HomeMy WebLinkAbout358-Highway 46A Phase 2 ProjectSTENST~OM, MciNTOSH, COLBEi~T, WHIGHAM & ~IMMON~, P.A. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW SUNTF~UST BANK · S[~iTE ~ ~00 WEST fIRST STREET POSt O~FICE BOX 4848 SANFO~D, FLO~:~IDA 32772 4848 November 6, 1996 Bill Simmons, City Manager CITY Of SANFORD 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Re: Sale to Seminole County - Temporary Construction Easement Dear Mr. Simmons: Please find enclosed the following: 1. Escrow Check #5793 from Shutts & Bowen Escrow Account in the amount of $207,000.00 representing the net proceeds due to you at closing; 2. Original executed Closing Statement; 3. Copy of Temporary Construction Easement. This now concludes this matter. Should you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, STENSTROM, MclNTOSH, COLBERT, WHIGHAM & SIMMONS, P.A. /Iw Enclosures Project: Parcel: Owner(s): Highway 46A - Phase II 797 THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA SHUTTS & BOWEN 20 North Orange Avenue - Suite 1000 Orlando, Florida 32801 CLOSING STATEMENT AND DISB~RS]~T S~.m~ SUBJECT PROPERTY: GOVERNING CONTRACT: DATB OF (]LOSING AGENTs THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation SEMINOLE COUNTY aa represented by Property Acquisition Coordinator, Seminole County Engineering Department, Joyce D. Suber See Attached Exhibit "A" Seminole County Purchase Agreement dated September 19, 1996 between THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, as Seller and Seminole County, as Buyer October 18, 1996 Shutts & Eowen LLP 20 North Orange Avenue Suite 1000 Orlando, Florida 32801 Temporary Construction Easement Deposit (held in escrow by Shutts & Bowen to be disbursed hereunder) 207,000.00 $ 207,000.00 $207.000.00 $207r000.00 CHARGE CHARGE BUYER: T ON: Purchase Price Less: Expenses to Seller 207,000.00 NET CASH DUB SR'T.T-~R $207.000.00 RECEIPTS From Seminole County 207,000.00 TO~AL RECEIPTS: $207r000.00 DISBURSEMENTS ~ THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA - Net Proceeds TOTAL DI SBURSEM~TS ~ 207,000.00 $207f000.00 NOTESz The parties acknowledge that in preparing this Closing Statement, Shutts & Bowen has necessarily relied upon the information provided by others and therefore cannot warrant the accuracy of that information. APPROVAL OF CLOSING STATEMENT, INSTRUCTIONS TO ~LOSING AGENT. AND POST-CLOSING A~RK~MENTS Seller and Buyer hereby acknowledge that they have each read and approved the foregoing Closing Statement and agree that it accurately reflects the substance of financial aspects of the transaction contemplated by the Governing Contract and hereby approve end direct the Closing Agent's disbursement of the proceeds and expenses of the subject sale and purchase in the manner, amounts and to the personB hereinabove set forth. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation B-~t~y/~D. S~ith, Mayor J~et R. Dougherty,~£ty C~rk SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida EXHIBIT A LEGAL DE$CRIFrlON PARCEL # 797 (TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION OWNER: CIT~ OF SA~FoRD L~GAL DESCRIPTION THAT ~ORTION OF ; ~I~GIN AT TME NORT~--~T CORNEA OF ~ % OP SECTION 32, ~i~ 1~ ~, ~ 30 ~, RUN ~ 5 C~NS, ~ 24 CH~NS~ ~ 5 CHINS, NOR~ 24 CHINS ~ B~I~ING "~ ~ R~O~ IN O.R. B~K ~7~7, ~. 0493~ BEING ~RE PA~TICUI~Y DESCRIBED ~ PO ~LLOWS: COMMENCE AT T}{B SOUT~ % COR~ER OF S~TION 32~ ~IP 19 ~, ~GE AT A R~O~ ~O~ SPIK~ ~ ~O~ ON ~ RI~MT OF ~Y ~ ~R C.R. (~ 2) ~ ~REP~ BY PROF~SSION~ ~IN~ING CON~T~S, I~.~ N00' 15'30' W ~NO ~E ~ LINE OF ~B ~ % O~ B~D B~TION 32 A DIe'CB 1084.24 FE~ ~ A ~i~ ON ~E ~ LI~E OF ~E NOR~ 24 ~NS OF ~ ~ S~D ~TION 32 ~ T22 ~I~ OF B~I~ING; ~CE L~NG ~D ~ LIN~ ~ % R~ S 89' 54'55' W ~NG ~D ~ LIN~ OF ~ NOR~ 24 C~NS A CHINS OF ~ ~ % OF ~D S~TION ~2; ~CE R~ N 00' 15'30' W ~N$ WE~ LINH OF S~D ~ 5 CHINS A DZ~CB OF 1131.48 PE~ ~ ~B PRZP~ ~Y G~E & ~CLIFFE, INC.; ~NC~ R~ N 68' 51'{5' ~ ~N9 LINE OF ~D P~C~ ~903 A DIe,C8 OF 42.81 FE~; ~CE R~ ~ 00'~5'30' ~ ~NG A LINE 40.00 P~ ~ OF ~ ~ ~ T~ ~ LINE OF 5 CM~NS A DIe,CE OF ~94.86 F~ ~ A ~I~ ON ~E NOR~ LIN~ OF 452.00 F~ OF ~D ~ 5 CM~N~ OF ~ NOR~ 24 C~N~; ~C~ R~ 54'55' ~ ~N~ S~D NOR~ LiN~ OP ~E ~ 4}2.00 ~ A DIe,CE F~ ~ A ~I~ ON S~D ~ LINE O~ T~ ~ % ¢~ S~D ~TION 32; ~ 00' 15'30' ~ ~ONG ~D ~ LINE OF ~E ~ % A DI~C~ OF 452.00 ~ ~E ~I~ OF ~I~IN~. Project: Parcel: Owner(s): Highway 46A - Phase II 797 THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT (Corporate) THIg AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of October, 1996, between THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771, of the County of Seminole in the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as GRANTOR, and SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is Seminole County Services Building, 1101 ga~t First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE. WITNESSETH, that the GRANTORS, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, unto the GRANTEE, permission to be exercised for a period of three years from the date of construction of Highway 46A - Phase II to enter upon the following described lands SEE EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO for the purpose of tying in and harmonizing said property and the driveways, walkways, etc., thereon with the construction to be undertaken by the County on Highway 46A - Phase II. In addition to all other common law covenants, this instrument contains the Covenant of Further Assurances. THIS EASEMENT is granted upon the condition that the sloping and/or grading upon the above land shall not extend beyond the limits outlined above, and that all grading or sloping shall conform to all existing structural improvements within the limits designated, and all work will be performed in such manner that the existing structural improvements will not be damaged. THIS EASEMENT shall expire upon completion of this transportation project, but not later than three (3) years from beginning of construction. This Instrument Prepared by: Kenneth W. Wright, Esq. Shutts & Bowen 20 N. Orange Avenue Suite 1000 Orlando, FL 32801 This Instrument to be Returned to: Joyce D. Suber Seminole County Engineering 520 Lake Mary Blvd., Suite 200 Sanford, FL 32773 This Instrument Approved for Recording: Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation Print name: ~D ic~me~ ~rewg Print name: By' v'. · BETfYE ~. SMITH Mayor 300 North Park Avenue Sanford FL 32771 J~et R. Dougherty cf./ (/ Its City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Ig~ day of October, 1996 by BETTYE D. SMITH, the Mayor of the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, on behalf of said corporation. She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. Notary Public, State of Florida Print Name: '~)'~Cxr~¢. ~r~V45 Commission No. My commission expires: (Notary Seal) EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION L.E-$AL I::,E$,~RZPTION: THAT ~ORTION OF : ~'~EGIN AT TME NOrThEAST CO~F.~ OF ~ ~ OP SECTION C~NSt NOR~ 24 CHINS ~ ~I~ING ~, ~ R~O~ IN O.R. B~K ~97, ~. 0493, OF ~B P~LIC R~O~St S~NOLB CO~ ~RZDA. BEING ~DRE ~A~TICULARLT CO--CE AT T]'{B SOUT~ ~ CO~A OF S~T!ON 32, ~I~ 19 ~, ~GE ~2 (PH~ 2) ~ PRZP~ ~T PROFESSION~ ~INE~ING CON~T~S, I~., ~C~ N00' 15'30' W ~NG ~B ~ LINE OF ~B ~ % OF S~D S~TION 32 A DX~CB 1084.24 FE~ ~ A ~I~ ON ~E ~b~ LINE OF ~E NOR~ 24 ~N$ OF ~B ~ S~D ~TION 32 ~ THE ~I~ OF B~I~IN~; ~C~ L~NG ~D ~ LINE OP ~ % R~ S 89' 5A'55' W ~G ~D ~ LINE OP ~B NOR~ 24 CHINS A DI~C~ OF 330.00 ~E~ ~ ~E ~ CO~ OP ~ ~ 5 C~NS O~ ~E ~ CHINS OF ~E ~ % OF S~D S~TiON $2; ~CE R~ N 00' 15'30' W ~NS WE~ LINE OF S~D ~ S CHINS A DI~CE OF 1131.48 PE~ ~ ~B ~ LINE OF ~D P~C~ ~903 A DI~C~ OF 42.81 PE~; ~CE R~ ~b~ 00'15'30' ~ ~NG A LINE 40.00 PE~ ~ O~ ~ ~ ~ THE ~ LINE OF S~D 5 CM~NS A DI~CB OF 694.86 FE~ ~ A ~I~ ON ~E NOR~ LINE OF ~E ~ 452.00 FE~ OF ~D ~ 5 CM~N~ OF ~E NOR~ 24 CM~NS; ~CE R~ NOR~ 54'55' ~ ~NG S~D NOR~ LINE O~ ~ ~ ~2.00 ~E~ A DI~NCE OP 290.~0 PE~ ~ A ~I~ ON ~D ~ LINE OF T~E ~ % O~ ~D ~TION ~2~ ~CE ~b~ 00' 15'~0' ~ ~ONG ~D ~ LINE OF ~E ~ ~ A DI~C~ O~ 452.00