HomeMy WebLinkAbout071293 work session agenda 1\GENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, July 12, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ******************************************************************* Work Session 4:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion of request from MEDCO Development Corp., for application for participation in Affordable Housing Extended Payment Alternative. 2. Discussion of Utility Rate Increase Alternatives. 3. Discussion of proposed Solid Waste Rate Increase. 4. Discussion of Special Event Liability Insurance Options. 5. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items and other items. 6. Review of City Manager's proposed FY 93/94 Budget. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 6.5. Presentation of Seat Belt Usage Recognition Award. 7. Public Hearings to consider condemnation of structures. 8. Continuation of public hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between the abandoned SCL Railroad right-of- way and Vihlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly, from SR1-AA, Single-Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development. 9. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 10. Consideration of Police Department Items. 11. Consideration of request from Gene Slover and Charles F. Bumgardner, to re-establish non-conforming use status at 1219 Park Avenue, to operate an automotive air conditioning repair business (FRIGID AUTO AIR). 12. Consideration of request from First Shiloh M.B. Church, to reschedule previously approved (May 24, 1993) Special Event Permit, from July 17, 1993 to July 31, 1993. 13. Consideration of adoption of Resolution No. 1662, endorsing the Sanford Main Street Program. 14. Consideration of request from Carmen Nesti, for waiver of required two off-duty police officers, for wedding reception on August 14, 1993 at the Civic Center. 15. Consideration of Petition to Annex [water service] for property between East Seminole Boulevard and East Second Street and between Shirley Avenue and Crescent Boulevard. 16. Consideration of request from Sarah Arnold to install six (6) foot chain link fence within City right-of-way at 1117 Olive Avenue. 17. Condemnations - Status Report/Request for Time Extension. 18. Consideration of Emergency Water Supply Interconnect Agreement with Utilities Inc. of Florida. 19. Consideration of Liability Insurance Options for Special Events and all other rentals of City facilities. 20. First reading of ordinances. 21. Information from Planning and Zoning Camnission Meeting of Thursday, July 1, 1993. 22. Consideration of Custody Services Agreement with NationsBank of Florida, N.A. 23. Consent Agenda. 24. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 25. Consideration of request from Holiday Inn for Special Event Permit for Jet Ski Race on July 25, 1993. 26. Adoption of revised Smoking Policy. MEMORANDUM July 13, 1993 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: JULY 12, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS. **************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (MEDCO Development Corporation.) Information attached. . MEDCO representatives to appear. .f;tJ1.J. 'Discussed w/MEDCO representatives; concurred for Staff to review Option 1 with City Attorney to see if it meets the intent of our Affordable Housing ordinance, or if there would need to be amendments adopted in order to utilize Option 1, and to report back to City Commission. 2. ~.. (Utility Rate Increase.) Discussion of alternatives. Reviewed alternatives considered; concurred that Staff take preliminary steps to be ready to hit the bond market if/when the "time is right". 3. (Solid Waste Rate Increase.) Information attached. ~. . .. Discussed, including options; concurred to implement Alternate 1-JG,:Ll 3 1. ~ iMfYtc ~A~ G1~aMU, 4. (Liability Insurance for Special Events.) attached. Information Discussed; see Item #19 for action. 5. (Regular Agenda Items and other items.) A. Item #11. B. Item #12. Commissioner Thomas reported the applicant has withdrawn the request. C. Item #18. City Manager reported the agreement has been revised. D. Item #26. E. Item #25. F. Family Medical Leave. Commission acknowledged receipt of information (Memo dated June 29, 1993, from Personnel Director) and City Manager reported that since this is a federal law, it will take effect whether or not the city adopts it. 6. (FY 93/94 Budget.) Reviewed beginning with City Manager's Budget Message through Engineering and Planning, page 34. **************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 6.5. (Presentation by Lt. Doug Bishop) to City of Sanford and to Sanford Police Department. Plaques and banner presented. 7. (Public Hearings - Condemnations.) Information attached. Owners notified June 8, 1993, properties posted June 8, 1993. ~ 8. tilg~... "1 .,9.U -q3 (This hearing is a formal procedure that the City is required to do as a first step toward the demolition of dilapidated structures unless the owner brings these up to code. OWners who proceed to make reasonable progress toward correction of deficiencies can expect to be allowed time to make corrections. A. Report #93-01, 1300 West 11th Street, Simeon Austin, owner. B. Report #93-02, 1112 West 14th Street, Edna Long, owner. C. Report #93-03, 1017 West 13th Street, Improvement Association, Inc., owner. Westside D. Report #93-04, 919 Elm Avenue, Columbus Carswell, owner. E. Report #93-05, 1800 West Airport Boulevard, Johnny Walker, Trustee. Building Official recommends structures A, B, C and E, above, be condemned and Public Works demolish. Also, structure D be condemned and owner given sixty (60) days to repair. City Manager recamnends structures A, B, C, D and E, above, be condemned and the owners given thirty (30) days to repair or demolish; if property owners fail to effect such demolition and removal or repair, within said thirty (30) day period, City shall demolish and remove the building or structure, and the actual cost of said removal and disposal, including administrati ve costs, be assessed as a lien against the property. All condemned, etc., as recommended by City Manager. (Rezone) Tabled at June 28, 1993 Meeting, pending meeting between Staff, applicant and residents. A. David Feinberg, Applicant. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Camnission recommends denial. (copy attached) Director of Planning and Development recamnends approval, with specified conditions as described in memo dated July 2, 1993, from Director of Planning and Development. (copy attached) City Manager recamnends approval, with specified conditions as described in memo dated July 2, 1993, from Director of Planning and Development. Authorized City Attorney to prepare proper ordinance to rezone as advertised, with conditions contained in Staff's Recommendations, and with conditions voluntarily committed to by developer during this public hearing. 9 . (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies attached. A. Ordinance No. 3161, re: Annex a portion of property lying between Country Club Road and Sunset Drive and /))tJ/kL between Vinewood Drive and Forest Drive. Jon A. Harney and Sandra L. Isaacs, owners. Copy of map attached. Ad published July 1 and 8, 1993. Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3162, re: Close, vacate and abandon a fourteen (14) foot wide north-south alley between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between 9th Street and 20th Street. All Souls Catholic Church, Petitioner. Copy of map attached. Ad published July 1, 1993. ~~. Adopted. 10. (Police Department Items.) Information attached. A. Request for one (1) additional D.A.R.E. Police Officer. City Manager recamnends approval for one presently authorized uniformed officer to be assigned to the D.A.R.E. Program with the understanding that 50% of costs will be funded by the Seminole County School Board. ~... Authorized as recommended by CM. B. Request for Law Enforcement Television Network - In- Service Training. City Manager recamnends approval at an annual cost of $5,856.00, with funding from Law Enforcement Trust Fund. ~.. Authorized as recommended by CM. 11. (1219 Park Avenue.) Information attached. City Manager recamnends approval with condition that all repair be done inside. ~.... Approved as recommended by CM. 12. (Special Event Permit Information attached. First Shiloh M.B. Church. ) ~.. City Manager recamnends authorization to reschedule Special Event as requested, with requestor to provide required liability insurance. No action (applicant withdrew request). 13. (Adoption of Resolution No. 1662.) Copy attached. City Manager recamnends adoption of Resolution No. 1662, endorsing the Sanford Main Street Program. ~ .. Adopted. 14. (Wedding Reception - Two off-duty police officers.) Information attached. Ci ty Manager recamnends one of f icer , in addition to the custodian on duty. .... Authorized as recommended by CM. 15. (Petition to Annex Jewel C. Williams, Copies attached: [water service].) Petitioner. Map Petition Application -PM. . City Manager recamnends authorization of water service with applicant to pay all costs and fees associated with same, and to record Annexation Petition and annex property when annexable. Authorized as recommended by CM. 16. (1117 Olive Avenue Information attached. Six (6) foot chain link fence.) City Manager recommends approval. roo Approved as rec by CM, only on Olive Avenue r/w, not on 12th St r/w. 17. (Condemnations) Information attached. A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. No action required. .... No action taken. B. Request for Time Extension regarding Condemnation Report #92-02, 1305 Shepherd Avenue, Carrie Williams, owner. City Manager recamnends 60 day extension. ~ 60 day extension authorized. 18. (Emergency Water Supply Interconnect Agreement Utilities Inc. of Florida.) Information attached. with fad. City Manager recommends authorization to execute said Emergency Water Supply Interconnect Agreement with Utility Inc. of Florida, for emergency water service for Crystal Lake System at $1.77 per 1000 gallons (outside City rate as it may be adjusted by City Commission from time to time) plus fixed monthly charges based on meter size. Approved as recommended by CM. 19. (Special Event Liability Insurance.) with Agenda Item No.4. Information attached City Manager recommends expand present coverage with Florida fAAAOdl_^ League of Cities to provide this coverage. L{#~rIAPproved as recommended by City Manager. 20. (First reading of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3163 , re: Close, vacate and abandon four (4) feet of a fourteen (14) foot wide east-west utility easement lying on the north side of the property at 1506 Mellonville Avenue. Fred Peck, Jr., owner. Copy of map attached. ffi~~ 1'''J~'' ~~ 1" J-Cp" q3- . ~ [JP!'f' -1- q lp-cr~. 21. Passed 1st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3164 , re: Adopting revised Utility Rates. Passed 1st reading. C. Ordinance No. 3165 , re: Adopting revised Special Event Policies and required Liability Insurance for rental of all City facilities. Passed 1st reading. (Information from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of July 1, 1993.) NO ACTION REQUIRED. No action taken. 22. (Custody Service Agreement.) Information attached. ~ 23. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Custody Service Agreement with NationsBank of Florida, N.A., and transfer of Police and Fire Pension assets from Key Trust Company of Florida, N.A. to NationsBank of Florida, N.A. as appropriate. Approved as recommended by CM. (Consent Agenda) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recamnends authorization to pay. (1) From Lee Construction Company for Water Reclamation Facility Expansion........ $263,852.48 (2) From City Attorney for Professional Services for the Month of June, 1993.. $ 11,394.45 ().I l0J~ Payment authorized. w~'\- ~ 24. ~. B. Consideration of Tabulation of Bid #92/93-43, Scott Avenue Drainage project Materials (Public Works Department). City Manager recamnends acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from Southeastern Municipal Supply Company in total amount of $86,712.00. (available funding $75,000.00; $11,712.00 excess to be transferred within existing Stormwater budget.) Accepted as recommended by CM. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of June, 1993. Approved. if ~/ t)} 0/ 5~' ~D (The following thEee ~) invoices totalling $47,162.72 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 25, 1992: Conklin, Porter & Holmes $12,132.00, Ardaman & Associates $442.72, and $34,528.00. Copies attached. Acknowledged. 25. vtYkk. 26. .. ~ lIW:\oo . (Consideration of request from Holiday Inn for Special Event Permit for Jet Ski Race on July 25, 1993.) Authorized, contingent on all activities, including parking, being on Holiday Inn property. (Adoption of revised Smoking Policy.) Adopted, effective August 1, 1993.