HomeMy WebLinkAbout353-Seminole Farms Trust IVHARYANNE HORSE CLE~'-OF CIRCUIT C.r~UZ'~' 7 9067 This Instrument prepared by Gloria M. Lockridge, Esq. Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P.A. Post Office Box 231 Orlando, Florida 32801-231 SEMINOLE C~OUNIY, FL. Documentary Tax Pd. $ ¢~'--. $ .. Intangible 'fax Pal. STORMWATER DRAINAGE EASEMENT Maryanne Morse, C~k~ County By: [ ~ - -'~/-"~'~ This Stormwater Drainage Easement ("Easement") executed this C day of ~-~7'-~.~/,,~'~''- 1995, but made effective the 7th day of November. 1994, by HAROLD G. HARTSOCK, Trustee, SEMINOLE FARMS TRUST IV, whose address is 1311 East Second Street, Sanford, Florida 32771 ("Grantor") to THE CITY OF SANFORD, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, whose post office address is Post Office Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772 ("Grantee"); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by Warranty Deed recorded in O.R. Book 2569, Page 0884, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, Grantor conveyed to Grantee, among other lands, a stormwater retention pond more particularly described on Pages 0892-0893 thereof (the "Original Retention Pond"); and WHEREAS, on February 28, 1994, Grantor as "Owner" and Grantee as "City" entered into a Right-of-Way Agreement recorded in O.R. Book,Qq&~,, Page/3i~ Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (the "Right-of-Way Agreement"). pursuant to which Grantee agreed to reconvey to Grantor the Original Retention Pond and in exchange thereof, Grantor agreed to convey to Grantee a stormwater drainage easement over said Original Retention Pond, subject to the terms and conditions of the Right-of-Way Agreement; and WHEREAS, Grantee desires to accept and maintain a stormwater drainage easement across the lands of the Grantor; and WHEREAS, Grantor has agreed to permit such stormwater drainage easement on that portion of the Grantor's lands described by the attached Exhibit A (the "Original Retention Pond"); and G ML:KELLEY;EASEMENT-CITY-OF-SANFORD WHEREAS, Grantor has agreed to the conveyance of the stormwater drainage easement as above and herein described, but subject to the limitations herein provided, co NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of $I0.00 and other valuabl~2. considerations the receipt whereof by each is hereby acknowledged, Grantor and Grantee agreec-2- as follows: tn 1. Conveyance of Stormwater Drainage Easement. The Grantor does hereby give and grant unto the Grantee, and its successors and assigns, a perpetual non-exclusive (to the extent that Grantor retains all rights not inconsistent with this Easement and the Right of Way Agreement) stormwater drainage easement over, across, under, upon and through the reconveyed Original Retention Pond described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein for the purposes of transmitting, retaining and treating stormwater runoff and other drainage from, and pertaining to, St. John's Parkway West, a publicly dedicated right-of-way lying between Seminole Towne Boulevard and Rinehart Road. The Grantee accepts the Easement herein provided and agrees as a condition of such acceptance to maintain and operate the facilities located on and within the lands described in Exhibit A. Grantor hereby grants unto the Grantee a right of reasonable access to and necessary entry onto any and all property that may be reasonably necessary which is immediately adjacent to the Original Retention Pond and onto the Original Retention Pond itself for the purposes of maintenance, repair and replacement of the drainage facilities in, within, on or under the Original Retention Pond and any and all appurtenant facilities related thereto. 2. Reservation of Rights. The Grantor hereby reserves unto itself, and its successors and assigns, the right to use the aforesaid Original Retention Pond at any and all times for any and all purposes which do not unreasonably interfere with the normal operation and maintenance of the facilities being used and maintained by the Grantee. The Grantor's reservation shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right and privilege at any time and from time to time to make grants, easements, licenses, and privileges to any person, firm, corporation or other entity, over, under, upon and with respect to said easement area, for any purpose or use that will not unreasonably interfere with the normal operation or maintenance of said facilities (including parking), and also the right (but not the obligation) from time to time to lay out and to plat and to construct streets and roadways along and over portions of and across the Easement or right- of-way herein granted, and to convey the same or the area so laid out, or any interest or estate therein, to any municipal or other governmental authority or otherwise dedicate the same to the public. Grantor's reservation of rights as set forth in this Paragraph 2 shall not adversely interfere with the capacity of the Original Retention Pond for Grantee's permitted use described in Paragraph 1 above. GM L:K ELLEY:EA SEMENT-CITY-OF-SANFORD 2 3. Relocation of Easement and Original Retention Pond. . .o t-q c. Ch c:~ '-~ Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, Grantor retains the righl~o --..a relocate the Easement and the Original Retention Pond in accordance with and subject tole terms and conditions of the Right-of-Way Agreement. In such event, Grantor, at its sole Est and expense, shall be responsible for the redesign, permitting, relocation and reconstruction(if cDrn necessary) of the Stormwater Drainage Easement (and all drainage facilities, if any) and2~he.~' capacity of the relocated Easement and Retention Pond to serve Grantee's permitted.rllseCal described in Paragraph 1 above shall not be diminished by such relocation. 4. Termination. If the Grantee, or its successors or assigns, should abandon said Easement, or any part thereof, or cease to maintain and use the facilities, over, under or upon said Original Retention Pond, or any part thereof, then at the option of Grantor the rights, privileges, right-of-way and Easement herein granted, as to such portion shall terminate. 5. Use and Maintenance. The Easement and the Original Retention Pond shall be utilized by the Grantee for any and all drainage and stormwater utility purposes for the above-referenced St. Johns Parkway West, with full authority to enter upon to excavate, construct and maintain, as the Grantee and its assigns may deem necessary, a drainage system consisting of pipes, ditches, detention, percolation or disposal areas of any combination thereof, together with appurtenant drainage structures, and any other stormwater facilities. The Grantee and its assigns shall have the right to clear and keep clear ali trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within said Original Retention Pond that may interfere with the location, excavation, operation, utility or maintenance of the drainage facilities or functions, and except as provided in Paragraph 3 above, Grantor, its successors and assigns, agree not to build~ construct or create, or permit others to build, construct or create any buildings or other structures on the herein granted Easement that may interfere with the location, excavation, operation, utility or maintenance of the drainage facilities or functions or utilities and any related facilities placed thereon. 7. Successors and Assigns. The rights, privileges and reservations herein provided shall inure to the benefit of the Grantor's and Grantee's respective successors and assigns. GML:KELLEY:EASEMENT-CI~[3~-OF-SANFORD 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and the Grantee have caused these presents to be executed as of the day and year first above written. (Signature of)/Oitness) ?L ~,rin N e of Witness) (Signai4re o~ Witness) (Print ~me of Witness) HAROLD G. HARTSOCK, Trustee ("Grantor") CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ("Grantee") (Signature of Witness) (Print Name of Witness) (Signature of Witness) Li ndo~ U l~rac~ (Print Name of Witness) By: ~_~,~,~/~ fi/., ,, Bettye m~th, IV~ayor Attest: ,~net R. ~ C~{y Cler~ GMI ,:KELLEY:EASEMENT~CFD/-OF-SANFORD 4 STATE OF FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~9 day of 1995, by Harold G. H~tsock, as the Trustee of Seminole Farms Trust IV, on ~e~alf of the Trust. Sign~t~r~ot~y ~ublic-State of Florida Print, type or s~mp commissioned nme of Not~ Public; Personally known OR Produced Identification ~:'~ bt~5 ~( Type of Identification Produced STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13fh day of ~:~-pl~!~r- , 1995, by Bettye D. Smith, as Mayor of the City of Sanford, and Janet R. Donahoe, as City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. Signature of Notary Public-State of Ftor~ : Ex~o.~,, 06.~ Print, type or stamp commissioned name of Notary Public; Personally known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced GML:KELLEY:EA SEMENT-CITY-OF-SAN FORD 5 Ez/~ibit A ~ D~ F~CM THE CITY OF SANFO~D TO ~ G. I'~%RIC-~:XIK, TRb.Y LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI . [Page 1 of 2] PROPOSED ~AST. W~ST CONNECTOR POND A PARCEL OF LANO LY1NG IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 2~. TOWNS~IIP 19 SOUTh. RANGE 30 EAST. DESCRIBED AS FOLLOW~: COMMENC~ AT T~IE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID EOUTHF. Ab'r QUARTER FOR A POINT OF REFERENCE: THENCE. ALONG THE EAST UNE OF $AI0 SOUTHEAST QUAage.,~ RUN SOUTH 0~elE'&7' EAST. 1114.28 FEET: THENCE. RUN SOUTH EEe40'2S' wE~r. 124.80 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE ~lra~.Y-' THENCE RUN NOR'R..IW~$'IILqI-Y, ALONG SAID CURVE. HAVING A RAOIUS LENGll~ OF 2E.00 et. el'. A C~ITRAL ANGLE OF 58'40'04'. AN ARC t.B~IGTH OF 2S.60 re.a:~. A CHORD ~ OF 24.49 FEET, AND A ~ ~.ARING OF NORI~ "ge3~33" ~ TO A P~INT L~NG ON THE ~ UNE OF A 12.00 FEET ~IOE I~M~u~d. RIGors-OF-WAY EASEMENT FOR R~4E~A~r ROAO ACCORO~CG TO SEMINOLE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF RIN~'4ART ROAD AS RECORDEO iN RIG~-.O~-WAY ~ BOOK Z, pAGE OF THE iRJBUC RECORDS 0F SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLOR]DA. __SAl_O_~_~ad~ ~ THE POINT OF BEGINNING: TdENC~ ALONG THE W~ST UNe ur a~ _~ .- ~ ~EQE m~ eC~T4~W*Y ~SEMeC, RUN, No~L_)~._~I..L~. 89e40'29° WEST, 200.00 FEET; TH~IC~e RUN NU~m ~ .a_~ ..... ~ecn eee~ TO A POINT ~.TU~. ~,,. ... .....- :--~:;.;./;.;;...~,~. mrmxE CONCAVE ..... ~J,': ;.;- ..... ~*-.=,~.y ALONG EA~ PROPOSS~ A~3~I'-O~-wA- --'"--- SOUl1'1 85 SS lz r..4, L~IG'TI4 OF 108,30 ertl. AND A O40RD EEARING OF TO THE POINT OF TANG~ICY; 'tHENCE RUN NORTH 8~e40'29° EAST, 79.02 FEET TO 114E POINT OF CURVAI'~I~E OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWE~i F.N.Y; THENC~ RUN SOUTHEA~i~'u.Y, AI.~NG EAJD CURVF- HAV1NG A RADIUS LENGTH OF 25.00 ~'t.=~'. A ~ ANGLE OF 31"19'$5°. AN ARC LENGTH OF 13.87 ee.=l'. A O.lOAD ~ OF 13.50 v~.='T, ANO A CHORD BF. AR~NG OF SOUTH 74'3~33' ~ TO T~E 'POINT OF 5EGINNING. THE ABOVE DESCR'm:n pARC~ OF LANO UE$ IN THE CRY OF .~NFORD. SEMINOLE COUNTY, Iq.0RIOA AND CONTAINS 0.S25 ACRE~ MORE 0R I.~. (11 REPROOUCTIONS OF THIS SXETCH ARE NOT VAUD UNLESS SEALED 'AITH THE SURV~EY'OR'$ EMBOSSED SEAL. {21 LANOS ~.IOWN HE~qEON W~qE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHTS-OF'WAY. EASEM~rr~. 0WNER.~'RP. OR OTHER iNSTRUMENTS OF RECORD 8Y THIS 131 BF. AAINGS S~.IOWN HFJ~EON ARE ASSUMED 8A~EO ON THE EAST UNE OF SOUTHEAST QUAR'I'~R OF SECTION 29. TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH. RANGE 30 EAST AS BEING SOUTH 00e19°47° EAST. ' (41 THE 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION' HEREON HAS BEEN pREpARED EY THE SURVEYOR AT THE CUENT*S REQUEST. (Si THIS ~KE'rCH 001~ NOT REPRESENT A IqELO SURVEY. AS SUCH. (6) THE DEUNEATION OF LANDS SHOWN HERF.0N A~F ~ PER TrlE CUENT'S INSTRUc'rIONS. WE HEREBY C.~ i,F'~ THAT THIS LEGAL 0ESCRIFT1ON OF ~E H~EON DES~I8ED ~OPER~ ;S ~UE ~O CO~E~ TO ~E BE~ 0F O~ KNO~E ~O ~ AS ~EP~ED UNDER OUR OIRE~ON ~ M~. 1993. ~ ~ C~ 1 s~ ~T ~lS L~ ~C~ION MEETS ~; MtNIMUM ~NI~ ~O~OS S~ FOR~ ~ ~ 21~ (F~.C.] AOO~'~'~E ~ORIOA BO~O OF ~ S~V~ORS. ~.~ TO ~ORIDA ~A~S 47702~: ......... "- ~OAIOA ~EGI~ON'~. ~4 ,,3 Exhibit A ("Original Bmt~ntion Pon~") OONVEYANCE CF STOi~'~ DRA/NAGE EAS~MBI~T FR~4 HABOLD G. HARI~-JDCK, TRUST.:~:, TO THE CITY OF SANFORD LEGAL DESCRIPTION I m' : [Page 2 of 2] coo STENSTROM, MoINTOSH, COLBERT, WHIGHAM & SIMMONS, P.A. REC£1VE~ September 8, 1995 SEP 11 1995 CITy OF SANFo~D: Bill Simmons, City Manager CITY OF SANFORD 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: Rieht-of-Way Agreement Dear Mr. Simmons: Enclosed is the original Stormwater Drainage Easement which we received from Harry Stewart in today's mail. It needs to be executed and recorded. Pursuant to our telephone conversation today, I have released the deed which we held in escrow. This completes our file in this matter. Sincerely, STENSTROM, McINTOSH, COLBERT, WHIGHAM & SIMMONS, P.A. /lw Enclosure