HomeMy WebLinkAbout102593 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, October 25, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ******************************************************************* Work Session 4:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion regarding Joint Seminole County School Board-County Commission Complex in Downtown Sanford. 2. Discussion of proposal for Holiday Inn. 3. Discussion of One Harbour Place Lease Amendment. 4. Discussion of request from William V. Chappell III, President, Medco Development Corporation, for deferral of sewer, water and building permit fees regarding San Lanta Project. 5. Discussion of Roseland Park Water Service. 6. Discussion of request in Special Event Application from Holiday Inn and APR Events Group, for temporary closures of public boat ramps located on Palmetto Avenue from 8: 00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., each day, November 4 through 7, 1993, during Powerboat Racing. 7. Discussion of Good Neighbor Fund. 8. Discussion of Civil Service Ordinance No. 3178. 9. Discussion of Resolution regarding Old Sanford Historic District Regulations. 10. Discussion of Waterfront Signage Program. 11. Discussion regarding State Revolving Fund 190 Loan. 12. Discussion of Master Insurance Policy for Special Events. 13. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 13.5 Recognition of Sharonda Moore. 14. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 15. Continuation of consideration of request in Special Event Application from Holiday Inn and APR Events Group, for temporary closures of public boat ramps located on Palmetto Avenue from 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., each day, November 4 through 7, 1993, during Powerboat Racing. 16. Consideration of requests regarding Waterfront Signage Program. 17. Consideration Amendment No. 19, to Construction Services Contracts I, II, and III, with Conklin, Porter & Holmes regarding Vacuum Sewer System. 18. Consideration of Agreement with Seminole County for Tourist Development Tax funding for Soap Box Derby. 19. Consideration of requests from Police Officers' Pension Board and Firefighters' Pension Board. 20. Consideration of Petition to Annex a portion of property lying between Virginia Avenue and Shirley Avenue and between East Second Street and Seminole Boulevard. 21. Consideration of State Revolving Fund 190 Loan with Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 22. Consideration of revised EquiPment Rate Schedule. 23. Consideration of Weatherization Program Contract. 24. Consideration of request to clear debris at 1320 Shepherd Avenue (Rejected Stone Missionary Church), and to place lien on property for said work. 25. Board appointments/re-appointments. 26. Consent Agenda. 27. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 28. First reading of Ordinance No. 3180. 29. First reading of Ordinance No. 3181. 30. Water and Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1993. 31. Holiday Inn. 32. Police Benevolent Association building - release. 33. Replacement of commercial refuse packer truck. 34. Expenditures from Law Enforcement Trust Fund. 35. Request to board up 919 Park Avenue. 36. One Harbour Place lease amendment. 37. Water service to Roseland Park. 38. Old Sanford Regulations. 39. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Meeting of October 21, 1993. 40. Request from MEDCO Development Corporation for waivers of various fees for affordable housing. MEMORANDUM October 27, 1993 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: OCTOBER 25, 1993, AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Seminole County Information attached. Government/School Board Complex. ) William C. Kercher, Jr., to be present. -11 11 hvoooo Presentation given by Mr. Kercher; discussed; concurred to try to arrange a joint meeting with the School Board, County Commission, and City Commission. 2. (Holiday Inn.) Information to follow. Henry Fonde to appear. Commission discussed proposal from Landcom; see Item #31 for action. 3. (One Harbour Place Lease Amendment.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #36 for action. 4. (San Lanta Project - Deferral of sewer, water and building permit fees.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #40 for action. 5. (Roseland Park Water Service.) Information attached. Reviewed; see Item #37 for action. 6. (Holiday Inn - Request for temporary closures of public boat ramps.) Tabled at the meeting of October 11, 1993, at the request of the applicant. Information attached. Discussed; see Item #15 for action. 7. (Good Neighbor Fund.) Information attached. ~~.. Discussed; Commission concurred with proposal as presented, except that it be administered by the City instead of United Way. 8. (Civil Service Ordinance No. 3178.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #14.A. for action. 9. !I-g W~. (Old Sanford Historic District Regulations.) Discussed; Commission concurred to hold a Work Session to discuss said regulations. 10. (Waterfront signage Program.) Information attached. Presentation given by Jay Marder; discussed; Commission wants more color on the signs; see Item #16 for action. 11. (State Revolving Fund 190 Loan.) Information attached. Reviewed; no questions; see Item #21 for action. 12. (Master Insurance Policy for Special Events.) attached. Information Reviewed, for information only. 13. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Utility Bond Sale. Presentation by Art Diamond and Ed Buillett; discussed; see Item #30 for action. B. Police Benevolent Association lease. Discussed PBA's return of building to City; see Item #32 for action. C. Replacement of commercial refuse packer. Discussed; see Item #33 for action. D. Request to board up 919 Park Avenue. Discussed; see Item #35 for action. E. Expenditures from Law Enforcement Trust Fund. Discussed; see Item #34 for action. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 13.5 (Presentation to Sharonda Moore.) Commission adopted Resolution No. 1673, and Mayor presented plaque and resolution to Miss Moore. 14. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3178, re: Revisions to Civil Service Ordinance. Copy attached with Agenda Item No.8. Continued from September 27, 1993 Meeting. A~~oo. Adopted. AD/~. . B. Ordinance No. 3179, re: Crea ting an Committee. (Copy of ordinance attached.) Ad published October 14, 1993. Equity Study Adopted. 15. (Temporary closures of public boat ramps.) attached with Agenda Item No.6. Information City Manager recommends approval for limited closure as stated in letter dated October 8, 1993. vri4 . oo Approved as recommended, except with corrected closure dates of November 5, 6, and 7, 1993. 16. (Waterfront Signage Program.) Agenda Item No. 10. Information attached with gar. . . 17. fj1J $... 18. ~: JJ. El U'Trn.. . A. Allocation of additional $3,000.00 from Engineering and Planning Department's Professional Services FY 93/94 budget. B. Approval from the Florida Department of Transportation ("DOT") to place banners in DOT rights-of-way. C. Preparation of bidding specifications and implementation of bidding procedures. City Manager recommends allocation of up to $3,000.00 from Department of Engineering and Planning budget, in addition to $2,000.00 of carry-forward Historic Preservation Board funds, as approved at September 27, 1993, Regular Meeting; authorization to seek permission to place banners within DOT rights-of-way, and authorization for Staff to prepare bidding specifications and implementation of bidding procedures, with final approval subject to City Commission approval of final bid. Approved as recommended. (Amendment No. 19, to Construction Services Contracts I, II, and III, with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, for Vacuum Sewer System.) Information attached. Ci ty Manager recommends approval to increase Total Target Cost Ceiling by $12,815.98, to new total of $512,307.03. Approved as recommended. (Soap Box Derby Agreement.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Soap Box Derby Agreement with Seminole County; providing for funding in amount of $7,500.00 through Tourist Development Tax revenues; term of said agreement to be from October 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994. Authorized as recommended. 19. (Police Officers' and Information attached. Firefighters' Pension Funds. ) A. Request from Police Officers' Pension Board to amend Ordinance No. 3076, increasing benefit rates from 3% of average monthly earnings to 3.19%. City Manager recommends approval, and authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3076, as requested. Approved/authorized as recommended. B. Request from Firefighters' Pension Board to amend Ordinance No. 3077, increasing benefit rates from 2.44% to 2.62%; and amend Ordinance No. 2069, increasing member contribution rate from 4.6% to 7%, and implementation of IRS Code 414H Pickup Plan allowing employee member contributions (deductions) to be pre-tax. City Manager recommends approval; authorization for implementation of IRS Code 414H Pickup Plan for firefighters' pension contributions to be made through payroll deductions, and authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3077 and Ordinance No. 2069, as requested. Approved/authorized as recommended. 20. (Annexation.) David J. Information attached: and Nita M. Zelenak, owners. Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations. ~ ~:.. I (/8/q 21. City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex the property. Ordinance authorized. (SRF 190 Loan) in amount of $501,625.00, at approximately 3% interest, for refunding of a portion of the Site 10 Contract IV project cost. Need to adopt resolutions: tt;-I() ~ VM .... A. Resolution No. Application, etc. 1671, re: authorize filing the Adopted. (}LQ J.. . B. Resolution No. execution. 1672, re: authorize negotiation and Adopted. 22. (Equipment Rate Schedule.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of revised Equipment Rate Schedule as described in memorandum dated October 6, 1993, from Utility Director. f~ .... Approved. 23. (Weatherization Program Contract.) Information attached. City Manager recommends execution of Weatherization Program Contract with State of Florida Department of Community Affairs, providing for funding in an amount not to exceed $51,636.00; term of said contract to be from October 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994. C)~... Authorized as recommended. 24. (1320 Shepherd Avenue/The Rejected Stone Missionary Church.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for public works to clear debris and place lien on property. ~.. Authorized as recommended. 25. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) I(-J A. Historic Preservation Board: There is one vacancy for a 4-year term beginning October 29, 1993. No action. (List 11-8-93) B. Scenic Improvement Board: There is one vacancy for term to expire January 31, 1995. /(,- i . .... No actlon. (List 11-8-93) C. Equity Study Committee: Need to appoint members. List attached with eleven (11) suggested appointees; ordinance calls for not less than five (5) nor more than ten (10) members. '( () 1.......6 . . .. No action. (List 11-8-93) 26. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. Copies attached. ~~.. All authorized. (1) From Universal Engineering Sciences, for: (a) Clearing, Grading - Ponds and Stormwater Management System, Site 10, Contract II...............$ 55.00 (b) Hayfield Development and Irrigation System, Site 10, Contract IV..... $ 4,759.00 (c) Miscellaneous Site Work to complete Ponds & Roads at Site 10...........$ 5,425.00 (2) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick for prof. services for the Month of September, 1993........$ 499.00 iJ&.~ '-4~vfo1!.. . B. Consideration of Tabulation of Bid #93/94-04, Cypress Mulch/Landscape Soil (Recreation & Parks Department). Memo and Bid Tabulation attached. City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bids, which met specifications, for respective items as described in memo dated October 14, 1993, from Director of Recreation and Parks. Accepted as recommended. ~J{( . . . . C. Approval of Minutes of September 27, 1993, Work Session, and Minutes of September 27, 1993, Regular Meeting. Copies attached. Approved. 27. (The following fifteen (15) invoices totalling $576,701.38 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1992:) Lee Construction $96,608.70; Conklin, Porter & Holmes $13,972.46, $662.44, $2,234.26, $3,645.88, $3,918.57, $22,071.92, $1,264.61, $11,472.33, $19 , 659 . 00 , $ 2 , 081. 75 , $ 699 . 2 4 , $13 , 261. 80 , $ 8 , 784 . 14 , and H.C. Connell $376,364.28. Copies attached. ~... Acknowledged. 28. (First reading of Ordinance No. 3180) re: Police Officers' Retirement System. amendments to / (-2-- Y?. Passed 1st reading. 29. (First reading of Ordinance No. 3181) re: amendments to Fire /r-?~f:>. 30. Fighters' Retirement System. Passed 1st reading. (Water and Sewer Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1993.) A. Resolution No. 1675. ~... Adopted. B. Resolution No. 1676. CUEvt {) -.... 31. MJ .... 32. roo .. 33. ~.. 34. t A 111\ A I :r5l' 35. ~.. 'fl' fjJJ IJ. .. j7. (j1P. . . .. 38. Adopted. (Holiday Inn.) Approved issuance of letter of conceptual approval of proposed public-private partnership. (Police Benevolent Association building - release.) Acknowledged return of building. (Replacement of commercial refuse packer truck.) Authorized emergency purchase of Mack chassis and Lodall body from Orlando Mack & Container Systems in amount of $119,937. (Expenditures from Law Enforcement Trust Fund.) Authorized initiation of bid process to purchase 15 handguns with attachments/supplies, in estimated amount of $10,680.00 before trade in. (Request to board up 919 Park Avenue.) Authorized Public Works to board up. (One Harbour Place lease amendment.) Approved Third Addendum to Lease with changes made by City Attorney under cover letter dated October 7, 1993, with the deletion of the vacant parcel from said lease. (Water service to Roseland Park.) Approved as outlined in City Manager's letter dated September 9, 1993, to Ron Rabun. (Old Sanford Regulations.) Adopted Resolution No. 1674, authorizing the City Attorney and the Planning Department to draft the appropriate ordinance to adopt said regulations. 39. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Meeting of October 21, 1993.) Authorized sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises (Class 3 Registration) at 1602 West Airport Boulevard 40. ~. (Beer:30). (Request from MEDCO Development Corporation for waivers of various fees for affordable housing.) Authorized deferment until each Certificate of Occupancy is issued of city's impact fees; waiver of building permit fee except for $10.00 per unit application fee and except for state-levied radon gas fee of $.01 per square foot of construction, under the City's Affordable Housing Assistance Program, for MEDCO's San Lanta project, all provided that each property is pre-committed to a buyer who meets the criteria of the Affordable Housing Assistance Program.