HomeMy WebLinkAbout042291 workshop agenda t AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, April 22, 1991 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue ****************************************************************** Workshop 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. Discussion regarding Stormwater Utility. 2. Discussion regarding Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County. 3. Discussion regarding Sick Leave Policy. 4. Discussion of Land Acquisition regarding Hovnanian Park, for Reclaimed Water Irrigation/Recreation Facility. 5. Discussion regarding Solid Waste Management Alternatives. 6. Discussion regarding City Transportation Impact Fees. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 7. Consideration of Petition to Annex a portion of property lying westerly of Upsala Road and between Old SCL Railroad and CR 46 A. 8. Consideration of Petition to Annex a portion of property lying between Briarcliffe Street and Osceola Drive and between Marshall Avenue and El Capitan Drive extended northerly. 9. Consideration of Petition to Annex (for water service) a portion of property lying East of and abutting Palm Drive and between U.S. 17-92 and Narcissus Avenue. 10. Consideration of request to waive required paved parking. 11. Consideration of request to distribute biodegradable litter bags to boaters at Marina Isle. 12. Consideration of request to waive 2-hour requirement/Peddler's License to sell fireworks. moving 13. Consideration of request to modify Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance or grant variance, to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday. 14. Consideration of request to operate a Dance Hall at 119 South Magnolia Avenue (1890's Saloon and Cattle Company). 15. Consideration of a request to operate a Game Room at 1911 French Avenue. 16. Consideration of request from Public Works Director to reinstate Street Superintendent position, and re-classify Street Supervisor. 17. Consideration of proposed Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County regarding Local Option Infrastructure Sales Tax Referendum, for transportation infrastructure improvements. 18. First reading of Ordinance No. 3061. .. 19. Land Acquisition regarding Hovnanian Park, for Reclaimed Water Irrigation/Recreation Facility. 20. Consideration of request to Amend CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Services Agreement. 21. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, April 4, 1991. 22. Board appointments/re-appointments. 23. Consent Agenda. 24. Invoices for lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING, THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) 25. Information that CM denied free use of Civic Center & stipu- lated rent at Class B rate to community service groups as appropriate. 26. Req for Engineering SERvices Contract with Ardaman & Assoc for Art Lane Landfill, needed for DER Permit. 27. Req for authorization to use general utilities reserves. 28. Req to use trailers at Salvation Army property, for resale of donated items. MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERKI'J SUBJECT: APRIL 22, 1991 AGENDA ITEMS. ****************************************************************** Workshop 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room 1. (Discussion regarding Stormwater Utility). Information attached. Cal Conklin discussed & reviewed. Comm concurred to do, using ERU formula. Cal Conklin to prepare & sbmt fee "numbers." 2. (Discussion regarding Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County Local Option Infrastructure Sales Tax Referendum, for transportation infrastructure improvements.) Information attached. Reviewed. See Item No. 17 for action. 3. (Discussion regarding Sick Leave Policy). Information attached. Reviewed. Comm to review further, & want info on what other cities do regarding "Sick Bank." 4. (Discussion of Land Acquisition regarding Hovnanian Park, for Reclaimed Water Irrigation/Recreation Facility.) City Manager to report. CM report 20' strip not in either parcel. Need boundary survey. See ITem No. 19 for action. 5. (Discussion regarding Solid Waste Management Alternatives). Reviewed. New #'s. Consensqs do Option 3. Discuss further 5/6/9/ 4PM WS. 6. (Discussion regarding City Transportation Impact Fees). Information attached. Not discussed -- for info. ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 7. (Petition to Annex) Sanford Christian Church, Inc., owner Copies attached: Map Petition Application Staff recommendations CA auth prepare proper ord to annex. City Manager recommends authorization for prepare the proper ordinance to annex said City Attorney to property. Cf.~ 8. (Petition to Annex) Thomas & Phyllis Carpenter, owners Copies attached: Map Petition Application Auth: CA prepare proper ord to annex; water serv before ann. City Manager recormnends authorization for City Attorney to prepare the proper ordinance to annex said property, and to authorize water service in advance of annexation, with applicant to pay all costs and fees, and to record Annexation Petition. . record annex pet. 9. (Petition to Annex, water service only.) Pamela Hupp, owner. Copies attached: Map Petition Application Staff recommendations Auth water serv; record annex pet; annex when annexable. City Manager recommends authorization of water service, with applicants to pay all costs and fees, and to record Annexation Petition and annex when annexable. 10. (Request submitted from Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church, to waive paved parking requirement at N.E~ corner of Orange Avenue and 8th Street - Lot 10.) Information attached. Plans Review Committee recommends approval of request to waive required paved parking, conditioned upon installation of concrete drive apron. Auth as rec by CM. City Manager recommends approval of request to waive said required paved parking, conditioned upon installation of concrete drive apron. 11. (Request submitted from Bill MacLauchlin, President, Friends of the St. John's Inc., to distribute biodegradable litter bags, free of charge, at Marina Isle.) Information attached. Auth as requested. City Manager recommends approval. 12. Request submitted from Gene pauldine (County Club Shopping Center parking lot, 2481 Airport Boulevard.) Waiver requested from June 15, 1991 through July 5, 1991. Information attached. Auth, w/lO% net sales donated to Hearts DEsire Founda~ion, Lnc. City Manager recommends delaying action pending identl.ficatl.on of associated non-profit organization. C~vYl13 . J-\I! rJJ V 'cf (Request submitted from Nick Pappas d/b/ a/ Uncle Nick's, Inc., to modify Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance or grant variance, to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday.) On June 11, 1990, City Commission denied request from prior owner regarding same. Information attached. Auth CA & Staff report suggestions/observa- tions on different types regulations City could pass & possible ramifi- 14. (On April 8, 1991, City Commission approved condi l.ona cations; license, pending verification of appropriate application on & if Citj file, or proper documentation from Corporate Officer should authorizing Mr. Adamoli to act on behalf of corporation. create Copies attached: new alc reg category. 1. Memo from Licensing Official. 2. Occupational License Application dated March 29, 1991, 1890's Saloon, Inc., owner; Ann McKernan, President, requesting Dance Hall for "1890's Saloon". (Requested by James Adamoli) 3. Statement from Anne McKernan, President, 1890's Saloon, Inc., dated December 12, 1990, authorizing James Adamoli to act on behalf of 1890's Saloon, Inc. 4. State application License dated April Inc., owner, James "The Palace". for Alcoholic Beverage 12, 1991, Malibu Group, Adamoli, President, for The request for Dance Hall shows owner as "1890' s Saloon, Inc." -- the Alcoholic Beverage Application shows owner as "Malibu Group, Inc." Auth DAnce Hall peadinglr.ecaipt~- of lie appl in correct incorporated name of business. 15. (Request submitted from Michele Kim d/b/a Star Arcade, to operate a Game Room at 1911 French Avenue. Information attached. City Manager recommends approval. Auth. " 16. (Request to reinstate street Superintendent position, and re- classify Street Supervisior to said Street Superintendent position; funding available in Street Division's remaining' 91 budget and FY '92 budget. Information attached. Auth as rec by CM. City Manager recommends authorization to reinstate Street Superintendent position from "frozen status", and to re- classify Street Supervisor position to said Street Superintendent, conditioned upon available funds. (Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County regarding Local Option Infrastructure Sales Tax Referendum, for transporation infrastructure improvements.) Information attached with Item No.2. Auth as rec by CM. City Manager recommends authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute said Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County. 17. ct~ 18. (First reading of Ordinance No. 3061) re: Adopt Revisions to Personnel Rules and Regulations as attached. Passed 1st reading, w/Sick Leave policy to be amended at 2nd reading. 19. (Land Acquisition regarding Hovnanian Park.) Auth CM obtain boundary survey & CM delay issue req for surve il after City Manager recommends authorization to obtain boun ar May 6 survey regarding same. WS. 20. (Request to Amend CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Services Agreement dated April 25, 1989, to extend period of contract to June 30, 1991.) Information attached. Auth as rec by CM. City Manager recommends authorization to execute said Amendment to CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Services Agreement as requested. 21. (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, April 4, 1991.) Copy attached. No action. Item # 1: Tabled consideration of recommendation of draft Development Agreement ordinance; comments from Florida Department of Community Affairs not available prior to meeting. NO ACTION REQUIRED. 22. (Board appointments/re-appointments.) A. Cemetery Advisory Board: A vacant term expired March 10, 1991; awaiting recommendation from Cemetery Advisory No act id1P.ard. 23. (Consent Agenda.) All approved/authorized. A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. City Manager recommends authorization to pay. (1) From Solin and Associates, Inc. for Contract Services Addendum No.2 & 3....$ 2,450.00 (2) From Hughes Design Associates for Park Planning Services..................$ 1,010.00 (3) From Conklin, Porter and Holmes for: (a) Water Service - Meadow Street/ Driftwood Lane.....................$ 1,724.77 (b) Westerly Interceptor-Final Design..$ 15,227.07 (c) Additions to Main Water Treatment Plant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,287.42 (d) Seasonal Discharge System..........$ 4,611.37 (e) Amendment 18-Construction Services Eff. Storage & Spray Irrigation Systems Contracts B, C, and II.....$ 301.21 (f) Site 10 Additional Services Eagle Issue- Engineering & Sub- consultant Services................$ 16,905.02 (g) Amendment 19-Construction Services Vacuum Sewer System Contracts I, I I, and I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15, 240 . 14 (h) Amendment 25- Construction Services Master Wastewater Pump Station.....$ 8,102.11 (i) Amendment 30- Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 28,595.18 (j) Stormwater Utility Study...........$ 3,902.09 (k) Mill Creek & Cloud Branch Preliminary Engineering Services...............$ 2,517.86 (4) FM Lochrane for Fr Ave Grnd Water St Tanks...$2,427.12 B. Consideration of Tabulations of Bids. Memos and Bid Tabulations attached. (1) Bid #90/91-34, Furniture. (Fire Department) Ci ty Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid meeting specifications, from Powell Office Supply in amount of $1,896.35. (two lower bids received from Heilig-Meyers in amount of $1,350.96 and Bishop Office Suppy in amount of $1,897.52 did not meet specifications; each failed to submit cloth swatches. ) (2) Bid #90/91-37, Vehicle Mounted Crane. Department) (Utility City Manager recommends acceptance of lowest bid, which met specification, from Transtat Equipment in amount of $4,250.00. C. Approval of Minutes of March 25, 1991 Work Session, April 8, 1991 Work Session, and April 8, 1991 Regular Meeting. 24. Information regarding lump sum contract invoices approved for payment: two invoices totalling $115,619.39. Acknowledged. 25. Comm re-affirmed no free use of Civic Center; & to rent at Class B rate to community service groups as appropriate. 26. (Eng SErv Contract w/Ardaman~Assoc for Art Lane Land~ill) Auth, in amt not to exceed $5,000.00. 27. (Req for authorization to use general utilities reserves.) Authorized transfer of general utility reserve funds, as needed, from W & S Operating fund to W & S Construction fund, to complete build-out of facilities planned under 201 Plan. 28. (Req fm Ron Jernigan, Salvation Army Board, to use 2 40' storage trailers & 1 double wide office trailer at SAlvation Army prpty.) Auth, for up to 12 months, until can construct permanent facilities, for resale of donated items, w/provision SAlvation ARmy submit application to Bldg Div showing se~ baCks & location survey; trailers to meet all applicable City Codes.