HomeMy WebLinkAbout060892 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, June 8, 1992 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ******************************************************************* Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Review of 1992 Revised Land Development Regulations. 2. Discussion regarding Revised Facility User Fees. 3. Discussion regarding showcase and/or sign to recognize Youth Athletic Accomplishments. 4. Discussion regarding Personnel Related Items. ******************************************************************* Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City commission Room 4.9. Presentation of Award to Police Explorer of the Year. 5. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying north of and abutting Lake Mary Boulevard and west of and abutting Driftwood Lane from SR-1AA, Single-Family Dwelling Residential to RC-1, Restricted Commercial. 6. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3112. 7. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a 7.5 foot utility easement lying on the southeasterly side of property at 108 Ventura Drive. 25. Consideration of Series 1992 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds. 8. Consideration of Addendum No.6, to Contract with Solin and Associates, Inc., for Review of proposed Interim Proprietary and General Services Fee Study. 9. Consideration of Developer's Agreement for Lewis Edward White Car Wash on Airport Boulevard. 10. Consideration of request for Special Event Permit. 11. Consideration of request from the City of Lake Mary, for the City of Sanford to adopt a resolution requesting assistance in removing communication restrictions between elected officials and their constituents. 12. Consideration of Amendment No.4, to Grant with Florida Department of Environmental Regulations, for Wastewater Treatment Improvements. 13. Condemnations Status Report/Requests extensions/Request for demolition of structure. for time 14. First reading of ordinances. 15. Consideration of proposed Revised Facility User Fees. 16. Consideration of request from Sanford Housing Authority, for City Support regarding Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Program Grant Application. 17. Consideration of Third Amendment to CDBG Program Housing Rehabilitation Services Agreement. 18. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, May 21, 1992. 19. Board appointments/re-appointments. 20. Consent Agenda. 21. Information regarding lump sum contract invoices. 22. Hearing to consider appeal of denial of City Class Five (5) Alcoholic Beverage Registration. 23. Consideration of Resolution No. 1633. 24. Personnel Related Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) 26. Consideration of application for 1992 Florida Urban Forestry Council Award. MEMORANDUM June 9, 1992 TO: FROM: RE: CITY STAF~~i J CITY MANAGER/b~TY CLERK JUNE 8, 1992 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Work Session Second Floor 1. (1992 Revised Land Development Regulations.) Information attached. Director of Planning and Development to Report. Director of Planning and Development reviewed and discussed. 2. (Proposed Revised Facility User Fees.) Information attached. Reviewed and discussed. 3. MJ.~. (Showcase and/or sign to recognize Youth Athletic Accomplishments.) Information attached. City Manager to obtain costs and suggested sign locations. 4. (Personnel Related Items.) Information attached. A. Revisions to Personnel Rules and Regulations. B. Request from Public Works Director to Reclassify/Regrade "Equipment Operator II" to "Field Supervisor". Discussed. ****************************************************************** Regular Meeting First Floor 4.9. Police Explorer of the Year Award presented to Bryan Presley. 5. ~ . e IxJR ..'.. 6. 7 ~.. 7. Ad published May 19 and May 29, 1992. Elaine Clark, John Clark, Lawrence Miklus and Charlynn Bourne, owners. Sid Vihlen, applicant. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Conunission reconunends approval. ( Copy attached with Agenda Item No. 18.) Director of Planning and Development reconunends approval. (Copy attached) City Manager reconunends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to rezone property as requested. City Attorney was authorized to prepare proper ordinance to rezone property as advertised/requested. ( Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3112,) re: rezoning a portion of property lying between Fourth Street and Fifth Street and between Pecan Avenue and Poplar Avenue, from RI-1, Restricted Industrial, to MR-3, Multiple-Family Residential. Ad published May 28, 1992. City of Sanford, owner. Copy of map attached. Adopted. Ad published May 25, 1992. David and June Ligler, owners. Copy of map attached. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating as advertised, with the exception of Cablevision, which is only willing to vacate 5.5 feet closest 6JJP.C: . 25. 8. ~.. .. 9. PcuJ.. . . 10. ~/.. to the house. Plans Review Committee recommends approval. (Copy attached.) City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare ordinance to vacate 5.5 feet closest to house. City Attorney was authorized to prepare proper ordinance to vacate the 5.5 feet closest to the house. (Series 1992 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds.) A. Review proposal from City's Underwriter, and receive advice from the City's Financial Advisor. Presentations given by Ed Bullet and Art Diamond. B. Adoption of Resolution No. 1630, re: Amend Resolution No. 1423, to provide provisions relating to Municipal Bond Insurance, and amend definitions. Adopted. C. Adoption of Resolution No. 1631, re: Award sale of bonds. Adopted. D. Adoption of Resolution No. 1634, re: redemption of certain outstanding City and Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1986. Adopted. Provide for the of Sanford Water E. Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract with William R. Hough and Company. Authorized. (Addendum No. 6 to Contract with Solin and Associates dated April 10, 1989, in amount not to exceed $1,000.00, for Review of proposed Interim Proprietary and General Services Fee Study.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor to execute said Addendum No.6. Authorized. (Developer's Agreement for Lewis Edward White Car Wash on Airport Boulevard.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Developer's Agreement. Authorized. (Request from Sanford Seminole Jaycees, for Special Event Permit, for Car Show, Carnival and Fireworks Show at Ft. Mellon Park and Lake Monroe on July 4, 1992, from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. (30 participants - projected spectators 15,000). Information attached. City Manager recommends approval; additional off-duty officers. Approved as recommended. requestor to hire five 11. (Request from City of Lake Mary, for City to adopt resolution requesting assistance in removing communication restrictions between elected officials and their constituents pursuant to recent court decision from District Court of Appeals.) Information attached. cri- . .. . City Manager recommends regarding same. Adopted. adoption of Resolution No. 1632 12. (Amendment No.4, to Grant with Florida Department of Environmental Regulations.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for execution of Amendment No.4. f:itf... Authorized. 13. (Condemnations.) Information attached. ~. 90 ~. ~.. 14. (M4). A. Status Report of all current and pending condemnations. B. Requests for time extensions: (1) Condemnation Report #90-13, 606 Park Avenue, Jack Travis, Jr., owner. City Manager recommends 90 day extension. days authorized. (2) Condemnation Report #91-13, 1411 Southwest Road, Voncile Stephens, owner. City Manager recommends 30 day extension. 30 days authorized. C. City Manager recommends approval for City to demolish in the case of Condemnation Report #90-7, 408 1/2 Cypress Avenue, Debose/Ruth Allen. Authorized demolition. (First reading of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3107, re: close, vacate and abandon a portion of Jessamine Avenue lying between West Second Street and West Third Street, James S. Sursely, petitioner. Copy of map attached. Passed first reading. B. Ordinance No. 3113, re: rezone a portion of property lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Hidden Lake Subdivision and lying west of and abutting Art Lane, from ~~~ AG, Agric~lture to RC-1, Restricted Commercial, Bay Lake ~~ Mary Servlces, Inc., owner. / B;J.-tf.....:2 Copy of map attached. ~- ...Y~assed first reading. 15. (Proposed Revised Facility User Fees.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.2.) vrri#. . 16. MI. . 17. (j~~ . 18. City Manager recommends approval of rate increases as described in memo dated May 18, 1992, from Recreation & Parks Director, for implementation July 1, 1992. Authorized. (Public and Indian Housing Drug Elimination Program Grant Application.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor to execute letter of support. Authorized preparation of letter & Mayor to execute. (Third Amendment to CDBG Program Housing Rehabilitation Services Agreement dated December 13, 1990, extending said Agreement until September 30, 1992.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to execute said Third Amendmen t . Authorized. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, May 21, 1992.) Copy attached. Item No.1: Refers to Agenda Item No.5: Request to rezone a portion of property lying north of and abutting Lake Mary Boulevard and west of and abutting Driftwood Lane from SR-1AA, Single- Family Dwelling Residential to RC-1, Restricted Commercial, Elaine Clark, John MJ. . . Clark, Lawrence Milus and Charlynn Bourne, owners. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. No further action taken. Item No.2: Conditional Use request and Preliminary Plat for Monroe Meadows, a single-family affordable housing subdivision located at 3530 Sanford Avenue in a MR-1 and MR-2, MUltiple-Family Residential Districts. NEEDS ACTION (REVIEW/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PRELIMINARY PLAT) Reviewed & acknowledged. 19. (Board appointments/re-appointments/resignations.) Information attached. ~JC( o -- :ld- -;9 rJ.. ~ .... 20. A. Code Enforcement Board: Effective July 1, 1992, there will be one vacancy (alternate) for term to expire April 4,1994. No action taken. Put on June 22, 1992, Agenda. B. Sanford Housing Authority: The Sanford Housing Authority Manager reports Steven L. Lawrence has resigned from the Sanford Housing Authority; and suggests that Wayne Gardner, Edward L. Blacksheare and Whitey Eckstein be considered for appointment to said board. Appointed Edward L Blacksheare to replace Steven L. Lawrence, effective if/when Mr. Lawrence submits his resignation. (Consent Agenda) A. Consideration of Copies attached. to pay. authorized. requests for payment of statements. City Manager recommends authorization ~. Both (1) From Jammal and Associates for Vacuum Sewer Collection System, Contract 1..............$205.00 (2) From Ardaman and Associates for Quarterly Monitoring of Groundwater Wells at Mayfair Go If Course................................ $ 318 . 58 B. Consideration of Tabulation of Bids and Telephone Quotes. Bid Tabulations, Quotes, and Memos attached. ( 1 ) Bid #91/92-47, Painting of Parks Facilities (Recreation and Parks Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Marc Najanick Painting in amount of $7,800.00. as recommended by City Manager. r WrJj-~AccePted ( 2 ) ~~ W J a1?'. uJol!;; j .... ~.. Accepted Quotes for Fax Machine (Fire Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest quote, meeting specifications, from Office Depot in amount of $468.98, and authorization for transfer of funds in amount of $164.00. as recommended by City Manager. (3) Quotes for LP10 Cardiac Monitor (Fire Department). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest quote including trade-in allowance, meeting specifications, from Med-Tech in amount of $9,110.00 minus $2,565.00 trade-in allowance; totalling $6,545.00 (lower quote did not provide trade-in allowance). Accepted as recommended by City Manager. C. Approval of Vouchers for the Month of May, 1992. Approved. D. Approval of Minutes of May 11, 1992 Regular Meeting and ~cfq r.. 21. ~.. 22. ~~.. .. 23. ~ May 18, 1992 Regular Meeting. (Copies attached) Approved. (Information regarding lump sum contract invoices approved for payment). Fourteen invoices totalling $664,416.38. Acknowledged. (Hearing to consider appeal from Steven R. Kutner, of Staff's denial of a Class Five (5) Alcoholic Beverage Certificate of Registration for Uncle Nick's, Inc.) Uncle Nick's currently holds a Class Three (3) Certificate of Registration. Information attached. City Manager recommends: (1) Denial of request for two certificates of Registration for Consumption on the Premises at the same location. (2) If Requestor meets Class 5 Registration requirements and is willing to give up the current Class 3 Registration, recommend approval of Class 5 Alcoholic Beverage Certificate of Registration. Commission denied request for two Certificates of Registration for Consumption on the Premises at the same location. (Resolution No. 1633) re: Composition of East Central Florida Regional Planning Council MPO, objecting to elimination of all City representation except Orlando, deleting Sanford and three other small cities. City Manager recommends adoption of Resolution No. 1633, and that copies be distributed as appropriate. Adopted. 24. (Personnel Related Items.) Information attached with Agenda Item No.4. ~A~/ti 7;;~;;- ~ ~. ~d?q ~ ,.;> ~-!1.-?: f/ll1~)i?' '-7/~... A. Revisions to Personnel Rules and Regulations. City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to adopt revisions to Personnel Rules and Regulations as described in memo dated May 29, 1992, from Personnel Director. Ordinance No. 3115 passed first reading. B. Reclassification/Regrade from "Equipment Operator II" to "Field Supervisor". City Manager recommends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to adopt amendments to Classification and Pay Plan as described in memo dated June 1, 1992, from Personnel Director. Ordinance No. 3114 passed first reading. (1992 Florida Urban Forestry Council Award Application.) Authorized to support application.