A.D. lgC~_,betwe.en. .... THIS ,. ...... ~l~'~'~"Shenn~e .T -~r. '~'~4~-f the County of ~ and State o1' ~ psrt._.not tnL first part, snd CiTY OF ~4~:O~D, ~"L"~RI~A, a municipsl corporatio~O, ~x /70'~'~, 5~nJ¢r~ ,-'r / Seminole County, Florida, party of the second pert; WITNE,SSETH, that part..~/_ of the first part, for end in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration to ~in hand paid hy party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, h.e..~ granted and , b these resents grant and convey to party of the second .pa..rt, !t's.su_cce.sss, rs,,.asslgns, !ic.e,nsees, e conveyed_ end y P ~ ....... ;,..,.d ;. the Ci"' OT benTorn, ~emmole i~ouflty, PlOrlO8, more r slue[ easement HadsT, upon, eno across Tn9 propl~lty ~lLUn~.ou ,. '! pep ~ particularly described as follows: Documentary Tax Pal. $ Ac ~(~ ~, , , $ tntan~ible Tax The Northerly 15 feet of West 112 of Block 4, Tier 18, (less the North 100 feet thereof), E.R. Trafford's Map of the Town of Sanford, according to the plat thereof ,::~ as recorded in Plat Book 1, pages 56 to 64, according the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ,o sas includin sec ficaly sanitary sewer, and for the lasts alien, inspection servicing, repair, maintenance, for utility purpo , 9 P · · ement nc ud n the ri ht of free end replacement of ail utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on setd property, such ess g g ingress and egress over end across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, IN WITNESS WREREOF, part_~__ of the first port he ~,' hereunto set j3~ hand and seal the day and year first above written, r SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: (SEAL)_ WITNESS RK~/ ~ ~ ~ STATEOF ['~('.~C':: Cf ,COUNTYOF ~ ~-~'/v~-? ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in tho above named Ststs 8nd County before me, 8n officer duly authorized to 8dmci,nister 087. 8n~ rake ~cknowledgements, personally appeared, to me well.~n ;~dd known to me tb be the mdw~du81 de.abed ~n and who executed the foreooing ea~ment, who ,~ged before ~ that ~ executed the s8~ as ~ free act 8,d deed. ." ~:';' "' /"~ITNESS WREREOF, have hereunto set my hand end o~cial seal at Senford, CounW of Seminole, State of ..~ ~. ,~k~pi.~,deyof ~U~ ,~9~. / ~' ~ '~ ' {L~ .~. '~,... EXPIRES' ~ I NOTARY PUBLIC