HomeMy WebLinkAbout041293 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, April 12, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 4:30 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Presentation by Bradford U. Simms, Innovative Property Development, regarding proposal for Eagles Nest Golf Course at Site 10. 2. Presentation by Chris Cranias, Co-President, Sanford Main Street, Inc., regarding Sanford Main Street Program. 3. Discussion regarding "The Party Machine". 4. Discussion regarding Seminole Towne Center Items. 5. Discussion regarding revisions to Ordinance No. 1735, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Use (Pretreatment Program), as required by E.P.A. 6. Draft Seminole County Economic Discussion regarding Development Program. 7. Discussion regarding Amendment No. 41, to Engineering Services Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, for UPdate or Restructuring of City Water, Wastewater and Water Reuse Rates System. 8. Discussion regarding FY 93/94 Contractual Renewals. 9. Discussion of Regular Agenda Items. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 9.9 Presentations/Commendations. 10. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a twenty (20) foot wide east-west utility easement lying on the north side of the property located at 1702 Ridgewood Lane. 11. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 12. Consideration of request from Dottie Mings, Vintage Cottage, for waiver of paved parking requirement at 1209 Palmetto Avenue. 13. Consideration of requests for reduced rate of Civic Center rental fees. 14. consideration of requests to board up properties. 15. Consideration of Petition to Annex portions (rights-of-way) of I-4, SR 46 and Rinehart Road. 16. Consideration of Amendment No.6, to Contract between SIC Specialists, Inc. and Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc., for Phase I Environmental Assessment. 17. Condemnations - Status Report/Time Extension Request. 18. Consideration of FY 93/94 Contractual Renewals. 19. consideration of Amendment No. 41, to Engineering Services Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, for UPdate or Restructuring City Water, Wastewater and Water Reuse Rates System. 20. Information from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, March 18, 1993. 21. First reading of Ordinances. 22. Consent Agenda. 23. Information regarding invoices paid during the period for previously approved lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 24. Eagle's Nest Golf Course Proposal for Site 10. 25. Party Machine. MEMORANDUM April 13, 1993 TO: STAFF FROM: CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK RE: APRIL 12, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (Eagles Nest Golf Course - Site 10.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item No. 24 for action. 2. (Sanford Main Street Program.) Information attached. Includes request for reduced rate of Civic Center rental fees, for Membership Kick-Off on April 19, 1993 at 7:00 P.M. Discussed; see Item No. 13.A. for action. 3. ("The Party Machine") Mr. & Mrs. Mungen have indicated they will be present. M-J .. . Discussed generally; Staff to work with Mr. & Mrs. Mungen regarding their various proposed uses and report back to Commission. Discussed request for Teen Dance; see Item No. 25 for action. 4. (Seminole Towne Center.) A. Florida Department of Transportation Seminole County Rights-Of-Way Annexation Mall TIF. Seminole Towne Center, Petitioner. Copies Attached: Map Annexation Request Letter of concurrence ( "FDOT" ) and Petition for !2df /J. .. . + L/ -'d(P-q 3 from FDOT Discussed; concurred to table for 2 weeks and City Manager to discuss with County Manager, obtain letter of agreement...See Item No. 15 for action. B. Amendment No.6, to Contract between SIC Specialists, Inc. and Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc., dated September 21, 1992, in amount of $1,300.00, for Phase I Environmental Assessment. Information attached. Discussed; see Item No. 16 for action. 5. (Ordinance No. 1735 - Pretreatment Program.) attached. Information ~ ~.. Discussed;. Co~ission concurred to proceed as recommended. (fJ~ tX~) 6. (Seminole County Economic Development Program.) Information attached. era Discussed; Commission concurred to comment on lack of MBE and WBE, and apparently no minority representation on the Steering Committee. 7. {Amendment No. 41, to Engineering Services Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes dated December 7, 1983, in amount of $20,220.00.} Information attached. Discussed; see Item No. 19 for action. 8. (FY 93/94 Contractual Renewals.) Information attached. Discussed; see Item No. 18 for action. 9. (Discussion of Regular Agenda Items.) A. I tem No. 11 . B., Ordinance No. 3147 : Ci ty Manager reviewed proposed fee schedule, and submitted a different fee schedule which would encourage larger events. The Commission took no action to change the proposed fee schedule. B. I tem No. 11 . C., Ordinance No. 3148 : Ci ty Manager recommended the license tax for Transient Rental Housing be $10.00 per unit. The Commission concurred. C. Item No. 21, Ordinances No. 3149 and 3150: The Commission concurred to consider these first readings as soon as possible after 7:00 P. M., prior to the public hearings. D. Employees' Temporary Cost of Living Allowance: The City Manager reported there has been no change in the Solid Waste and Water/Sewer enterprise funds since the last report to the Commission on March 26, 1993, and recapped options for ways to structure a COLA. The Commission took no action. E. Youth Fair: Director of Recreation & Parks reported on the status of a Youth Fair to let teens know what programs are available to them, and it will also have booths on education and jobs. F. Sanford's Crime Statistics: Acting Police Chief Ralph Russell reported there were inaccuracies in the Sanford Herald's headline and article about crime statistics for Sanford and other county, state, and national entities, and that Sanford's overall statistics were better than the selected ones cited by the Sanford Herald ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 9.9 Presentations/Commendations. A. Police Department Explorer of the Year. Mayor presented to Sgt. Andre Myers. B. Police Department Explorers presented plaques of appreciation to Lt. Mike Rotundo and to Officer Mike Taylor. C. Mayor commended Sgt. Aaron Keith and Officer Jimmy Murray for their actions in apprehending and arresting the Burger King robber, who had a hostage. D. Mayor reported receipt of Certificate of Appreciation from Florida National Guard for City's actions during aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. 10. (Vacating) Ad published March 29, 1993, property posted March 10, 1993, owners notified March 8, 1993. Kenneth M. and Bernice C. Sowers, owners. Copy of map and request attached. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating as advertised. Plans Review Committee recommends approval to vacate a six (6) foot wide portion of the twenty (20) foot utility easement instead of one (1) foot, as requested, in order to encompass existing encroachments of two concrete pads and air conditioning unit. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to vacate the easement as recommended by Plans Review Committee. M L:. 4,. ~t,-q.3 11. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) Copies attached. AW~... A0'thtJ- . . AA~. 12. Ordinance authorized as recommended by City Manager. A. Ordinance No. 3145, re: Amending City Code ,section 28-170 (C), Format for Calculation Improvement Account. (Required by FDER.) Ad published April 1, 1993. to include of Capi tol Adopted. B. Ordinance No. 3147, re: Establishing a "Blanket" License for Special Events, and Fee Schedule for same. Ad published April 1, 1993. Adopted. C. Ordinance No. 3148, re: Amending City Code, requlrlng an occupational License for three or more rental units, with Occupational License to include a provision whereby the City will have the right, upon request, to inspect the premises. Ad published April 1, 1993. Adopted. (1209 Palmetto Avenue.) Information attached. Recommendation from Planning and Zoning commission to approve use of mulch for off-street parking instead of required paved parking. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends approval. ~ . . .. Approved. 13. (Requests for reduced rate of Civic Center rental fees.) ~.... ~... . A. From Sanford Main Street, Inc., for Membership Kick-Off on April 19, 1993 at 7: 00 P.M. Information attached with Agenda Item No.2. Approved. B. From First Baptist Church, for Annual "Youth Blast" on March 13, 1993. Information attached. Approved. City Manager recommends approval of reduced rate for A and B, above. 14. (Request to board up properties:) A. 129 Centennial Drive, B. 1010 Olive Avenue. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. ~.... Approved. 15. (Petition to Annex - Seminole Towne Center.) attached with Agenda Item No.4. A. Seminole Towne Center, Petitioner L/ ~:J(p"'1.~. 16. ~JI.. . Information City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex rights-of-way as requested. Tabled to April 26, 1993. (Amendment No.6, to Contract between sic Specialists, Inc. and Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc., dated September 21, 1992, in amount of $1,300.00, for Phase I Environmental Assessment.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.4. B. City Manager recommends approval for future funding from Tax Increment Financing bond revenues. Approved, and authorized City Manager to approve similar requests for approval of possible TIF funded items, up to $10,000.00. 17. (Condemnations.) Information attached. ~... A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. Acknowledged. B. Request for Time Extension regarding Condemnation Report #90-10, 718 East 7th Street, John Henderson, owner. City Manager recommends 30 day extension. Approved. 18. (FY 93/94 Contractual Renewals.) Agenda Item No.8. Information attached with . 0~... 19. /!iJJ j. . City Manager recommends authorization to extend contracts as described in memo dated March 31, 1993, from Personnel Director. Authorized as recommended. (Amendment No. 41, to Engineering Services Contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.7. City Manager recommends authorization to Amendment No. 41, in amount of $20,220.00. said execute Authorized as recommended. 20. (Information from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of March 18, 1993.) Copy attached. Item No. 1 Approval of Preliminary Plat for Mayfair Subdivision, located at the northeast corner fo;tij .... taken. 21. &t~ . . . t../ _~&__q-3 A0~... c(..- '1-d-,,~q 3 22. of C.R. 46A and Oregon Avenue in a MR-1, Multiple-Family, Residential District. NEEDS ACTION (REVIEW AND COMMENT OR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. ) City Manager recommends that City Commission indicate that sole vehicular access to site shall line up with Kaywood Drive on Oregon Avenue as indicated in memo dated March 31, 1993, from Director of Planning and Development. (Copy attached) Reviewed, indicated that sole vehicular access to site shall line up with Kaywood Drive on Oregon Avenue as indicated in memo dated March 31, 1993, from Director of Planning and Development, and authorized temporary vehicular access from 46A to model homes for two years from today. Item No. 3 Refers to Agenda Item No. 12: Approved, by a vote of 5/1, a Conditional Use request for a change of use to retail sales of a non- conforming structure and the Site Plan for 1209 Palmetto Avenue, located in a GC-2, General Commercial District with conditions as described in memo dated March 29, 1993, from Land Development Coordinator. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. No further action (First reading of Ordinances.) Continued from March 22, 1993 Regular Meeting. Copies attached. A. Ordinance No. 3149, re: Amending Civil Service Ordinance No. 3058, authorizing City Commission to appoint City Clerk, Police Chief and Fire Chief, and to set the qualifications for said positions. Passed 1st reading. B. Ordinance No. 3150, re: Amending Police Chief and Fire Chief Position Descriptions. Passed 1st reading. (Consent Agenda.) Consideration of Copies attached. to pay. ~.. Authorized payment. A. requests for payment of statements. City Manager recommends authorization (1) From Jammal and Associates for Vacuum Sewer Collection System, Contract I......$ 439.00 (2) From Ardaman & Associates for: (a) Groundwater Monitoring at Mayfair Golf Course.........................$ 299.47 (b) Groundwater Monitoring at Site 10...$1,140.92 (3) From City Attorney for Professional Services for the Month of March, 1993....$8,788.50 B. Consideration of Tabulation of Bids. Tabulations attached. Memo and Bid <-I1Y!)1e~ M) oH: oo Cfflib ~ vJoi+- i1) Bid #92/93-34, Hydraulic Lift Gate (Recreation & Parks Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Transtat Equipment in amount of $1,490.00. Accepted as recommended. (2) Bid #92/93-35, Turf & Tree Sprayer (Recreation & Parks Department). City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Citrus System in amount of $3,989.00. Accepted as recommended. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of March, 1993. ~.. Approved. v '_~ ~ ?too. 23. ~.. 24. (!uJ)) ; oo . 25. ~I'~' D. Approval of Minutes of February 22, 1993, Regular Meeting, Minutes of March 2, 1993, Access 93 Meeting, Minutes of March 8, 1993, Work Session, Minutes of March 8, 1993, Regular Meeting, Minutes of March 22, 1993, Work Session, and Minutes of March 22, 1993, Regular Meeting. Copies attached. Approved. (The following fourteen invoices totalling $552,227.70 have been paid per City Commission approval on October 8, 1990 and November 25, 1992: M.R. Cooper Construction Company $91,800.00; Conklin, Porter & Holmes $5,133.91, $1,607.69, $757.62, $8,022.65, $13,005.28, $444.14, $733.82, $60,062.08, $1,966.74; S & E Contractors $88,611.09, Speegle Construction, Inc. $36,595.26; Speegle Construction, $83,343.58; Lee Construction, $160,143.84. Copies attached. Acknowledged. Eagle's Nest Golf Course Proposal for Site 10. Authorized Staff to work out a tentative agreement with the developer of Eagle's Nest, for a golf course on Site 10. Party Machine. Authorized a Teen Dance at Party Machine on April 16 and 17 from 8:00 P. M. to 1:45 A. M., with the stipulation that there be no alcoholic beverages on the premises during this event.