HomeMy WebLinkAbout354-Seminole Towne Center Limit HARYANNE HORST S£HINOLK COUNTY, F1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · . ,"" ' RECO~' VERIF!F, CI..FJ~I~ OF CIRCUIT , EASEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limitE~t partnership (hereinafter called "Grantor"), for and in consideration of the sum of One Doll~ c~ ($1.00) and other considerations paid by The City of Sanford, Florida, a Florida municil~l '~' ~o corporation (hereinafter called "Grantee"), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns, a subsurface easement to operate, maintain and repair a reclaimed water line or lines with appurtenances thereto, being hereinafter sometimes collectively called "facilities", under and through the property (the "Easement" Area) located in the County of Seminole, Florida, and more particularly described and shown on Exhibit "A' attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the sole purposes of maintaining, operating, inspecting, altering, replacing and removing subsurface pipes, lines, conduits, meters and appurtenances for the provision of reclaimed water utility services. Grantee shall have the right to excavate and perform necessary work upon the surface of the Easement Ama as and when required to repair, replace, remove and relocate such pipes, lines, conduits, meters and appurtenances (except that such excavation and work shall be performed so as not to unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of the surface of the Easement Area by Grantor, its successors, assigns, tenants, subtenants and invitees). Grantee shall not erect, install or maintain any structures or improvements on the surface of the Easement Area described above, except that Grantee may install, operate and maintain such fixtures and equipment on the surface of the Easement Area as may be necessary to provide utility services, provided that any such surface fixtures and equipment shall be installed and maintained on the Easement Area only at such locations and in such a manner as not to unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of the surface of the Easement Area by Grantor and its successors, assigns, tenants, subtenants and invitees. Except as modified herein, this grant shall carry with it the right of ingress and egress to and from the Easement Area at all reasonable times with the right to use existing roads for the purpose of operating, inspecting, repairing and maintaining the facilities, and the removal or replacement of the facilities either in whole or in part. Grantee may use such portion of the property along and adjacent to said Easement Area as may be reasonably necessary in connection with the maintenance, repair, removal or replacement of the facilities. After construction and installation, Grantee shall maintain, repair and replace such reclaimed water line or lines, meters and appurtenances as and when necessary, at Grantee's expense. UI' I' IUIAL BOOK 021 2 SEW,~;OLE CO. FL. Grantor hereby reserves and shall have the right to landscape or to pave the Easement Area with asphaltic or other paving material and to use the same as a driveway, an automobile parking area, sidewalk or for any other use or purpose which is not inconsistent with Grantee's rights hereunder, provided that Grantor shall not, without the prior written consent of Grantee, erect any permanent buildings or structures upon the surface of the Easement Area. The Grantor hereby further reserves the right to grant easements to other utilities or services, and to tenants or owners of portions of the shopping center, which easements may traverse, intersect, transect or otherwise lie within or beneath the surface of the Easement area. Any such subsequent easements traversing, intersecting, transecting or otherwise lying within or beneath the surface of the Easement area, shall not materially interfere with the continuing use of the easement granted hereunder. If the surface of the Easement Area is disturbed by Grantee at any time and from time to time by the repair, maintenance, removal, replacement or other work in connection with said facilities, Grantee, at its sole cost and expense, shall repair and restore the surface of the Easement Area to the same condition which existed immediately prior to any such disturbance, including, without limitation, any and all necessary repairs and replacement of any pavement or landscaping which may be removed and excavated by Grantee in the course of doing any such work within the Easement Area. Any work done by Grantee upon or within the Easement Area at any time and from time to time shall be done at such time and in such a manner as will cause a minimum of interference with the business being conducted by Grantor in the shopping center upon its land surrounding and adjoining the Easement Area, but nothing herein contained shall prevent or prohibit the Grantee from performing any of its work during normal and customary daylight business hours. Except in the instance of work required for an emergency, Grantee shall give Grantor prior written notice at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of performing any such work. The Grantee shall, at the request of Grantor, at any time, remove its lines, appurtenances and other facilities from the Easement Area, and release and quitclaim this Easement to Grantor, provided that Grantor furnishes the Grantee an equivalent easement on the same terms as herein at another suitable location on Grantor's lands, and provided further that such relocation of the facilities shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described rights and easement, unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, and each Grantor hereby binds itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend the Easement Area unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any party thereof, subject to deeds of trust, liens, leases, restrictions, conditions, easements, rights-of-way and other matters of record. Should Grantee abandon the facilities and Easement, then all of the easements granted hereunder shall lapse and revert to Grantor, its successors and assigns. Such abandonment shall be conclusively presumed following non-use by Grantee for six (6) months and with use not being BO0~ resumed within sixty days following receipt of written noticee~[,[~.~l~ll~e~t[.(certified mail return receipt requested to the address listed above) from Grantor to Grantee, and on such abandonment, Grantee will then execute any and all necessary documents to evidence such abandonment. If Grantee fails to execute such documents within ten (10) days after receipt, Grantor is hereby authorized, as Grantee's attorney in fact, to execute all such documents on behalf of Grantor. It is agreed that this grant covers all of the agreements between the parties and that no representations or statements, verbal or written, have been made modifying, adding to, or changing the terms of this Easement Agreement. [End of Page 3] EXECUTED this .day of..~j,199 .~ OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK PAGE ,,~., dltOLE CO. FL. SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, an Indiana limited parmership By: SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: , P~inted'Nf~e cfi Witn;~/O~e Printed Name of Witness Two SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership, d/b/a Simon Prop] Limited Partnership, General Partne/ Iy Group, By: SIMON PROPERTY GROU~! ~C., a Maryland corporat~~Partner By: (j/ DAVID StMO~N PRESIDENT STATE OF INDIANA ) ) COUNTY OF MARION ) SS: This instrument was acknowledged before me on the ~ · ~, as _ ~ ~.~- 5, ~c~g.,o Xof SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, INC., a Maryland corporation, the General Partner of SIMON PROPERTY GROUP, L.P., a Delaware limited partnersh.~, the General Partner of SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, mx'[~liana limited partnership and the within Grantor. d" "..'" ...... " My Commission Expires: day of~ , 199~,, by Name: Notary Public, State of Indiana Kathteen A. Ray, No~ary.PiJbltc,.._. _ ...'r.,,"- My Commission Expires -..~.1~7~ ~' ' Resident of Marion County, Ihdlarm This Document Prepared Outside the State of Florida By: Ris~ A. Friedman, Esq. P.O. Box 7033 Indianapolis, Indiana 46207 After Recording, Return To: Simon Property Group P.O. Box 7033 Indianapolis, Indiana 46207 Attention: Rise' A. Friedman 7/12/95:07124)01 .lEAF 4 A LEGAL DESCRIPTION UTILITY EASEMENT ISHEE? SCALE t'-,10 FEET TRACT ! SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER REPLAT P8.47, PGS. 8-tO P. O. C. MOST SOUTHERN CORNER TRACT 7 R-650. 00' &-16o25'35, L=t86.35' C-t85. 71' CB-S4O°47'~9, W TRACT i3 SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER REPLAT P8.47, PGS. 8-iO 20F2 LEGEND / / /POC ............ POINT OF COHNENCENENT POB ............ POINT OF BEGINNING ~ ............. CENTERLINE R/W ........... RIGHT-OF-WAY P. § ............ PLAT BOOK P. G ............ PAGE O. B ............ OFFICAL RECORD BOOK PC ............. POINT OF C~VATURE PT ............. POINT OF TANGENCY & ............. CENTRAL ANGLE R .............. RADIUS LENGTH C .............. CHORO LENGTH CB ............. CHORD BEARING L .............. ARC LENGTH 'PROFESS I ONAL ENG I NEER I NG CONSUL TANTS, INC. engineers planners surveyors Suits J560 Eola Parl~ Csnt~o. 200 East Robinson Streot. Orlando. Florida 3280J 407/422-8062 SECTION 29, TONNSHIP !9 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST DATE: JUNE 22. f. 995 I PREP BY: S.E.J. DRAWN BY: S.E.d. I ,JOB NO: S0C-0t-02. 02; LEGAL DESCRIPTION UTILII¥ EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS A STRIP OF LAND BEING A PORTION DF TRACT ~. SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER REPLAT, ACCORDING TD THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT 8DOK 47, PAGES 8 THROUGH t0, PUBLIC RECORDS DF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE MOST SOUTHERLY CORNER OF TRACT 7 OF SAID SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER REPLAT FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE, SAID POINT LIES ON THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TOWNE CENTER BOULEVARD BEING A CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLY~ THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND SAID CURVE HAVING A RADIUS LENGTH OF 650.000 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16"25'35", AN ARC LENGTH OF t86. 35 FEET, A CHORD LENGTH OF i85. 7t FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 40"47'19" WEST TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTHWESTERLY, ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE AND SAID CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS LENGTH OF 650. O0 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 0t°47'38", AN ARC LENGTH OF 20. 35 FEET, A CHORD LENGTH OF 20.35 FEET AND A CHORD 8EARING OF SOUTH 49"53'56" WEST; THENCE, DEPARTING SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-DF-WAY LINE, RUN NORTH 50'45'02" WEST, 82.19 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 39'~4'58" EAST, 20.00 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH §0'4§'02" EAST, 89.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. THE ABOVE SEMINOLE LESS. DESCRIBED STRIP OF LAND LIES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, COUNTY, FLORIDA AND CONTAINS t682 SQUARE FEET MORE OF SURVEYOR'S NOTES: ~. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS SKETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH THE SURVEYOR S EMBOSSED SEAL. 2, LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS, OWNERSHIP, OR OTHER INSTRUMENTS DF RECORD BY THIS FIRM. 3. BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE SOUTH LINE DF TRACT 7, SEMINOLE TOWNE CENTER REPLAT, ACCDRDING TD THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGES B THROUGH PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID BEARING BEING NORTH 67'52'33' WEST, AN ASSUMED DATUM 4, THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION HEREON HAS BEEN PREPARED BY THE SURVEYOR AT THE CLIENT S REQUEST. 5. THIS SKETCH DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY, AS SUCH. 6. THE DELINEATION OF LANDS SHOWN HEREON ARE AS PER THE CLIENTS INSTRUCTIONS. ~2 CERTIFICATION: WE TO DIRECTION IN JUNE, 1995. WE DESCRIPTION MEETS THE MINIMUM CHAPTER 6~G17-6 [F.A.C.] ADOPTED AND MAPPERS PURSUANT TO FLORIDA HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS TRUE THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND AND CORRECT BELIEF AS PREPARED UNDER OUR FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THIS LEGAL TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH"FN DAVID A. WHITE, P.L.S. FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 4044 'PROFESS I ONAL ENG I NEER I NG CONSUL TANTS, I NC. englneePs plannePs suPveyoPs Suits 1560 Eola Parl~ Cenf~'e. 200 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida 3280J 407/422- 8062 SECT ION 29, TOWNSHIP lg SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST DATE: JUNE 22. ~995 m PREP BY: S.E.J. J DRAWN BY: S.E.J. J JOB NO: SDC-O!-O2. 022