HomeMy WebLinkAbout010890 regular meeting agenda / ,..' /" AGENDA Regular Meeting of the City Commission Monday, January 8, 1990 at 7:00 P. M. In the City Commission Room of the City Hall In the City of Sanford, Florida 1. Recognition of St. Lucia Festival Volunteers. 2. Public Hearing to consider adoption of the First Annual Amendment for 1990 to the Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinances. 4. Adoption of Resolution, and authorization of account, for investment of proceeds from 1989 Certificates of Participation. 5. Consideration of recommendations regarding Board of Bond Trustees and rental of a Safety Deposit Box. 6. Consideration of Soil and Construction Materials Testing Services from Jammal and Associates, Inc. 7. Consideration of obtaining an engineering contract proposal for final design of Reclaimed Water Distribution System Areas I, III, and VI. 8. Consideration of an Engineering Contract for Design of Smith Canal Crossing Structure at Central Park Drive. 9. Consideration of requests for time extensions on condemnations. 10. First reading of an ordinance. 11. Sanford Housing Authority - City Attorney's Status Report. 12. Board Appointments/re-apPOintments. 13. Consent Agenda. 14. City Manager's Late Agenda Items. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) MEMORANDUM December 28, 1989 FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY CLERK<"'~ i .~ ...' : . /I,' ' 1. Ms. Kay Bartholomew to appear. TO: 2. (Comprehensive Plan Amendment.) Ad published January 3, 1990. Copy of map attached. a. Adoption of Ordinance No. 2084, re: Future Land Use Concept Map of the Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Ad published December 28, 1989. amending the Future Land Use Plan Comments from the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs have not been received. Receipt of DCA's Comments is expected during the week of January 15, 1990. Recommend the public hearings be held for public input, then continued to January 22, 1990. 3. (Second reading and adoption.) A. Ordinance No. 2079, re: annex portions of property between S.R. 46 (East 25th Street) and Silver Lake Drive extended easterly and between Ohio Avenue extended northerly and Cameron Avenue (Annexation Outreach Program.) Inglesia Cristiana Bethel, Nicks, Sanford Airport Authority, Kelso, Takvorian, and Margeolas, owners. Ad published December 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1989. Copy of map attached. B. Ordinance No. 2080, re: annex portions of property between U.S. 17-92 and Jewett Lane extended easterly and westerly and between Old Monroe Road and Terwilliger Lane extended southerly (Annexation Outreach Program.) Ball, Gabbai/Weiss, Kastner, Seigler, M. Horn, Williams, Barbour, Waits, W. Horn, Sternberg, owners. Ad published December 8, 15, 22, and 29, 1989. Copy of map attached. C. Ordinance No. 2081, re: annex portions of property between Airport Boulevard (C.R. 427B) (Onora Road) and Lake Jesup and between Sanford Avenue and Beardall Avenue extended southerly (Annexation Outreach Program.) Fonseca, Bethany, Griffin, Boy Scouts, Ahmad/Foroughi, owners. Ad published December 15, 22, 29, 1989, and January 5, 1990. Copy of map attached. D. Ordinance No. 2082, re: annex portions of property between West 13th Street extended westerly and 25th Street (C.R. 46A) and between Vihlen Road extended southerly and U.S. 17-92 (Annexation Outreach Program.) Faria, Tucker, Phillips, Beck, Barnes, Freddie, Brown, Thomas, Seminole County School Board, Swain, Bailey, Spence, owners. Ad published December 15, 22, 29, 1989, and January 5, 1990. Copy of map attached. Memorandum to Mayor and City Commission January 8, 1990 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 3 E. Ordinance No. 2083, re: annex portions of property between 27th Street and Pine Way extended westerly and between U.S. 17-92 (S.R. 15-600) (Orlando Drive) and Sanford Avenue (Annexation Outreach Program.) Whittle, Moore, Duxbury, Burke, Grimes, Dreyfus Interstate Dev. Corp., owners. Ad published December 15, 22, 29, 1989, and January 6, 1990. Copy of map attached. F. Ordinance No. 2086, re: regulate garage sales. Ad published December 28, 1989. G. Ordinance No. 2087, re: noise regulations. Ad published December 28, 1989. 4. (Certificates of Participation proceeds.) A. Resolution No. 1575, re: authorizing investment of COP proceeds in SBA until needed to fund the equipment. Copy of draft resolution attached. B. Acting City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor to execute SBA form to set up another Agency in the name of City of Sanford Finance Corporation, with Trustee's (Florida National Bank's) personnel as authorized persons to make deposits and withdrawals. Copy of form attached. 5. (Safety Deposit Box/Board of Bond Trustees.) Memo attached from Finance Director, reporting Safety Deposit Box No. 185 at First Union National Bank and the Board of Bond Trustees are no longer needed. Acting City Manager recommends termination of rental of the Safety Deposit Box, adoption of a Resolution to commend and thank the Board of Bond Trustees for their services, and then disband said Board. 6. (Soil and Construction Materials Testing.) Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning. Acting City Manager recommends authorization to obtain said services from Jammal and Associates, Inc., in approximate amount of $2,455.00. 7. (Reclaimed Water Distribution System.) Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning. Acting City Manager recommends authorization for Staff to obtain an engineering contract proposal for final design of Reclaimed Water Distribution System Areas I, III, and VI. 8. (Smith Canal Crossing.) Memo attached from Director of Engineering and Planning. Acting City Manager recommends authorization to execute letter contract with Conklin, Porter & Holmes, in estimated amount of $5,000.00, for design and preparation of construction documents. Memorandum to Mayor and City Commission January 8, 1990 Regular Meeting Page 3 of 3 9. (Condemnation time extension requests.) GrjReport Number Address Owner Time Extension Requested *Recommended* 89/89-5 89/89-6 89/89-12 713 E 10th st 718 Celery Ave H20 Orange Ave Raymond Fields, Jr Mary G Johnson Gary Williams additional additional 60-90 days *60 days* *60 days* *60 days* Information attached. Acting City Manager recommends 60 day time extensions, with inspection and report to City Commission in 30 days. 10. (First reading.) Ordinance No. 2085, re: skate board ramp regulations. 11. (Sanford Housing Authority.) City Attorney to report. 12. Information attached re: January/February/March expirations. A. Board of Adjustment & Appeals: Terms of Gerald Gross, Robert McKee, and J. Clayton Hartsoe expire January 8, 28, and 27, respectively, 1990. Mr. McKee and Mr. Hartsoe would like to be considered for re-appointment. Mr. Gross has not replied to telephone message. B. Human Relations Advisory Board: Term of Thomas A. Tipton expired December 31, 1989. Mr. Tipton has not replied to telephone messages. (Next 3-year term would expire December 31, 1992.) C. Scenic Improvement Board: Terms of Eliza Pringle and Martha Yancey expire January 31, 1990. 13. (Consent Agenda.) A. Requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. Acting City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Schemmer Associates, Inc. for Fire Station No.3 Architect Contract...............$..1,604.00 (2) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes for Construction Services for WWTP Tertiary Improvements (Reclaimed Water Dist. System $2,368.04 was approved Dec. 18, 1989. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 21,430.89 14. (Late Agenda Items.) January 4, 1990 MEMORANDUM FROM: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAG~~~ CITY MANAGER'S LATE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1990 TO: RE: 1. First reading of Ordinance No. 2088, re: Annex a portion of the property between 1-4 and Elder Road extended southerly and between S.R. 46 and Hughey Street (S. Oregon Avenue) extended westerly. Sanford Interstate Properties, Inc., et aI, owners. Copy of map attached. 2. Non-conforming uses: Consideration of request from Attorney representing First Federal of South Carolina to use property at 414 and 500 South Palmetto Avenue for multi-family purposes. Information attached, including City Attorney's research and opinion on prior, similar, request from Crestar Mortgage Company for properties at 400, 409, 411 and 415 South Palmetto Avenue. 3. Consideration of request from Chinese Shar-Pei Club to hold a Dog Show in Ft. Mellon Park April 7 and 8, 1990. Information attached. Director of Parks recommends approval. 4. Consideration of request from New Tribes Mission to provide a Maintenance Guarantee Letter, in lieu of the standard performance bond or letter of credit as specified by the Land Development Regulations, for dedicated infrastructure improvements. Information attached. 5. Disposal of part of Lot 20, Lincoln Court. Jeanne Atkinson, representing Sunshine Liquors, Inc., has offered to purchase the property in the amount $1,087.50 (the appraised value plus the cost of appraisal.) Information attached. Recommend authorization for Mayor to execute the deed. 6. Consent Agenda. A. Requests for payment of statements. (1) From Sunshine Building and Development Corp. for Vacuum & Gravity Sewer System Lift Stations & Force Mains (Contract 2)...............$ 33,072.44 (2) 3 Invoices from Jammal & Assoc., Inc., for Construction Materials Testing - Wastewater Treatment & Dist. Systems......Total...$ 10,033.05 (3) 2 Invoices from Jammal & Assoc., Inc., for Construction Materials Testing for Vacuum Sewer Project........................Total...$ 5,991.18 (4) From Elkins Constructors, Inc., for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements - Contract 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110,376.83 (5) From Precon Corp. for Reclaimed Water Storage Tanks - Contract 11....................$125,073.00 City Manager's Late Agenda Items January 8, 1990 Regular Meeting Page 2 of 2 (6) From Abcom II, Inc. for Cultural Arts Center Renovation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25,384.70 B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. (1) Bid #89/90-16, Raw Water Transmission Line Materials, (Utility Department.) Memo from Utility Director and Bid Tabulation attached. Recommend acceptance of low bids, which met specifications, in total amount of $84,588.86, as described in Memo. (2) Bid #89/90-18, Utility Building Fence Project, (Utility Department.) Memo from Utility Director and Bid Tabulation attached. Recommend acceptance of low bid from Barfield Fencing, which met specifications, in amount of $2,475.00. C. Approval of Minutes of December 18, 1989 Regular Meeting. Copy enclosed. D. Approval of Vouchers for Month of December, 1989. 7. Recommend authorization of Contract with Jammal & Assoc., Inc., for Soil & Groundwater Assessment at Water Booster Station on French Avenue near 13th Street. Estimated Contract amount is $3,128.00. Information attached. 8. Consideration of request from Seminole County Branch of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for free use of Sanford Civic Center for a Martin Luther King Banquet on January 15, 1990. Although this banquet is not a function of the MLK Celebration Committee, the Committee did agree to sponsor the NAACP to host a banquet at the Civic Center in recognition of Dr. King. Copy of request attached. 9. Consideration of request from Margaret Jones for a time extension on Condemnation Report No. 89-14, 1010 Orange Avenue. Information attached. Recommend 60 day time extension, with inspection and status report to City Commission in 30 days. 10. Consideration of resignation submitted by Oletta Yates, from the Planning and Zoning Commission. Copy attached. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105)