HomeMy WebLinkAbout032392 workshop agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, March 23, 1992 Sanford, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida **************************************************************** Workshop 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room Second Floor 1. Discussion of FY 90/91 Audit. 2. Discussion regarding Condemnation Report #89-15, Mellonville Avenue, Sara Jacobson, owner. 2018 3. Discussion regarding Holiday Inn Arrearages. 4. Discussion regarding Anti-Loitering Law/Ordinance. 5. Discussion regarding FY 92/93 Contract Renewal, for Worker's Compensation Claims Handling. 6. Information regarding Redistricting. 6.1 Discussion regarding expansion of Library-Museum. 6.2. Discussion regarding expanded Toll-Free Calling Area. 6.3. Discussion regarding requests from Amefika Geuka, Golden Rule Housing, WINS Demonstration Project. 6.4 Discussion regarding request from Sun Bank for time extension through April 30, 1992, to resolve One Harbour Place issue. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P. M. City Commission Room First Floor 7. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between West 24th Place and West 25th Street and between Chase Avenue and Lake Avenue from MR-3, Multiple-Family Residential to RMOI, Multiple-Family Residential-Office- Institutional. 8. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 9. Continuation of consideration of request to ,close, vacate and abandon that portion of West Second Street lying between North Poplar Avenue and North Cedar Avenue. 10. Consideration of FY 90/91 Audit. 11. Consideration of request for use of (8 feet of 66 foot) street right-of-way, to fence and landscape property located at West 9th Street. 12. Consideration of Contract Renewal with Insurance Servicing & Adjusting Company (ISAC) for FY 92/93. 13. Consideration of request to board up property located at 105 West Jenkins Circle. 14. Consideration of joint participation in Assessment Study on-site and off-site, Gasification Facility. Contamination for Sanford 15. Consideration of request for incentive pay for one additional paramedic position. 16. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of March 6, 1992. 17. First reading of Ordinance No. 3106. 18. Board appointments. , 19. Consent Agenda. 20. Information regarding lump sum contracts. 21. Consideration of two Developer's Agreements re: Silver Lakes Industrial Park. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) 22. Consideration of request from Kiwanis Club for reduced Civic Center rental rate for Kiwanis Pancake Day. 23. Consideration of request from Sun Bank for time extension through April 30th, for One Harbour Place issue. 24. Consideration of requests from Amefika Geuka, Golden Rule, regarding WINS Demonstration Project use of property at sw corner of Fifth Street and Poplar Avenue. 25. Consideration of revised floor plan and exterior plan for Museum-Library. 26. Consideration of legal representation before the PSC at Hearing regarding expanded toll-free calling area. MEMORANDUM March 11, 1992 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK SUBJECT: MARCH 23~ 1992 AGENDA ITEMS ~ 2. ~M 3. (Vft tll 4. \.. r ~/M ************************************************************ Workshop 1. (FY 90/91 Audit) Audit was reviewed; see #10 for action. (Condemnation Report #89-15, 2018 Mellonville Avenue, Sara Jacobson, owner.) Commission concurred to keep encouraging owner to continue making improvements. (Holiday Inn Arrearages.) Information attached. Finance Dir report receipt of check & Cashier's Check in total amount $41,589.00 today, that there are sufficient funds in the accounts to cover the checks. CM & CA to discuss paYment situation with Mr. Schoettelkotte. (Loitering Ordinance) Requested by Commissioner Thomas. Information attached. Police Chief reported 5th DCA has found Sanford's ordinance valid. CA to continue review of Sanford's and other jurisdictions' ordinances & recommend appropriate changes to Sanford's. 5. (FY 92/93 Contract Renewal with Insurance Servicing & Adjusting Company (ISAC), for Worker's Compensation Claims Handling.) Information attached. discussed, see #12 for action. 6. (Redistricting) Information attached: improved redistricting maps, election plan, and election schedule. discussed, City Clerk to provide information on other Polling Places for Districts 3 & 4. 6.1 (Library-Museum). Information submitted. CM report Task Force & Lib-Mus Bd recommend approval of floor plan & exterior, and request City Commission formally approve. See Item 25 for action. 6.2. (Expanded Toll-Free Calling Area.) CM reported status; see #26 for action. 6.3. (WINS Demonstration Project - rezone.) Information submitted. CM report one building site zoned RI-1, which doesn't permit single-family homes, & recommended temporary waiver of LDR and authorize Golden Rule proceed w/single-family home on the property; further recommended waiver of $150. rezoning fee for same. See #24 for action. 6.4. (Sun Bank request re: One Harbour Place.) CA report Sun Bank request for time extension through April 30th to resolve, and recommended same. See # 23 for action. ****************************************************************** Ct1 7. Regular Meeting (Public Hearing) Lloyd & Gloria Tate, owners. Ad published March 3 and March 13, 1992. Copy of map attached. Planning and Zoning Commission tabled public hearing, for lack of representation. (Copy attached with Item No. 16) Director of Planning and Development recommends approval. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends hold public hearing, and table action pending recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission. Recommendation submitted from P & Z to rezone as requested. Authorized CA prepare proper ordinance to rezone. 8. (Public Hearing - Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) ~ U>>l t1 (o;Ji{ ~ tN\ 9 . ~10. ~ 11. .. J~ 12. Ordinance No. 3103, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3075, as amended, "Classification and Pay Plan", to include authorization for City Manager to make amendments which constitute reclass/regrade actions of a lesser nature to vacant positions. Ad published March 12, 1992. adopted. Ordinance No. 3104, re: Amending Ordinance No. 3061 "Personnel Rules & Regulations" Section 11.1 and 13.0, to include Section 9.6 "Employee of the Month/Year Program" . Ad pUblished March 12, 1992. adopted. Ordinance No. 3105, re: Adopting 1991 Standard Building, Gas, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Housing Codes. Ad published March 12, 1992. adopted. (Tabled at Regular Meeting of March 9, 1992, pending additional information. CSX Real Property, petitioner. Copies of maps attached: Map A shows closure as advertised: All of West Second Street between Poplar Avenue and Cedar Avenue. Map B shows closure as requested: East 223t feet of West Second Street between Poplar Avenue and Cedar Avenue. A. B. C. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating. Plans Review Committee recommends that if action is taken, retain easement for entire right-of-way and only vacate the east 223t feet. (Revised recommendation.) City Manager recommends approve concept of vacating, subject to retention of easement and other restrictions recommended by Plans Review Committee, and subject to satisfactory negotiations with CSX. approved as recommended by CM. (Acceptance of FY 90/91 Audit.) accepted. (Request from Philip E. Ramsey (Pebble Junction), for use of (8 feet of 66 foot) street right-of-way, to fence and landscape property at West 9th Street.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval for fencing and landscaping only, as recommended by Land Development Coordinator. approved as recommended by CM. (Contract Renewal with Insurance Servicing & Adj usting Company (ISAC), . for FY 92/93, for Worker's Compensation Claims Handling. Information attached with Agenda Item No.5. City Manager recommends authorization to execut.e said Contract with ISAC FY 92/93, for Worker's Compensation Claims Handling; cost to remain at .15% of payroll. authorized as recommended by CM. crur- 13. df/ (Request to board up property located at 105 West Jenkins Circle.) Information attached. City Manager reconunends authorization for Public Works to board up property as requested. authorized as recommended by CM. 14. (Gasification Facility contamination Assessment Study.) Information attached. jtJn1 15. , City Manager reconunends authorization for funding in amount of $35,000.00, for said contamination assessment study. authorized as recommended by CM. (Request from Fire Chief, for incentive pay for one additional paramedic position in amount of $2,400.00, for a total of thirteen.) Information attached. City Manager reconunends approval; $2,400.00 to be funded from Emergency Medical Services (retroactive to February 5, 1992). authorized as recommended by CM. 16. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission of March 6, 1992.) Copy attached. faJt{ 17 . Item #1 Refers to Agenda Item No.7: Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between West 24th Place and West 25th. Street and between Chase Avenue and Lake Avenue, from MR-3, Multiple-Family Residential to RMOI, Multiple- Family Residential-Office-Institutional, Lloyd & Gloria Tate ,owners. Planning and Zoning conunission tabled public hearing, for lack of representation. NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED. No further action taken. Item #2 Conditional Use request for sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises ( Class 3 Special), for a restaurant with a seating capacity of 150 patrons, for property located at 400-A, 400- B, and 400-C West Seminole Boulevard in a SC-3 Special Commercial District, for three Grand Romance vessels. Planning and Zoning Conunission reconunends approval. NEEDS CITY COMMISSION ACTION (APPROVAL/DENIAL.) Authorized as recommended. (First reading of Ordinance No. 3106) re: Annex a portion of property lying between Fern Drive extended westerly and Jones Avenue extended westerly and between Sanford Avenue and Americana Boulevard, William & Marrian Blalock, owners. passed 1st reading. 18. (Board appointments.) Information attached re: April, May, June expirations. a~ ~lrL ~ A. Central Examining Board: The terms of William Horn, E. C. Harper, Ernie Watson, and William Halback expire April, 1992; Mr. Horn, Mr. Harper, and Mr. Watson are willing to serve again, if re-appointed. Building Official has been unable to reach Mr. Halback, but believes he also would be willing to serve again if re- appointed. Mr Horn, Mr Harper, Mr Watson, & Mr Halback re-appointed. B. Board of Adjustm~nt: Resignation submitted from John McClanahan. Commission accepted resignation & appointed Joseph Hartwig to Board of Adjustment. Code Enforcement Board C. ~ D. Commission appointed Liz Williams to replace Joyce Malone, effective July 1, 1992. Commission appointed Jordan Beckner to replace Ned Yancey, effective July 1, 1992. Planning and Zoning Commission Commission re-appointed Mr Dyal, Mrs Stairs, Mr Dennison, effective July 1, 1992. 19. (Consent Agenda) ~A. ()J~ ~20. 21. r A. C/m B. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. approved as recommended by CM. (1) From Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. for: (a) Site 10 - Stormwater Management System, Contract II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,954.00 (b) Seasonal Discharge Transmission Main. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 , 933 . 00 (c) Westerly Reclaimed Water Transmission System, Contract 1..................$ 359.00 (d) Reclaimed Water Transmission Mains, Site 10, Contract 1.................$ 3,120.00 (e) Westerly Reclaimed Water Transmission System, Contract II.................$ 190.00 (f) Sanitary Sewer Replacement 16th Street.........................$ 816.00 (2) From Muller, Mintz, Kornreich, Caldwell, Casey, Crosland & Bramnick for Professional Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,750.20 (3) From Jammal & Associates for: (a) Vacuum Sewer Collection System, Contract I..........................$ 673.00 B. (b) Reclaimed Water Distribution System. $ 1,003.00 Consideration of request for sole source purchase of K-9 Kennel with accessories from C & M Custom and Portable Kennels, Inc. in total amount of $1,275.31. City Mana,ger recommends approval. approved as recommended by CM. (Lump sum contract invoices approved for payment) Eight invoices totalling $719,236.13. acknowledged. (Two Developer's Park. ) Sanford attached. Agreements re: Silver Lakes Industrial Industrial Park, Inc., owner. Copies Recordation of Plat prior to improvement/development required by City. Exchange of Water Tower Properties. authorization to execute said include City Attorney and Staff City Manager recommends Agreements, as revised to recommendations. Revised "A" submitted, authorized of Revised execution ~ 22. ~A 23. ~24. C/VV\ 25. VW\ 26. Developer's Agreement "A"i "B" to be presented when revised. (Kiwanis Club). Information submitted. Authorized reduced rate in amount of $302.58 for Civic Center Rental on 3/28/92 for Kiwanis Pancake Day. (Sun Bank -- One Harbour Place lease.) Authorized Sun Bank's request for extension through April 30, 1992. (Golden Rule WINS Demonstration Project.) Authorized temporary waiver of LDR so development can proceed, and authorized waive $150 rezone fee, since City is involved in project. (Museum-Library.) Approved floor plan & exterior plan. (PSC Rate Hearing -- telephone.) Authorized funding up to $7,000.00 for City's share of legal representation at PSC Hearing for expanded toll-free calling area.