HomeMy WebLinkAbout040891 workshop agenda AGENDA Sanford City Commission Meetings Monday, April 8, 1991 Sanford City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ***************************************************************** Workshop 5:00 o'clock P.M. City Manager's Conference Room ***************************************************************** 1. Discussion regarding requests from Laura Straehla, President, Sanford Historic Trust. 2. Presentation by Seminole Chemical Awareness Network regarding Application for Community Partnership Demonstration Grant. 3. Discussion regarding Personnel Related Items. 4. Discussion regarding Solid Waste Management Alternatives. ****************************************************************** Regular Meeting 7:00 o'clock P.M. City Commission Room 5. Public Hearing to consider rezoning a portion of property lying between Aldean Drive and Country Club Road (West 25th Street) and between Upsala Road and Larkwood Drive from SR- 1AA, Single Family Dwelling Residential to RMOI, Multiple- Family Residential Office Institutional. 6. Consideration of Condemnation Report #89-15, 2018 Mellonville Avenue, Sara Jacobson, owner. 7. Consideration of request from Mr. Ramsey to use temporary Mobil Office located at 702 S. French Avenue (Pebble Junction) as Permanent Office. 8. Consideration of request to waive 2-hour requirement/Peddler's License to sell fireworks. moving 9. Consideration of request from Bette Gramkow, President, Seminole Community Concert Association, to waive Civic Center rental fees, for all concerts during 1991, including those which have already been paid for and taken place. 10. Consideration of request to operate a Dance Hall at 119 South Magnolia Avenue (1890's Saloon and Cattle Company). 11. Condemnation Items. 12. Consideration of Personnel Related Item. 13. Board appointments/re-appointments. 14. Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of Thursday, March 21, 1991. 15. Consent Agenda. 16. Invoices for lump sum contracts. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING, OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING, THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) 17. SCAN - application for HHS funding through OSAP for prevention of drug use/alcohol abuse. 18. Funding for Andres Duany Downtown Community Planning Project. 19. Request to board up 136 Country Club Drive. 20. Additional engineering services agreeemnt with Jammal & Assoc for leaking underground fuel storage tank at Police Dept. 21. Request from Anthony & Evan People to purchase E 195' Lot A, Amended Plat Elnora Square. 22. Site 10 lease. MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION FROM: CITY CLERK r~ SUBJECT: APRIL 8, 1991 AGENDA ITEMS. ***************************************************************** Workshop 1. (Discussion regarding requests from Laura Straehla, President, Sanford Historic Trust.) Information attached. ~0J1f ('v~~ 4. -, 4 -P-ql t;J5 ~$. 6. ~~ J-60Mf 7. A. Request to approve concept of Andres Duany Downtown Community Planning Project, and funding in amount not to. 'A.J.' exceed $6,000, for professional fees.fJA~..j2/Jd.td;tJ;71 t~ I/aftl/z"K..Lil Request to use Magnolia Mall for a Chicken Barbecue Fundraiser on Friday, May 17, 1991, from 1:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M., and authorization to erect tent. D~ B. 2 . (Presentation by Larry Visser, President, Seminole Chemical Awareness Network regarding Application for Community? . jaA Ai' Partnership Demon~tration ~rant.) Information at~ached.6hJ~a1gv~' .~~ crrud ~~ J j..{)!6CA-1'/ -~ cJ~ (ly;MCt -.rlJ (Discussion reg~rdin~ Personnel Related Item~.) Information attached. ~~~~ 3. A. EAP Services Consultants. Contract with Performance Personal B. Worker's Compensation Claims Handling Contract with Insurance Servicing & Adjusting Company. C. Revisions to Personnel Rules and Regulations. D. Proposed policy regarding City-paid health insurance upon retirement. (Discuss~on regarding S~lid Wa~te Manage~ent Altefnatives.) Informatlon attached. dM~\ ~ ~ .,,{.()a~a?, L~ L! ~;2c:<-q/ wS' ***************************************************************** Regular Meeting 5. Ad published March 19 and 29, 1991. ~~.~:~1 D. Beverly Beske, owner. /fIlA ~ ~VL- Copy of map attached. l~~...~ ~ City Planner recommends denia~. (Copy attached) Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial. (Copy of recommendation attached as Agenda Item No. 14.) (Condemnation Report #89-15, 2018 Mellonville Avenue, Sara Jacobson, owner.) Owner has not responded to 15 day final not~ce to c~mplete necessar~ repairs or demolish;. said nO~'ce ". ~ explred ~prll 2, 199I. (~?t:~Bn ,as deemed,ap~~opr:i,at:e.)a, - &~ff~..J- ,.12 J:nformat.~on. C}.ttached. di//vl.(}'G{~~ a~~~cf'CI11'-iP-k ~~ F' Cl/1LVltlLA 1JJ c;U.~t ~'LJ /w;:;f-i); c/J2~ # t~/1 ~ti.o) en }:.a m1a..P:L41 ~ (Request from Mr. Ramsey to use ~emporary Mobile Trailer 0 loca ted at 702 S. French Avenue [ Pebble Junction] as a permanent office.) On March 12, 1990, City Commission approved said temporary Mobil Trailer, with review after one i~~~~mation attached. r:&dI?&/~cf {btJ AjJ~ City Manager recommends approval. . --------- .-.------------.. ~J.1~ ~ 'f- Jh ~td1;4 ;t ~ HZtuCiL. ') ,~ M AflPjud- \ / (a.,f,d~tI116 . 6d-IJr 17. fi11J 18. ~ 19. 6iJJ$ . 20. MJS. 21. Mj, 22. B. Approval of Vouchers for the month of March, 1991.~~ c. Approval of Minutes of March 25, 1991 Regular Meeting.~l~~ Information regarding lump sum contract invoices. a~prove~,f9r ~ payment: six invoices totalling $124,672.58. tl~'ffL SCAN - application for HHS funding through OSAP for prevention of drug use/alcohol abuse. Authorized let- ter of commitment to project, and authorized SCAN to act on behalf of City of Sanford in all dealings concerning the aSAP community pertnership grant pro- gram. Funding for Andres Duany Downt~wn Community Planning Project. authorized funding in amount not to exceed $6,000.00 for professional fees, from Eng & Planning 90-91 Consultant Budget. 136 Country Club Drive. authorized Public Works board up as requested. Additional engineering services agreement with Jammal & Assoc for leaking underground fuel storage tank at Police Dept. authorized CM approve said agreement, at additional total estimated cost of $25,150; funding from GF Reserve. Request from Anthony & Evan People to purchase E 194' Lot A, AMended Plat Elnora Square, PB 113, PG 482. authorized CM obtain appraisal; & set sales price as total of appraised value plus appraisal fee. Site 10 lease. authorized $200.00/month lease of por- tion of Site 10 to Lake Jessup Hunt Club w/cancellation at discretion of lessor or lessee. r C. j~ CA (~P#~ &1 J.:i1J a 4 . . & ~ ,"\.4 LUll Li'~.r ~ ,j~ [4T #() J tt:uti~cf tkJ /1fL~ct City Manager recommends authorization to renew said Contract with Insurance Servicing and Adjusting Company (ISAC), for processing and handling of Worker's ~ Compensation Claims at a percentage rate of _~ of :/5- CJ payroll, with possible increase in amount of $350.00 due to increase in payroll base. Request to approve various revisions and deletions to the Personnel Rules and Regulations, as described in Memo dated March 19,1991, from Personnel Director, and inclusion of same to said Personnel Rules and RegulatiOnSdt1 'cf tW Ai~d!rcf! City Manager ~dS approval of said revisions and deletions to the Personnel Rules and Regulations, as described in Memo dated March 19, 1991, from Personnel Director, and the inclusion of same to said Personnel Rules and Regulations. JpriJ D. Proposed policy regarding continuation of City-paid Health Insurance .upon retirement, as described~' M mo ./Jf_ dated March ~3, 1991, from Personnel Director. ) ~~ ~ {(}~ ~'O'- . ~,I\ 13. (Board appoin~ments/re-ap~intments.) Information attached regarding May and June expirations. 4 - J- ;) -C/ J A. ~J/ B. Cemetery Advisory Board: A vacant term expired March 10, 1991; .awaiti~q reco~endation fromacemetery Advisory Board. /1aJ Cl6UCn \. ~ t-YI q -;).r:; -Cf/ rMd4- Code Enforcement Board: Appointment of two alternates. Building reports that Chairman, Code Enforcement Board recommen~s /I /It~;.., ~p;>oj.ntment of Carl Stair9J ./~nd Marty Dillon. ~~ !ytrf &,dJri,11a. ~ m~~lfiWJ (Recommendations from Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting of March 21, 1991.) Copy attached. 14. Refers to Agenda Item No.5: Request to rezone a portion of property lying between Aldean Drive and Country Club Road (West 25th Street) and between Upsala Road and Larkwood Drive from SR-1AA, Single Family Dwelling Residential to RMOI, Multiple- Family Residential Office Institutional, D. Beverly Beske, owner. Planning and Zoning Commission recommends denial. No further action needed. Item #1 15. (Consent Agenda.) ta~r A. Consideration of requests for payment of statements. Copies attached. .City Manager recommends authorization to pay. ~~fl~~~ (1) From Professional Service Industries, Inc. for: (a) Contamination Assessment at Police Department site....................$ 5,024.00 (b) UST Leak Soil Remedial Action at Civic Center...................$ 3,357.75 (2) From Jammal and Associates for: (a) Master Wastewater Pump Station....$ 229.00 (b) Vacuum Sewer Collection, Contract 1........................$ 1,045.00 (3) From City Attorney for Professional Services for the month of March, 1991..$ 3,982.50 . . ?tjffi I ~ 0/ 10. W.. J;;2-q t JJ~ 0fJM{ 9Wr jbrYl jtM1 8. Request submitted from Roxie Herrman d/b/a Freedom Fireworks/Fireworks World (Vacant lot next ~o Scotty's. at ,8;t.h Street and French Avenue, and Wal-Mart parklng lot. ).,;,1)). (Uc{jj;};k~ tV 4) Waiver requested from June 27, 1991 through July 4, 1991.a ~~~.1.' 0 Information attached~d {1LJ /r1!.~~ Cl/MtD '-J4M.bIJ. City Manager recommends delaying action pending identification of not-for-profit group. 9. (Request to waive Civic Center rental rates, totalling $1, 2pO. 20. ) Information attac;:qed. . ., & /1 /J~ R. ,p _+ AJA1Jdd ;(J/L/1Mf ~ maUuLJ (])):t::I1~A~cfJ UlMd V-ll4tl-fJ f\M..I!/J ~t~Man~errecommends d~nial of gaid requist to waive Civic Center rental fees due to City's flat revenue projection and current budget situation; further, as a minimum, charge Class B Rates in order to cover expenses. 11. (Due to lack of representation, a previous request for same was tabled at August 27, 1990 Regular Meeting; left on table at September 10, 1990 Regular Meeting.) Jim Adamoli to appeq.r,...o"._.".../J' Copies attached: Memo from Licensing Official auz;I1~~.~- In Occupational License Application ~~ ~ ~ o>>tumJ1t-~ Cf- ;tJ2dJ.a~ rUhrJ ~ffl- O.l././~, (Condemnation Items.) v rr~ Information attached. A. Summary Status Report attached of all current and pending condemnations. B. Request for time extension on Condemnation Report #90-3, 1113 West 10th Street~Mary Leonard,p~~er. rJ;ut;/1~tr aLJ P ~71cUc:t City Manager reco~nds 90 day extension. C. Request to remove Condemnation Report #90-22, 1305 Olive Avenue, Oscar Redden, owner from condemnation list. . ~;..fd aIJ ~dd- Clty ManaOer-- recommends approval to remove from condemnation list, provided property remains boarded up and cleaned up. D. Request to commence demolition procedures on Condemnation Report #89-19, 1415 West 12th Street, Jordan/Simmons, owner. au:tli~ {j;{) AJ?~~ City Manager recommends authorization for Public Works Department to proceed with demolition of condemned structure, as requested. 12. (Personnel Related Items.) Information attached with Item No.3. A. Request to continue Contract with Personal Performance Consultants for EAP Services in amount of $10,155.00 annually tua:A~cfJ ~1 /Lfl~'Y7dJ;ct City Manager recommends authorization to continue said EAP Services Contract with Personal Performance Consultants in amount of $10,155.00 annually, for FY 91/92 implementation. B. Request to renew Contract with Insurance Servicing and Adjusting Company (ISAC), for processing and handling of Worker's Compensation Claims at a percentage rate of ~. of payroll, actual cost may increase in amount of $350.00 due to proportionate increase in payroll base. d ~OJO