HomeMy WebLinkAbout062893 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, June 28, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation by Chris Cranias, Co-President, Sanford Main Street, Inc., regarding Sanford Main Street Program. 2. Discussion of request from Seminole County, to utilize old Sanford Post Office on First Street and Palmetto Avenue, for Seminole County Historical Museum. 3. Discussion of Amendment to Seminole Towne Center Redevelopment Plan. 4. Utility Rate Study Status Report. 5. Discussion of Special Event Policy and Insurance Requirement Policy. 6. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items, and other items. ******************************************************************* 7:00 o'clock P.M. Regular Meeting City Commission Room 7. Public Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution No. 1664; accepting the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners's Delegation to the City of Sanford, Florida, City Commission of Redevelopment Powers, and Resolution No. 1665; approving a revised Community Redevelopment Plan for Seminole Towne Center Community Redevelopment Area, and public hearing to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 3160 , re: Establishing a Redevelopment Trust Fund. 8. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning four (4) feet of a fourteen (14) foot wide east-west utility easement lying on the north side of the property at 1506 Mellonville Avenue. 9. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between the abandoned SCL Railroad right-of-way and Vihlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly, from SR1-AA, Single-Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development. 10. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 11. Consideration of request from Seminole County, to utilize old Sanford Post Office on First Street and Palmetto Avenue, for Seminole County Historical Museum. 12. Consideration of request from Nicole Neulander, for temporary waiver of City Code, Chapter 4, section 4-43, to permit more than three (3) dogs and three (3) cats on premises at 1815 Adams Avenue. 13. First reading of ordinances. 14. Consideration of fund source for annual paYment for property on French Avenue, across from Sanford Middle School. 15. Consideration of Agreement with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, for engineering services for relocation of utility lines within Lake Mary Boulevard right-of-way between Country Club Road and Highway 17-92. 16. Consideration of Interlocal Utility Construction (relocation) Agreement with Seminole County, for installation of water and sewer utility lines in Seminole County rights-of-way relative CR 425 (Sanford Avenue) road-widening project. 17. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, June 17, 1993. 18. Board appointments/re-appointments. 19. Consent Agenda. 20. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 21. Consideration of Tabulation of Bid 92/93-44 for Police Department bicycles. 22. Consideration of request to board up property at 813 Valencia Court North. 23. Consideration of request from Melvin Simon & Associates Inc., on behalf of Seminole Towne Center L/P to approve Construction Contract Change Order for TIF Funded Public Improvements - Modifications to Rinehart Road. 24. Consideration of preparation of ordinance for Utility Rate Amendments. 25. Public participation. MEMORANDUM June 29, 1993 TO: FROM: RE: STAFF CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK JUNE 28, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS. ******************************************************************* Work Session Second Floor 1. (Sanford Main Street Program.) Information attached. Includes request for funding, and for approval of the Main Street Application by resolution. 1-1J..-Q;3?oo Presentation given; Commission concurred to consider endorsement resolution on July 12, 1993, and to provide $20,000.00 matching funds ($10,000.00 from City Manager's proposed FY 93/94 SIB allocation, $10,000.00 from City Manager's proposed FY 93/94 Chamber of Commerce allocation). 2. (Old Sanford Post Office/Seminole County Historical Museum.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #11 for action. 3. (Amendment to Seminole Towne Center Redevelopment Plan.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #7 for action. 4. (Utility Rate Study.) Information forthcoming. 5. vrrlJ.L ~ 7-/ J.-:6f3 6. .MJ1'-/~-q3 dF Discussed; see Item #24 for action. (Special Event/Insurance Requirement Policy.) attached. Information Discussed; concurred w/policy as presented. (Regular Agenda Items, and other items. ) A. Discussed Item #22. B. Discussed Item #10.D. C. Discussed Item #10.E. D. Discussed Item #10.B. E. Discussed Item #23. F. Discussed small rate adjustment in Solid Waste Fund. G. Discussed (breached/terminated) Stadium Lease, and possible future operation/uses of stadium property. H. Discussed and revised schedule for Budget Work Sessions: Monday, July 12, at 4:00 P. M.; Tuesday, July 13, at 2:00 P. M. (if needed); Wednesday, July 14, at 9:00 A. M. (if needed) . ****************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7. (Resolution No. 1664, Resolution No. 1665, and Ordinance No. 3160.) Copies attached with Agenda Item No.3. Ads published June 17, 1993. ~~. 8. {!jJJ t. ~. 1-,;;...Q3 9. City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 1664, Resolution No. 1665, and Ordinance No. 3160. Reso 1664, Reso 1665, and Ord 3160 adopted. (Vacating) Ad published June 14, 1993, property posted June 11, 1993, and property owners notified June 7, 1993. Fred Peck, Jr., owner. Copy of map and request attached. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating as advertised. Plans Review Committee recommends approval. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to vacate four (4) feet of the fourteen (14) foot wide utility easement as advertised. Authorized as recommended by CM. (Rezone) Ad published June 18, 1993. A. David Feinberg, Applicant. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial. (Copy attached with Agenda Item No. 17.) Director of Planning and Development recommends approval. (Copy forthcoming) City Manager recommends action as deemed appropriate. Mayor reported applicant unable to attend and has requested the public hearing to be tabled. ~.... Public hearing tabled. 10. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies attached. Ads published June 17, 1993. A tz~ oo A. Ordinance No. 3154, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Oregon Avenue lying between Rinehart Road and the southeast quadrant of the intersection of I-4 and SR 46, Seminole Towne Center Ltd. Partnership and Seminole Investors, Applicants. Copy of map attached. Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3155, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3075, Classification and Pay Plan; reclassifying four (4) Police Lieutenant/Watch Commander positions, three (3) Police Lieutenant positions and one (1) Police Administrative Officer position to Commander, and reclassifying one (1) Police Captain position to Deputy Police Chief. dA ~ Adopted. C. Ordinance No. 3156 , re: Amending Ordinance No. 3075 , Classification and Pay Plan; regrading all Certified Utility Operator Positions. lJA~doPted . D. Ordinance No. 3157, re: Imposing a sixty (60) day Moratorium on "Borrow Pits" in the City of Sanford. Memo attached. 0~.. City Manager recommends denial of the adoption of Ordinance No. 3157. Adoption denied; staff authorized to proceed with advertising public hearings to amend borrow pit regulations in LDR. E. Ordinance No. 3158, re: Establishing a "Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee". M /1,' ~~.. Adopted, w/Mayor and District 5 County Commissioner to be ex officio members. F. Ordinance No. 3159, re: Services Fee". Creating an "Interim General &i~.. Adopted. 11. (Old Sanford Post Office/Seminole County Historical Museum.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.2. fiJJ .~. . City Manager recommends approval. Approved. 12. (1815 Adams Avenue.) Information attached. City Manager recommends denial. r.. Denied. 13. (First reading of Ordinances.) Copies attached. #~ A. Ordinance No. 3161 re: Annex a portion of property lying between Country Club Road and Sunset Drive and between Vinewood Drive and Forest Drive. Jon A. Harney and Sandra L. Isaacs, owners. Copy of map attached. Passed 1st reading. ~~ B. Ordinance No. 3162, re: Close , vacate and abandon a fourteen (14) foot wide north-south alley between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between 9th Street and 10th Street. All Souls Catholic Church, Petitioner. Copy of map attached. Passed 1st reading. 14. (Fund source for annual payment.) Information attached. City Manager recommends payment of $100,327.42 from General Fund Reserves. ~.. Authorized as recommended by City Manager. 15. (Lake Mary Boulevard Widening Project.) Information attached. E0J ~.. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Letter of Agreement with Conklin, Porter & Holmes in estimated amount of $34,127.00, for engineering services for relocation of utility lines within Lake Mary Boulevard right-of-way between Country Road and Highway 17-92. Authorized as recommended by City Manager. 16. (Interlocal Utility Construction (relocation) Agreement with Seminole County.) Information attached. fL ,-I t J ~ .'... City Manager recommends authorization to execute Interlocal Utility Construction Agreement with Seminole County in amount of $280,468.00, with City reserving the right to terminate said Agreement should the cost exceed said amount, plus CEI Services in amount of $28,046.00. Authorized as recommended by City Manager. 17. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission of Thursday, June 17, 1993.) Copy attached. Rec . # 1 Refers to Agenda Item No.9: Request to rezone a portion of property lying between the abandoned SCL Railroad right-of-way and Vihlen Road and between Upsala Road and Old Monroe Road extended southerly, from SR1-AA, Single-Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development, James and Debra Trizzino, owners, A. David Feinberg, applicant. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. .... No further action taken. 18. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) ~.. A. Civil Service Board: On June 3, 1993, City employees elected R.C. Whitmire as City representative on the Civil Service Board. Mr. Whitmire is the father of Lt. Dennis Whitmire, Police Department, whose responsibilities include internal affair investigations and disciplinary involvement. Personnel Director recommends appointment of George Rufus, as "alternate" member on the Civil Service Board, to replace R.C. Whitmire, to hear and/or determine matters in which there appears to be a "conflict of interest". Information attached. Appointed George Rufus as alternate as recommended by Personnel Director. ~. B. System Development Fee Advisory Committee: The terms of Herbert Cherry and Robert M. Keith expire July 27, 1993. Staff reports that Mr. Keith has been contacted and is wi lling to serve again, if re-appointed. Efforts to contact Herbert Cherry have been unsuccessful; Staff will continue to try and reach Mr. Cherry. Re-appointed Herbert Cherry & Robert M. Keith. C. Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee: Need to appoint members and designate initial one (1) and two (2) year terms. Information attached. ~ Appointed for one year initial terms: Larry strickler, Kay Bartholomew, Jack W. Wert, Connie Williams, John LeRoy, Gary Briggs, Chuck Yolk, Laura Straehla. ~PPointed for two year initial terms: 19. ~ uJ~ ~. ~d4. . 20. ~. oJ~l. ~... 22. "00 23. Andrea Farmer, Preston Perrone, Helen Stairs, Jerry W. Mills, Jami Meeks, Lisa Neway, Eliza Pringle, Richard Fowler. (Consent Agenda) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. Authorized payment. (1) From Universal Engineering Sciences for: (a) Hayfield Development & Irrigation System, Site 10, Contract IV.........$ 3,200.00 (b) Clearing, Grading of Ponds and Stormwater Management System, Site 10, Contract II.................$ 1,531.00 (c) Water Reclaimed Facility Expansion...$ 603.00 B. Consideration of Tabulation of Re-Bid Replacement doors, frames and hardware Facilities (Recreation & Parks Department). recommends acceptance of lowest bid, specifications, from M & N Door and Trim $2,726.00. Information attached. #92/93-41, for Parks Ci ty Manager which met in amount of Accepted as recommended. C. Approval of Minutes of May 11, 1993, Special Access 93 Meeting; May 24, 1993, Work Session (copies previously submitted), May 24,1993, Regular Meeting, May 26, 1993, Special Access 93 Meeting; June 14, 1993, Work Session; and June 14, 1993, Regular Meeting. Copies attached. Approved. (The following twelve (12) invoices totalling $821,882.81 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 25, 1992: S & E Contractors $72,201.69, $63,420.24; H.C. Connell $465,849.24, Conklin, Porter & Holmes $1,227.67, $5,306.92, 10,742.17, $3,675.55, $4,816.55, $12,554.07, $6,095.10, $161.55; Lee Construction $175,832.06. Copies attached. Acknowledged. (Consideration of Tabulation of Bid 92/93-44 for Police Department bicycles.) Accepted bid from Crank'N Bikes in amount of $2,300.00. (Consideration of request to board up property at 813 Valencia Court North.) Authorized, w/plywood cut to fit openings and painted an unobtrusive color. (Consideration of request from Melvin Simon & Associates Inc., on behalf of Seminole Towne Center L/P to approve Construction Contract Change Order for TIF Funded Public Improvements - Q Modifications to Rinehart Road.) l)11.L>APproved as requested. 24. (Preparation of ordinance for utility Rate Amendments.) f!J.JJ... Lei-. Authorized, using Proposal No.3. 1-/d.-43 25. (Public participation.) &J)~. Diane Smith, 1413 Oak Ave, submitted complaint that property at 106 Avocado Avenue does not meet code, and that people Ii ving there steal from others in the neighborhood; and complaint that street work needs to be completed on 15th Street near the intersection with Park Avenue. City Manager will check 106 Avocado Avenue and report back to Commission; City Manager will pursue street work.