HomeMy WebLinkAbout062491 workshop agenda AGENDA ~anford City Commission Meetings Monday, June 24, 1991 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue **************************************************************** Workshop 4:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. City Manager Performance Evaluation. 2. Review of City Manager's proposed FY 91/92 Budget. *************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 3. Public Hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of a utility easement lying between Sanora Boulevard and Stenstrom Boulevard between Sanford Avenue and Hunt Drive. 4. Continuation of public hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a North-South alley lying between Oak Avenue and Park Avenue and between West 14th Street and SCL RR. 5. Continuation of public hearing to consider closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of an East-West a~y between West First Street and West Second Street and between Mangoustine Avenue and Avocado Avenue. 6. Public Hearing to consider second reading and adoption of Ordinances. 7. Consideration of request to proceed with procurement of equipment for Solid Waste Management, and authorization to finance said equipment and recycling equipment in total estimated amount of $1,164,410.94. 8. Consideration of request from Dorry A. Bragg, Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee utilize City Commission Conference Room. Chairman, "D", to 9. Consideration of request for waiver of 2-hour moving requirement/Peddler's License to sell fireworks. 10. Consideration of request from Police Chief, to reclassify the "Police Officer First Class" position to "Police Corporal", and "Police Communications Operator First Class" position to "Police Communications Supervisor". 11. Consideration of Florida Department of Agriculture and Community Services America the Beautiful Urban and Community Forestry Grant Application, for development of Computerized Street Tree Inventory. 12. Consideration of request from Thomas Cavanaugh, Vice President, P.A.C. Land Development Corporation, for waiver of sign regulations, to hang two additional banners at Stonebrook Apartments, 1000 Stonebrook Drive, off Airport Boulevard and Live Oak Boulevard. 13. First reading of ordinances. 14. Consideration of request for time extension regarding Condemnation Report #90-15. 15. Board appointments/re-appointments/resignations. 16. Consent Agenda. ~ 17. Invoices for lump sum contracts. 18. Consideration of request from Sica Nacu for waiver of paved parking requirement at 1301 - 1307 Park Avenue. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE ME.t!j'l'J.~G, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING, THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) 19. Reque~t 6~om Bu~~d~ng 066~e~al 6o~ Pub~~e Wo~k~ Vep~tment to bo~d up ~tJr.uetWte a..t 101 P ~neCJr.e~t V~~ve. ~ MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND 9I1Y COMMISSION CITY CLERK 0' JUNE 24, 1991 AGENDA ITEMS. FROM: SUBJECT: **************************************************************** Workshop 1. City Manager Performance Evaluation. Comm-i.-6-6-i.on c.onc.wtJte.d too e.~ly to do e.vaiuat-i.on, -6-i.nc.e. CM S-i.mmOn-6 ha-6 be.e.n CM only a 6e.w month-6; c.onc.~~e.d CM 2. (Review of City Manager's Proposed FY 91/92 Budget) to ~e.c.e.-i.ve -6a.me. ~e.v-i.e.we.d 6~om be.g-i.nn-i.ng to F-i.~e Dept. COLA a-6 ~e.-6t 06 ****************************************************************e.mployee.-6. Regular Meeting 3. Ad published June 10, 1991, and notice mailed to owners on May 30, 1991. Mark Leppla, owner. PH c.ont-i.nued to July 8, 1991. Copy of map attached. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating. Plans Review Committee recommends approval to vacate the North 75' of the South 80' of said easement, as requested. (Copy attached) Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. 4. (Tabled at June 10, 1991 Regular Meeting, pending additional information.) PH table.d to July 22, 1991. Larry Burier, petitioner. Copy of map attached. Entire alley was advertised; petitioner had requested the southern 1/2 be vacated. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating. Letter attached from Stenstrom/Stump Construction in opposition. Memo attached from Public Works Director regarding drainage. Plans Review Committee recommends approval to vacate the portion of the alley between Lots 15/19 and 21/23; subject to conditions. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends continue public hearing until July 8, 1991. 5. (Tabled at June 10, 1991 Regular Meeting, pending receipt of executed Grant of Easement. (Copy of easement attached) Beverly Hunt, owner. (Malcolm Ward, petitioner.) Copy of map attached. PH c.onc.luded; ac.Uon tak.en w/1tem #13.B. Letters received from utility companies; all have no objection to the vacating. Plans Review Committee recommends approval; subject to conditions which have been met. (Copy attached) City Manager recommends approval. 6. (Second reading and adoption of ordinances.) A. Tabled at June 10, 1991 Regular Meeting; pending re- publication of ad in its entirety. Ordinance No. 3060, re: Annex a portion of property lying between Briarcliffe Street and Osceola Drive and Marshall Avenue and EI Capitan Drive extended northerly. Ad published June 14, and 21, 1991 aaopted Thomas & Phyllis Carpenter, owners. ~ B. Ordinance No. 3066, re: Establishing the City as the unified Solid Waste Management and Recycling provider within the City. M.opte.d Ad published June 13, 1991. 7. (Solid Waste Management/Equipment Purchase.) Information attached. au.thOJr..{ze.d M Jte.c.omme.nde.d by CM & F-<.nanc.e. V.{Jte.c.tOJr.. City Manager recommends authorization for Staff to proceed with procurement procedures for Solid Waste Management, and to finance equipment in total estimated amount of $1,164,410.94, as described in memo dated June 13, 1991, from Public Works Director regarding same. 8. (Request from Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee "D", to utilize City Commission Conference Room the first Tuesday of each month for an additional year beginning July, 1991. City Commission previously authorized for one year ending J';lne, 1991. appJtove.d M Jte.c.omme.nde.d by CM. Informat~on attached. City Manager recommends approval for additional one year. 9. (Waiver of 2-hour moving requirement.) Request submitted from Roxie Hermann d/b/a Freedom Fireworks. (vacant lot next to Scotty's at 8th Street and French Avenue; Wal-Mart Store parking lot; vacant lot north of Amco Transmission Center lying westerly of 17-92 across from Honda BMW). Waiver requested from June 27, 1991 through July 4,1991, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. Tabled at June 10,1991 Regular Meeting, pending receipt of identification of local "501(3) (c)" non-profit organization, and submission of written sponsorship agreement; Sanford - Seminole Jaycees, Inc. has been identified as said sponsor (Letter agreement attached). appJtove.d. ~o appJtove.d Ma.Jtk StJtatton'~ Jteque~t noJt wa.{veJt On 2-hJt mov.{ng Jtequ.{Jte.ment, Ci ty Manager recommends approval. c.oYW.{deJte.d pJtev.{ou.-oly & tabled pend.{ng ~poYWoJt~h.{p .{nno. 10. (Proposed Re-classifications/Police Department.) On June 4, 1991, Civil Service Board recommended approval. Information attached. appJtoved City Manager recommends approval. 11. (Florida Department of Agriculture and Community Services America the Beautiful Urban and Community Forestry Program Grant Application.) Information attached. authoJt.{ze.d M Jtec.ommende.d by CM. City Manager recommends authorization to execute said Urban and Community Forestry Grant Application, for Computerized Street Tree Inventory/Evaluation Survey, to determine condition of existing trees, and the method of treatment and repair of same, which will permit systematic management of the urban forest; said grant in amount of $4,500.00, with matching City funds in amount of $7,700.00 (primarily in-kind contribution, using existing City work force), total cost of program to be $12,200.00; and adoption of Resolution No. 1603 regarding same. 12. (Request from Thomas Cavanaugh, Vice President, P.A.C. Land Development Corporation, for waiver of sign regulations, to hang two additional banners at Stonebrook Apartments, 1000 Stonebrook Boulevard, off Airport Boulevard and Live Oak Boulevard. Information attached. authOJr..{zed 90 day wa..{veJt beg.{nn.{ng June 24, 1991. City Manager recommends approval, for 30 days, to June 21, 1991. ~ 13. (First reading of ordinances.) C. pMM.d D. A. Ordinance No. 3062 , re: Annex a portion of property lying between West 18th Street and West 19th Street and between Strawberry Avenue and Mulberry Avenue. Velma Williams and Mamie Dinah, owners. Copy of map attached. pM-6e..d 1-6t Jr.e..ad~Yl.g Tabled at June 10, 1991 Regular Meeting, pending (Refers to Item No.5) Ordinance No. 3064, re: Closing, vacating, and abandoning a portion of an East-West alley between West First Street and West Second Street and between Mangoustine and Avocado Avenue. Reford & Barbara Glidwell, et aI, owners. (Malcolm Ward, petitioner.) Copy of map attached. pM-6e..d 1-6t Jr.e..ad~Yl.g This ordinance will vacate all of the East-West alley not previously vacated, and will retain same as a utility easement. B. Ordinance No. 3065, re: Creating Stormwater Utility. 1-6t Jr.e..ad~Yl.g Ordinance No. 3067, re: Annex portions of property lying North of Lakemary Boulevard and South of Hidden Lake Drive and between Driftwood Lane extended northerly and Art Lane. M. Oreskovich, G. Oreskovich, Johnson, McCarty and Griffin, owners. Copy of map attached. pM-6e..d 1-6t Jr.e..ad~Yl.g 14. Request for time extension regarding Condemnation Report #90- 15, 1809 Summerlin Avenue, Bob Ball, Sr., owner. On June 10, 1991, City commission authorized Public Works to commence demolition procedures. Building Official reports that owner has made considerable progress. (Information attached) appJr.Qve..d M Jr.e..eomme..Yl.de..d b~ eM. C1ty Manager recommends 60 day extension. 15. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) Information attached re: June, July, August, September expirations. A. Code Enforcement Board: expires June 30, 1991. The term of James R. Dycus appo~Yl.te..d &tad GOYl.zale..-6 to Jr.e..ptaee.. Jame..-6 R VyeU-6. B. Planning & Zoning Commissison: The terms of Leon Brooks, Thomas A. Speer and John W. Leroy expire June 30, 1991; all are willing to serve again, if re-appointed. Jr.e..-appo~Yl.te..d alt 3. C. Scenic Improvement Board: Two vacancies; Ray Sage, Chairperson, submitted his resignation (copy attached), effective May 20, 1991, and Bill Gielow has been excused from said board due to health problems. appo~Yl.te..d B~tt w~tk.~Yl.-6 & Vav~d Baeh to Jr.e..ptaee.. Ray Sage.. & B~tt G~e..tow. 16. (Consent Agenda) A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. aLe. authOJt~ze..d (1) From Schweizer, Inc. for Civic Center....$ 462.23 (2) From City Attorney for Profession Services for the month of May, 1991...............$ 3,779.74 (3) From Conklin, Porter & Holmes, for Seasonal Discharge System................$ 1,797.36 (4) From Jammal and Associates, Inc. for: (a) Car, Utility Dept. Site.............$ 2,042.20 (b) UST Leak Soil Initial Remedial Action, Civic Center................$ 955.00 {c) Containment Assessment, Police Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,894. 47 (d) EDI Reimbursement, Utility Dept.....$ 1,500.00 (B) Consideration of Tabulation of Bids. Tabulations attached. Memo and Bid a.ccepted (1) Bid #90/91-45, Meadow Street Water Line Extension. (Utility Department) b~d a4 ~ecommended by CM. City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specifications, from Carbec Construction in amount of $31,877.50, pending receipt of appropriate bonds, insurance and other contract documentation (State of Florida P.o. #S560040822H not to exceed $55,135.04 including engineering, surveying, etc.) a.ccepted (2) Bid #90//91-48, Employee Handbooks. (Personnel Department) b~d a4 ~ecommended by CM. City Manager recommends acceptance of second lowest bid meeting specifications, from Sanlando Printing in amount of $2,519.00, (Lowest bid from Sanford Quick Print did not meet all specifications.) (C) Approval of Minutes of May 13, 1991 Work Session, May 13, 1991 Regular Meeting, May 20, 1991 Regular Meeting and June 10, 1991 Work Session. a.pp~oved 17. Information payment: attached) regarding lump sum contract invoices approved for three invoices totalling $47,961.05. (Copies a.c./wow.f.ed ged 18. (Request from Sica Nacu, to waive required paved parking at 1301 - 1307 Park Avenue, tabled at June 10, 1991 Regular Meeting.) Information attached. ~emoved 6~om ta.b.f.e & den~ed. Ci ty Manager recommends no further action be taken unless there is an appeal of Planning and Zoning action. 19. 1101 P~ne~e~t D~~ve.) a.utho~~zed Pub.f.~c Wo~k~ Dept. boa.td up. ,.