HomeMy WebLinkAbout111191 regular meeting agenda T\GENDA :'nnford City Commission Meeting Monday, November 11, 1991 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***~*************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 1. Public Hearings to consider Condemnation of properties on Report No's 91-15 through 91-19. 2. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of ordinances. 3. Consideration of request from Garfield Walker, for City to cite owner of apartment complex located at 718 West First Street, for violation of City Code Section 16-7, and to amend City Code to include prohibition of noise pollution. 4. Consideration of request for Parade Permit. 5. Consideration of request from Florida Power & Light Company, for a 20 foot easement, for construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities along the western boundary of Mayfair Golf Course. 6. Consideration of request from Chris Cranias, regarding Downtown Christmas Decorations and Electrical Services. 7. Consideration of Amendment to Lease Agreement dated December 14, 1990 between City of Sanford and Danny A. and Kelli Spears, for property located at 1900 Oregon Avenue. 8. Consideration of School Resource Officer Agreement. 9. First reading of Ordinances. 10. Condemnation - Status Report/Request for demolition. 11. Board appointment. . 12. Citizen Opinion Survey - Staff Report. 13. Consent Agenda. 14. Information for lump sum contract invoices. 15. Re.que..6tnkom e-ity ete.kk nM .6pee-iMea.Uon On eMt-iMea.te.6 06 Appke.e-ia.t-<.on Ok pta.qUe..6 to bOa.kd membe.k.6 who ha.ve. ke.6-igne.d Ok not bee.n ke-a.ppo-inted. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MA'rl'ER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING, THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) 16. Reque..6t nkom e-ity Ma.n.a.ge.k to a.uthM-ize tette.k a.ppJta.-<..6a.i. 06 407 E 9th St be pMnOkmed by A. B.PetM.60n, III, nOk nee -in a.mount 06 $400.00. 17. Reque.6t 6kom R-iek O~ nOk e~-i6-iea.t-<.on on Oet 28, 1991 eoneeptua.1. a.ppkOVa.t on e.a..6ement a.t S-ite 10. 18. Re.que.6t nkom LMOY Loe~ett, Re..6eue. ehUkeh 06 God, to etO.6e MulbMkY Ave- n.ue. between 12th St & 13th ST 01'1. Nov 16, 1991, 6kom 12:00 Noon 1.:0.14:00 P. M. 6M Fun a.nd Ga.me ea.kn.-iva.i.. 19. Reque.6t 6kom Wa.ttM a.nd RobMta. Padge.tt nOk k-ight=06=way U.6e 60k 3 01'1.- .6tkeet pa.kk-ing .6pace..6 a.t 420 eak. Avenue. MEMORANDUM October 31, 1991 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK :~ SUBJECT: NOVEMBER 11, 1991 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting itO 1. Public Hearing to consider condemnation of properties as follows: (This hearing is a formal procedure that the City is required to do as a first ~tep toward the demolition of dilapidated structures unless the owner brings these up to code. Owners who proceed to make reasonable progress toward correction of deficiencies can expect to be allowed time to make corrections.) Information attached. (B) Condemnation Report #91-16, 1800 West Airport Boulevard, Johnny Walker, Trustee. ~ ~ ( A) Condemnation Report *91-15, 1109 West 9th Street, owner Ralph and Monna Jarvis. OWner requests no time extensions be granted. ( C) Condemnation Report #91-17, Michael A. McKenna, owner. 144 Country Club Drive, ~ Street, Mary ~ (D) Condemnation Report #91-18, 1010 West 13th Smith, owner. (E) Condemnation Report #91-19, 213 Laurel Avenue, Creststar ~. Mortgage Corp., owner. City Manager recommends the properties be condemned and the owners given 30 days to repair or demolish. ;({b 2 . (Second reading and adoption of Ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3081, re: Closing, vacating, and abandoning a portion of a utility easement lying on the westerly side of the property at 160 wildwood Drive. Paul Hendricker, petitioner. Ad published October 31, 1991. Copy of map attached. B. Ordinance No. 3082, re: Closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Park Avenue lying between West 25th Street (Geneva Avenue) and West 25th Place extended easterly and between Park Drive and Palmetto Avenue. Charlie Smith & Central Florida Educators' Federal Credit Union, petitioners. Ad published October 31, 1991. Copy of map attached. C. Ordinance No. 3083, re: Rezoning a portion of property lying between Lake Mary Boulevard and Airport Boulevard and between Sanford Avenue and Rolling Hills Boulevard/Americana Boulevard from AG, Agriculture, to MR-2, Multiple-Family Residential. Suda, Inc., applicant. Ad published October 31, 1991. Copy of map attached. 'I ~ \\ 3. \S1ltJ 4. \Gq~ 5. \~ \\.f /\I\U7. \ -11\ 8 . \ / 0~~ 9. \~~\ 10. D. Ordinance No. 3086, re: Naming a portion of an unnamed road running east-west between Upsala Road and Elder Road Smith Canal Road. Ad published October 31, 1991. Copy of map attached. Ordinance No. 3087, re: Establishing Housing Extended PaYment Alternative Fees. Ad published October 31, 1991. E. an Affordable for City Impact (Request for City to cite owner of apartment complex at 718 West First Street, for violation of City Code Section 16-7.) Information attached: Request and Status Report. ~ (Request from Liz Williams, President, Georgetown Neighborhood Crime Watch, for Anti-Drug Parade on Saturday, November 23, 1991 from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M..) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. (Request for Easement.) Infotmation attached. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor to execute said Easement, for construction, operation and maintenance of underground electric utility facilities, along the western boundary of Mayfair Golf Course. 6. (Downtown Christmas Decorations.) Memo attached from Public Works Director. City Manager recommends installation, based on limited funds available in the current FY, of Items 1, 2, and 3, in total estimated amount of $5,909.00, with planning for additional improvements as funds are available. _(Lease Amendment for residence at Twin Lakes Wellfield Site.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor to execute said Amendment to Lease Agreement dated December 14, 1990; term of lease to be 12 months (January 1, 1992 through December 31, 1992); rental fee shall be increased from $300.00 to $330.00 per month, payable the first day of each month of said term. (School Resource Officer Agreement.) Information attached. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor said Agreement dated September 11, 1991, in $60,420.00, payable in ten equal installments, October 5, 1991. to execute amount of commencing (First reading of Ordinances.) A. Ordinance No. 3084, re: Establishing Drug Free Work Place Program, for implementation December 1, 1991. B. Consideration of Ordinance No. 3088, re: Establishing uniform building numbering system for new and existing structures within City of Sanford. Information attached. (Condemnations.) Information attached. A. Summary Status Report of all condemnations. current and pending / B. Request to commence demolition procedures on Condemnation / // Report #90-7, 408 1/2 Cypress Avenue, Debose/Allen, ~ owner. City Manager recommends authorization for Public Works to demolish as requested. ~y .. .. .L.L. 9-1St>S12. /]4q 13. 'J / H~nry Shelton Sanford Memorial Library: There is one vacancy for term to expire November 4, 1993. Museum-Library Board recommends George C. Scott and Elizabeth Gallant be considered for appointment to this vacancy. Citizen Opinion Survey - Staff Report. Information attached. (Consent Agenda.) A. Consideration of requests for paYment of Statements. City Manager recommends approval. (1) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes for: (a) Sanitary Sewage Collection System Infiltration/Inflow Assessment & Engineering Services............$ 32,122.43 (b) Site 10 Additional Services Eagle Issue - Engineer & Subconsultant Services............$ 274.86 (c) Amendment 18 - Construction Services - Eff. Storage & Spray Irrigation Systems, Contracts B, C-, and I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 668.93 (d) Westerly Interceptor & Reclaimed Water Transmission Mains, Construction Services, Contracts I and I I . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 , 355 . 18 (e) Seasonal Discharge Transmission Facilities & Water Reclamation Facility Expansion................$ 6,658.86 (f) Seasonal Discharge System.........$ 219.94 (g) Amendment 31 - Construction Services Reclaimed Water Distribution System...............$ 490.23 (h) Site 10 - Construction Admin. services, Contracts I, II & III...$ 12,846.69 (i) Amendment 30 - Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion...................$ 66,174.00 (j) Amendment 25 - Construction Services - Master Wastewater Pump Station......................$ 578.90 (k) Mill Creek & Cloud Branch Preliminary Eng. Services.........$ 3,880.90 (2) From Florida Environmental Management, Inc., for Remedial Action Plan at Police Department......................$ 6,300.00 B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. Memos and Bid Tabulations attached. (1) Bid #91/92-03, Street sign Materials. (Public Works Department) City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Mid Ohio Marketing, for aluminum blanks and cap and cross Assy., in amount of $4,788.60, and acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from Universal Signs, for posts and poles, in amount of $1,873.00 (Mid Ohio Marketing did not bid); totalling $6,661.60. fJJ1:;d ~2) Bid ~91/92-05i Irrigation Materials. Department) (utility City Manager recommends acceptance of only bid meeting specifications, from Florida Irrigation for Section I (Rainbird Supplies); totalling $8,186.00, and acceptance of lower bid, which met specifications, from Zaun Equipment for Section II (Toro Supplies); totalling $1,552.84. C. Approval of Vouchers for the month of october, 1991. a.ppkove.d D. Approval of Minutes of October 14, 1991 Work Session, Minutes of October 14, 1991 Regular Meeting, and Minutes of October 28, 1991 Work Session. a.ppJtoved Information for lump sum contract invoices approved for payment: two invoices totalling $92,598.19. a.eknowtedged lee.kt-i6-iea.ted 06 Appkee-ia.t-ion/Pta.que.6 to bOa.kd membe.k.6 who ke.6-ign Ok a.ke not ke-a.ppo-inte.d.1 a.uthok-ized g-ive pta.QUe.6, beg-inn-ing w-ith ~. Ph-it-ip.6 IAppka.-<..6a.t 06 407 E 9th St.J Authok-ized A. B. Petek.6on, III, pe.knOkm te.tte.k a.ppka.-<..6a.i., "6ee ttt amount on $400.00. 17. leta.k-i6-iea.t-ion on 10-28-91 eoneeptua.t a.ppkOVa.t on e.a..6ement a.t S-ite 10.1 a.gkeed to ~ow ea..6ement w-ithout a.ny d-ikeet eOn..6-ideka.t-ion ~ ~14. 'OWv'\. 1 5 . Mv1 16. r ~ r 18. I Re..6eue ehalta.& 06 God6ue.et et0.6!iJte. I a.uthOk-ize.d 6 Ok ea.kn.-<. va.i. Nov. 16, wa.-ived eond U.6e PH by P & Z. 19. IRequ-iked pa.kk-ing - 420 Oa.k Ave.1 Authok-ized waive 3 kequ-iked on-.6-ite pa.kk-ing .6pa.ee..6 & pekm-it 3 01'1. .6ueet -in nkont 06 420 Oa.k Ave.