HomeMy WebLinkAbout061493 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, June 14, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 4:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation by Carole Gilbert, Citizens for Transportation Options for Livable Neighborhoods ("CTOLN"). 2. Discussion of Trust Fund Ordinance for Seminole Towne Center TIF. 3. Presentation by commissioner Thomas regarding proposal for establishment of a Communi ty Development Corporation for Goldsboro/13th Street. 4. Discussion of Borrow Pit/Mining Regulations. 5. Discussion of Condemnation Report *91-16, 1800 West Airport Boulevard, Johnny Walker, Trustee. 6. Discussion of proposed ordinance establishing a "Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee", and membership composition of said Committee. 7. Discussion regarding Interim Financial Reports. 8. Discussion of request to transfer and carry forward all or part of remaining budgeted stop loss dollars for FY 1993 to a Risk Management Fund. 9. Discussion of Interim Service Fee. 10. Discussion regarding School/Stadium Lease. Wes Rinker, Florida Baseball 11. Utility Rate Study Status Report. 5. . f *~ 11. D1SCUSSlon 0 Regular Agenda Items. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 12. Recognition of Seminole High School Boy's Track Team, State Champions. 12.5 Recognition of Pace-Jackson Cemetery clean-up volunteers. 13. Presentation of Award by Doug Guetzloe, Chairman, Axe the Tax Committee, Orlando, to the City of Sanford for holding down taxes. 14. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a fourteen (14) foot wide north-south alley between Oak Avenue and Myrtle Avenue and between 9th Street and 10th Street. 15. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between North Street and East 24th Street and between Summerlin Avenue and Burrows Lane extended southerly, from SR- 1, Single-Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development. 16. Consideration of Petition to Annex a portion of property lying between Country Club Road and Sunset Drive and between Vinewood Drive and Forest Drive. 17. continuation of consideration of request from the American Legion Campbell-Lossing Post 53, for one additional detached sign at 2874 South Sanford Avenue. 18. Consideration of request from Florida's Hairplace, for Special Event Permit. 19. Consideration of Condemnation Report *91-16, 1800 West Airport Boulevard, Johnny Walker, Trustee. 20. Condemnations - Status Report/Requests for Time Extensions. 21. Consideration of proposal Industries and Diversified renovation of Vactor Truck. from Prison Enterprises Rehabilitative ( "PRIDE" ) , for 22. Consideration of request for waiver of required two off-duty police officers. 23. Consideration of two proposals from Ardaman & Associates, Inc., regarding Groundwater Monitoring at Site 10 and Mayfair Golf Course. 24. Consideration of Amendments to two Utility Contracts. 25. Information from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, May 20, 1993. 26. First reading of ordinances. 27. Recommer_dations from Planning and Zoning commission Meeting of June 3, 1993. 28. Board appointments/re-appointments. 29. Consent Agenda. 30. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MA'r.rER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE !lu:sJs"J.'.l.rfG, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 31. Wes Rinker, Florida Baseball School/Stadium Lease. 32. 4th of July Special Events. 33. SHDWA Special Event. 34. Liability Insurance for Teen Dances/Events at Civic Center. 35. Modification of City Hall elevator to comply with ADA. MEMORANDUM June 15, 1993 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: JUNE 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Presentation by Carole Gilbert, CTOLN.) attached. Information biJ1 J:. . Presentation given; existing city boards (Planning & Zoning Commission, Historic Preservation, proposed Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee, Scenic Improvement Board) will be asked to be mindful of the effect on the overall quality of life caused by requests before the specific board. 2. (Trust Fund Ordinance/Seminole Towne Center.) Discussed briefly; see Item #26.F. for action. 3. ~ l. oo (Community Development Corporation - Goldsboro/13th Street.) Discussed; Staff to research pros and cons of creating said CDC, and present pros, cons, and recommendation to City Commission. 4. (Borrow Pit/Mining Regulations.) Information attached. Discussed; concurred to enact emergency ordinance to impose a 60 day moratorium on borrow pit applications and permits; see Item #15 for action. 5. (1800 West Airport Boulevard.) Information attached. Discussed briefly; concurred to begin new condemnation proceedings. 6. (Waterfront Master Plan Steering Committee.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #26.D. for action. Eliza Pringle to be 20th member. 7. (Interim Financial Reports.) Information attached. Discussed. 8. (Risk Management Fund.) Information attached. ~Discussed; concurred to approve in concept. 9. (Interim Service Fee.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item #26.E. for action. 10. {Stadium Lease.} Information attached. Discussed; see Item #31. for action. 11. (Utility Rate Study.) Discussed. 11.5 Discussion of Regular Agenda and other Items. A. #32: Two 4th of July Special Events & request to provide police officers at no cost to applicants. Discussed; concurred to provide police officers at no cost to applicants; see Item #32 for action. B. #33: SHDWA Special Event. Discussed; see Item #33 for action. C. #34: Liability Insurance for Teen Dances/Events at Civic Center. Discussed; see Item #34 for action. D. #24.A.: increase for Argentine Bahia grass. Discussed; see Item #24.A. for action. E. #35: Upgrade City Hall elevator to meet ADA requirements. Discussed; see Item #35 for action. F. Access 93. No action taken. G. Letter from HRS re: alleged non-compliance with Clean Indoor Air Act (smoking policy). H. #15. Ken Wright requested that action be tabled. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 12. (Recognition of Seminole High School Boy's Track Team, State Champions.) Adoption of Resolution No. 1661. ~~. Recognized; Resolution No. 1661 adopted and presented to Track Team and Coach. 12.5 (Recognition of Pace-Jackson Cemetery clean-up volunteers.) Recognized and presented Proclamations to Winter Park Work Release Program volunteers and to citizen volunteers. 13. (Presentation of Award to the City of Sanford.) Presenters not present. 14. (Vacating) Ad published May 31, 1993, property posted May 28, 1993, and property owners notified May 28, 1993. All Souls Catholic Church, Petitioner. Copy of map and request attached. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating as advertised, with Florida Power and Light requiring that a utility easement be retained. Plans Review Committee recommends approval, subject to retention of a utility easement over existing right-of-way and stipulation that no structures be erected in said easement. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to vacate the alley as advertised, subject to conditions as recommended by the Plans Review Committee. WC~ (p"'~8..q3 15. Authorized preparation of ordinance. (Rezone) Ad published June 4, 1993. Dewitt Excavating, Inc., Applicant. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial. (Copy attached with Agenda Item No. 27.) Director of Planning and Development recommends denial. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends denial. (p...;;q ~ Ordinance No. 3157, re: 60 day moratorium on borrow pit applications and permits placed on first reading & passed first reading. Public hearing to consider rezoning held; further action tabled. 16. (Petition to Annex.) Jon A. and Sandra L. Isaacs, owners. Copies attached: Map Petition Application Staff Recommendations City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex the property as requested. {!JiJ.1..~ Ordinance authorized. 17. (American Legion - Additional Signage.) Left on the table at May 24, 1993 Regular Meeting. City Manager recommends this be left on the table pending additional information from the American Legion. Left on the table. 18. (Request from Florida's Hairplace, for Special Event Permit, for Art Show on June 27, 1993 from 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. [5 Participants Projected Spectators 200]. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. ~ Approved. 19. ~~... (Condemnation Report #91-16, 1800 West Airport Boulevard, Johnny Walker, Trustee.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.5. City Manager recommends proceed with condemnation/demolition process. (Staff is proceeding with inspection, notices, and posting, for a public hearing on July 12, 1993, to consider condemning the property, etc.) Authorized staff to proceed with public hearing on July 12, 1993. 20. (Condemnations) Information attached. ~... ~... -td~. . A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. Acknowledged. B. Requests for Time Extensions. (1) Condemnation Report Scott/Vickers, owners. day extension. #92-7, 1411 Bell Avenue, Ci ty Manager recommends 90 Authorized. (2) Condemnation Report #92-08, 1413 Bell Avenue, Scott/Vickers, owners. City Manager recommends 90 day extension. Authorized. (3) Condemnation Report #92-10, 1406 West 11th Street, Sanders/Folkes, owners. City Manager recommends 60 day extension. Authorized. 21. (Renovation of Vactor Truck, Vehicle #247.) attached. Pcw10000 22. Information City Manager recommends acceptance of proposal from PRIDE in estimated amount of $13,159.20, for renovation of Vactor Truck, Vehicle #247.} Accepted as recommended. (Request from Sanford Rotary Club, for waiver of required two off-duty police officers, for Annual Installation Banquet on Monday, June 28, 1993 at 6:30 P.M.) Information attached. City Manager recommends action as deemed appropriate. ~... Waived required 2 off-duty police officers as requested. 23. (Proposals from Ardaman & Associates, Inc.) attached. Information A. For Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring, Reclaimed Water Reuse System at Site 10. Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of proposal, and authorization to execute Letter of Agreement in an amount not to exceed $9,670.00 regarding same. ~J. ~t. Accepted proposal. B. For Groundwater Monitoring at Mayfair Golf Course. Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of proposal, and authorization to execute Letter of Agreement in an amount not to exceed $4,550.00 regarding same. Accepted proposal. 24. (Amendments to Utility Contracts.) Information attached. ~L. IL. :-11 n ~ ~ .... 25. A. Amending Change Order to Contract IV with H.C. Connell, increasing previously approved scope of services and dollar amount regarding Site 10. City Manager recommends approval of Change Order increase in amount of $288,191.00, and scope of services as outlined in letter dated June 4, from Conklin, Porter & Holmes. Approved Change Order increase, with additional $51,115.00 for Argentine Bahia grass. B. Fee Modification to Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes in amount of $11,000.00, for additional engineering services to CSO project regarding Outfall Storm Sewer - Laurel Street. City Manager recommends approval of fee modification in amount of $11,000.00, and authorization to execute Letter of Agreement regarding same. Approved fee modification. (Information from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, May 20, 1993.) Copy attached. NO ACTION REQUIRED No action taken. 26. (First reading of ordinances.) Copies attached. &i~~oo . /; ~;)8 -q3 J!1'aA-~ {; -~-qj' A. Ordinance No. 3154, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Oregon Avenue lying between Rinehart Road and the southeast quadrant of the intersection of I-4 and SR 46, Seminole Towne Center Ltd. Partnership and Seminole Investors, Applicants. Copy of map attached. Passed 1st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3155, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3075, Classification and Pay Plan; reclassifying four (4) Police Lieutenant/Watch Commander positions, three (3) Police Lieutenant posi tions and one (1) Police Administrative Officer position to Commander, and reclassifying one (1) Police Captain position to Deputy Police Chief. Passed 1st reading. C. Ordinance No. 3156, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3075, Classification and Pay Plan; regrading all Certified Utility Operator Positions. !W(jA'Jct' {; r ~rq5.. Passed 1st reading. ~~c:t Cv r a-R-1t3 . ~\~'f- LR r J-g.-q 3.. &~ l( -J i..L7.:3. . D. Ordinance No. 3158, rei Committee. Waterfront Master Plan Steering Passed 1st reading. E. Ordinance No. 3159, re: Interim General Services Fee. Passed 1st reading. F. Ordinance No. 3160, re: fund. TIF area redevelopment trust Passed 1st reading. 27. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of June 3, 1993.) Copy attached. Rec. #1: Refers to Agenda Item No. 15: Request to rezone a portion of property lying between North Street and East 24th Street and between Summerlin Avenue and Burrows Lane extended southerly, from SR-1, Single- Family Dwelling Residential, to PD, Planned Development, Dewitt Excavating, Inc., Applicant; BGM Mining, Inc., owner.) NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. .... No further action taken. ~oooo 28. ~.. 29. ~.. Inf. #4: Refers to City Commission's request for attendance information on board members being considered for re-appointment. NEEDS ACTION Commission asked that board members notify their board chairman when they are unable to attend a meeting, the chairman will decide whether or not the absence is excused; if the member is unable to reach the chairman, the member may notify the Staff Liaison instead. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) Information attached regarding July, August and September expirations. A. Planning & Zoning Commission: The terms of Johnny M. Davis, Cynthia Holt-Miller and Cathryn Welch expire June 30, 1993. Re-appointed JohnnyM. Davis, Cynthia Holt-Miller, and Cathryn Welch. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of Copies attached. to pay. requests for payment of statements. City Manager recommends authorization Authorized. (1) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes for: (a) Additional Services re: Site 10, ContractII.........................$37,680.46 (b) Hayfield Operation - Site 10, Contract IV.........................$ 5,306.27 w~ mJ-too . woJf~ ~ ~. h ~ d-i~q3 No 30. ~. 31. fiJJ koo 32. ~oo 33. Y~oo 34. (2) From City Attorney for Professional Services for the Month of May, 1993......$ 7,570.03 B. Consideration of Tabulation of Request Proposal and Bid. Information attached. for (1) RFP #92/93-40, Cheerleading Instructor (Parks and Recreation Department). Information attached. City Manager recommends acceptance of proposal from Angela Lea Showalter, at the rate of $12.00 per month, per participant, with Ms. Showalter receiving 75% and the City 25%. (Joy Hinkle's proposal was not selected because she would sub- contract the class to an instructor she sponsors.) Accepted as recommended. (2) Bid #92/93-42, Re-Roofing Vincent Building {Parks and Recreation Department}. City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid meeting specifications, from Stephen Balint Jr. in amount of $2,689.87. (Lower bid from Exteriors Homesaver of Sanford did not meet specifications.) Accepted as recommended. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of May, 1993. Approved. D. Approval of Minutes of May 11, 1993; Special Access 93 Meeting, and Minutes of May 24, 1993, Work Session. Copies attached. action taken. (The following seven (7) invoices totalling $424,355.17 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 25, 1992: Conklin, Porter & Holmes $340.00, $9,918.93; S & E Contractors $91,156.38, $30,794.30; H. C. Connell, Inc. $242,670.58; M. R. Cooper Construction Company $45,729.10; and Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. $3,745.00. Copies attached. Acknowledged. Wes Rinker, Florida Baseball School/Stadium Lease. Found that the Lease dated February 27, 1990, has been breached by Lessee, and terminated all rights, privileges, and interests of Lessee therein. 4th of July Special Events: Sanford Seminole Jaycees and Friends of the Guard/Sanford Jaycees. Authorized 2 Special Events, and to provide police officers at no cost to applicant, as requested. SHDWA Special Event: Super Saturday Nite, June 26, 1993, from 6:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. Authorized. Liability Insurance for Teen Dances/Events at Civic Center. ~oo 35. n:. Required First Shiloh Church and St. James A.M.E. Church to provide a minimum of $1,000,000.00 liability insurance with the City of Sanford named as an additional insured, for teen events scheduled at the Civic Center on July 2 and July 16, 1993, in advance of formal approval anticipated on June 28, 1993, of specific policy regarding liability insurance, so lessors have time to obtain the insurance coverage. Modification of City Hall elevator to comply with ADA. Accepted quotation from General Elevator Sales & Service, Inc., in amount of $1,470.00.