HomeMy WebLinkAbout020893 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, February 8, 1993 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor 1. Presentation by Ralph Schmidt regarding proposed Affordable Housing Project. 2. Discussion regarding request from Jerry Nance, Executive Director, Teen Challenge, for waiver of impact fees. 3. Discussion regarding Position Description Revisions regarding Police Chief and Fire Chief. 4. Discussion regarding Professional Facilitator for Waterfront Master Plan. 5. Discussion regarding Standards/Requirements. Transient Rental Housing 6. Discussion of Franchise Fee/Utility Tax Compliance Review regarding Cablevision, and Florida Power and Light. 6.1 Discussion regarding Brick Streets/paving. 6.2 Discussion regarding locations for "Welcome to Sanford" signs. 6.3 Discussion regarding Police and Fire False Alarm Fees. 6.4 Discussion regarding amendment to Scope of DER Grant 58610. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room First Floor 7. Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Denial of a Conditional Use for an Automotive Dealer Sales and Automobile and Truck Repair and/or Welding Establishment at 1901 Country Club Road, in a GC-2, General Commercial, Zoning District. 8. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3144. 9. Consideration of Applications for Determining Discontinued Nonconforming Use, (4 residential units in a single structure in a single-family zoned area) at 507 Oak Avenue and 515 Elm Avenue. 10. Consideration of requests from Frances Schembri, Store Manager, K-Mart. 11. Consideration of request for Special Event Permit. 12. Consideration of Proposal from Ed Preston & Associates, Inc. regarding Waterfront Development Project. 13. Condemnations Status Report/Requests Extension/Requests for Demolition. for Time 14. Consideration of request from Seminole County regarding Upsala Road/Central Park Drive Improvements. 15. Consideration of Transportation Consulting Services for Joint City-County Study. 16. Board appointments/re-appointments. 17. Consent Agenda. 18. Information regarding lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC = IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330-5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. 19. Consideration of amending Police Chief and Fire Chief Job Descriptions. 20. Consideration of waJ.vJ.ng Police and Fire False Alarm fees incurred prior to January 25, 1993. 21. Consideration of amending Scope of DER Grant 58610. MEMORANDUM February 9, 1993 TO: FROM: RE: J)C1ivr I CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK STAFF ***************************************************************** FEBRUARY 8, 1993 AGENDA ITEMS. 1. f:jJJ . $ . Work Session (Affordable Housing Project/Sanford Lakes Apartments.) Information attached. Staff and Ralph Schmidt to work out proposed agreement and submit to City Commission. 2. (Waiver of Impact Fees/Teen Challenge.) Information attached. 9'W:':' . 3. DiJ1 t. '}: . ;) ...;)-d- No concensus to place on Regular Agenda and take action. (Position Description Revisions/Police Chief and Fire Chief.) Information attached. Concurred add to Regular Agenda and ask City Attorney to provide actions necessary to accomplish changes. See Item No. 19 for action. 4. (Waterfront Master Plan.) Information attached. (Transient Rental Information attached. .;..1 ,. ;J-;) -. q:~ Discussed. Concurred to discuss Session, beginning at 4:00 P. M. 5. 6. 1 ^ ~~. 6.1 CfWf . .. . 6.2 d-JJ-1};. ~ ~ Discussed. See Item No. 12 for action. Housing Standards/Requirements.} at Feb 22, 1993, Work (Franchise Fee/Utility Tax Compliance Review.) attached. Information Discussed; concurred with City Manager's recommendation for Staff to proceed with Florida Power and Light Audit. Discussion regarding Brick Streets/paving. Discussed; expressed frustration that citizens believe City is paving over brick streets, when in fact Commission on 11-23-92 instructed Public Works not to pave brick streets, Public Works has not paved any brick streets, and Public Works has no plans to do so. Concurred to pave those portions of Park Avenue which are not, and never have been, brick. Discussion regarding locations for "Welcome to Sanford" signs. Concurred on locations in Public Works Director's Memo dated 2-5-93, with south site on 17-92 at Park Drive intersection, and Mayor to ask Gretchen Shapker, SHS Principal, if school wants one near SHS (possibly an additional sign, or possibly instead of east site) and Commission discuss further after hearing from Ms. Shapker. 6.3 Discussion regarding Police and Fire False Alarm Fees. Concurred to add to Regular Agenda; see Item No. 20 for action. 6.4 Discussion regarding amendment to Scope of DER Grant 58610. Discussed; see Item No. 21 for action. ************kk***************************************************** Regular Meeting 7. (1901 Country Club Road.) Ad published January 28, 1993, property posted January 28, 1993, and owner notified January 13, 1993. Meris Bereks, owner. Information attached: Information submitted by Staff to Planning and Zoning Commission, for their use at December 17, 1992, P & Z Hearing: Conditional Use Application Map Staff Recommendations Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes of December 17, 1992. Planning and Zoning Commission's motion to deny the Conditional Use passed unanimously. Need to make Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of Law, and authorize preparation of Order, based on the record presented to Planning and Zoning Commission. ~av~.. . Denied, based on surrounding area. incompatibility of condi tional use with 8. (Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3144) re: Amend Ordinance No. 3075, Classification and Pay Plan, to abolish one Police Captain position, and to establish one Police Officer position and one Data Processing Operator/Programmer position. Ad published January 28, 1993. ", \ A0 a~.. Adopted. 9. (Applications for Determining Discontinued Nonconforming Use. ) Information attached. Need to hear from any owners, representatives, or interested parties. A. 507 Oak Avenue, June & Lisa Porzig, owners. Owners notified January 28, 1993. Ci ty Manager recommends termination of Nonconforming Use based on electric service and utility service accounts closed June 9, 1992, and unrnaintained and unsightly condition of property. ~. Nonconforming Use terminated as recommended by City Manager. B. 515 Elm Avenue, Ronald Riggs, owner. OWner notified January 28, 1993. 9d~. 10. tpf ~.. 11. ~.. Acting City Manager recommends termination of Nonconforming Use based on electric service accounts closed in 1991, and vacant and unmaintained condition of property. Nonconforming Use terminated as recommended by Acting City Manager. (K-Mart Construction Expansion Project.) Information attached. A. Approval of 30 day extension of Tent Permit. B. Authorization to park twenty-five (25) trailers in parking lot, until completion of construction expansion project (February 8 through March 30, 1993). Acting City Manager recommends approval of A and B, above. Authorized A & B as recommended. (Request from First Baptist Church, for Special Event Permit, for Law Enforcement Demonstration, Displays and BBQ on Saturday, March 13, 1993, from 8:00 A.M. until 5:30 P.M. at Fort Mellon Park.) Request includes request to close San Juan Avenue between Seminole Boulevard and First Street; use of City barricades, and to hang a banner across First Street. Information attached. Acting City Manager recommends approval. Approved. 12. (Waterfront Development Project.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.4. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Agreement with Ed Preston & Associates, Inc., in $5,000.00, for planning services associated Waterfront Development Project; funding to Department of Engineering and Planning's Architectural and Engineering Services Budget. CO'04(. .. Authorized. Letter of amount of wi th the come from FY 92/93 13. (Condemnations.) Information attached. t1~. . )j~. A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. Acknowledged. B. Requests for Time Extensions: (1) Condemnation Report #90-8, 412 Cypress Avenue, K.S. Johnson, Heirs/Ruth J. Allen. Acting City Manager recommends 60 days extension. Authorized 60 days extension. (2) Condemnation Report #91-16, 1800 West Airport Boulevard, Johnny Walker/Robert C. Johnson, owners. Acting City Manager recommends one year extension. Authorized 3 months extension, during which time owner is to prepare and present to City a plan for an alternative use for the building or property, or a reduced use, which the owner could proceed to execute; and if said plan is not presented to proceed with the condemnation and ultimately demolition, if necessary. C. Requests for Demolition. (1) Condemnation Report #92-15, 708 Palmetto Avenue, James Melvin, owner. (2) Condemnation Report #92-18, 710 Pine Avenue, Levy Stanford, owner. Acting City Manager recommends authorization for Public Works to demolish both structures above, upon completion of title search. ~. Authorized as recommended. 14. (Upsala Road/Central Park Drive Improvements.) attached. Information ~ City Manager recommends authorization to pay actual cost in amount of $60,383.25 vs estimated cost of $54,180.00 ($6,203.25 additional). Authorized as recommended. 15. (Transportation Consulting Services for Joint City-County Study.) Information attached. Acting City Manager recommends approval to participate with Seminole County, to hire Consultant to provide Transportation Consulting Services; Consultant's fee of $5,000.00 to be evenly split between Seminole County and City of Sanford. 9rut.. . Authorized as recommended. 16. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) ~~. A. Cemetery Advisory Committee: The terms of Bernard Mi tchell and Bette Gramkow expire March 12, 1993 and March 27, 1993, respectively. Bette Gramkow and Bernard Mitchell would like to be considered for re-appointment. Re-appointed both. B. Central Examining Board: There is one vacancy for term to expire January 10, 1993. Building Official reports that Elmer Smith is willing to serve on Central Examining ~i ~ Board. {~ Appointed Elmer Smith. C. Code Enforcement Board: At the January 25, 1993 Meeting, the Commission appointed Ken Powell as Regular Member and George Miles as Alternate Member on the Code Enforcement Board, pending notification whether Bernard Mitchell is a Regular Member or an Alternate Member. City Clerk reports Bernard Mitchell is an Alternate Member. /1. fin ~ . Information attached. ~econsidered and rescinded action of January 25, 1993. Appointed Bernard Mitchell as Member, Ken Powell as Alternate Member, and George Miles as Alternate Member. 17. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of Copies Attached. to pay. requests for paYment of statements. City Manager recommends authorization ~All tiJ a1f Cf- fJcuJ.. . vJ at! "- ~... ~. ~dri .. 18. ~. 8J>> t~ ~ ;) ,. ;) ;; -t{;? . 20. ~~. authorized. (1) From Ardaman & Associates for: (a) Groundwater Monitoring at Mayfair Golf Course......................... $ 394.00 (b) Groundwater Monitoring at Site 10...$2,334.67 2} From Lochrane Engineering, Inc. for Engineering Design - Silver Lakes Elevated Storage Tank................... .$4,990.00 B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. Tabulations attached. Memo and Bid (1) Bid #92/93-25, Backflow Preventer Test Kit (Utility Department). Acting City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from BAVCO, Inc. in amount of $1,228. Accepted as recommended. (2) Bid #92/93-28, Sports Accident Insurance (Recreation & Parks Department). Acting City Manager recommends acceptance of only bid, which met specifications, from Florida League of Cities, Inc. in estimated amount of $1,422.00; $500.00 deposit and balance to be paid at the end of 6 month policy term. Accepted as recommended. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of January, 1993. Approved. D. Approval of Minutes of January 11, 1993, Work Session; January 11, 1993, Regular Meeting; January 25, 1993, Work Session, and January 25, 1993, Regular Meeting. Copies attached. Approved. (Information regarding lump sum contract invoices approved for payment.) Nine (9) invoices totalling $61,438.45. Copies Attached. Acknowledged. Consideration of amending Police Chief and Fire Chief Job Descriptions. City Attorney to review procedures necessary to amend, and opine at February 22, 1993, Work Session. Consideration of wal vlng Police and Fire False Alarm fees incurred prior to January 25, 1993. Authorized to waive all Police and Fire False Alarm fees incurred prior to January 25, 1993, and refund any already 21. M-t. paid. Consideration of amending Scope of DER Grant 58610. Authorized amend Scope of Work to delete a portion of Site 10 work.