HomeMy WebLinkAbout041392 work session agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, April 13, 1992 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida *************************************************************** Work Session 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor 1. Presentation regarding community transportation (bus system.) 2. Discussion regarding 400 South Palmetto Avenue Administrative Appeal. 3. Discussion regarding Code Enforcement Citation Program. 4. Discussion regarding Polling Places for City Elections. 4.5. Discussion regarding Budget Calendar. 4.6. Discussion regarding First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1992. **************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room First Floor 4.7. Presentation re: Tree City USA. 5. Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Denial of a Conditional Use for a Two-Family Dwelling use of property at 400 South Palmetto Avenue. 6. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Jessamine Avenue lying between West Second Street and West Third Street. 7. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 3106. 8. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property between Fern Drive extended westerly and Jones Avenue extended westerly and between Sanford Avenue and Americana Boulevard from AG, Agriculture, to MR-1, Multiple-Family Residential. 9. Public Hearing to consider the First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1992. 10. Presentation by the Sanford Historic Trust regarding Master Plan for "Old Sanford." 11. Consideration of request for waiver of requirement for paved parking at 3851 Orlando Drive. 12. Consideration of request for waiver of requirement for paved parking at 1220 South Sanford Avenue. 13. Consideration of request for temporary closure of the west 700 feet of Albright Road. 14. Consideration of request for waiver of requirement for paved parking and drivelanes at Loch Lowe Preparatory School. 15. Consideration of request for waiver of requirement for paved parking and drivelane at 405 East Celery Avenue. Agenda for April 13, 1992, City Commission Meeting Page 2 of 2 16. Consideration of request for use of Oak Avenue right-of-way for two required parking spaces at 1011 Oak Avenue. 17. Consideration of Agreement with Brenda J. Elliott for Historic Preservation Consultant Services. 18. Consideration of Tentative Contract Award for Water Reclamation Facility Expansion. 19. Consideration of Amendment (increase) to Conklin, Porter & Holmes Inflow/Infiltration Contract. 20. Condemnations -- Status Report/Time Extensions. 21. Boards -- Resignations/Appointments. 22. Designation of revised District Boundaries and Polling Places. 23. First reading of ordinances. 24. Consent Agenda. 25. Information for lump sum contract invoices. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) MEMOTUM APril'J" 1992 t\ 1) TO: STAFF ~ ~r FROM: CITY CLERK {I \) SUBJECT: APRIL 13, 1992, CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEMS ~\ 3. ~({ Y(J. : . **************************************************************** Work Session 1. (Bus System.) Presentation by Paul Skoutelas, Executive Director, Tri County Transit. Jacob Stuart & Paul Skoutelas gave presentation. 2. (400 South Palmetto Avenue.) Information attached regarding City Commission's Scope of Review. Assistant City Attorney to discuss. {Further information ("the record") is attached with Item No.5.) Asst CA discussed & reviewed legal procedures to be used in the hearing. (Code Enforcement Citation Program.) Information attached. Comm discussed; CM requested to keep Comm posted on training. 4. (Polling Places.) Information attached. Comm discussed & concurred w/recommendation, w/Dist 4 boundary to include Health Dept. See Item #22 for action. 4.5. (Budget Calendar.) Comm set Budget Work Sessions to begin July 6th, 4:00 P. M., and continue each succeeding day as needed. 4.6. (First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1992.) Dir of Planning & Dev submitted additional information & reviewed the Sites in the Plan Amendment & the additional information. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 4.7. (Tree City USA.) Kris Strine, Secretary to Scenic Improvement Board, presented 5-yr Tree City USA Plaque to Mayor and City Commission. 5. (400 South Palmetto Avenue.) Ad published April 2, 1992, property posted April 2, 1992, and owner notified April 2, 1992. Richard Casselberry, owner. Information attached: Transcript of February 20, 1992, Public Hearing. Information submitted by Staff to Planning and Zoning Commission, for their use at February 20, 1992, Public Hearing: Recommendations from Director of Planning and Development. Conditional Use Application. Map. Information submitted by the Applicant, John Howell, at the February 20, 1992, Public Hearing: Development Order Conditions. Excerpt from City Commission Minutes of 5-13-91. Colored map. Photos. Hearing held; Conditional Use denied. 6. (Jessamine Avenue.) Ad published March 30, 1992, and property owners notified March 25, 1992. Memorandum to Staff re: April 13, 1992 City Commission Meeting Page 2 of 5 James Surseley, petitioner. Copies of maps attached: Map A shows 7.28 feet along entire block; as advertised. Map B shows 7.28 feet only for encroachment; as requested. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating as advertised. Plans Review Committee recommends vacating the east 8 feet subject to the owner giving an easement for an existing sewer line on the north portion of his property. (Copy attached) (NOTE: If 8 feet is to be vacated, the hearing will have to be re-advertised and re-noticed, since 8 feet is more than what was advertised.) ~... City Manager recommends vacating the 7.28 feet along the entire block as advertised, subject to the owner giving an easement for an existing sewer line on the north portion of his property. CM report understand new owner, who City Clerk has been unable to notify. Comm tabled PH pending notification & discussions w/new owner. 7. Ad published March 27 and April 3, 1992. Ordinance No. 3106, re: annex a portion of property between Fern Drive extended westerly and Jones Avenue extended westerly and between Sanford Avenue and Americana Boulevard. William & Marrian Blalock, owner. Copy of map attached. PH held; Ord adopted. ~.. 8. (Rezone.) Ad published March 24 and April 3, 1992. William & Marrian Blalock, owner; William Miller, SUDA, Inc., Applicant. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval. Copy attached. Director of Planning and Development recommends approval. ~/l/~ Copy attached. ~~7:q~PH held; CA auth prepare Ord to rezone as advertised. 9. (Comprehensive Plan.) A. Public Hearing. Ad published April 6, 1992. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval. (Copy attached with Item #8.) Director of Planning and Development recommends adoption and transmission to the Department of Community Affairs. (Copy attached.) PH held; 2nd PH in July or August announced,a~dC2'.<2;l.i'c..., B. First reading of Ordinance No. 3108, re: Adopt First Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 1992. Ord passed 1st reading. 10. ("Old Sanford.") Presentation by Sanford Historic Trust. On April 1, 1992, Andres Duany presented his recommendations for "Old Sanford". (Copy of recommendations attached.) err... On April 2, 1992, the Historic Preservation Board conceptually adopted the Duany Master Plan and Urban Regulations for "Old Sanford." (Copy of Memo attached, and copy of Draft Minutes.) Warren Skipper gave presentation. Comm authorized Staff work with Sanford Historic Trust to review said Preliminary Plan & Regulations & to consider if/how Plan & Regulations could be revised & incorporated into city's Codes in an acceptable manner. Memorandum to Staff: April 13, 1992 City Commission Meeting Page 3 of 5 11. ~~. 12. ,&ttr;i.. .. 13. Mi. : .. 14. /dft. . .. 15. ~.... 16. ~ 17. ~... 18. I!1dM . . . . . . 19. ~.... (3851 Orlando Drive.) Request submitted from Ken Whitmarsh. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of waiver, for tenure of Mr. Whitmarsh's lease, and with conditions outlined in Land Development Coordinator's Memo dated March 16, 1992. Comm approved waiver as rec by CM. (1220 South Sanford Avenue.) Request submitted from Dick Buck, Owner. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of waiver. Comm approved waiver as rec by CM. (Albright Road.) Request submitted from Lars J. Eriksson, President, Crankshaft Rebuilders, Inc. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of installation by Mr. Eriksson of temporary gate, with understanding and conditions outlined in City Manager's Memo dated March 27, 1992. Comm approved temporary gate as rec by CM. (Loch Lowe Preparatory School.) Request submitted from Dr. Hershone, Director. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of waiver, until construction of the third phase (classrooms.) Comm approved waiver as rec by CM. (405 East Celery Avenue.) Request submitted from Noel Cameron. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of waiver of requirement for paved parking spaces, and approval of a one-year waiver of requirement for paved drivelane. Comm approved waiver as rec by CM. (1011 Oak Avenue.) Request submitted from Sica Nacu. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval of use of Oak Avenue right- of-way for two required parking spaces, for Bed and Breakfast at 1011 Oak Avenue. Comm approved as rec by CM. (Historic Preservation Consultant Services.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Agreement, in amount of $6,500.00, for work in Georgetown and Goldsboro neighborhoods. Comm authorized as rec by CM. (Water Reclamation Facility.) Contract is a State Revolving Loan project and will require FDER approval prior to final award. Information attached. City Manager recommends tentative contract award to Lee Construction Company, Sanford, Florida, in amount of $2,753,000, and adoption of Resolution No. 1625 for same. Comm authorized tentative award as rec by CM, & adopted Resolution 1625. (Conklin, Porter & Holmes I & I Contract.) Amendment is to fund expedited work on leaking sewer system. Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to amend Conklin, Porter & Holmes Inflow/Infiltration Contract, by increase in amount of $114,357.00, to a new total not to exceed $291,000.00 for expedited work. Comm authorized as rec by CM. Memorandum to Staff re: April 13, 1992 City Commission Meeting Page 4 of 5 20. (Condemnations.) Information attached. 4wt. .. A. Status Report. Comm acknowledged Report. B. Time Extensions: (1) Report #91-17, 144 Country Club Drive, Michael McKenna, owner. City Manager recommends 90 day extension. (2) Report #90-3, 1113 West 10th Street, Mary Leonard, owner. City Manager recommends 60 day extension. Comm authorized both time extensions as rec by CM. 21. (Boards.) Information attached. ~.. ~.B. affil.fl:-:- . A. Term of Ernest Cavallaro will He is willing to serve again, if Comm Civil Service Board: expire June 30, 1992. re-appointed. re-appointed Ernest Cavallaro. Scenic Improvement Board: Anne Hayes and Lee Atkins. Comm accepted resignations. Resignations submitted from SIB recommends David Gatchell, Juanita Mercer, Isabelle Wilson be considered for appointment. Comm appointed David Gatchell & Juanita Mercer to SIB. and 22. (District Boundaries and Polling Places.) Information attached with Item #4. City Manager recommends designation of Church of the Nazarene on Sanford Avenue as the District 3 Polling Place, and designation of Seminole County Health Department on Airport Boulevard as the District 4 Polling Place. Comm approved boundaries & designated Polling Places as rec by CM at 4/13/92 Work Session. 23. (First readings.) &da-.~ '1' i..(-d 7-~'cr- A. Ordinance No. 3109, re: Ord 3109 passed 1st reading. rename Kennel Road to Aero Lane. B. Ordinance No. 3110, re: rezone a portion of the property between West 24th Place and West 25th Street and between Chase Avenue and Lake Avenue from MR-3 to RMOI, Lloyd & Gloria Tate, owner. Copy of map attached. 3110 passed 1st reading. ~~~ 1-(-;)( .1. Ord 24. (Consent Agenda.) A. ~. Conun Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. authorized payment of all. ( 1 ) From Ardaman & Assoc for Groundwater Monitoring, Site 10 $ ( 2 ) From City Attorney for March, 1992 $ ( 3 ) From Universal Engineering for - a. Westerly Reclaimed Water Trans- mission System, Contract II $ 268.80 4,981.00 654.00 Memorandum to Staff re: April 13, 1992 City Commission Meeting Page 5 of 5 Consideration of Tabulations of Bids and Quotes. Tabulations, Quotes, and Memos attached. Comm accepted bids and quote as recommended by CM. B. ())ad~ I~ ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ~ ~ ( 3 ) ttlAl{ ( 4 ) b. Seasonal Discharge Line I & I, Lake Dot Drive I & I, Highland Avenue I & I, Clairmont Avenue & Terrace Drive $ 1,996.00 $ 102.00 $ 272.00 $ 534.00 $ 470.00 $ 1,332.00 $ 4,440.00 c. d. e. f. I & I, Academy Avenue g. Westerly Reclaimed Water Trans- mission System, Contract I h. Site 10 Reclaimed Water Trans- mission Mains, Contract I i. Site 10 Ponds & Stormwater Management System, Contract II $ 5,563.00 Bid Bid 91/92-33, Precast Concrete Manholes (utility Dept) . Ci ty Manager reconunends acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from Taylor Precast at unit prices, plus the manhole boots, as outlined in Utility Director's Memo dated March 26, 1992. Bid 91/92-34, Fencing at Art Lane Landfill (Public Wor ks Dept). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from All-Rite Fence Co in amount of $9,297.00. Bid 91/92-35, Lamp Fixtures & Posts (Recreation & Parks Dept). City Manager reconunends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Wesco in amount of $3,690.00. Quotes for Street Repairs - 3 locations (utility Dept. ) City Manager reconunends waiver of process due to urgency of repairs, of lower quote from Macasphalt $6,987.75. formal bidding and acceptance in amount of ~. C. Approval of Vouchers for the month of March, 1992. Comm approved Vouchers. D. Approval of Minutes of February 24, 1992, Work Session; February 24, 1992, Regular Meeting; March 9, 1992, Work Session; March 9, 1992, Regular Meeting; March 23, 1992, Work Session; and March 23, 1992, Regular Meeting. Copies attached. Comm approved Minutes. ~.. Information regarding lump sum contract invoices approved for payment: 16 invoices totalling $938,077.22. Comm acknowledged invoices. 25.