HomeMy WebLinkAbout303-Frances B. Kinney GRANT OF EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this /~-~& day of ~,~-%~ C,/- 19 ~l ' between ~RANCES B. KINNEY~ LIFE ESTATE (JOYCE K. PITTS)~ ' DOcumentary Tax Pd.$ Cou.ty s,:- NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA M¥COMMIS$10N EXPIRES ER BONDED THRU AOENT'$ NUTAIIY J-J 0 E~n,1 ]912 Sanford Ave.~ Sanford~ FLy 3277] , of the County of SEMINOLE, and State of FLORIDA, part(y/ies) of the ~irst part, and CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situated i~n ~min~ole County, Florida, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That part(y/les) of the first part, for and in 6onside~ation of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration to have in hand paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby ackhowledged, ha(s/ye) granted and conveyed, and by these presents do(es) grant and convey to party of the second part, it is successors, assigns, and licensees, a construction easement for a period of one year from the date of execution of this document and perpetual easement under, upon, and across the~property situated in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: Those parts of LOTS 10 + 12 + S 1/2 OF VACD ALLEY ON N, BLK K, N H GARNERS ADD TO MARKHAM PARK HEIGHTS, PB 1, PG 81 PO described as follows: Construction Easement: That ten (10) foot wide strip immediatel~ adjacent to the present dedicated public alleyway along the enti~ property boundary common with the public alley. Perpetual Easement: That parcel measuring 5 feet perpendicu~r__ to the common boundary between the subject property and the pub~c~ alleyway and ten (10) along the common boundary line with the alley, centered at the center of the Vacuum Sewer Valve, once installed -~for utility purposes, mncludmng spec~flcall sanitary and for the y sewer, ~installation, inspection, servicing, repair, maintenance, and replacement of ~all utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such r'easement including the right of free ingress and egress over and across said o~roperty for any of the purposes aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, part(y/ies) of the first part ha(s/ye) hereunto set ~(his/her/their) hand(s) and seal(s) the day and year first above written· ~IGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN ~HE PRESE~E OF: ~ (~itness'.Signa~re) (~wner of Pro~er~y~ ~Print or Type Name) ~Wi~ne~s ~zgnature; -~ (OWnerlS~ P~perty) · ,~ ,.,~ MORSE ~ Print 0r TYpe Name) ~L~K OF CIRCUITCOURT RECORDED & VERIFIED ~ ~. ~r ~EHINOLE COUNT~FL. ~OUNTY OF-- "g~,~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ 8 iSB2 FEB 27 PM I: II O0 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named State and ~o~nty before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acKnowled~eme~s, personally appeared, to me well-known and known to me to ~e the individual described in a~,w~ ~xecuted the foregoing,easement, who acknowledged before me that ~'~'~ , ~ecuted the same as ~ ~ free act and deed. ~ '.~,,,,,,...,. ~ 3~nq , County of >e..,%ol~ State of ~/o~ ('~-. = ~*~'%~' . _. .NOTARY PUBLI~ ~..}.,.~"~ ~Y COHH[SS[ON ~X~ZRgS: , "'.... ............