HomeMy WebLinkAbout080993 regular meeting agenda AGENDA ~anford City commission Meeting Monday, August 9, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room .5 Presentation of outstanding Race City & Community Program Award to the City of Sanford. 1. Public Hearing to consider the adoption of Ordinance No. 3166, amendments to the Land Development Regulations regarding Mining (borrow pit) Requirements, Wellfield Protection, etc. 2. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3167. 3. Consideration of Petition to Annex (water service only) a portion of property lying between Sanford Avenue and Cypress Avenue and between North Way and By-Way. 4. Consideration of request from Joseph Whitaker, for Class 3 Special Alcoholic Beverage Registration at 2565 French Avenue (Riverboat Willie's). 5. Condemnations Status Report/Request for Time Extension/Status Report regarding 2018 Mellonville Avenue. 6. Consideration of request from Reverend Player, President, Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance, for 90 day extension regarding Condemnation Report *93-03, 1017 West 13th Street. 7. Consideration of request from Ron Picotte, Manager, Uncle Nick's Lounge and Oyster Bar, 2605 Park Drive, for waiver of Chapter 3, Section 3-12, to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday, August 15, 1993, from 1:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M., for fundraiser. 8. First reading of Ordinance No. 3168. 9. Board apPOintments/re-apPOintments. 10. Consent Agenda. 11. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. CFS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 12. Sanford Welcome Signs. 13. Proposal from Commissioner Thomas, for City of Sanford to be future site of New York Yankees Spring Training Camp. 14. Status Report regarding Sanford Gasification Plant. 15. Offer from Helen Constantine, Nicholas Constantine, Constance Fox and Charles Fox, to donate vacant properties at West 9th Street and Holly Avenue Lots 1 & 2, Block 11, Tier 11 and west 1/2 of Block 11 (Less Railroad) Tier 11, A.C. Martins Addition, conditioned upon City waiving Code Enforcement Board fine in amount of $11,040.00. 16. Request to board up property located at 1200 Magnolia Avenue. 17. Petition to Annex [emergency water service] a portion of property lying between East Airport Boulevard and Cornwall Road and between SCL Railroad right-of-way and Mellonville Avenue; Alice L. Kling, Petitioner; United Property Group, Inc., owner. ~O~nce Participation. July 28, 1993 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND DEPUTY CITY CLERK RE: AUGUST 9, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor .5 (Presentation.) Director of Recreation & Parks presented plaque to Mayor smith, in recognition of the City receiving the OUtstanding Race City & Community Program Award, during the All-American Soap Box Derby held in Akron, Ohio. 1. (Public Hearing), re: Ordinance No. 3166, amendments to Land Development Regulations. Ad published August 4, 1993. Copies attached: Map Recommendations from Planning and Zoning commission to adopt Revisions as set forth in Memo dated July 16, 1993, from Director of Planning and Development. Ordinance No. 3166. City Manager recommends adoption of Ordinance No. 3166. ~~.. 2. Adopted Ordinance No. 3166. ( Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3167 ), re: rezone a portion of property lying between the abandoned SCL Railroad right-of-way and Vihlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly from SR-1AA, Single- Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development. A. David Feinberg, applicant. Ad published July 29, 1993. Copies attached: Map Ordinance No. 3167. fyr. . . 3. Adopted Ordinance No. 3167. (Petition to Annex Louis G. and Sarah Copies attached: [water service].) Scott, owners. Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations ~ity Manager recommends authorization of water service with ~ applicant to pay all costs and fees associated with same, and ~[/ ~~to record Annexation Petition and annex property when . ~annexable. ~~. Authorized preparation of ordinance. 4. (Class 3 Special Alcoholic Beverage Registration.) Planning and Zoning Recommendation to be available at Regular Meeting. NEEDS ACTION:APPROVE/DENY _.--- ~// ~. --- 5. (Condemnations) Information attached. Approved o . . . ~.. 6. f~ A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. NO ACTION REQUIRED. Acknowledged B. Request for Time Extension regarding Condemnation Report #90-7, 408 1/2 Cypress Avenue, Ruth Allen, owner. Building Official recommends 180 day extension. City Manager recommends 90 day extension. Authorized 90 day extension as recommended by City Manager. C. Status Report regarding 2018 Mellonville Avenue, Sara Jacobson, owner. Information to be available at Regular Meeting. Authorized removal from condemnation list; Staff to prepare letter to Seminole County Tax Collector requesting reinstatement. (Condemnation Report #93-03 1017 West 13th Street.) Information attached. Building Official recommends 90 day extension. City Manager recommends 90 day extension Authorized 90 day extension as recommended. (Uncle Nick's Lounge & Oyster Bar Information attached. 2605 Park Drive.) City Manager recommends denial, unless the format is for other than sale of alcoholic beverages. Denied as recommended by City Manager. 8. (First reading of Ordinance No. 3168), re: Annex a portion of property lying between Narcissus Avenue and West First Street and between Riverview Avenue and Terwilliger Lane (2391 Narcissus Avenue). c<. ~James H. and Carolyn D. Pierson, owners. ~/~JCOPY of map attached. ~/~.. Passed first reading. 9. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) 0/... A. Board of Adjustment: The terms of Larry Blair and Joseph G. Hartwig expire September 2, 1993. Mr. Blair is willing to serve again, if re-appointed; Mr. Hartwig is not willing to serve again. Re-appointed Larry Blair, and appointed Carol Dennison to replace Joseph Hartwig. 10. r/. wot,,, ~ #" y 11. 12. 'jJ 1'0 13. v)>" 14. (Con3ent Agenda) A. Consideration of request from City Attorney for payment of July, 1993, Statement in amount of $8,662.00. Copy attached. City Manager recommends approval. Authorized payment. B. Consideration of quotation for purchase of two (2) upper filter belts (Utility Department). Memo and quotation sheets attached. Acting City Manager recamnends approval for emergency purchase of belts, and acceptance of lowest ~uotation from Textile Engineering in amount of $1,300.00; totalling $2,600.00 for same. Approved purchase and accepted as recommended. C. Consideration of Bid #92/93-46, Miscellaneous Site 10 Work, Contract II (Utility Department). Information attached. City Manager recommends rejection of only bid, from H. C. Connell, which was well over engineer's estimate. Rejected as recommended. D. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of July, 1993. Approved E. Approval of Minutes of June 28, 1993, Work Session; June 28, 1993, Regular Meeting; and July 12, 1993, Work Session. Copies attached. Approved (The following two (2) invoices totalling $443,515.70 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990, and November 25, 1992; H.C. Connell $436,438.70; Conklin, Porter & Holmes $7,077.00. Copies attached. Acknowledged (Sanford Welcome Signs.) The Commission discussed possible events/individuals to be recognized and displayed in Sanford Welcome Signs. Staff to prepare and present a plan for length of time event/ individual should be displayed, and a list of potential honorees, for City Commission consideration. (New York Yankee's Spring Training Camp.) After discussion, the Camnission concurred to have City Manager find out what tyPe of accommodations/facilities the New York Yankees would want to consider Sanford as a potential Spring Training Camp site. (Status Report - Contamination Assessment Study regarding former Sanford Gasification Plant.) . City Attorney reported that the Camnission previously approved funding not to exceed $40,000.00; approximately $30,000.00 has been spent to date. Two monitoring wells to be installed within next two weeks, City's share $5,100.00. Written Contamination Assessment Report expected within 6 to 8 weeks, for forwarding to DER, for review/comments. Preliminary reports indicate a thin lens of impacted soil, with perhaps some ground water impact. 15. ~p. 16. ~~s ~ "3A.. . ~/~ 18. ;;P (Offer to donate vacant properties.) Authorized Staff to negotiate two separate contracts with property owners, for conveyance of properties directly to Golden Rule, as described in memorandum dated August 4, 1993, wi th one of three parcels of land being conveyed under similar arrangement, to Habitat for Humanity, for Edna Burden. Also, to pursue the possibility of having Ms. Burden deed her property located at 1112 West 14th Street to the City as part of the Cloud Branch flooding correction, should she be interested in acquiring donated parcel. (1200 Magnolia Avenue.) Authorized Public Works to board up property as requested. (Petition to Annex [emergency water service].) Authorized preparation of ordinance, with water service in the interim as recommended by City Manager. (Audience Participation) Robert Johnson reported that his car received considerable damage ($400.00) as a result of his car traveling over an indenture in the road and hitting a manhole cover at 9th Street and Elm Avenue, that he filed an accident claim with the City, which was rejected by the City's insurance carrier, and that he wanted to give the City the opportunity to resolve the situation instead of filing a lawsuit. City Manager to meet with Johnny Blake and Mr. Johnson at the scene of the accident tomorrow, August 10, 1993..