HomeMy WebLinkAbout102290 regular meeting agenda )aA/ AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meeting Monday, October 22, 1990 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida **~***~********************************************************** i:I f M)t . - I,d ~ ~ w t9 ~ Regular Meeting S _ _~ '/W\d1P.MJ..' ~ j !('ifUUVCK.. 7: 00 0' clock P. M. [1-\.5 .. QjjJ t1J\.jJJ .r' r-v"O '-(fl();Y\W<--T I Ci ty Commission Room (-I J- 1. J~O 2. d '6) 3. ( 4;'''7 4. / 6 t-\~ 5 . b~~ 6. ~t)<}, 7 . ~\g'r 8 . .l)lV9. Il~q 10. ~?-~ 11. ~?}p 12. 13. Continuation of public hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between Palmetto ~venue and Sanford ~venue and between East 25th Place and East 26th Place from MR-2, Multiple Family to RC-1, Restricted Commercial. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinances. Consideration of request from Lions Club for reduction of Sanford Civic Center rental amount, for annual fund raiser held Saturday, September 29, 1990 Consideration of request from W. G. Lassitor, Flagler Development Corporation, to use a portion of Cypress Avenue street right-of-way for twenty-four existing parking spaces, between First Street and Second Street. Consideration of request from Seminole County for a utility easement over a portion of the northeast corner of Oregon Avenue wellfield site and adjacent to Rinehart Road right-of- way, to facilitate installation of County wastewater force main. Consideration of request to adopt a resolution regarding Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority Routing Study. Consideration of request from Southern Bell for an exclusive perpetual easement for the installation of telecommunications equipment in the northeast guadrant of the intersection of Americana Boulevard and u.S. Highway 17-92. Consideration of change order in amount of $3,366.11 to existing contract with Florida Petroleum Services, Inc., for removal of underground storage tank at Civic Center ,and disposal of contaminated product and sludge or waste oil from said tank, to be funded from General Reserves. , Consideration of proposed Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County, for Intersection Improvements on Upsala Road/Central Park Drive in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for materials, to be funded from Local Option Gas Tax Revenues, Seminole County to fund engineering, labor and equipment costs. Consideration of request from Seminole County for City participation in Countywide Geographic Information System Feasibility Study, City to contribute $5,000.00 for said study. First reading of Ordinances. Board appointments/re-appointments. Consent Agenda. J~b14. Invoices for lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING, THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) dO~-1 15, fJ!+, ~rwoCA 2Jjl~ MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERKt SUBJECT: OCTOBER 22, 1990 AGENDA ITEMS. ****************************************************************** Regular Meeting Items 1. (Tabled at October 8, 1990 Regular Meeting.) Virgil Gracey, owner. Copy of map attached. Ci ty Planner recommends approval. Copy of recommendation attached. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval. Copy of recommendation attached. 2. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3034, re: closing, vacating and abandoning an east-west alley between East Second Street and East Third Street and between Sanford Avenue and Cypress Avenue. Bernice Beverly, owner. Ad published October 11, 1990. Copy of map attached. B. Ordinance No. 3035, re: amend Ordinance No._ 3007, which amended City Code Section 28-172, to provide that billing charges are due within 21 days after billing. 3. (Request to reduce Civic Center rates.) Information attached. Parks Director recommends authorization for 50% reduction of Civic Center lease, from $611.50 to $305.75, for Lions Club Charity Fund Raiser held Saturday, September 29, 1990. 4. (Request to use street right-of-way.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to use right-of-way as requested. 5. (Seminole County request for Utility Easement.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Utility Easement as requested. 6. (Central Florida Commuter Rail Authority Railroad Routing Study. ) Information attached. City Manager recommends/'adoption of resolution requesting that commuter rail study will be comprehensive in nature, that all reasonable alternatives will be examined, that the City of Sanford be included in the study process and review of same, ~I and that Seminole Board of County Commissioner be asked to adopt Si~ resolution. <~ -~-LJ:'~~ o't/:.rrpi Ill<J~aA /t~ 7 . (Request for Telecommunications Equipment Perpetual Easement. ) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization to execute Standard Option to Obtain Easement Form as requested by Southern Bell, directing Staff to coordinate specific location for easement to avoid existing utili ties, keeping the easement east of Highway 17-92 right-of-way, and a reasonable distance from American Boulevard pavement. 8. (Civic Center Underground Storage Tank Removal.) Information attached. - .-n :.. A-^ 1ft- A1~_A !J . U/M.:t (1N.:A ~J ~(r fUVvY"1\}t;U' ~ City Manager r commends authorization to execute proposed change order w.th Florida Petroleum Services, Inc. in amount of $3,366.11, or removal of underground storage tank at Civic Center, and' isposal of contaminated product and sludge or waste oil from said tank, to be funded from General Reserves. 9. (Proposed Seminole County/City of Agreement) Information attached. Sanford Interlocal City Manager recommends authorization to execute said Interlocal Agreement for Upsala Road/Central Park Drive Intersection Improvements in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for materials, to be funded from Local Option Gas Tax Revenues, Seminole County to fund engineering, labor and equipment costs. 10. (Countywide Geographic Information System Study.) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval for City participation in Countywide Geographic Information System Study, authorization for City to contribute $5,000.00 for said study, to be funded from General Reserves, and appoint City Planner, Jay Marder as principal Staff liaison for said study. 11. (First reading of Ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3038, re: amend City Code Section 16-12, ~ to establish license tax for "Family Day Care Homes". Information attached. B. Ordinance No. 3036, re: annex a portion of property .........--- lying west of and abutting Upsala Road and between SR 46 (West First Street) and CR 46 A (West 25th Street). John and Zoryada Poland, owners. Copy of map attached. C. Ordinance No. 3037, re: rezoning a portion of property~ lying north of and abutting Lake Mary Boulevard and between Art Lane and Sir Lawrence Drive from AG, Agriculture to RC-l, Restricted Commercial. James & Billa Crews, owners. Copy of map attached. 12. (Board appointments/re-appointments. ) Information attached re: October, November, December expirations. A. Henry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library-Museum: Terms of A. B. "Tommy" Peterson, Nina D. Logan, and Joyce Nikkola expire November 4, 1990. Tommy Peterson and Joyce Nikkola would be willing to serve again, if re-appointed. Nina Logan does not wish to be re-appointed. Museum Curator reports Adviso appointment of Jack pantelias; an to be considered for appointment. . ecommends Donald Vince wishes 1J. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for paYment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for Groundwater Monitoring at Mayfair Golf Course.......................... $ 536.30 (2) From Architects Design Group, Inc. for Henry Shelton Sanford Museum & Library $ 1,800.00 (3) From City Attorney for professional services rendered for the month of September, 1990....................... $ 3 , 690 . 00 (4) From Lochrane Engineering, Inc. for Ground Water Storage Tank............ $ 591.00 B. Consideration of Tabulation of Bids. Tabulations attached. Memo and Bid (1) Bid #89/90-72, Three Portable Generators. Department) (Fire City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, from Tri-W-Rental in amount of $1,865.28. (Bid met specifications with one exception; outlets are straight blade rather than twist-lock type, modification of same would be minimal cost.) (2) Bid #89/90-76, Two Overhead Doors, Department) (Utility City Manager recommends acceptance of low bid, from American Roll-Up in amount of $3,321.00. (Bids from both vendors met specifications with the exception that neither vendor could paint the doors to match existing building.) (3) Bid #89/90-75, Department) Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of low bid, which met specifications, from EMS in amount' of $5,254.88, and that old motor be advertised for sale to recoup major portion of cost incurred for purchase of new motor. Motor Replacement, (Utility (4) Bid #90/91-03, Temporary Labor Help, (Personnel Department) City Manager recommends acceptance of only bid, from People's Work Force, at an hourly rate of $5.95 for unskilled labor, and $6.75 per hour for skilled labor, for implementation during FY 90/91. (5) Bid #90/91-06, Irrigation Materials, (Utility Department) as follows: (a) Section I, Rainbird Parts. Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of only bid, which met specifications, from Florida Irrigation & Supply in amount of $9,482.32. (b) Section II, Toro Parts. Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from Zaun Equipment Company in amount of $9,858.67. (c) Section III, Backflow Preventers. City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Southeastern Supply in amount of $6,141.00. (6) Bid #90/91-07, Water Distribution Materials, (Utility Department.) Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid per section, meeting specifications as described in Memo dated October 10, 1990 from Utility Director. C. Approval of Minutes of July 17, 1990 Joint Work Session, and September 10, 1990 Regular Meeting. 14. Five Invoices for payment totalling $294,411.18 are in process. Copies attached. ~lr 1)1 d,,1 \ eJ{"'~~ IS' ~ f& l 1 elL I"~ :JSfSO c?5Ql ~(p;f)~ J(jJ ! g. 1 t1 , jVrlC-./ AIW