HomeMy WebLinkAbout4045 ORDINANCE 2007-4045 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SCHEDULE U OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS AND LEGISLATIVE INTENT; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF DOWNTOWN/RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICTS; ESTABLISHING THE LEGISLATIVE PURPOSES OF THE OVERLAY DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITION; PROVIDING APPLICABLE DESIGN STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS FOR DOWNTOWN/RIVERFRONT OVERLAY DISTRICTS; PROVIDING FOR REGULATION AND ENHANCED STANDARDS OF DEVELOPMENT WITHIN OVERLAY DISTRICTS RELATING TO SETBACKS, LANDSCAPE BUFFERS, PARKING, SIGNAGE, UTILITY LINES, WALLS AND PROVIDING EXEMPTION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS BElWEEN ZONING REGULATIONS AND OvERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS; PROVIDING MODIFICATION OF SR 46 AND LAKE MARY BOULEVARD GATEWAY CORRIDOR DESIGNATION TO ACCOMMODATE OVERLAY AND OTHER STANDARDS; PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE EXHIBITS AND TABLES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD: SECTION 1. Amended, modified and revised Schedule U of the City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations/Legislative Findings. (a) An amended, modified and revised Schedule U of the City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations is hereby created to read as set forth in the Exhibit to this Ordinance with all exhibits and tables included therein which, by this reference thereto is, incorporated herein as if fully set forth verbatirn. The entire text of the Schedule U with tables and exhibits is provided for the sake of clarity and review. Words with underline type shall constitute additions to the original text and strikethrough shall constitute deletions to the original text when and where applicable; and (b) The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby finds and determines that the amendments, modifications and revisions set forth in this Ordinance are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the controlling and applicable provisions of State law; and (c) The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby finds and determines that all amendments, modifications and revisions set forth in this Ordinance protect the City's health, safety and welfare and are compatible with the City's present and future efforts to protect, improve and advance the unique location, history, picturesque surroundings and character of the downtown business area; and (d) The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby further finds and determines that all amendments, modifications, revisions and additions set forth in this Ordinance include necessary and needed modifications to existing districts, designation of new overlay and future overlay districts specifically valuable and beneficial to the design, development and advancement of the downtown and riverfront overlay district, and the establishment and implementation of the block type regulations governing but not limited to sight design, setbacks and lot layout; and (e) The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby finds and determines that it has taken all actions relating to the amendments, modifications, revisions and additions set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law. SECTION 2. CONFLICTS. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, phrase, word or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, Ordinance No. 2007-4045 Page 2 of 3 sentence, phrase, word or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance as set forth in the Exhibit shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida; that the word "Ordinance" may be changed to "Section," "Article," or other applicable word; provided, however that Sections 1 (except for the Exhibit with tables and exhibits), 2, 3,4 and 5 shall not be codified. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take immediate effect upon enactment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of April, 2007. Attest: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA 9ft<1itZ . ,Q~(/tfl~ .3anet R. Dougherty, ity Cle k D ~ ~~ ,- ----.. _.-/ ~ .. L- Unda uhn, Mayor 9- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ~/qr~!Z ~~ William L. Colbert, Esquire, City Attorney CERTIFICATE I, Janet R. Dougherty, City Clerk of the City of Sanford Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No, 2007-4045, Passed and Adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 9th day of April, 2007, was posted at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 11 th day of April, 2007. Ordinance No. 2007-4045 Page 3 of 3 SCHEDULE U OVERLAY DISTRICTS SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY . An overlay district is a defined geographic area that, due to its unique character, quality, resources or needs warrants specific recognition and/or management through the use of special standards and regulations. The special standards and regulations are in addition to the underlying zoning regulations and standards. Where there is a conflict between the zoning regulations and the overlay district regulations, the overlay district regulations apply. The provisions of this Schedule shall apply to the entire parcel when all or a portion of a proposed development, or modification thereto, is located in an overlay district. SECTION 2.0 LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND WEST S. R. 46lRINEHART ROAD OVERLAY DISTRICTS A. Applicability. Lake Mary Boulevard - The Lake Mary Boulevard overlay district includes all lands located within the Sanford City Limits that lie within three hundred and twenty (320) feet of the centerline of Lake Mary Boulevard between the CSX Railroad Line near Country Club Road and the intersection of State Road 46 and County Road 415. If any part of any parcel abuts the right-ofway line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this Part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. West S.R. 46lRinehart Road Gateway - The S.R. 46/West First Street overlay district includes all lands located within the Sanford City Limits that lie within three hundred and twenty (320) feet of the centerline of S.R. 46 between the Interchange at 1-4 and Airport Boulevard (existing) and Rinehart Road. If any part of any parcel abuts the right-ofway line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this Part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. B. Purpose. The purpose of this overlay district is to insure that these gateway corridors are developed in a manner which: 1. Insures the roadway is developed into a well landscaped, scenic gateway; 2. Provides uniform design standards to establish high quality development; 3. Prevents visual pollution caused by unplanned and uncoordinated uses, buildings and structures; 4. Maximizes traffic circulation functions from the standpoint of safety, roadway capacity, vehicular and non-vehicular movement; 5. Maintains and enhances property values; 6. Preserves natural features to the extent practicable; and 7. Recognizes and makes allowances for existing uses and buildings. C. Building Setbacks. The front yard building setback shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet. Such front yard building setback shall be greater than fifty (50) feet if a more restrictive setback is required as set forth in this ordinance, as part of a stipulation or condition of development, or as required in Schedule C. D. Street-Side Landscape Buffer. I. Lake Mary Boulevard a. A minimum fifteen (15) foot landscape buffer, or greater if provided by this ordinance, shall be provided in the area abutting the designated roadway right-ot:way lines. Landscape buffer width may be reduced to a minimum of ten (10) feet only if the lot or tract is less than two hundred (200) feet in depth. b. The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. c. The landscape buffer area shall be planted with live oaks, of four (4) inch diameter twelve (12) inches above grade at planting, along a line ten (10) feet back from the right-ot:way line. The trees shall be planted every forty (40) feet and staggered so as to be midway between any live oaks planted in the adjacent right-ot:way. A minimum of four (4) sub-canopy trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage shall be planted in and about access points and intersections. Unless otherwise noted herein, all landscaping shall comply with Schedule J. Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements of the Sanford Land Development Regulations including landscape materials planted under power lines. d. No existing, dedicated or reserved public or private right-ot:way shall be included in calculation of the buffer width. e. The corridor buffer area may include minor storm water retention features only. t: If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge sIBIl be arranged or planted so that a height of three (3) feet will be attained within one (1) 2. 4/9/07 Ord. 2007-4045 year of planting so as to screen a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking area, to that height, as viewed from the right-of-way. g. Existing \Cgetation may be used to meet these requirements. 2. West S.R. 46 and Rinehart Road a. A minimum twenty- five (25) foot landscape buffer, or greater if provided by this ordinance, shall be provided in the area abutting the designated roadway right-of-way lines. Landscape buffer width may be reduced to a minimum of fifteen (IS) feet only if the lot is less than two hundred (200) feet deep. b. The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. c. The landscape buffer area shall be planted with two (2) rows of live oaks, of four (4) inch diameter twelve (12) inches above grade at planting. The trees shall be planted every fifty (50) feet and staggered so as to be midway between each other, and equal distance between each row and right-of-way. A minimum of four (4) sub-canopy trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage shall be planted in and about access points and intersections. Unless otherwise noted herein, all land scaping shall comply with Schedule J, Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements, of the Sanford Land Development Regulations including landscape materials planted under power lines. d. No existing, dedicated or reserved public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer width. e. The corridor buffer area may include minor storm water retention features only. f. If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so that a height of three (3) feet will be attained within one (I) year of planting so as to screen a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking area, to that height, as viewed from the right-of-way. g. Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. E. Parking. Parking lots shall be designed and landscaped according to the following criteria: 1. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of all parking area and entryways shall be landscaped. Landscape material shall be selected from the list of plants in Appendix 1 of Schedule J. 3. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 2. Parking bays shall not be larger than forty (40) spaces. 3. Landscape Breaks. Perimeter landscaped parking breaks shall be a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet in area, planted with one (I) canopy tree and a maximum of twenty (20) spaces apart. a. Internal landscaped breaks shall be a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet planted with one (1) canopy tree, two to three (2-3) inches in diameter twelve (12) inches above grade, for every landscape break and a minimum of three (3) shrubs for every landscaped break. Internal breaks shall be a maximum of twenty (20) spaces apart. b. Diamond landscaped breaks shall be placed every ten (10) spaces internally, shall be eight (8) feet by eight (8) feet and shall be planted with one (I) canopy tree. c. Preservation - Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. 4. Lighting - Parking lot lighting shall be designed as follows: Illumination onto adjacent properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candles. Cut-off fixtures are required to conceal the actual source of the light which reduces glare and to direct the light to specific areas while shielding other areas. The maximum height of the light pole shall be twenty- five (25) feet, including the base. The minimum setback of the light source from the property line shall be a horizontal distance of twenty (20) feet. F. Signage. Signs shall be erected or installed according to the following criteria. Unless otherwise specified herein, signs shall comply with provisions in Schedule K of the Sanford Land Development Regulations. 1. Wall Signs - The maximum allowable wall sign area is one and one-half (1.5) square feet for every one (1) linear foot of tenant frontage or building length of the primary fayade. The maximum amount of wall signage permitted for any building or tenant shall not exceed one hundred fifty (ISO) square feet. A single occupant or anchor tenant with a primary building fayade of more than one hundred (100) linear feet may have an additional wall sign of no more than fifty (50) square feet over each customer entrance. No more than three additional signs are permitted. 2. Ground Signs. Only one ground sign shall be allowed per parcel with four hundred (400) feet or less road frontage. If a parcel's road frontage exceeds four hundred €tOO) feet a maximum of two ground signs shall be allowed, but no closer than Three hundred (300) feet apart. Ground signs along intersecting 4. 4/9/07 Ord 2007-4045 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 roadways which are greater than three hundred twenty (320) feet from the corridor roadway centerline must demonstrate that the sign is not visible from the corridor roadway and that the sign is directed to be viewed from the intersecting street. a. Vertical structure supports for ground signs shall be concealed in an enclosed base. The width of such enclosed base shall be equal to at least two-thirds (2/3) the horizontal width of the sign surface. A planter structure shall enclose the foot of the base. The planter shall be between two (2) and three (3) feet in height above the ground, with a minimum length equal to the width of the sign and a minimum width of three (3) feet. The base and planter shall be of brick or hal:t:block. b. Any external above ground light source shall be located and hidden within the planter bed. Light sources located outside the planter bed shall be in a burial fixture. c. The maximum height of the entire sign structure shall be fifteen (15) feet. d. The planter setback shall be a minimum equal to or greater than the height of the sign. e. The maximum allowable ground sign area shall be one and one half (1.5) square feet per one (1) linear foot of building frontage but shall not exceed seventy- five (75) square feet for a single-tenant development and one hundred (100) square feet for a multi-tenant development. Ground sign base, sides and top are excluded from the sign area calculation. f. Movement - No ground sign nor its part shall move, rotate or use flashing lights. g. Illumination - Sign lights shall be focused, directed, and so arranged as to prevent glare or direct illumination or traffic hazard from said lights onto residential districts or onto the abutting roadways. No flashing or pulsating light shall be permitted on any sign. h. Prohibited Signs - Include the following signs as outlined in Schedule K of the Sanford Land Development Regulations: Animated sign, billboard, flashing sign, snipe signs, sandwich sign and portable sign, seawall sign, beacon light, bench signs, trash receptacle signs, gutter signs, signs on public property, immoral display, obstruction, streamers, spinners and pennants. l. Exempted Signs - Real estate signs. 5. J. Flags - Flags are permitted as follows: a maximum of one (l) state, one (l) federal and one (l) local/county flag per parcel, each a maximum of thirty-five (35) square feet. G. Utility Lines. All new or relocated utility lines within the designated corridor shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the ground unless it is determined by the City that soil, topographical, or any other compelling conditions, make the underground installation of such utility lines as prescribed herein unreasonable and impracticable. H. Walls. All freestanding walls, sound barriers, ground sign enclosures, planters, etc. fronting along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick or half- block. Alternate entrance features such as stone, metal, wood, etc., may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. I. Residential Exempted All residentially zoned single family lots are exempted from meeting all standards contained in this schedule except for the burial of utility service lines, wall requirements and the building setback requirement. SECTION 3.0 DOWNTOWNIRIVERFRONTIMIDTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICTS The following sections regulate specific areas within the City of Sanford. Design components within the special districts have been crafted to provide options for development that will allow for innovative traditional design development with the creation of three (3) new overlay districts: Riverfront Overlay District, Midtown Overlay District and Downtown Overlay District. The criteria shall be strictly adhered to in order to maintain the vision for the City of Sanford. The standards will encourage connections between the waterfront, shopping, working and residential areas. A. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Alley - a pub lic or private way permanently reserved as a secondary means of access to abutting property. Anchor Tenant - a retail store(s) in a shopping center that is/are in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross floor area and possess at least one hundred (100) feet of building frontage. Block - a unit of land bounded by streets or by a combination of streets and public land, railroad rights-of-way, waterways, or any other barrier to the continuity of development. Block Face - the area ofthe block which faces a street. 6. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 Building Frontage - means the horizontal length of a wall of a building where such wall faces a street. The measurement of such length is along a line parallel to the street. Where a building is arranged to include establishments with exterior public entrances but no wall space facing a street, the horizontal dimension of one wall of each such establishment which faces a mall or other private way may be considered to be building frontage. Building Height - the limit to the vertical extent of a building. The building height may be prescribed as a maximum number of stories or as a dimension from sidewalk grade to the eave. The height limit shall not apply to attics, raised basements, chimneys, machine rooms, or similar structures. Decorative elements may exceed the total height of the structure by no more than ten (10) percent ofthe total height of the building for structures greater than four (4) stories and by no more than twenty (20) percent for structures four (4) stories and less. Building Scale - the relationship between the mass of a building and its surroundings, including the width of street, open space, and mass of surrounding buildings. Building Setback, Front - the distance from the street right-of-way line to the closest point of the foundation of a building or projection thereof. Common Open Space - squares, greens, neighborhood parks, and linear environmental corridors. LEED- The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. LEED promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. Live Work Unit - means by definition, a live/work unit accommodates residents in addition to work activities. As a minimum, a live/work unit will need to provide residential facilities equivalent to those provided in what is variously described as an efficiency unit or a studio apartment. Lot Width - the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the front setback. Mass is determined by the three-dimensional bulk of a structure: height, width, and depth. Parapet - the extension of a false front or wall above a roof line. Podium - in a the High Density Mixed Use Development building, the first three stories shall be considered the podium portion of the building. 7. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 Principal Building - a building in which the primary use of the lot on which the building is located is conducted. Story(ies) - means the permitted total height of a building hat is calculated by a maximum of fourteen (14) feet per story. This can be averaged by total stories and not required by floor. Structure, Mixed-Use - the combination of both commercial and residential uses within a single building of two or more stories, wherein at least 33% of the heated floor area contains residential dwelling unit(s). Structure, Single Use - a single use is in a building. Tower - the High Density Mixed Use Prototype building's fourth story and higher stories shall be considered the tower portion of the building. Traditional Neighborhood - a compact, mixed use neighborhood where residential, commercial and civic buildings are within close proximity to each other. B. Applicability of Other Sections of the Land Development Code. In aldition to the standards provided herein, developmeIt within the special area districts shall be required to meet all other applicable sections of the Land Development Code. Where any provision of the DowntownlRiverfront design standards is in conflict with any other standards or regulations of the Land Development Code, the Downtown/Riverfront standards shall prevail. The provisions of Section 15, Urban Infill, of Schedule E may not be applied to any parcels within the Downtown/RiverfrontlMidtown Areas. For those parcels located in the Historic Commercial District, the provisions of Schedule S shall prevail. Parcels greater than four (4) acres shall be rezoned to Planned Development. The design of planned developments shall adhere to traditional design development and shall generally conform to the downtown/riverfront overlay standards for block development, site design, lot layout, prototype design, and building design. Any deviation from the standards of this ordinance shall result in a development that is beneficial to the City, enhances the character of the community in which it is located and is superior to a project that is designed consistent with the downtown/riverfront overlay standards. Seventy-five (75) percent of a JBfcel adjacent to Seminole Boulevard in the Riverfront District shall maintain a thirty- five foot setback from the property line abutting Seminole Boulevard. The maximum height of structures on Marina Isle is ninety (90) feet as measured from sidewalk grade to the rooftop including attics, mechanical equipment and raised basements. Decorative elements may exceed the total height of the structure by no more 8. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 than ten (10) percent of the total height of the building for structures greater than four (4) stories and by no more than twenty (20) percent for structures four (4) stories and less. C. District Intent Statements. The following three (3) overlay districts are based on the key principles of urban type development, which are walkable and designed to contain a diverse range of housing, shopping and offices. All three districts will offer design standards for development that provide for an efficient land use form and cost effective delivery of urban services. 1. Riverfront Overlay District (RF). The purpose of this district is to provide for a mixed-use area for high-density residentia~ offices and retail uses. 2. Midtown Overlay District (M1). The primary purpose of this district is to encourage residential uses. This district provides for a mixed-use area for single- family, multifamily housing, offices and neighborhood serving retail, where appropriate, and is not in direct conflict with the residential usage. 3. Downtown Overlay District (DT). The primary purpose of this district is to encourage commercial uses. This district provides for a mixed-use area for single- family, multifamily housing, offices and retail, where appropriate, and is not in direct conflict with the residential usage and the historic district. D. Designation of Street Type. The DowntownlRiverfront Standards designate three (3) street types that exist within the DowntownlRiverfront area. The identification of each street type directly relates to the site design and lot layout criteria outlined in these standards. 1. Designation of "A" Streets, "B" Streets and "Pedestrian Priority" Streets: a. The following table designates existing streets within the DowntownlRiverfront Area as an "A" Street or a "Pedestrian Priority" street. Streets not specifically designated will be considered "B" streets. The creation of new streets constructed on or after the effective date of this ordinance will be updated and designated by the City. b. "A" Streets shall have building frontage requirements, established build-to lines and active retail on first floor, restricted parking and service uses adjacent to an "A" street. c. "Pedestrian Priority" Streets shall have building frontage requirements, established build to lines, restrict parking and service uses adjacent to a "pedestrian priority" street. d. "B" Streets shall have no building frontage requirements. While "B" Streets are not intended to be primary pedestrian streets, additional 9. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 provisions on architectural details, accessory structures, and service bays will be provided. All streets west of French A venue are "B" streets. Table 1: Street Designation Desi nation A A A A Pedestrian Priori Pedestrian Priority Pedestrian Priori Pedestrian Priori Pedestrian Priori Pedestrian Priori Pedestrian Prior it Pedestrian Priori Pedestrian Priority E. Permitted Development Types. In order to reinforce the DowntownlRiverfront Area, new development shall be organized into development blocks. Development activity shall be regulated through these standards and shall be required to comply with the comprehensive definition of permitted development included herein that regulates use, density, intensity, and form by requiring development to occur within one (1) of the following development block types: I. Single Use Commercial Development. 2. Mixed Use Development: a. OtlicelNeighborhood Commercial. b. Retail Development. c. High Density Development. 3. Attacmd Residential Development. 4. Transitional Mid-Block Residential Development. 5. Infill Development. 10. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 The block types shall be used for illustrative purposes. Development applications for specific sites are required to assemble structures into mixed-use blocks or half-blocks, as approprnte, for the site. Each site plan shall be required to identify how the proposed development, including buildings and structures, are assembled within a context that conforms to the design standards for the block or hal:t:.block within which the building occurs. The development block structure reinforces the Downtown/Riverfront's existing block structure and street network by limiting block size and framing the development block within the existing street system. This block structure is designed to create a walkable community through a set of block standards and requirements for site design, lot layout and building design. The following Table identifies each block type and denotes a "P" for permitted and ''NP'' for not permitted. Table 2: Permitted Development Types Block Type Zoning District RF MT DT Single- Use Commercial P P P Mixed Use Development Blocks: OfficelNeighborhood Commercial P P P Retail Development Block P P P High Density Development Block P NP NP Attached Residential Development Block P P P Transitional Mid-Block Residential Development Block NP P P Infill Development Block P P P F. Site Design & Lot Layout. Examples of permitted development types are described for illustrative purposes. Each site plan shall be required to identify how the proposed development, including buildings and structures, is assembled within a context that conforms to the design standards for the block or partial block within which the building occurs. The development examples are a series of illustrations that highlight some of the Downtown/Riverfront standards. The illustrations are shown in a block format and individual parcel development may not be able to build to the form of a block. However, all development, at a minimum, will be expected to comply with the building design, site design and lot layout as described in these design standards. If development of an ertire block occurs, the illustration shall be used as a development tool. Any new development that is at least two (2) acres in size shall follow the block structure. The maximum permitted block size for new development shall not exceed three- hundred fifty (350) feet by six-hundred (600) feet. The Administrative Official or his designee may permit a 11. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 varying block size provided site constraints exist and the maximum block size must be maintained by pedestrian access and breaks on the first floor. 1. Single-Use Commercial Development. The Single-Use Commercial illustration, Figure A, pennits a wide range of commercial uses. a. Height: One (1) to four (4) stories not to exceed fifty-six (56) feet b. Setbacks. The minimum front setback is zero (0) feet and the maximum setback is fifteen (15) feet. Side setbacks shall be the same as the front setbacks. c. Setback Encroachment. Special architectural features, such as balconies, bay windows, arcades, awnings, etc. may project into front setbacks and public right-of-ways on streets provided they are eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and leave a minimum five (5) foot wide unobstructed sidewalk. Support structures for these features shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or the on-street parking. Prior to new encroachment into the public right-of-way, a pennit shall be obtained from tre Administrative Official or designee. 2. Mixed Use Development. Mixed Use Development examples are designed to accommodate a range of retail, office and mixed-use building types. Mixed Use Developments include: a. Retail option one and option two, Figures D & Eand Office/ Mixed-Use option one & option two, Figures B and C. L Height: Option one (1) maximum height is four (4) stories not to exceed fifty-six (56) feet and option two (2) is eight (8) stories not to exceed one hundred twelve (112) feet with the following provisions: . The distance from existing single family residential zoning must be at a minimum of three hundred (300) feet. . The fourth (4th) story shall be set back ten (10) feet from the third (3) story. This setback shall occur from any street side f3.9ade of the building. . Midtown Overlay District ~1) and Downtown District (01) penn its six (6) stories end the Riverfront Overlay (RF) District pennits eight (8) stories. The additional stories are pennitted if the building is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified. 12. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 ii. Setbacks. The front setbacks are a minimum of zero (0) feet and a maximum of fifteen (15) feet. Side setbacks shall be the same as the front setbacks. lll. Setback Encroachment. Special architectural features, such as balconies, bay windows, arcades, awnings, etc. may project into front setbacks and public right-of-ways on streets provided they are eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and leave a minimum five (5) foot wide unobstructed sidewalk. Support structures for these features shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or the otrstreet parking. Prior to new encroachment into the public right-of-way, a permit shall be obtained from the City Commission or its designee. High Density Mixed Use Development, Figure F. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 a. Height: Permitted height shall be six (6) stories not to exceed eighty- four (84) feet with a bonus of up to an additional two (2) stories not to exceed twenty-eight (28) feet, totaling m more than eight (8) stories not to exceed one hundred twelve (112) feet is permitted with the following provisions. . To receive the bonus stories, the building must be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified. . .The podium portion of the building shall be b three (3) stories in height. . All stories over three (3) shall be considered the tower. A tower's maximum lineal dimension may not extend more than two hundred (200) feet. If two (2) towers are located on the podium, the required distance between the towers shall be determined by one third (1/3) ofthe height of the tallest tower. b. Additional Permitted Height. In addition to the permitted eight (8) stories, an additional four (4) stories not to exceed one hundred sixty-eight (168) feet is permitted provided the following condition occurs: The determination of the additional amount of stories will be determined by the permitted density and the location of the proposed additional height. An additional four (4) stories (9th, 1<fh, 11th and 12th story) may be granted if the parcel is located west of French Avenue or north of Fulton Street on the east side of French A venue and not adjacent to any single family residential zoning district c. Setbacks. The front setbacks are a minimum zero (0) feet and a maximum of fifteen (15) feet. Side setbacks shall be the same as the front setbacks. 13. d. Setback Encroachment. Special architectural features, such as balconies, bay windows, arcades, awnings, etc. may project into front setbacks and public right-of-ways on streets provided they are eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and leave a minimum five (5) foot wide unobstructed sidewalk. Support structures for these features shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or the orrstreet parking. Prior to new encroachment into the public right-of-way, a permit shall be obtained from the Administrative Official or designee. 4. Attached Residential Development. Attached Residential Development illustrations, Figure G & Figure H The Attached Residential Development Block is designed to accommodate a range of multi- family building types including apartment buildings, condominiums and town homes. a. Elevation. The minimum elevation shall be eighteen (18) inches from the base flood elevation. b. Height. The minimum height shall be two (2) stories not to exceed twenty-eight (28) feet and the maximum height is three (3) stories not to exceed forty-two (42) feet c. Setbacks. The minimum front yard setback is ten (10) feet and the maximum is twenty (20) feet. The side yard setback on the corner lots shall be maintained consistent with the front yard setback. Garage and accessory units located in the rear of the parcel shall be set back a minimum of four (4) feet from an alley and ten (10) feet when an alley is not constructed. d. Setback Encroachment. Front porches may encroach up to ten (10) feet in a twenty (20) foot setback and up to five (5) feet in a ten (10) foot setback. e. Building Separation. The minimum building separation of twenty (20) feet shall be required for every four (4) attached units. f Alleys. Alleys are required to be constructed with lots sizes smaller than fifty (50) feet in width. g. Garages. Street-facing ground floor parking, including garages, is not permitted on the first (1) floor of a multifamily structure on an "A" street or a "Pedestrian Priority" street. Parking shall occur underneath the multifamily structure, within parking garages, or within surface lots that do not front on either an "A" Street or a "Pedestrian Priority" Street. i Architectural detailing shall remain consistent on all elevations of the primary building as viewed from both the front street and side street elevation. ii. Front garages must be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the primary structure. iii. Rear garages must be set back a minimum of four (4) feet from an alley or rear access drive. On corner lots on 'A' or Pedestrian Priority' streets with alley access, garage doors shall not face side streets. 14. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 IV. Side garages may have an access from the street and are required,2. at a minimum, to be set back in line with the primary structures side setback. v. Ground floor parking, including garages that are located inside the internal block are permitted on the first floor of a structure if the street facing side view of the garage must blend in with the primary building frontage by incorporating the same design elements. 5. Transitional Residential Development. (Figures I and 1) Transitional Development Blocks shall be applied to any development over two (2) stories in height that is adjacent to single- family residential zoning. The block facing a single- family residential zoning shall be single- family detached housing that is compatible with existing residential. The mid-block portion of the block may transition up to four (4) stories not to exceed fifty-six (56) feet with the following provisions: a. Setbacks. The setback shall be determined by the existing residential uses that are facing the proposed residential uses. The setback may be varied up to five (5) feet from the average of the existing residential units. The structures that are more intense than single- family housing shall follow the appropriate development block as detailed in these design standards. b. Landscape buffer. A landscape buffer of twenty (20) feet may be required as determined by the Administrative Official or his designee. c. Lighting. The proposed development shall also control the effects of lights from automobiles or other sources. Where the site plan indicates potential ad\erse effects from parking or from other sources on the lot on which the non-residential use is to be located, such effects shall be illuminated, or at a minimum, prevented so that lights do not illuminate adjacent residential property below a height of five (5) feet at the residential property line, or from shining into any residential window if there is to be non- residential parking on the premises after dark. d. Rear Yard Setback. When a non-residential use or multi-family (apartment) use is abutting any single-family residential property, there shall be an additional setback required for any yard of that use which is contiguous to the residential property, as follows: . When the rear side of a single story structure equal to or less than twenty- five (25) feet in height abuts single- family residential zoned property, that portion of the structure(s) shall be set back at a minimum twenty (20) feet from the rear property line. 15. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 . When a single story structure equal to or less than twenty- five (25) feet in height abuts the side of a single- family residential zoned property, the structures shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet apart. . Trash receptacles and loading facilities may not be permitted in the rear of the property. Service areas shall be located on the sileo Exceptions to the location shall be determined by the location of the adjacent single- family residential use. . When any side of a structure greater than one (1) story or twenty- five (25) feet in height abuts residential property, that portion of the structure shall be set back at a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the property boundary. . Building Design. The side of the building that is facing or backing up to any residential development must be treated with the same architectural design standards as the front of the building. 6. Jntill Development. The Infill Development illustratiol\ Figure K, illustrates a single building within an existing built-out block. a. Setbacks. The setback shall be determined by the existing adjacent structure(s).It will be permitted to vary the setback up to five (5) feet from the average of the existing structure. G. General Block Standards. 1. General Site Design. a. Form. Buildings shall form a consistent, distinct edge, spatially delineating the public street through maximum building setbacks that vary by no more than five (5) feet from those ofthe adjacent building. b. Open Storage. There shall be no open storage. c. Sidewalks All buildings or developments must provide sidewalks along the street edge(s) of their property. Sidewalks shall be constructed to align with existing sidewalks and the materials shall complement the existing sidewalk materials. Sidewalk connections from the principal building to the public sidewalk must be provided. d. Landscaping adjacent to existing and proposed street sidewalks must be compatible with the city's existing streetscape standards. 16. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 e. Utilities. All utilities shall be located underground. 2. Off-street parking (surface parking lots). a. A knee wall shall be constructed for the length of any parking lot which fronts a "Pedestrian Priority" or an "A" street The knee wall shall be constructed using the following standards: (i) Minimum two (2) feet in height to a maximum of three (3) feet. (ii) The knee wall must be masonry or brick which complements the primary building's architecture by utilizing the same architectural style. b. A maximum of two (2) vehicular access/curb cuts to parking lots are allowed along "A" Street block faces, subject to Access Management regulations of Schedule N. Vehicular access/curb cuts are not allowed on any block face less than three hundred and fifty (350) feet. Vehicular access drives shall connect each parking lot with at least two (2) separate streets. 3. Parking Garages. Structured parking decks shall be located behind "A" Street frontage buildings with vehicular access restricted to "B" Streets. Interior landscaping requirements for parking garages shall be met by providing hanging baskets, landscape planters and/or flower boxes around the exterior of the first three (3) levels of the parking garage structure. Parking structures that permit access from an "A" or ''Pedestrian Priority" Street shall comply with the following requirements: a. Direct pedestrian access to each adjacent street shall be provided. b. Except for vehicle entrances as described below, the ground floor shall be developed with enclosed commercial or civic floor space to a minimum building depth of thirty (30) feet along the entire length of the structure on each facing street, unless separated from tre street by another building, parking lot and/or landscaped open space with a minimum depth of thirty (30) feet. c. Vehicle entrances to a parking structure shall be a maximum of forty (40) feet in width and shall be separated from other vehicle entrances to the structure or other parking structures on the same side of the block by a minimum distance of four hundred (400) feet. R Building Design. The following standards apply to the building design of all types of development: 1. Building Frontage. Building frontages shall occupy no less than seventy-five (75) percent of a 'Pedestrian Priority" street and of an "A" street facing entrance. If site constraints exist, a knee wall may be constructed with the following provisions: 17. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 a. Only twenty-five (25) percent of the required frontage may be credited as part of a knee wall. i A knee wall must be constructed as descnbed in Subsection G. 2. a. II. The knee wall should be no more than the length of the primary building frontage. 2. Public Entrance. Buildings that are qJen to the public shall have an entrance for pedestrians from the street to the building interior. This entrance shall be designed to be attractive and functionally be a distinctive and prominent element of the architectural design, and shall be open to tre public during business hours. Buildings shall incorporate lighting and changes in mass, surface detail or finish to give emphasis to the entrances. 3. Building Fayade. Buildings shall provide a foundation or base, typically from ground to bottom of tre lower windowsills, with changes in volume or material. A clear visual division shall be maintained between the ground level floor and upper floors with either a cornice line or awning from twelve (12) feet to sixteen (16) feet above Base Flood Elevation or grade, whichever applies to the proposed development. No more than thirty (30) feet of horizontal distance of wall shall be provided without architectural relief for building walls and frontage walls facing the street. All buildings excluding single family detached homes shall utilize at least three (3) of the following design features to provide visual relief along all elevations of the building: a. Divisions or change in materials (materials should be drawn from a common palette) b. Window bays c. Separate entrances and entry treatments, porticoes extending at least five (5) feet. d. Variation in roof lines e. Dormers t: Canopies and awnings, extending at least five (5) feet g. Gables h. Overhang extending at least five (5) feet i Recessed entries (at least three [3]feet fromthe primary fa9ade) j. Protruding entries (at least three [3] from the primary fa9ade) k. Covered porch entries 1 Cupolas 4. Storefront character. Commercial and mixed- use buildings shall express a "storefront character" by providing all of the following architectural features along the building frontage as applicable. a. Comer building entrances on comer lots. 18. 4/9/07 Oed. 20074045 b. Consistently spaced and similar-shaped windows with window hoods or trim (all building stories). c. Large display windows on the ground floor. All street- fucing, park- facing and plaza- facing structures shall have windows covering a minimum of forty (40) percent and a maximum eighty (80) percent of the ground floor of each storefront's linear frontage. Blank walls shall not occupy over fifty (50) percent of a street-facing frontage and shall not exceed thirty (30) linear feet without being interrupted by a window or entry. Mirrored glass, obscured glass and glass block cannot be used in meeting this requirement. Display windows may be used to meet this requirement if the first floor has not been designed as a flood proof first floor. 5. Orientation. The primary building entrances shall be visible and directly accessible from a public street. Building massing such as tower elements may be used to identify the location of building entries. 6. Rooflines. Attached Residential and Non-residential buildings shall be varied to reduce the massive scale of large buildings and to complement the scale and character of adjacent residential areas. Building facades that exceed one hundred (100) feet in length measured along the street frontage shall have variations in roofline or rooftop parapet. Rooftop equipment shall be concealed behind parapets or screened from views by pedestrians. 7. Lighting. All buildings shall haw shielded exterior lighting without glare or shine onto other areas of the site. 8. Building Color. The use of black or fluorescent colors, or pure primary and secondary colors is prohibited as the predominant exterior building color(s). Building trim and accent areas may feature any color(s) limited to ten (10) percent of the affected fayade segment, with a maximum trim height of twenty four (24) inches. 9. Habitable Street Frontage.:. The first twenty (20) feet of depth of the fIrst (1) floor of any multifamily structure's primary building frontage facing a street shall be constructed as habitable space. I. Walkways and Pedestrian Connections. Parking lots shall be designed to allow pedestrians to safely move from their vehicles to the building. On ~alllots (thirty-six [36] parking spaces or less), this may be achieved by providing a sidewalk at the perimeter of the lot. On larger lots, corridors within the parking area should channel pedestrians from the car to the perimeter of the lot or to the building. These corridors are delineated by a paving material that differs from that of vehicular areas and are planted to provide shade. 19. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 1. Parking Lots containing more than thi~six (36) parking stalls shall have clearly defined pedestrian connections provided between: a. A public right-of-way and building entrances b. Parking lots and building entrances 2. Pedestrian walkways shall be landscaped with additional shade or ornamental trees equal to an average of one (1) shade tree per fifty (50) linear feet of walkway, unless the walkway is adjacent or included within an existing compliant buffer or frontage planting. The walkway shall not be less than five (5) feet in width 3. Pedestrian connections shall be clearly defmed by at least two (2) of the following: a. Six (6) inch vertical curb. b. Textured paving, including across vehicular lanes. c. Continuous landscape area at a minmum of three (3) feet wide on at least one (1) side of the walkway. d. One (1) shade tree shall be planted for each two-hundred (200) square feet of separate additional landscaped area J. Non-Residential and Multi-Family Residential Landscape. The following regulations shall be applied to Non-residentia~ Condominium and Mult~family residential parcels: 1. All landscaping shall be designed and located to provide a logical, consistent and attractive pattern of landscaping that relates to the human-scale, softens the built environment, and creates an attractive environment within the Downtown/Riverfront Area. 2. All landscaping standards shall meet the requirements of the Schedule J, Landscape Buffer and Tree Requirements for plant species, specification standard and use. All landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed and sealed by a Landscape Architect licensed to practice in the State of Fbrida and shall be submitted as part of an application for site plan approval. 3. All parts of a required landscape buffer or other landscape planting area shall contain shrubs, groundcovers, or sod. No portion of a required buffer may contain parking, non-landscaped retention or other non-landscaping treatment as gravel or mulch. K. Landscape Along Public Streets. Landscape Standards shall comply with the following standards. Two (2) types of landscape treatments are permitted. 20. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 1. Urban Landscape. Whe n buildings are brought up to the street and utilize a build- to-line, an urban buffer should be considered as an alternative to the required front buffer standards. The required front buffer for an urban type development may consist of potted plants. At a minimum, a thirty-six (36) inches diameter pot by twenty-four (24) inches high should be provided every twenty (20) linear feet of building frontage. The plant species should be twice as high as the height of the pot. Low ~owing plant and flowering annuals should be planted at the base of the pot. 2. Street Trees. Trees shall be a minimum of four (4) incll:ls twelve (12) inches above grade and be of Florida No. 1 grade as per "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants," Florida Department of Agriculture and Cons umer Services. All landscaping shall meet City visibility standards. a. Tree Spacing: For "A" Streets and "Pedesterian Priority" Streets, one street tree shall be planted for every thirty (30) linear feet or frontage or fraction thereof. For "B" Streets and Residential Streets, one (1) street tree shall be planted forty (40) to sixty (60) feet on center. Street trees shall be planted a minimum often (10) feet from any above ground utility, such as transfonner pads and fIre hydrants. b. Tree Species: Select tree species that are appropriate for street tree planting conditions shall be used. Each block face shall contain only one (1) tree species, and both sides of each street shall be planted with the same species. L Irrigation and Maintenance. 1. All landscaped areas shall be designed, installed and maintained at a high level of quality, following best management practices for landscaping. Broken lines or damaged spray heads shall be repaired to minimize wasted water. 2. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated with a timed, automatic underground system utilizing pop- up heads and/or tree bubblers and providing coverage of not more than one and one half inches of water per week (Use of xeric plant materials may require only %" water per week). When available, the use of reclaimed water is required. 3. The automatic irrgation system shall include a rain gauge or other water saving features to minimize wasted water. 4. All landscape areas shall have one hundred (100) percent irrigated coverage. M. Landscape for Residential Developments. Single Family Residential, Duplex, Multifamily, and Townbomes shall meet the following tree requirements: 21. 4/9/07 Oed. 2007-4045 1. A minimum of two (2) shade trees for lots of three thousand five hundred (3,500) to six thousand (6,000) square feet or less. 2. A minimum of three (3) shade trees for bts between six thousand one (6,001) and seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. 3. A minimum of four (4) shade trees for bts between seven thousand five hundred one (7,501) square feet and ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 4. A minimum of six (6) ~ade trees for bts between ten thousand one (10,001) square feet and sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet. Lots over sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet - eight (8) shade trees. 5. On lots of less than or equal to one- half acre, one (1) of the required trees shall be planted within ten (10) feet of the front yard right-of-way. N. Screening. 1. Trash, recycling receptacles, loading docks, service areas, and other similar areas must be located in parking areas or in a location that is not visible from ''Pedestrian Priority" and "A" Street frontages, and must be screened to preclude visibility from adjacent streets. 2. Mechanical equipment at ground level shall be incorporated into the building and placed on the parking lot side of the building away from view from adjacent ''Pedestrian Priority" and "A" Street fronta~s. Loading docks, truck parking, outdoor storage, utility meters, HV AC equipment, trash dumpsters, trash compaction, and other service functions smuld be incorporated into the overall design of the building utilizing walls of a material compatible with the material, style, color, texture, pattern, trim, and details of tre main building and landscaping. The wall shall be one (1) foot higher than the largest object being screened, but not more than ten (10) feet high, on all sides where access is not needed. All loading, service and trash collection shall be accessed from "B" Streets. 3. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be integrated into the overall mass of a building by screening it behind parapets or by recessing it into roof structure. O. Garden walls, fences, and hedges. All garden walls, fences or hedges located or constructed within the required yard area shall conform to the following regulations, except where special requirements are set forth for specific screening purposes elsewhere in this chapter: 1. Front yards in a residential district. All garden walls, fences or hedges located within the required front yard shall not exceed four (4) Eet in height. 22. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 2. Side and rear yards in a residential district. All garden walls, fences or hedges located within the required side or rear yards shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. 3. Side yards of comer lots in a residential district. All garden walls, fences, or hedges located in the side yard abutting the secondary street of a comer lot must not exceed four (4) feet in height. 23. 4/9/07 Ord.2007-4045 , : ;! ,..- I/) ~ ~ r "C x '~Ellil~B ;' Q~~~B ~ LlfuJITJ ~~~ ~ . f!jf;J~ ; I ~ ~ TOLJ filfB~ Ii 1111111 HfI~ fjffB l ! ~~;i;1 . 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I = - " .. c . . .. 0 - II 1: _ o u 1: 1: .. - c .!! . .. 1: u ; 1: . 0 " :; . - ~ :z: - - 1 - - 1 - - . - - 1 - - - - 1 - - 1 /' ~~Wh . ./b/'.Id' f ~ en conttnUlous UI mg rontage is not possible on an "A" street or "Pedestrian Priority" street, a knee /. ____// wall shall be constructed Parking lot landscape shall be provided Service areas shall be screened from a public street /( -'---.. lJ,.() . ~("ql 6'/0 q-f1,,;. I~~ <sO '';>So fj r;::,~ '?() h~' '); .o'S" ~'" (Y ~o .<-~ s -<....4,~ Building frontage on an "A" street or "Pedestrian Priority" street shall occupy no less than 75% of a block face ~ ." /' ~,^~ Primary entrances shall be visible and directly accesible from a public street Building design shall provide a range of architectural relief Figure A Single-Use Commercial Landscape buffers may be provided when block transitions from a higher density to a lower density Parking lot landscape shall be provided Example of rear-edge transition with 3-story town homes Building setbacks along "A" and "Pedestrian Priority" streets shall range from a minimum of Oft to a maximum of 15 ft Building frontage on an "AU street or "Pedestrian Priority" street shall occupy no less than 75% of a block face /' ~~. ~Cq/ 8/00_ tr *" 1(/(1} <S- O's } ~ 'SOJr / " .~ -:./ Building stepbacks shall occur to break up massing on building Height range up to 4 stories Building design shall provide a range of visual architecture relief \:)<::l \:3 .;:,<::1' ~ e-" ;+v (.; ~o ~ .~() ",.:{~ First floor office uses that complement residential uses Figure B Mixed-Use Office (option 1) Landscape buffers may be provided when block transitions from a higher density to a lower density Parking garage is insulated from an "A" street and "Pedestrian Priority" street by the building Example of rear-edge transition with 3-story town homes Building setbacks along "A" and "Pedestrian Priority" streets shall range from a minimum of Oft to a maximum of 15 ft Height range up to 8 stories (depending on district) Building design shall provide a range of visual architecture relief \::)1Cl ro tf:P' ;SO ~O) ,,'l' <Y ~o ~ .~(J -<..40Q First floor office uses that complement residential uses Building frontage on an "A" street or "pedestrian priority" street shall occupy no less than 75% of a block face Building stepbacks shall occur to break up massing on building Figure C Mixed-Use Office (option 2) Parking lot landscape shall be provided Building setbacks along "A" and "Pedestrian Priority" streets shall range from a minimum of Oft to a maximum of 15 ft Building stepbacks shall occur to break up massing on building Building design shall~ provide a range of "" visual architecture relief lJ,.. ;o/c QI/<9/, 0("'+ ~~ (';$ <so '.; ~o I'f " "",A</ ~ ~/ belel ~' "'CS '(S; '(\ \e{:' ~o(j- ~<o . (,7> ,\-4.,~" Primary entrance shall be visible and directly accessible from a public sreet Building frontage on an "A" street or "pedestrian priority" street shall occupy no less than 75% of a block face Figure 0 Mixed-Use Retail (option 1) Building setbacks along "A" and "Pedestrian Priority" streets shall range from a minimum of Oft to a maximum of 15 ft Parking garage is insulated from an "A" street and "Pedestrian Priority" street by the building Building stepbacks shall occur to break up massing on building ~ Building design shall~ provide a range of visual architecture relief Height range up to 6 stories /; ~. :t('q/ 6'/, O('L 'r it-:. ' /ot~ <so '.j ~o l' "" b()() R)' ?~ ~~ \e~ ~o(j- .<-~ '\~~" Primary entrance shall be visible and directly accessible from a public sreet Building frontage on an "A" street or "pedestrian priority" street shall occupy no less than 75% of a block face ~ ">~/ Figure E Mixed-Use Retail (option 2) Building setbacks along "A" and "Pedestrian Priority" streets shall range from a minimum of Oft to a maximum of 15 ft Parking garage is insulated from the street Massing shall be broken to avoid "large box" effect The tower portion of the building includes any additional levels over 3 stories above the podium Building frontage on an "A" street shall occupy no less than 75% of a block face Stepbacks shall occur after 3 stories Building design shall incorporate change j!l articulation to avoia" blank walls " 1 :O/.. <'0>/ ~ o<'.f ~ "- ~0 ~~ ~ '~ % l' s~1(I. I)':' ')..? ~\o'l..'" ~o<"'f.. .<..~'O "\'1~\ ~v\,/ The first three levels shall be considered the podium portion of the building Figure F High Density Mixed-Use Alleys are required for residential lot widths that are 50 ft or less Front setbacks shall be a minimum of 10ft and a maximum of 20 ft Garages are located no less than 4 ft from rear setback and accessed through the alley Building height shall range from 2 stories to 3 stories 1; '..Y.Q. ~("q Vb/o q.~... I~J$ <so ''''so Fr !::l~ bc:5 \:)' ~S ~'(:- e<:' 'l+-v (; ~o .,,~ "'4.~'I. .~ / A minimum building separation of 20 ft shall be required for every four attached units Minimum elevation for residential units shall be no less than 18 inches from the base floor elevation Attached residential units shall provide facade variations in color and/or texture per contiguous unit Figure G Attached Residential Development (option 1) Alleys are required for residential lot widths that are 50 ft or less Front setbacks shall be a minimum of 10ft and a maximum of 20 ft Garages are located no less than 4 ft from rear setback and accessed through the alley . Building height shall range. from 2 stories to 3 stories "" b<:)<:) r..S<:)' P;~ 've~ ~o(j- ~<Q '\~~'\() ~ ~A.' . minimum separation of 20 ft shall be required between buildings (up to 6 units per buildings) Minimum elevation for residential units shall be no less than 18 inches from the base floor elevation Attached residential units shall provide facade variations in color and/or texture per contiguous unit Figure H Attached Residential Development (option 2) Alleys are required for residential lot widths that are 50 ft or less Garages and accessory units are located no less than 4 ft from rear or sideyard setback Landscape buffer may be provided when block transitions form a lower density to a higher density Front setbacks shall be consistent with an existing residential block face Residential units shall provide facade variations in color and/or texture per contiguous unit Parking lot landscape shall be provided Building height shall range from 2 stories to 4 stories when transitioning from lower intensity residential 1 ~. ~/ ~ Oc .f<.: ('>~ :90 ~ '6Q v~ r;J;jr.:-. Rl''? '),.s . J...(S< ~\V ~o(,'f. -8-<?J '\~~\() Minimum elevation for residential units shall be no less than 18 inches from the base floor elevation Figure I Residential Mid-Block Transition Development (option 1) Alleys are required for residential lot widths that are SO ft or less Garages and accessory units are located no less than 4 ft from rear or sideyard setback Residential units shall provide facade variations in color and/or texture per contiguous unit / -~'" ): ~. ('~/ ~ o~ ~. o;.~ ~~ (? 'V>Q 1/1' "" /' ,./ Building height shall range from 2 stories to 4 stories when transitioning from lower intensity residential A minimum separation of 20 ft shall be required between buildings (up to 6 units per buildings) Front setbacks shall be a minimum of 10ft and a maximum of 20 ft Minimum elevation for residential units shall be no less than 18 inches from the base floor elevation Figure J Residential Mid-Block Transition Development (option 2) Building design should complement the existing historic buildings Setbacks shall vary no more than 5 ft. from adjacent buildings ~/ ~\5 ~ h~' 'Y .~ ~" & t$;)-o ~ q~ ~ I(/tl} <so. . /",~Q. -';>$O~ Figure K Infill Development